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原文链接:Extend the Common Dialog Boxes Using Windows Forms 1.x
File: OpenFileDialog.cs
Summary: This is part of a sample showing how to place Windows Forms controls
inside one of the common file dialogs.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft Development Tools
and/or on-line documentation. See these other materials for detailed information
regarding Microsoft code samples.
This sample is not intended for production use. Code and policy for a production
application must be developed to meet the specific data and security requirements
of the application.
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Drawing;
namespace ExtensibleDialogs
/// <summary>
/// The extensible OpenFileDialog
/// </summary>
public class OpenFileDialog : IDisposable
// The maximum number of characters permitted in a path
private const int _MAX_PATH = 260;
// The 'control ID' of the content window inside the OpenFileDialog
// See the accompanying article to learn how I discovered it
private const int _CONTENT_PANEL_ID = 0x0461;
// A constant that determines the spacing between panels inside the OpenFileDialog
private const int _PANEL_GAP_FACTOR = 3;
/// <summary>
/// Clients can implement handlers of this type to catch 'selection changed' events
/// </summary>
public delegate void SelectionChangedHandler( string path );
/// <summary>
/// This event is fired whenever the user selects an item in the dialog
/// </summary>
public event SelectionChangedHandler SelectionChanged;
// unmanaged memory buffers to hold the file name (with and without full path)
private IntPtr _fileNameBuffer;
private IntPtr _fileTitleBuffer;
// the OPENFILENAME structure, used to control the appearance and behaviour of the OpenFileDialog
private OpenFileName _ofn;
// user-supplied control that gets placed inside the OpenFileDialog
private System.Windows.Forms.Control _userControl;
// unmanaged memory buffer that holds the Win32 dialog template
private IntPtr _ipTemplate;
/// <summary>
/// Sets up the data structures necessary to display the OpenFileDialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name='defaultExtension'>The file extension to use if the user doesn't specify one (no '.' required)</param>
/// <param name='fileName'>You can specify a filename to appear in the dialog, although the user can change it</param>
/// <param name='filter'>See the documentation for the OPENFILENAME structure for a description of filter strings</param>
/// <param name='userPanel'>Any Windows Forms control, it will be placed inside the OpenFileDialog</param>
public OpenFileDialog( string defaultExtension, string fileName, string filter, System.Windows.Forms.Control userControl )
// Need two buffers in unmanaged memory to hold the filename
// Note: the multiplication by 2 is to allow for Unicode (16-bit) characters
_fileNameBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( 2 * _MAX_PATH );
_fileTitleBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( 2 * _MAX_PATH );
// Zero these two buffers
byte[] zeroBuffer = new byte [2 * (_MAX_PATH+1)];
for( int i = 0; i < 2 * (_MAX_PATH+1); i++ ) zeroBuffer[i] = 0;
Marshal.Copy( zeroBuffer, 0, _fileNameBuffer, 2 * _MAX_PATH );
Marshal.Copy( zeroBuffer, 0, _fileTitleBuffer, 2 * _MAX_PATH );
// Create an in-memory Win32 dialog template; this will be a 'child' window inside the FileOpenDialog
// We have no use for this child window, except that its presence allows us to capture events when
// the user interacts with the FileOpenDialog
_ipTemplate = BuildDialogTemplate();
// Populate the OPENFILENAME structure
// The flags specified are the minimal set to get the appearance and behaviour we need
_ofn.lStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf( _ofn );
_ofn.lpstrFile = _fileNameBuffer;
_ofn.nMaxFile = _MAX_PATH;
_ofn.lpstrDefExt = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni( defaultExtension );
_ofn.lpstrFileTitle = _fileTitleBuffer;
_ofn.nMaxFileTitle = _MAX_PATH;
_ofn.lpstrFilter = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni( filter );
_ofn.Flags = OpenFileNameFlags.EnableHook | OpenFileNameFlags.EnableTemplateHandle | OpenFileNameFlags.EnableSizing | OpenFileNameFlags.Explorer;
_ofn.hInstance = _ipTemplate;
_ofn.lpfnHook = new OfnHookProc(MyHookProc);
// copy initial file name into unmanaged memory buffer
UnicodeEncoding ue = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] fileNameBytes = ue.GetBytes( fileName );
Marshal.Copy( fileNameBytes, 0, _fileNameBuffer, fileNameBytes.Length );
// keep a reference to the user-supplied control
_userControl = userControl;
/// <summary>
/// The finalizer will release the unmanaged memory, if I should forget to call Dispose
/// </summary>
Dispose( false );
/// <summary>
/// Display the OpenFileDialog and allow user interaction
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if the user clicked OK, false if they clicked cancel (or close)</returns>
public bool Show()
return NativeMethods.GetOpenFileName( ref _ofn );
/// <summary>
/// Builds an in-memory Win32 dialog template. See documentation for DLGTEMPLATE.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>a pointer to an unmanaged memory buffer containing the dialog template</returns>
private IntPtr BuildDialogTemplate()
// We must place this child window inside the standard FileOpenDialog in order to get any
// notifications sent to our hook procedure. Also, this child window must contain at least
// one control. We make no direct use of the child window, or its control.
