经过十几次的安装卸载SharePoint,终于在同一台机器上面成功地安装了域控制器、Sql2k,SharePoint。先前最大的问题是,如果SharePoint选择不安装数据库引擎,也就是打算用Sql2k,则每次安装后都不能正常使用。找了n多地方,发现很多人都遇到过这个问题,而且都不知道解决办法,有些人重新安装后就自动解决了。受到这些重新安装后就自动解决的人的误导,我也重装了n次,还是无法解决。最后才在ms的Knowledge Base里找到了解决方案KB831704,原来只是把Domain\poweruser写成了poweruser,ft。。。这个KB的发表时间是12/12/2003 (1.0),新出炉的。
When you run Setup to install Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003, after you follow these steps
Specify the user account that you want to use as the configuration database administration account on the Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 page that requests account information.
Click Next on the Install Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 page.
Click Finish on the Completing the Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Setup Wizard page.
you may find that Setup does not display the Configure Server Farm Account Settings page.
Additionally, you experience the following symptoms:
When you view SharePoint Portal Server 2003-related settings in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, the following symptoms occur:
When you expand Web sites and view the entry for the SharePoint Central Administration site in the right pane, the State of the site appears as Stopped.
When you right-click the SharePoint Central Administration site, click Properties, and then click the Home Directory tab, the value that is displayed in the Application pool box is <invalid app pool>.
When you expand Application Pools, the CentralAdminAppPool application pool is not listed.
If you create a new application pool named CentralAdminAppPool, and you start SharePoint Central Administration, you are repeatedly prompted to enter your user name and password. After you are prompted to enter your user name and password several times, you receive the following error message:
You do not have permission to view this page.
The application '/' belonging to site 'SiteName' has an invalid AppPoolId 'CentralAdminAppPool' set. Therefore, the application will be ignored.