Physically Based Rendering - From Theory to Implementation Matt Pharr Greg Humphreys Hardcover: 1042 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.91 x 9.38 x 8.26 Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann; Bk&CD-Rom edition (August 4, 2004) ISBN: 012553180X From movies to video games, computer-rendered images are pervasive today. Physically Based Rendering introduces the concepts and theory of photorealistic rendering hand in hand with the source code for a sophisticated renderer. By coupling the discussion of rendering algorithms with their implementations, Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys are able to reveal many of the details and subtleties of these algorithms. But this book goes further; it also describes the design strategies involved with building real systems—there is much more to writing a good renderer than stringing together a set of fast algorithms. For example, techniques for high-quality antialiasing must be considered from the start, as they have implications throughout the system. The rendering system described in this book is itself highly readable, written in a style called literate programming that mixes text describing the system with the code that implements it. Literate programming gives a gentle introduction to working with programs of this size. This lucid pairing of text and code offers the most complete and in-depth book available for understanding, designing, and building physically realistic rendering systems. 从没见过这样一本把理论和实践结合如此好的书。这本书,再结合一些open source renderer(aqsis,pixie,toxic...)的源代码,绝对可以在渲染器的编写上再上层楼。一些高级渲染器的特性,如photon mapping/caustics, final gathering, Monte Carlo GI, Irradiance Caching, Volume Rendering 书里用代码作了详尽的解释。利用Plug in, 一些使用这本书的学生还实现了subsurface scattering。书中还提供了大量极具挑战性的编程练习,可以大幅增强书里描述的PBRT的能力。具体见 个人认为这是继An Introduction to Ray Tracing之后最好的关于ray tracer/GI的书籍。这本书的另外一个特点就是“重”达7磅,全部都是用的铜版纸。这也是CG书籍出版的一个趋势。