
在VB组件中使用串缓冲 - 2

王朝vb·作者佚名  2006-12-16
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

Lesson 2 : The VB Component



The DoBuffer() Method

The DoBuffer() method will be sent a string buffer (strBuffer), the value of the length of the string data

already placed within the buffer (lngBuffer), and the string to add to the buffer (AddString). These

arguments will be declared and sent from our MethodName() method, which will be covered later in this


Private Sub DoBuffer(ByRef strBuffer As String, ByRef lngBuffer As Long, ByVal AddString As String)

Notice that the DoBuffer() method is declared as a subroutine rather than a function. This is because it

doesn"t really return any data from the method itself. Rather, it manipulates the data sent by reference

from the calling method.

Two local variables need to be declared for internal use.

Dim strHold As String

Dim lngIndex As Long

Now our first line of business will be to determine whether our buffer is large enough to hold the string

data we want to add to it. But before we do this, we want to check out whether our calling method sent a

NULL string or not.

If Not Trim$(AddString) = "" Then

If the calling method sends a NULL string, we"ll quietly skip the concatenating process and avoid the

whole affair via this If-Then statement. On the other hand, if the sent string holds characters, we"ll

need to check that the buffer is large enough to hold them. To do this the current length of the data in

the buffer is added to the length of the sent string and then the resulting sum is compared to the length

of the overall buffer size.

If lngBuffer + Len(AddString) > Len(strBuffer) Then

If the buffer is large enough to fit the sent string, then the code discussed next will be skipped. This

will occur more often than not since we"ll set our string buffer to hold a large amount of data when we

declare it in the MethodName() method. But lets assume that this isn"t the first time the DoBuffer()

method was called and that the buffer is too small to add the sent string.

We first need to store the existing buffer data in a local String variable:

strHold = strBuffer

Now we"ll go through a Do-Loop to exponentially increase a test of the size of the buffer. Each time

through the loop a new buffer size is tested against the previous buffer size. Once the stored buffer data

and the new string fit the buffer, the loop will be exited.


lngIndex = lngIndex + 1

If (Len(strBuffer) + (65536 * lngIndex)) >= (lngBuffer + Len(AddString)) Then

Exit Do

End If


The 65536 size increase is arbitrary and you can set this number to what you think will be appropriate for

the total size of the string data you"re building.

The buffer can now be rebuilt to its new expanded size...

strBuffer = String$(Len(strBuffer) & (65536 * lngIndex), Chr(0))

....and refilled with the stored string data that it previously held:

Mid$(strBuffer, 1, lngBuffer) = strHold

Notice that the string we want to add to the buffer hasn"t been added yet. We simply increased the size of

the buffer.

Here"s the code that increases the buffer size if our sent string doesn"t fit into the buffer. It"s

repeated here so you can see it in one glance.

If lngBuffer + Len(AddString) > Len(strBuffer) Then

strHold = strBuffer


lngIndex = lngIndex + 1

If (Len(strBuffer) + (65536 * lngIndex)) >= (lngBuffer + Len(AddString)) Then

Exit Do

End If


strBuffer = String$(Len(strBuffer) + (65536 * lngIndex), Chr(0))

Mid$(strBuffer, 1, lngBuffer) = strHold

End If

Once the buffering size has past our size test, or actually resized, we can add our sent string to the

data stored in the buffer.

Mid$(strBuffer, lngBuffer + 1, Len(AddString)) = AddString

Now that the sent string (AddString) has been added to the buffer, we need to increase the lngBuffer

variable value to reflect the new length of the buffer"s string data stored in it.

lngBuffer = lngBuffer + Len(AddString)

Here"s a repeat of the code that adds the sent string to the buffer and increases the buffer data size


If Not Trim$(AddString) = "" Then


Mid$(strBuffer, lngBuffer + 1, Len(AddString)) = AddString

lngBuffer = lngBuffer + Len(AddString)

End If

Mission complete! We added a string to a previously established string buffer without using the

concatenation (&) operant except when we needed to expand the size of the buffer, which should be

infrequently since we"re doing it exponentially and the original buffer size was set to a size that was

large enough for our string data.

