ASP中实现的类似URLEncode的编码函数及对应解码函数 <%
'All Rights Reserved,
Function Encode(Str)
Dim Count, Pos, Ch, Code
Dim SweetCh
SweetCh = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_{}[]()'
Encode = ''
Count = Len(Str)
Pos = 1
Do While Pos<=Count
Ch = Mid(Str, Pos, 1)
Code = Asc(Ch)
If Code>=0 And Code<256 Then '汉字不予处理
If Ch<>'%' Then
If InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 Then
Ch = '%' & Right('0' & Hex(Code), 2)
End If
Ch = '%25'
End If
End If
Encode = Encode & Ch
Pos = Pos + 1
End Function
Function Decode(Str)
Dim Count, Pos, Ch, Code
Decode = ''
Count = Len(Str)
Pos = 1
Do While Pos<=Count
Ch = Mid(Str, Pos, 1)
If Ch='%' Then
If Pos+2<=Count Then
Ch = Chr((InStr('0123456789ABCDEF', UCase(Mid(Str, Pos+1, 1)))-1) * 16 + InStr('0123456789ABCDEF',UCase(Mid(Str, Pos+2, 1))) - 1)
Ch = ''
End If
Pos = Pos + 2
End If
Decode = Decode & Ch
Pos = Pos + 1
End Function
%>=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos=0 And Code"%" ThenIf InStr(SweetCh, Ch)=0 ThenCh = "%" & Right("0" & Hex(Code), 2)End IfElseCh = "%25"End IfEnd IfEncode = Encode & ChPos = Pos + 1LoopEnd FunctionFunction Decode(Str)Dim Count, Pos, Ch, CodeDecode = ""Count = Len(Str)Pos = 1Do While Pos