// Set up the contents of the DLGTEMPLATE
DlgTemplate template = new DlgTemplate();
// Allocate some unmanaged memory for the template structure, and copy it in
IntPtr ipTemplate = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem( Marshal.SizeOf(template) );
Marshal.StructureToPtr( template, ipTemplate, true );
return ipTemplate;
/// <summary>
/// The hook procedure for window messages generated by the FileOpenDialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name='hWnd'>the handle of the window at which this message is targeted</param>
/// <param name='msg'>the message identifier</param>
/// <param name='wParam'>message-specific parameter data</param>
/// <param name='lParam'>mess-specific parameter data</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public IntPtr MyHookProc( IntPtr hWnd, UInt16 msg, Int32 wParam, Int32 lParam )
if (hWnd == IntPtr.Zero)
return IntPtr.Zero;
// Behaviour is dependant on the message received
switch( msg )
// We're not interested in every possible message; just return a NULL for those we don't care about
return IntPtr.Zero;
// WM_INITDIALOG - at this point the OpenFileDialog exists, so we pull the user-supplied control
// into the FileOpenDialog now, using the SetParent API.
case WindowMessage.InitDialog:
IntPtr hWndParent = NativeMethods.GetParent( hWnd );
NativeMethods.SetParent( _userControl.Handle, hWndParent );
return IntPtr.Zero;
// WM_SIZE - the OpenFileDialog has been resized, so we'll resize the content and user-supplied
// panel to fit nicely
case WindowMessage.Size:
FindAndResizePanels( hWnd );
return IntPtr.Zero;
// WM_NOTIFY - we're only interested in the CDN_SELCHANGE notification message:
// we grab the currently-selected filename and fire our event
case WindowMessage.Notify:
IntPtr ipNotify = new IntPtr( lParam );
OfNotify ofNot = (OfNotify)Marshal.PtrToStructure( ipNotify, typeof(OfNotify) );
UInt16 code = ofNot.hdr.code;
if( code == CommonDlgNotification.SelChange )
// This is the first time we can rely on the presence of the content panel
// Resize the content and user-supplied panels to fit nicely
FindAndResizePanels( hWnd );
// get the newly-selected path
IntPtr hWndParent = NativeMethods.GetParent( hWnd );
StringBuilder pathBuffer = new StringBuilder(_MAX_PATH);
UInt32 ret = NativeMethods.SendMessage( hWndParent, CommonDlgMessage.GetFilePath, _MAX_PATH, pathBuffer );
string path = pathBuffer.ToString();
// copy the string into the path buffer
UnicodeEncoding ue = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] pathBytes = ue.GetBytes( path );
Marshal.Copy( pathBytes, 0, _fileNameBuffer, pathBytes.Length );
// fire selection-changed event
if( SelectionChanged != null ) SelectionChanged( path );
return IntPtr.Zero;
/// <summary>
/// Layout the content of the OpenFileDialog, according to the overall size of the dialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name='hWnd'>handle of window that received the WM_SIZE message</param>
private void FindAndResizePanels( IntPtr hWnd )
// The FileOpenDialog is actually of the parent of the specified window
IntPtr hWndParent = NativeMethods.GetParent( hWnd );
// The 'content' window is the one that displays the filenames, tiles, etc.
// The _CONTENT_PANEL_ID is a magic number - see the accompanying text to learn
// how I discovered it.
