[VB程序设计创新实验教程]Chap1---VB中游戏基本要素的实现方式[1] VB中游戏基本要素的实现方式[1]
By EmilMatthew
为了达到精确的定时,可以用一个WIN32的API GetTickCount来计时,在正常条件下,精度可达1毫秒。
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib 'kernel32' () As Long
Const MS_DELAY = 50 '20FPS
‘valuable declare
Dim mblnRunning As Boolean
Dim mlngTimer As Long
Dim mStartTime As Long
Dim mDelayTime As Long
‘init data
Public Function sample()
mblnRunning = True ‘flag
mDelayTime=20000 ‘20secs
mStartTime= GetTickCount()
mlngTimer= GetTickCount()
‘main part
Do While mblnRunning And GetTickCount()<=mStartTime+mDelayTime
If mlngTimer + MS_DELAY <= GetTickCount() Then
mlngTimer = GetTickCount() ‘update time limit
‘motion effects doing and updating here
End If
DoEvents 'Important . If not add this ,the effect will be very bad.
End Function
在motion effects doing and updating here可以加入运动更新的代码
Sub Line(Flags As Integer, X1 As Single, Y1 As Single, X2 As Single, Y2 As Single, Color As Long)
Sub Circle(Step As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, Radius As Single, Color As Long, Start As Single, End As Single, Aspect As Single)
Sub PSet(Step As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, Color As Long)
下面给出的程序段是关于画函数f(x)= 0.5 * x ^ 3 - 3 * x ^ 2 + 3 * x图像的例子
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Single
Dim x0 As Integer
Dim y0 As Integer
pic.ScaleMode = 0 'user definitation
pic.ScaleHeight = 20
pic.ScaleWidth = 20
pic.Height = pic.Width
x0 = pic.ScaleWidth / 2
y0 = pic.ScaleHeight / 2
pic.Line (pic.ScaleLeft, y0)-(pic.ScaleWidth, y0), RGB(0, 0, 255)
pic.Line (x0, pic.ScaleTop)-(x0, pic.ScaleHeight), RGB(0, 0, 255)
For i = -pic.ScaleWidth / 2 To pic.ScaleWidth / 2 Step 0.005
pic.PSet (x0 + i, y0 - f_x2(i)), RGB(0, 0, 255)
End Sub
Private Function f_x2(x As Single) As Single
f_x2 = 0.5 * x ^ 3 - 3 * x ^ 2 + 3 * x
End Function

1. 李萨如图形的绘制。
2. 三角函数图像的绘制。
3. 驻波的动画演示。
4. 导弹追击实验。