2025年3月24日 星期一 農曆 乙巳年二月廿五

Window object example: Window 2

王朝html/css/js·作者佚名  2006-12-17
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  举报/纠错


javascript手冊-u-z WIN2.htm, which defines the content for window2, contains the following code: Window object example: Window 2Some numbersonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine相关 the example for the frame object. 相关document and frame objects window propertyThe window property is a synonym for the current window or frame. 语法1. window.propertyName2. window.methodName

propertyName is the defaultStatus, status, length, or name property when the calling window refers to a window object.

propertyName is the length or name property when the calling window refers to a frame object.

methodName is any method associated with the window object. Property offrame, window 描述The window property refers to the current window or frame. Although you can use the window property as a synonym for the current frame, your code is more readable if you use the self property. For example, window.name and self.name both specify the name of the current frame, but self.name is easier to understand. Use the window property to disambiguate a property of the window object from a form or form element of the same name. You can also use the window property to make your code more readable. The window property is read-only. The value of the window property is <object nameAttribute>

where nameAttribute is the NAME attribute if window refers to a frame, or an internal reference if window refers to a window. 例子In the following example, window.status is used to set the status property of the current window. This usage disambiguates the status property of the current window from a form called "status" within the current window. Go!相关self property write methodWrites one or more htm expressions to a document in the specified window. 语法document.write(expression1 [,expression2], ...[,expressionN])

expression1 through expressionN are any JavaScript expressions or the properties of existing objects. 用法document 描述The write method displays any number of expressions in a document window. You can specify any JavaScript expression with the write method, including numerics, strings, or logicals. The write method is the same as the writeln method, except the write method does not append a newline character to the end of the output. Use the write method within any <SCRIPT> tag or within an event handler. Event handlers execute after the original document closes, so the write method will implicitly open a new document of mimeType text/htm if you do not explicitly issue a document.open() method in the event handler. 例子In the following example, the write method takes several arguments, including strings, a numeric, and a variable: var mystery = "world"// Displays Hello world testing 123msgWindow.document.write("Hello ", mystery, " testing ", 123)

In the following example, the write method takes two arguments. The first argument is an assignment expression, and the second argument is a string literal. //Displays Hello world...msgWindow.document.write(mystr = "Hello "+ "world...")

In the following example, the write method takes a single argument that is a conditional expression. If the value of the variable age is less than 18, the method displays "Minor". If the value of age is greater than or equal to 18, the method displays "Adult". msgWindow.document.write(status = (age >= 18) ? "Adult" : "Minor")

相关close, clear, open, writeln methods writeln methodWrites one or more htm expressions to a document in the specified window and follows them with a newline character. 语法document.writeln(expression1 [,expression2], ...[,expressionN])

expression1 through expressionN are any JavaScript expressions or the properties of existing objects. 用法document 描述The writeln method displays any number of expressions in a document window. You can specify any JavaScript expression, including numerics, strings, or logicals. The writeln method is the same as the write method, except the writeln method appends a newline character to the end of the output. htm ignores the newline character, except within certain tags such as <PRE>. Use the writeln method within any <SCRIPT> tag or within an event handler. Event handlers execute after the original document closes, so the writeln method will implicitly open a new document of mimeType text/htm if you do not explicitly issue a document.open() method in the event handler. 例子All the 例子 used for the write method are also valid with the writeln method. 相关close, clear, open, write methods

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