

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-11-24
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  



<title>Listing 35.13. A Wipe Transition for the Incoming Slide</title>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

// This array holds all of the document's DHTML-able objects

var dhtml_objects = new Array()

// This function creates the custom objects that serve as cross-browser front-ends

function create_object_array() {

// All the <div> and <span> tags are stored in these variables

var div_tags

var span_tags

var css_tags

// Is the browser W3C DOM compliant?

if (document.getElementById) {

// If so, use getElementsByTagName() to get the <div> tags

div_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("div")

// Loop through the <div> tags

for (var counter = 0; counter < div_tags.length; counter++) {

// Store the current object

current_object = div_tags[counter]

// Store how the browser accesses styles

object_css = current_object.style

// Store the object's id

object_id = current_object.id

// Only store those tags that have an id

if (object_id) {

// create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects

dhtml_objects[object_id] = new dhtml_object(current_object,





// Use getElementsByTagName() to get the <span> tags

span_tags = document.getElementsByTagName("span")

// Loop through the <span> tags

for (var counter = 0; counter < span_tags.length; counter++) {

// Store the current object

current_object = span_tags[counter]

// Store how the browser accesses styles

object_css = current_object.style

// Store the object's id

object_id = current_object.id

// Only store those tags that have an id

if (object_id) {

// create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects

dhtml_objects[object_id] = new dhtml_object(current_object,






// Is the browser DHTML DOM compliant?

else if (document.all) {

// If so, use document.all to get the <div> tags

div_tags = document.all.tags("div")

// Loop through the <div> tags

for (var counter = 0; counter < div_tags.length; counter++) {

// Store the current object

current_object = div_tags[counter]

// Store how the browser accesses styles

object_css = current_object.style

// Store the object's id

object_id = current_object.id

// Only store those tags that have an id

if (object_id) {

// create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects

dhtml_objects[object_id] = new dhtml_object(current_object,





// Use document.all to get the <span> tags

span_tags = document.all.tags("span")

// Loop through the <span> tags

for (var counter = 0; counter < span_tags.length; counter++) {

// Store the current object

current_object = span_tags[counter]

// Store how the browser accesses styles

object_css = current_object.style

// Store the object's id

object_id = current_object.id

// Only store those tags that have an id

if (object_id) {

// create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects

dhtml_objects[object_id] = new dhtml_object(current_object,






// Is the browser LDOM compliant?

else if (document.layers) {

// Use document.layers to get the positioned <div> and <span> tags

css_tags = document.layers

// Loop through the layers

for (var counter = 0; counter < css_tags.length; counter++) {

// Store the current object

current_object = css_tags[counter]

// Store how the browser accesses styles

object_css = current_object

// Store the object's id

object_id = current_object.id

// Only store those tags that have an id

if (object_id) {

// create a new dhtml_object and store it in dhtml_objects

dhtml_objects[object_id] = new dhtml_object(current_object,







function dhtml_object (obj, css, id) {

this.obj = obj

this.css = css

this.id = id

this.left = get_left

this.right = get_right

this.top = get_top

this.bottom = get_bottom

this.width = get_width

this.height = get_height

this.visibility = get_visibility

this.zIndex = get_zIndex

this.move_to = move_to

this.move_by = move_by

this.set_left = set_left

this.set_top = set_top

this.set_width = set_width

this.set_height = set_height

this.set_visibility = set_visibility

this.set_zIndex = set_zIndex

this.move_above = move_above

this.move_below = move_below

this.set_backgroundColor = set_backgroundColor

this.set_backgroundImage = set_backgroundImage

this.set_html = set_html

this.get_clip_top = get_clip_top

this.get_clip_right = get_clip_right

this.get_clip_bottom = get_clip_bottom

this.get_clip_left = get_clip_left

this.get_clip_width = get_clip_width

this.get_clip_height = get_clip_height

this.resize_clip_to = resize_clip_to

this.resize_clip_by = resize_clip_by


function get_left() {

return parseInt(this.css.left)


function get_right() {

return this.left() + this.width()


function get_top() {

return parseInt(this.css.top)


function get_bottom() {

return this.top() + this.height()


function get_width() {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, is the width defined?

if (this.css.width) {

// If so, return the width property

return parseInt(this.css.width)


else {

// If not, return the offsetWidth property

return parseInt(this.obj.offsetWidth)



else {

// If not, return the layer's document width

return parseInt(this.obj.document.width)



function get_height() {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, is the height defined?

if (this.css.height) {

// If so, return the height property

return parseInt(this.css.height)


else {

// If not, return the offsetHeight property

return parseInt(this.obj.offsetHeight)



else {

// If not, return the layer's document height

return parseInt(this.obj.document.height)



function get_visibility() {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, is the visibility defined?

if (this.css.visibility) {

// If so, return the visibility property

return this.css.visibility



else {

// Otherwise, it's an LDOM browser, so

// handle the proprietary visibility values

if (this.css.visibility == "show") {

return "visible"


if (this.css.visibility == "hide") {

return "hidden"



// If we get this far, just return "inherit"

return "inherit"


function get_zIndex() {

return this.css.zIndex


function move_to (new_left, new_top) {

this.css.left = new_left

this.css.top = new_top


function move_by (delta_left, delta_top) {

// Add the delta values

this.css.left = this.left() + parseInt(delta_left)

this.css.top = this.top() + parseInt(delta_top)


function set_left (new_left) {

this.css.left = new_left


function set_top (new_top) {

this.css.top = new_top


function set_width (new_width) {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, just set the width property

this.css.width = new_width



function set_height (new_height) {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, just set the width property

this.css.height = new_height



function set_visibility (new_visibility) {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, just set the visibility

// to the value of the argument

this.css.visibility = new_visibility


else {

// Otherwise, set the proprietary visibility values

if (new_visibility == "visible") {

this.css.visibility = "show"


else if (new_visibility == "hidden") {

this.css.visibility = "hide"


else {

this.css.visibility = "inherit"




function set_zIndex(new_zindex) {

// Is the new z-index greater than 0?

if (new_zindex > 0) {

// If so, set it

this.css.zIndex = new_zindex


else {

// If not, set it to 0

this.css.zIndex = 0



function move_above(reference_object) {

this.css.zIndex = reference_object.css.zIndex + 1


function move_below(reference_object) {

// Get the z-index of the reference object

reference_zindex = reference_object.css.zIndex

// Is it greater than 0?

if (reference_zindex > 0) {

// If so, set this object's zindex to one less

this.css.zIndex = reference_zindex - 1


else {

// If not, set the reference object's z-index to 1

// and this object's z-index to 0

reference_object.css.zIndex = 1

this.css.zIndex = 0



function set_backgroundColor(new_color) {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, use the backgroundColor property

this.css.backgroundColor = new_color


else {

// If not, use the bgcolor property

this.css.bgColor = new_color



function set_backgroundImage(new_image) {

// Is this a W3C or DHTML DOM browser?

if (!document.layers) {

// If so, use the backgroundImage property

this.css.backgroundImage = "url(" + new_image + ")"


else {

// If not, use the backgroun

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