The MethodName() Method

We"re creating two methods within our Class. The MethodName(), is very similar to the method explored in

the article "How To Pass a Variant Array Populated with a RecordSet From a VB Component to an asp File".

Since the MethodName() method is fully covered in this previous article, I"ll only focus on modifications

needed for it to work with our DoBuffer()method.

Public Function MethodName(ByVal strDbConnectionString As String, ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal

intFieldCount As Integer) As String

One parameter was added to the MethodName() method, intFieldCount. This variable will hold the number of

fields we will be selecting in our sql statement. It will also be the number of TABLE record data cells

that will be displayed in the browser.

The first variables we declare in the MethodName() method will be the ones we send to the DoBuffer()

method. The first variable (strBuffer) is a string that we"ll set to a determined length. The MethodName()

method will call the DoBuffer() method multiple times using strBuffer as it"s first method parameter. The

strBuffer variable will be used as a memory buffer for concatenating our strings. The DoBuffer() method

defined this parameter as ByRef rather than ByVal so it will come back to the MethodName() method altered.

After declaring strBuffer as type String, we dimension it to a specific length and filled it with NULL


Dim strBuffer As String

strBuffer = String$(65536, Chr(0))

The length you set strBuffer to should be determined by how much buffering space you anticipate needing.

We"ll set it at 65536, which is much higher than needed for this example - but reasonable for a lengthy

HTML TABLE record. Since the speed saved in avoiding using the & operant increases with the frequency in

which it"s used, I"ll assume that you"ll be using the DoBuffer() method when you have to concatenate many

strings, i.e., when your database has enough records to make a large HTML TABLE.

The second parameter (lngBuffer) of the DoBuffer() method is used to keep track of the length of the data

we"ll be placing into the buffer. We declare this variable in the MethodName() method as type Long and set

it to zero.

Dim lngBuffer As Long

lngBuffer = 0

The lngBuffer variable is also set as ByRef by the DoBuffer() method definition. This variable value will

reflect the length of the stored data within the buffer. We need this variable, like our strBuffer

variable, to be modifiable by the DoBuffer() method. Thus a reference to this variable is sent rather than

the value itself. It will come back to us changed.

The third, and last, parameter we"ll be sending to the DoBuffer() method will hold the string we want to

concatenate to the data that"s being held in the buffer. As we build our HTML TABLE record, the buffer

will accumulate the string fragments that will, when we"re done, compose our HTML TABLE record. The

DoBuffer() method accepts the AddString variable ByVal. This is done primarily because the strings you"ll

be sending to the DoBuffer() method will be relatively short.

The strings we"ll be sending to our DoBuffer() method will be a combination of string literals, Integers

changed to strings via CStr(), and string data from our database.

As I mentioned previously, I"ll only minimally focus on the MethodName() method since it"s basic workings

are covered in another article within this series. Here, in a nut shell, is the MethodName() code that

follows the declarations covered above.

"~~~~~ Variable to hold database array

Dim vRecordArray As Variant

"~~~~~ Set ADO objects

Dim oRs As New ADODB.Recordset

Dim oCmd As New ADODB.Command

Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection

"~~~~~ Index variables for constructing HTML string

Dim lngRecordCount As Long

Dim lngRecordIndex As Long

Dim intFieldCount As Integer

Dim intFieldIndex As Integer

"~~~~~ Open Database with method argument

oConn.Open strDbConnectionString

"~~~~~ Assign values to ADO objects

oCmd.CommandText = strSQL

oCmd.CommandType = adCmdText

Set oCmd.ActiveConnection = oConn

"~~~~~ Open the RecordSet

oRs.Open oCmd

"~~~~~ Assign RecordSet to Variant Array

vRecordArray = oRs.GetRows

"~~~~~ Close RecordSet/Connection



"~~~~~ Set objects to nothing

Set oRs = Nothing

Set oCmd = No

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