linux端口列表 端口列表
Keyword Decimal Description
------- ------- -----------
0/tcp Reserved
0/udp Reserved
tcpmux 1/tcp TCP Port Service Multiplexer
tcpmux 1/udp TCP Port Service Multiplexer
compressnet 2/tcp Management Utility
compressnet 2/udp Management Utility
compressnet 3/tcp Compression Process
compressnet 3/udp Compression Process
# 4/tcp Unassigned
# 4/udp Unassigned
rje 5/tcp Remote Job Entry
rje 5/udp Remote Job Entry
# 6/tcp Unassigned
# 6/udp Unassigned
echo 7/tcp Echo
echo 7/udp Echo
# 8/tcp Unassigned
discard 9/udp Discard
# 10/tcp Unassigned
# 10/udp Unassigned
systat 11/tcp Active Users
systat 11/udp Active Users
# 12/tcp Unassigned
# 12/udp Unassigned
daytime 13/tcp Daytime
daytime 13/udp Daytime
# 14/tcp Unassigned
# 14/udp Unassigned
# 15/tcp Unassigned [was netstat]
# 15/udp Unassigned
# 16/tcp Unassigned
# 16/udp Unassigned
qotd 17/tcp Quote of the Day
qotd 17/udp Quote of the Day
msp 18/tcp Message Send Protocol
msp 18/udp Message Send Protocol
chargen 19/tcp Character Generator
chargen 19/udp Character Generator
ftp-data 20/tcp File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp-data 20/udp File Transfer [Default Data]
ftp 21/tcp File Transfer [Control]
ftp 21/udp File Transfer [Control]
# 22/tcp Unassigned
# 22/udp Unassigned
telnet 23/tcp Telnet
telnet 23/udp Telnet
24/tcp any private mail system
24/udp any private mail system
smtp 25/tcp Simple Mail Transfer
smtp 25/udp Simple Mail Transfer
# 26/tcp Unassigned
# 26/udp Unassigned
nsw-fe 27/tcp NSW User System FE
nsw-fe 27/udp NSW User System FE
# 28/tcp Unassigned
# 28/udp Unassigned
msg-icp 29/tcp MSG ICP
msg-icp 29/udp MSG ICP
# 30/tcp Unassigned
# 30/udp Unassigned
msg-auth 31/tcp MSG Authentication
msg-auth 31/udp MSG Authentication
# 32/tcp Unassigned
# 32/udp Unassigned
dsp 33/tcp Display Support Protocol
dsp 33/udp Display Support Protocol
# 34/tcp Unassigned
# 34/udp Unassigned
35/tcp any private printer server
35/udp any private printer server
# 36/tcp Unassigned
# 36/udp Unassigned
time 37/tcp Time
time 37/udp Time
rap 38/tcp Route Access Protocol
rap 38/udp Route Access Protocol
rlp 39/tcp Resource Location Protocol
rlp 39/udp Resource Location Protocol
# 40/tcp Unassigned
# 40/udp Unassigned
graphics 41/tcp Graphics
graphics 41/udp Graphics
nameserver 42/tcp Host Name Server
nameserver 42/udp Host Name Server
nicname 43/tcp Who Is
nicname 43/udp Who Is
mpm-flags 44/tcp MPM FLAGS Protocol
mpm-flags 44/udp MPM FLAGS Protocol
mpm 45/tcp Message Processing Module [recv]
mpm 45/udp Message Processing Module [recv]
mpm-snd 46/tcp MPM [default send]
mpm-snd 46/udp MPM [default send]
ni-ftp 47/tcp NI FTP
ni-ftp 47/udp NI FTP
auditd 48/tcp Digital Audit Daemon
auditd 48/udp Digital Audit Daemon
login 49/tcp Login Host Protocol
login 49/udp Login Host Protocol
re-mail-ck 50/tcp Remote Mail Checking Protocol
re-mail-ck 50/udp Remote Mail Checking Protocol
la-maint 51/tcp IMP Logical Address Maintenance
la-maint 51/udp IMP Logical Address Maintenance
xns-time 52/tcp XNS Time Protocol
xns-time 52/udp XNS Time Protocol
domain 53/tcp Domain Name Server
