

王朝java/jsp·作者佚名  2006-12-17
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javascript手冊-g getDate methodReturns the day of the month for the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getDate()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getDate is an integer between 1 and 31. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 25 to the variable day, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")day = Xmas95.getDate()

相关setDate method getDay methodReturns the day of the week for the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getDay()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getDay is an integer corresponding to the day of the week: zero for Sunday, one for Monday, two for Tuesday, and so on. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 1 to weekday, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. This is because December 25, 1995 is a Monday. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")weekday = Xmas95.getDay()

getHours methodReturns the hour for the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getHours()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getHours is an integer between 0 and 23. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 23 to the variable hours, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")hours = Xmas95.getHours()

相关setHours method getMinutes methodReturns the minutes in the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getMinutes()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getMinutes is an integer between 0 and 59. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 15 to the variable minutes, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")minutes = Xmas95.getMinutes()

相关setMinutes method getMonth methodReturns the month in the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getMonth()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getMonth is an integer between zero and eleven. Zero corresponds to January, one to February, and so on. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 11 to the variable month, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")month = Xmas95.getDate()

相关setMonth method getSeconds methodReturns the seconds in the current time. 语法dateObjectName.getSeconds()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getSeconds is an integer between 0 and 59. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 30 to the variable secs, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:30")secs = Xmas95.getSeconds()

相关setSeconds method getTime methodReturns the numeric value corresponding to the time for the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getTime()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by the getTime method is the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00. You can use this method to help assign a date and time to another date object. 例子The following example assigns the date value of theBigDay to sameAsBigDay. theBigDay = new Date("July 1, 1999")sameAsBigDay = new Date()sameAsBigDay.setTime(theBigDay.getTime())

相关setTime method getTimezoneOffset methodReturns the time zone offset in minutes for the current locale. 语法dateObjectName.getTimezoneOffset()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The time zone offset is the difference between local time and GMT. Daylight savings time prevents this value from being a constant. 例子x = new Date()currentTimeZoneOffsetInHours = x.getTimezoneOffset()/60

getYear methodReturns the year in the specified date. 语法dateObjectName.getYear()

dateObjectName is either the name of a date object or a property of an existing object. 方法Date 描述The value returned by getYear is the year less 1900. For example, if the year is 1976, the value returned is 76. 例子The second statement below assigns the value 95 to the variable year, based on the value of the date object Xmas95. Xmas95 = new Date("December 25, 1995 23:15:00")year = Xmas95.getYear()

相关setYear method go methodLoads a URL from the history list. 语法history.go(delta | "location")

delta is an integer or a property of an existing object, representing a relative position in the history list.

location is a string or a property of an existing object, representing all or part of a URL in the history list. 方法history 描述The go method navigates to the location in the history list determined by the argument that you specify. You can interactively display the history list by choosing History from the Window menu. Up to 10 items in the history list are also displayed on the Go menu. The delta argument is a positive or negative integer. If delta is greater than zero, the go method loads the URL that is that number of entries forward in the history list; otherwise, it loads the URL that is that number of entries backward in the history list. If delta is 0, Navigator reloads the current page. The location argument is a string. Use location to load the nearest history entry whose URL contains location as a substring. The location to URL matching is case-insensitive. Each section of a URL contains different information. See the location object for a 描述 of the URL components. 例子The following button navigates to the nearest history entry that contains the string "home.netscape.com": <P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="history.go('home.netscape.com')">

The following button navigates to the URL that is three entries backward in the history list: <P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="history.go(-3)">

相关back, forward methods

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