In my recent blog, AxShDocVw, SHDocVw, mshtml References, I showed how to set up a VS.NET project to use the AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser control.I was recently asked how to display formatted XML in this control. Here's just one way. I'm sure you can find ways to improve upon it.
private void DisplayXml (
AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser browser,
XmlDocument document)
// generate a unique file name
string filnam = Environment.GetFolderPath(
+ '\\' + document.GetHashCode().ToString();
// clean up just incase
if (File.Exists(filnam))
// write wsdl to a temporary file
StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(filnam);
string text = document.OuterXml.Replace('utf-16','utf-8');
file = null;
// navigate to the temporary file
object refmissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
browser.Navigate(filnam, ref refmissing,
ref refmissing, ref refmissing, ref refmissing);
This can be used when the control has not yet been initialized and does not yet have a body or DOM.