domain 53/udp Domain Name Server
xns-ch 54/tcp XNS Clearinghouse
xns-ch 54/udp XNS Clearinghouse
isi-gl 55/tcp ISI Graphics Language
isi-gl 55/udp ISI Graphics Language
xns-auth 56/tcp XNS Authentication
xns-auth 56/udp XNS Authentication
57/tcp any private terminal access
57/udp any private terminal access
xns-mail 58/tcp XNS Mail
xns-mail 58/udp XNS Mail
59/tcp any private file service
59/udp any private file service
60/tcp Unassigned
60/udp Unassigned
ni-mail 61/tcp NI MAIL
ni-mail 61/udp NI MAIL
acas 62/tcp ACA Services
acas 62/udp ACA Services
# 63/tcp Unassigned
# 63/udp Unassigned
covia 64/tcp Communications Integrator (CI)
covia 64/udp Communications Integrator (CI)
tacacs-ds 65/tcp TACACS-Database Service
tacacs-ds 65/udp TACACS-Database Service
sql*net 66/tcp Oracle SQL*NET
sql*net 66/udp Oracle SQL*NET
bootps 67/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Server
bootps 67/udp Bootstrap Protocol Server
bootpc 68/tcp Bootstrap Protocol Client
bootpc 68/udp Bootstrap Protocol Client
tftp 69/tcp Trivial File Transfer
tftp 69/udp Trivial File Transfer
gopher 70/tcp Gopher
gopher 70/udp Gopher
netrjs-1 71/tcp Remote Job Service
netrjs-1 71/udp Remote Job Service
netrjs-2 72/tcp Remote Job Service
netrjs-2 72/udp Remote Job Service
netrjs-3 73/tcp Remote Job Service
netrjs-3 73/udp Remote Job Service
netrjs-4 74/tcp Remote Job Service
netrjs-4 74/udp Remote Job Service
75/tcp any private dial out service
75/udp any private dial out service
deos 76/tcp Distributed External Object Store
deos 76/udp Distributed External Object Store
77/tcp any private RJE service
77/udp any private RJE service
vettcp 78/tcp vettcp
vettcp 78/udp vettcp
finger 79/tcp Finger
finger 79/udp Finger
www-http 80/tcp World Wide Web HTTP
www-http 80/udp World Wide Web HTTP
hosts2-ns 81/tcp HOSTS2 Name Server
hosts2-ns 81/udp HOSTS2 Name Server
xfer 82/tcp XFER Utility
xfer 82/udp XFER Utility
mit-ml-dev 83/tcp MIT ML Device
mit-ml-dev 83/udp MIT ML Device
ctf 84/tcp Common Trace Facility
ctf 84/udp Common Trace Facility
mit-ml-dev 85/tcp MIT ML Device
mit-ml-dev 85/udp MIT ML Device
mfcobol 86/tcp Micro Focus Cobol
mfcobol 86/udp Micro Focus Cobol
87/tcp any private terminal link
87/udp any private terminal link
kerberos 88/tcp Kerberos
kerberos 88/udp Kerberos
su-mit-tg 89/tcp SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
su-mit-tg 89/udp SU/MIT Telnet Gateway
dnsix 90/tcp DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
dnsix 90/udp DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map
mit-dov 91/tcp MIT Dover Spooler
mit-dov 91/udp MIT Dover Spooler
npp 92/tcp Network Printing Protocol
npp 92/udp Network Printing Protocol
dcp 93/tcp Device Control Protocol
dcp 93/udp Device Control Protocol
objcall 94/tcp Tivoli Object Dispatcher
objcall 94/udp Tivoli Object Dispatcher
supdup 95/tcp SUPDUP
supdup 95/udp SUPDUP
dixie 96/tcp DIXIE Protocol Specification
dixie 96/udp DIXIE Protocol Specification
swift-rvf 97/tcp Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol
swift-rvf 97/udp Swift Remote Vitural File Protocol
