'*声 明:如果使用此程序请保留此段信息
'*程 序 名:TevMail
'*功 能:发送邮件(服务器上必须装有JMail4.3版本)
'*优 点:如果自己写的JMail程序,设置很多值,如服务器地址,密码,用户名,等等,使用本类后,最短
'* 只需要三行语句便可以发送邮件.具体操作请看下面的示例.
'*示 例:
'* Set abc = New JMail
'* abc.to = "您的信箱地址"
'* abc.send
'* <!-- #include file="路径/TevMail.asp" -->
'* 大家可以测试一下,用以上四句语句建立一个ASP页面,然后运行一下,你的邮件就发出去了!
'* 但如果我需要设置邮件标题,发件人,内容等等怎么办呢?请自己参阅下列参数.
'* .ServerAddress = "smtp.126.com" '此处设置自己的邮件服务器
'* .username = "weili.cn" '邮件服务器用户名
'* .password = "*******" '邮件服务器密码
'* .from = "weili.cn" '发件人地址
'* .Fromname = "liwei" '发件人姓名
'* .to = "weili.cn@126.com" '收件人姓名
'* .Subject = "测试" '邮件主题
'* .Body = "test" '邮件内容
'* .number '发送后可以用此值来判断是否发送成功,值<=0时则发送成功
'* .error '发送后如果有错误,可以用此值来提取错误信息
'* .about '当前类的版权信息,为了尊重他人成果,请勿修改,谢谢!
Class TevMail
Private ObjMail
Private sUserName
Private sPassword
Private sFrom
Private sFromName
Private sSubject
Private sBody
Private sTo
Private sServer
Private iNumber
Private sError
Private sAbout
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
sAbout = "程序名:邮件发送类<br>" & _
"编 写:Tellov<br>" & _
"日 期:2005-01-13<br>" & _
"备 注:欢迎使用本类,如果需要帮助或者有好的建议,请联系我,谢谢!<br>" & _
" Q Q :40386978<br>"& _
sUserName = ""
sPassword = ""
sFrom = ""
sFromName = ""
sSubject = ""
sBody = ""
sTo = ""
sServer = ""
iNumber = 0
sError = ""
Set ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")
with ObjMail
.silent = true
.Logging = true
.Charset = "gb2312"
.MailServerUserName = "tevmail"
.MailServerPassword = "tevmail"
.From = "tevmail@126.com"
.FromName = "Tellov"
.Subject = "欢迎使用JMail类!"
.Body = "本类由Tellov编写,欢迎大家交流学习,weili.cn@126.com"
end with
end Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set ObjMail = nothing
end Sub
public Property Let ServerAddress(sInput)
sServer = sInput
end Property
Public Property Let UserName(sInput)
sUserName = sInput
end Property
Public Property Let Password(sInput)
sPassword = sInput
end Property
Public Property Let [To](sInput)
sTo = sInput
end Property
Public Property Let From(sInput)
sFrom = sInput
end Property
Public Property Let FromName(sInput)
sFromName = sInput
end Property
PubLic Property Let Subject(sInput)
sSubject = sInput
end Property
Public Property Let Body(sInput)
sBody = sInput
end Property
Public Property Get Number
Number = iNumber
end Property
Public Property Get Error
Error = sError
end Property
Public ProPerty Get About
About = sAbout
end Property
Private Function CheckAddress(sAddress)
Dim regEx,RegExpTest
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "^[\w\.]+@{1}\w+\.{1}\w+$"
regEx.IgnoreCase = false
RegExpTest = regEx.test(sAddress)
if RegExpTest then
CheckAddress = true
CheckAddress = false
end if
end Function
Private Function CheckMail()
if sServer = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[服务器地址]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sUsername = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[服务器用户名]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sPassword = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[服务器密码]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sFrom = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[发件人地址]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sFromName = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[发件人]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sSubject = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[邮件标题]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sBody = "" then
iNumber = -1
sError = sError & "您的[邮件内容]没有填写<br>"
end if
if sError <> "" then
sError = "以下选项您没有填写,程序将用默认配置发送邮件<br>" & sError
end if
if not CheckAddress(sTo) then
iNumber = 101
sError = "收件人地址格式不正确<br>"
end if
if sFrom<>"" and sUsername<>"" and sPassword<>"" and sServer<>"" and instr(sFrom,sUsername) = 0 and instr(sUsername,sFrom) = 0 then
iNumber = 102
sError = "发件人服务器用户名和发件地址不匹配<br>"
end if
if iNumber<=0 then
CheckMail = true
CheckMail = false
end if
end Function
Public Function Send()
on error resume next
if CheckMail() then
with ObjMail
if sFrom<>"" then
.From = sFrom
end if
if sFromName<>"" then
.FromName = sFromName
end if
if sSubject<>"" then
.Subject = sSubject
end if
if sBody<>"" then
.Body = sBody
end if
.AddRecipient sTo
if sUserName = "" or sPassWord = "" or sServer = "" then
.MailServerUserName = sUserName
.MailServerPassword = sPassword
end if
end With
end if
if err.number <> 0 then
iNumber = err.number
sError = err.Description & "<br>" & err.HelpContext
end if
End Function
end Class