

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-12-16
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

File System Function Library

Working with files & the FileSystem object is actually fairly easy. James Lind?n presents a full

featured function library to make it even easier.

Click Here to download the function library include file.

The purpose of this script is to make working with the file system easier. It includes functions

for manipulating directories and files. Whether you want to use this script for a web based file

manager, or simply want to make working with text files easier, the script has functions which

will streamline your code.

To use these functions, save the file above (or copy the code here to an include file), upload

the include file to your server, and include it in your scripts like this:

<!--#include file="filesys.txt"-->

For more information on include files Click Here.

For more information on the FileSystem object Click Here.


' Project: InteliGenie

' Creator: James Lind?n

' Date: 1/31/01 5:14PM


' root Returns the application root root()

' url Returns the true url url()

' mkdir Creates directory on server mkdir( DIrName )

' rmdir Delete directory rmdir( DirName )

' isdir Returns boolean on folder existance isdir( DirName )

' cpdir Copy directory cpdir( DirName, Destination, OverWrite )

' mvdir Move directory mvdir( DirName, Destination )

' isfile Returns boolean on file existance isfile( FileName )

' wfile Creates file and writes string to file wfile( FileName, OverWrite, String )

' rfile Read file to string rfile( FileName )

' afile Append string to file afile( FileName, String )

' cpfile Copy file cpfile( FileName, Destination, OverWrite )

' mvfile Move file mvfile( FileName, Destination )

' rmfile Delete file rmfile( FileName )


'The root() function will return a string variable of the drive path

'sample string = c:\inetpub\wwwroot

Public Function root()

root = Request.ServerVariables( "Appl_Physical_Path" )

End Function


'The url() function will return a string variable of the web url

'sample string =


Public Function url()

url = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables( "Server_Name" )

& Request.ServerVariables( "Script_Name" )

End Function


'The mkdir() function creates a directory and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function mkdir( xVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FolderExists( xVar ) Then

msg = "FAIL: Directory already exists."


Sys.CreateFolder( xVar )

msg = "PASS: Directory created."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

mkdir = msg

End Function


'The rmdir() function removes a directory and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function rmdir( xVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FolderExists( xVar ) Then

Sys.DeleteFolder( xVar )

msg = "PASS: Directory removed."


msg = "FAIL: Directory does not exist."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

rmdir = msg

End Function


'The isdir() function checks to see if a directory exists and returns a boolean variable

Public Function isdir( xVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FolderExists( xVar ) Then

msg = True


msg = False

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

isdir = msg

End Function


'The cpdir() function copies a folder and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function cpdir( xVar, yVar, zVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FolderExists( xVar ) Then

Sys.CopyFolder xVar, root & yVar, zVar

msg = "PASS: Directory copied."


msg = "FAIL: Directory not found."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

cpdir = msg

End Function


'The mvdir() function moves a folder and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function mvdir( xVar, yVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FolderExists( xVar ) Then

Sys.MoveFolder xVar, root & yVar

msg = "PASS: Directory moved."


msg = "FAIL: Directory not found."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

mvdir = msg

End Function


'The isfile() function checks to see if a file exists and return a boolean variable

Public Function isfile( xVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

msg = True


msg = False

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

isfile = msg

End Function


'The wfile() write a string to a file and returns a stirng variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function wfile( xVar, yVar, zVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If yVar Then

Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile( xVar, 2 )

Txt.Write( zVar )


msg = "PASS: File created, data saved."


If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

msg = "FAIL: File already exists."


Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile( xVar, 2 )

Txt.Write( zVar )


msg = "PASS: File created, data saved."

End If

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

wfile = msg

End Function


'The rfile() function reads a file and returns a string variable with the contents of the file

Public Function rfile( xVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile( xVar, 1 )

msg = Txt.ReadAll



msg = "FAIL: File does not exist."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

rfile = msg

End Function


'The afile() function appends a string to a file and returns a string variable with a pass/fail


Public Function afile( xVar, zVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

Set Txt = Sys.OpenTextFile( xVar, 8 )

Txt.Write( zVar )


msg = "PASS: File appended, data saved."


msg = "FAIL: File does not exist."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

afile = msg

End Function


'The cpfile() function copies a files and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function cpfile( xVar, yVar, zVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

Sys.CopyFile xVar, root & yVar, zVar

msg = "PASS: File copied."


msg = "FAIL: File not found."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

cpfile = msg

End Function


'The mvfile() function moves a file and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function mvfile( xVar, yVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

Sys.MoveFile xVar, root & yVar

msg = "PASS: File moved."


msg = "FAIL: File not found."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

mvfile = msg

End Function


'The rmfile() function deletes a file and returns a string variable with a pass/fail message

Public Function rmfile( xVar )

Set Sys = Server.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If Sys.FileExists( xVar ) Then

Sys.DeleteFile( xVar )

msg = "PASS: File deleted."


msg = "FAIL: File not found."

End If

Set Sys = Nothing

rmfile = msg

End Function


3/18/01 by James Lind?n

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