tacnews 98/tcp TAC News
tacnews 98/udp TAC News
metagram 99/tcp Metagram Relay
metagram 99/udp Metagram Relay
newacct 100/tcp [unauthorized use]
hostname 101/tcp NIC Host Name Server
hostname 101/udp NIC Host Name Server
iso-tsap 102/tcp ISO-TSAP
iso-tsap 102/udp ISO-TSAP
gppitnp 103/tcp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
gppitnp 103/udp Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net
acr-nema 104/tcp ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
acr-nema 104/udp ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300
csnet-ns 105/tcp Mailbox Name Nameserver
csnet-ns 105/udp Mailbox Name Nameserver
3com-tsmux 106/tcp 3COM-TSMUX
3com-tsmux 106/udp 3COM-TSMUX
rtelnet 107/tcp Remote Telnet Service
rtelnet 107/udp Remote Telnet Service
snagas 108/tcp SNA Gateway Access Server
snagas 108/udp SNA Gateway Access Server
pop2 109/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 2
pop2 109/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 2
pop3 110/tcp Post Office Protocol - Version 3
pop3 110/udp Post Office Protocol - Version 3
sunrpc 111/tcp SUN Remote Procedure Call
sunrpc 111/udp SUN Remote Procedure Call
mcidas 112/tcp McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
mcidas 112/udp McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol
auth 113/tcp Authentication Service
auth 113/udp Authentication Service
audionews 114/tcp Audio News Multicast
audionews 114/udp Audio News Multicast
sftp 115/tcp Simple File Transfer Protocol
sftp 115/udp Simple File Transfer Protocol
ansanotify 116/tcp ANSA REX Notify
ansanotify 116/udp ANSA REX Notify
uucp-path 117/tcp UUCP Path Service
uucp-path 117/udp UUCP Path Service
sqlserv 118/tcp SQL Services
sqlserv 118/udp SQL Services
nntp 119/tcp Network News Transfer Protocol
nntp 119/udp Network News Transfer Protocol
cfdptkt 120/tcp CFDPTKT
cfdptkt 120/udp CFDPTKT
erpc 121/tcp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
erpc 121/udp Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call
smakynet 122/tcp SMAKYNET
smakynet 122/udp SMAKYNET
ntp 123/tcp Network Time Protocol
ntp 123/udp Network Time Protocol
ansatrader 124/tcp ANSA REX Trader
ansatrader 124/udp ANSA REX Trader
locus-map 125/tcp Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
locus-map 125/udp Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser
unitary 126/tcp Unisys Unitary Login
unitary 126/udp Unisys Unitary Login
locus-con 127/tcp Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
locus-con 127/udp Locus PC-Interface Conn Server
gss-xlicen 128/tcp GSS X License Verification
gss-xlicen 128/udp GSS X License Verification
pwdgen 129/tcp Password Generator Protocol
pwdgen 129/udp Password Generator Protocol
cisco-fna 130/tcp cisco FNATIVE
cisco-fna 130/udp cisco FNATIVE
cisco-tna 131/tcp cisco TNATIVE
cisco-tna 131/udp cisco TNATIVE
cisco-sys 132/tcp cisco SYSMAINT
cisco-sys 132/udp cisco SYSMAINT
statsrv 133/tcp Statistics Service
statsrv 133/udp Statistics Service
ingres-net 134/tcp INGRES-NET Service
ingres-net 134/udp INGRES-NET Service