IntPtr hWndContent = NativeMethods.GetDlgItem( hWndParent, _CONTENT_PANEL_ID );
Rectangle rcClient = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
Rectangle rcContent = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
// Get client rectangle of dialog
RECT rcTemp = new RECT();
NativeMethods.GetClientRect( hWndParent, ref rcTemp );
rcClient.X = rcTemp.left;
rcClient.Y = rcTemp.top;
rcClient.Width = rcTemp.right - rcTemp.left;
rcClient.Height = rcTemp.bottom - rcTemp.top;
// The content window may not be present when the dialog first appears
if( hWndContent != IntPtr.Zero )
// Find the dimensions of the content panel
RECT rc = new RECT();
NativeMethods.GetWindowRect( hWndContent, ref rc );
// Translate these dimensions into the dialog's coordinate system
POINT topLeft;
topLeft.X = rc.left;
topLeft.Y = rc.top;
NativeMethods.ScreenToClient( hWndParent, ref topLeft );
POINT bottomRight;
bottomRight.X = rc.right;
bottomRight.Y = rc.bottom;
NativeMethods.ScreenToClient( hWndParent, ref bottomRight );
rcContent.X = topLeft.X;
rcContent.Width = bottomRight.X - topLeft.X;
rcContent.Y = topLeft.Y;
rcContent.Height = bottomRight.Y - topLeft.Y;
// Shrink content panel's width
int width = rcClient.Right - rcContent.Left;
rcContent.Width = (int)(width * 1.0 /1.6) + _PANEL_GAP_FACTOR;
NativeMethods.MoveWindow( hWndContent, rcContent.Left, rcContent.Top, rcContent.Width, rcContent.Height, true );
// Position the user-supplied control alongside the content panel
Rectangle rcUser = new Rectangle( rcContent.Right + (2 * _PANEL_GAP_FACTOR), rcContent.Top, rcClient.Right - rcContent.Right - (3 * _PANEL_GAP_FACTOR), rcContent.Bottom - rcContent.Top );
NativeMethods.MoveWindow( _userControl.Handle, rcUser.X, rcUser.Y, rcUser.Width, rcUser.Height, true );
/// <summary>
/// returns the path currently selected by the user inside the OpenFileDialog
/// </summary>
public string SelectedPath
return Marshal.PtrToStringUni( _fileNameBuffer );
#region IDisposable Members
public void Dispose()
Dispose( true );
/// <summary>
/// Free any unamanged memory used by this instance of OpenFileDialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name='disposing'>true if called by Dispose, false otherwise</param>
public void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
GC.SuppressFinalize( this );
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( _fileNameBuffer );
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( _fileTitleBuffer );
Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem( _ipTemplate );
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)事件和private void ofd_SelectionChanged( string path ),代码如下:
/// <summary>
/// Creates and shows an instance of the extended OpenFileDialog, with a PictureBox control placed inside
/// </summary>
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Create panel for the 'preview' part of the dialog
Panel p = new Panel();
p.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
// Add a picture box to the 'preview' panel
_picBox = new PictureBox();
p.Controls.Add( _picBox );
_picBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
_picBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
_picBox.Click += new EventHandler( picBox_Click );
// Create and show the OpenFile Dialog
ExtensibleDialogs.OpenFileDialog ofd = new ExtensibleDialogs.OpenFileDialog( 'jpg', '', 'Picture files (*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PNG;*.tif)\0*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.tif\0\0', p );
ofd.SelectionChanged += new ExtensibleDialogs.OpenFileDialog.SelectionChangedHandler(ofd_SelectionChanged);
bool f = ofd.Show();
string s = ofd.SelectedPath;
if(s != string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show('You selected a photo, the file name is:\n' + s);
/// <summary>
/// Event handler that is called when the user clicks on a file or folder inside the dialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name='path'>the full path of the currently-selected file</param>
private void ofd_SelectionChanged( string path )
// Check the path points to something valid before trying to display the contents
if( !File.Exists( path ) ) return;
if( !Path.HasExtension( path ) ) return;
string ext = Path.GetExtension( path ).ToLower();
if( ext == '.jpg' || ext == '.gif' || ext == '.png' || ext == '.tif' )
Image originalImage = new Bitmap(path);
int widthOriginal = originalImage.Width;
int heightOriginal = originalImage.Height;
int boxW = _picBox.Width;
int boxH = _picBox.Height;
Bitmap newBmp = new Bitmap(boxW, boxH);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newBmp);
float zoom = Math.Min((float)boxW / (originalImage.Width + 1), (float) boxH / (originalImage.Height + 1));
Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(
(boxW - (int)(originalImage.Width * zoom))/2, (boxH - (int)(originalImage.Height * zoom))/2,
(int)(originalImage.Width * zoom), (int)(originalImage.Height * zoom));
Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height);
g.DrawImage(originalImage, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
_picBox.Image = newBmp;
