

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


这段代码是WZebra的作者Gunnar Andersson写的,作用是计算《黑白棋》双方的行动力,其中使用了bitboard技术和MMX指令,作者说他已经考虑了指令配对,请不要随意修改代码的先后顺序,除非你真的确定你是对的。原来的代码是gcc下的汇编格式,我把他转换过来而已,这个是在VC++ 6.0编译的版本,希望对你有点用处。

另:由于是很久很久以前弄的,大概有快2,3年了吧(当时我的汇编也不怎么样),所以你会看到头和尾的int count处理不是很科学(也许这样比较直观一些),其实你可以让他更有效率,我也懒得改了,修改一下代码会更快一点儿,留给你自己去做了,其实相当简单的。

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask0;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask1;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask2;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask3;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask4;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask5;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask6;

static unsigned __int64 dir_mask7;

static unsigned __int64 c0f;

static unsigned __int64 c33;

static unsigned __int64 c55;

void init_mmx( void )


dir_mask0 = 0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00;

dir_mask1 = 0x00ffffffffffff00;

dir_mask2 = 0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00;

dir_mask3 = 0x7e7e7e7e7e7e7e7e;

dir_mask4 = 0x7e7e7e7e7e7e7e7e;

dir_mask5 = 0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00;

dir_mask6 = 0x00ffffffffffff00;

dir_mask7 = 0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00;

c0f = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f;

c33 = 0x3333333333333333;

c55 = 0x5555555555555555;


typedef struct {

unsigned long high;

unsigned long low;

} BitBoard;

int bitboard_mobility( const BitBoard my_bits, const BitBoard opp_bits )


unsigned int count;

__asm {

/* Ready for init data */

mov ebx, my_bits.high ;

mov ecx, my_bits.low ;

mov edi, opp_bits.high ;

mov esi, opp_bits.low ;


movd mm0, ebx ;

psllq mm0, 32 ;

movd mm3, ecx ;

por mm0, mm3 ; mm0 is BitBoard of my_bits

movd mm1, edi ;

psllq mm1, 32 ;

movd mm4, esi ;

por mm1, mm4 ; mm1 is BitBoard of opp_bits

pxor mm2, mm2 ; mm2 <- 0x0000000000000000

/* shift=-9 rowDelta=-1 colDelta=-1 */

/* shift=+9 rowDelta=+1 colDelta=+1 */

/* Disc #1, flip direction 0. */

/* Disc #1, flip direction 7. */

movq mm3, mm1 ; mm3 <- opp_bits

movq mm4, mm0 ; mm4 <- my_bits

movq mm6, mm0 ; mm6 <- backup of my_bits

pand mm3, dir_mask0 ; 0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00

; dir_mask0 of value:

; 00000000

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 00000000

push esi ;

psllq mm4, 9 ;

psrlq mm6, 9 ;

push edi ;

pand mm4, mm3 ;

pand mm6, mm3 ;

push ecx ;

/* Disc #2, flip direction 0. */

/* Disc #2, flip direction 7. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

psllq mm5, 9 ;

psrlq mm7, 9 ;

push ebx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

and edi, 0x7e7e7e7e ; 0x7e7e7e7e

and esi, 0x7e7e7e7e ; 0x7e7e7e7e

; value of:

; 011111110

; 011111110

; 011111110

; 011111110

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

shl ebx, 1 ;

shl ecx, 1 ;

/* Disc #3, flip direction 0. */

/* Disc #3, flip direction 7. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

and ebx, edi ;

and ecx, esi ;

psllq mm5, 9 ;

psrlq mm7, 9 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shl edx, 1 ;

shl eax, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

/* Disc #4, flip direction 0. */

/* Disc #4, flip direction 7. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

psllq mm5, 9 ;

psrlq mm7, 9 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shl edx, 1 ;

shl eax, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

/* Disc #5, flip direction 0. */

/* Disc #5, flip direction 7. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

psllq mm5, 9 ;

psrlq mm7, 9 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shl edx, 1 ;

shl eax, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

/* Disc #6, flip direction 0. */

/* Disc #6, flip direction 7. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

psrlq mm7, 9 ;

psllq mm5, 9 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shl edx, 1 ;

shl eax, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

psllq mm4, 9 ;

psrlq mm6, 9 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

por mm2, mm4 ;

por mm2, mm6 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

/* shift=-8 rowDelta=-1 colDelta=0 */

/* shift=+8 rowDelta=1 colDelta=0 */

/* Disc #1, flip direction 1. */

/* Disc #1, flip direction 6. */

movq mm3, mm1 ;

movq mm4, mm0 ;

movq mm6, mm0 ;

pand mm3, dir_mask1 ; 0x00ffffffffffff00;

; dir_mask1 of value:

; 00000000

; 11111111

; 11111111

; 11111111

; 11111111

; 11111111

; 11111111

; 00000000

psllq mm4, 8 ;

psrlq mm6, 8 ;

shl edx, 1 ;

shl eax, 1 ;

pand mm4, mm3 ;

pand mm6, mm3 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

/* Disc #2, flip direction 1. */

/* Disc #2, flip direction 6. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

psllq mm5, 8 ;

psrlq mm7, 8 ;

shl ebx, 1 ;

shl ecx, 1 ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

/* serialize here: add horizontal shl flips. */

movd mm5, ebx ;

psllq mm5, 32 ;

movd mm7, ecx ;

por mm5, mm7 ;

por mm2, mm5 ;

/* Disc #3, flip direction 1. */

/* Disc #3, flip direction 6. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

psllq mm5, 8 ;

psrlq mm7, 8 ;

pop ebx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

pop ecx ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

push ecx ;

/* Disc #4, flip direction 1. */

/* Disc #4, flip direction 6. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

push ebx ;

psllq mm5, 8 ;

psrlq mm7, 8 ;

shr ebx, 1 ;

shr ecx, 1 ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

and ebx, edi ;

and ecx, esi ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

/* Disc #5, flip direction 1. */

/* Disc #5, flip direction 6. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

psllq mm5, 8 ;

psrlq mm7, 8 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shr eax, 1 ;

shr edx, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

/* Disc #6, flip direction 1. */

/* Disc #6, flip direction 6. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

psllq mm5, 8 ;

psrlq mm7, 8 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shr eax, 1 ;

shr edx, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

psllq mm4, 8 ;

psrlq mm6, 8 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

por mm2, mm4 ;

por mm2, mm6 ;

/* shift=-7 rowDelta=-1 colDelta=1 */

/* shift=+7 rowDelta=1 colDelta=-1 */

/* Disc #1, flip direction 2. */

/* Disc #1, flip direction 5. */

movq mm3, mm1 ;

movq mm4, mm0 ;

movq mm6, mm0 ;

pand mm3, dir_mask2 ; 0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00;

; dir_mask2 of value:

; 00000000

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 01111110

; 00000000

psllq mm4, 7 ;

psrlq mm6, 7 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

pand mm4, mm3 ;

pand mm6, mm3 ;

shr eax, 1 ;

shr edx, 1 ;

/* Disc #2, flip direction 2. */

/* Disc #2, flip direction 5. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

psllq mm5, 7 ;

psrlq mm7, 7 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

shr eax, 1 ;

shr edx, 1 ;

/* Disc #3, flip direction 2. */

/* Disc #3, flip direction 5. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

psllq mm5, 7 ;

psrlq mm7, 7 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

shr eax, 1 ;

shr edx, 1 ;

/* Disc #4, flip direction 2. */

/* Disc #4, flip direction 5. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

psllq mm5, 7 ;

psrlq mm7, 7 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

mov eax, ebx ;

mov edx, ecx ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

shr eax, 1 ;

shr edx, 1 ;

/* Disc #5, flip direction 2. */

/* Disc #5, flip direction 5. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

and eax, edi ;

and edx, esi ;

psllq mm5, 7 ;

psrlq mm7, 7 ;

or ebx, eax ;

or ecx, edx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

shr ebx, 1 ;

shr ecx, 1 ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

/* serialize here: add horizontal shr flips. */

movd mm5, ebx ;

psllq mm5, 32 ;

movd mm7, ecx ;

por mm5, mm7 ;

por mm2, mm5 ;

pop ebx ;

/* Disc #6, flip direction 2. */

/* Disc #6, flip direction 5. */

movq mm5, mm4 ;

movq mm7, mm6 ;

psllq mm5, 7 ;

psrlq mm7, 7 ;

pop ecx ;

pand mm5, mm3 ;

pand mm7, mm3 ;

pop edi ;

por mm4, mm5 ;

por mm6, mm7 ;

pop esi ;

psllq mm4, 7 ;

psrlq mm6, 7 ;

por mm2, mm4 ;

por mm2, mm6 ;

/* mm2 is the pseudo-feasible moves at this point. */

/* Let mm7 be the feasible moves, i.e., mm2 restricted to empty squares. */

movq mm7, mm0 ;

por mm7, mm1 ;

pandn mm7, mm2 ;

/* Count the moves, i.e., the number of bits set in mm7. */

movq mm1, mm7 ;

psrld mm7, 1 ;

pand mm7, c55 ; c55 = 0x5555555555555555

psubd mm1, mm7 ;

movq mm7, mm1 ;

psrld mm1, 2 ;

pand mm7, c33 ; c33 = 0x3333333333333333;

pand mm1, c33 ; c33 = 0x3333333333333333;

paddd mm7, mm1 ;

movq mm1, mm7 ;

psrld mm7, 4 ;

paddd mm7, mm1 ;

pand mm7, c0f ; c0f = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f;

movq mm1, mm7 ;

psrld mm7, 8 ;

paddd mm7, mm1 ;

movq mm1, mm7 ;

psrld mm7, 16 ;

paddd mm7, mm1 ;

movq mm1, mm7 ;

psrlq mm7, 32 ;

paddd mm7, mm1 ;

movd eax, mm7 ;

and eax, 63 ;

mov count, eax ;


emms ;


return count;


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