loc-srv 135/tcp Location Service
loc-srv 135/udp Location Service
profile 136/tcp PROFILE Naming System
profile 136/udp PROFILE Naming System
netbios-ns 137/tcp NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-ns 137/udp NETBIOS Name Service
netbios-dgm 138/tcp NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-dgm 138/udp NETBIOS Datagram Service
netbios-ssn 139/tcp NETBIOS Session Service
netbios-ssn 139/udp NETBIOS Session Service
emfis-data 140/tcp EMFIS Data Service
emfis-data 140/udp EMFIS Data Service
emfis-cntl 141/tcp EMFIS Control Service
emfis-cntl 141/udp EMFIS Control Service
bl-idm 142/tcp Britton-Lee IDM
bl-idm 142/udp Britton-Lee IDM
imap2 143/tcp Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
imap2 143/udp Interim Mail Access Protocol v2
news 144/tcp NewS
news 144/udp NewS
uaac 145/tcp UAAC Protocol
uaac 145/udp UAAC Protocol
iso-tp0 146/tcp ISO-IP0
iso-tp0 146/udp ISO-IP0
iso-ip 147/tcp ISO-IP
iso-ip 147/udp ISO-IP
cronus 148/tcp CRONUS-SUPPORT
cronus 148/udp CRONUS-SUPPORT
aed-512 149/tcp AED 512 Emulation Service
aed-512 149/udp AED 512 Emulation Service
sql-net 150/tcp SQL-NET
sql-net 150/udp SQL-NET
hems 151/tcp HEMS
hems 151/udp HEMS
bftp 152/tcp Background File Transfer Program
bftp 152/udp Background File Transfer Program
sgmp 153/tcp SGMP
sgmp 153/udp SGMP
netsc-prod 154/tcp NETSC
netsc-prod 154/udp NETSC
netsc-dev 155/tcp NETSC
netsc-dev 155/udp NETSC
sqlsrv 156/tcp SQL Service
sqlsrv 156/udp SQL Service
knet-cmp 157/tcp KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
knet-cmp 157/udp KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol
pcmail-srv 158/tcp PCMail Server
pcmail-srv 158/udp PCMail Server
nss-routing 159/tcp NSS-Routing
nss-routing 159/udp NSS-Routing
sgmp-traps 160/tcp SGMP-TRAPS
sgmp-traps 160/udp SGMP-TRAPS
snmp 161/tcp SNMP
snmp 161/udp SNMP
snmptrap 162/tcp SNMPTRAP
snmptrap 162/udp SNMPTRAP
cmip-man 163/tcp CMIP/TCP Manager
cmip-man 163/udp CMIP/TCP Manager
cmip-agent 164/tcp CMIP/TCP Agent
smip-agent 164/udp CMIP/TCP Agent
xns-courier 165/tcp Xerox
xns-courier 165/udp Xerox
s-net 166/tcp Sirius Systems
s-net 166/udp Sirius Systems
namp 167/tcp NAMP
namp 167/udp NAMP
rsvd 168/tcp RSVD
rsvd 168/udp RSVD
send 169/tcp SEND
send 169/udp SEND
print-srv 170/tcp Network PostScript
print-srv 170/udp Network PostScript
multiplex 171/tcp Network Innovations Multiplex
multiplex 171/udp Network Innovations Multiplex
cl/1 172/tcp Network Innovations CL/1
cl/1 172/udp Network Innovations CL/1
xyplex-mux 173/tcp Xyplex
xyplex-mux 173/udp Xyplex
mailq 174/tcp MAILQ
mailq 174/udp MAILQ
vmnet 175/tcp VMNET
vmnet 175/udp VMNET
genrad-mux 176/tcp GENRAD-MUX
genrad-mux 176/udp GENRAD-MUX
xdmcp 177/tcp X Display Manager Control Protocol
xdmcp 177/udp X Display Manager Control Protocol
nextstep 178/tcp NextStep Window Server
NextStep 178/udp NextStep Window Server
bgp 179/tcp Border Gateway Protocol
bgp 179/udp Border Gateway Protocol
ris 180/tcp Intergraph
ris 180/udp Intergraph
unify 181/tcp Unify
unify 181/udp Unify
audit 182/tcp Unisys Audit SITP
audit 182/udp