

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


- The Resin configuration file.


- This example file is more complicated than is needs to be because

- it makes several configurations explicit that can be simplified and

- because it needs to configure the examples.


- Look in conf/samples for more realistic sample configurations.

- conf/samples/simple.conf - a simple, basic configuration

- conf/samples/deploy.conf - a simple configuration for deployment


- The configuration is based on a purely element-based XML. To make

- it easier to read, attributes can be used as syntactic sugar.


- The following are equivalent:

- <foo><bar>13</bar></foo> - canonical representation, but verbose

- <foo bar=13/> - typical configuration

- <foo><bar id=13/></foo> - sometimes useful




- Resin logging. Debugging is also available with different values

- for id.


<log id='/log' href='stderr:' timestamp='[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s]'/>

<!-- Security providers. Adding JSSE looks like:

- <security-provider id='com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider'/>



- You can change the compiler to "javac" or jikes.

- The default is "internal" only because it's the most

- likely to be available.


<java compiler="internal" compiler-args=""/>


- Sample database pool configuration

- The JDBC name is java:comp/env/jdbc/test





<init-param driver-name="com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver"/>

<init-param url="jdbc:mysql_caucho://localhost:3306/test"/>

<init-param user=""/>

<init-param password=""/>

<init-param max-connections="20"/>

<init-param max-idle-time="30"/>



- Use precompiled JSP classes if available.

- 'static-encoding' - optimization if you stick to one character set


<jsp precompile='true' static-encoding='true' recompile-on-error='true'/>



- The root file directory of the server. Apache users will change

- this to /usr/local/apache/htdocs and IIS users will change it

- to d:\inetpub\wwwroot



<!-- the http port -->

<http port='80'/>


- The srun port, read by both JVM and plugin

- is the localhost


<srun host='' port='6802'/>


- How to add SSL:


- <http port=8443>

- <ssl>true</ssl>

- <key-store-type>pkcs12</key-store-type>

- <key-store-file>keys/server_cert.p12</key-store-file>

- <key-store-password>changeit</key-store-password>

- </http>



- If starting bin/httpd.sh as root on Unix, specify the user name

- and group name for the web server user. Note: Linux users must

- either have the new thread package (RedHat 9.0 or later) or use

- bin/resin.


- <user-name>resin</user-name>

- <group-name>resin</group-name>



- For production sites, change class-update-interval to something

- like 60s, so it only checks for updates every minute.




- If true, the classloader order follows the Servlet spec.

- If false, the classloader order follows the JDK spec.




- Select an error page to display when the connection fails.


- <error-page exception='connection' location='/my-error-page.html'/>


<!-- To disable /caucho-status, set this to false -->


<!-- maximum number of threads -->



- How many threads to wait for keepalives. Should be at least the

- number of Apache processes to get good performance.


<thread-keepalive id='100'/>


- How long an idle keepalive connection should listen to the socket.


- The choice of 65 seconds is to avoid the IE SSL timeout problem.

- If you're not using SSL, you can make this shorter.


<request-timeout id='65s'/>


- How many sockets to hold in the buffer before failing requests.


<accept-buffer-size id='256'/>


- Maximum number of request threads which will wait for a socket.


<thread-min id='5'/>


- Ping to test if the web server is still up. You can uncomment this

- and point it to pages on the webserver that exercise your main

- logic (like database access). If the GET fails, it will restart

- the server. This will catch deadlocks, but not JDK freezes.


- <ping sleep-time='1m' retry-count='3' retry-time='1s'>

- <url>http://localhost:8080/ping/ping.jsp</url>

- </ping>



- Enables/disables exceptions when the browser closes a connection.




- Enable internal caching.

- 'dir' is the directory containing the cache

- 'size' is the memory size in kb

- 'entries' is the total number of entries


<cache dir='cache' size='1024' entries='8192'/>


- Expires time for a cacheable file. Production sites will

- normally change this to '15m'


<cache-mapping url-pattern='/' expires='2s'/>


- servlet configuration outside the <host> is a default for all hosts.


<servlet-mapping url-pattern='*.xtp' servlet-name='xtp'/>

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='*.jsp' servlet-name='jsp'/>


- The "invoker" servlet invokes servlet classes from the URL.

- /examples/basic/servlet/HelloServlet will start the HelloServlet

- class. In general, the invoker should only be used

- for development, not on a deployment server, because it might

- leave open security holes.


<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/servlet/*' servlet-name='invoker'/>


- set the pages to be used as welcome (index) files


<welcome-file-list>index.xtp, index.jsp, index.html</welcome-file-list>

<!-- default host if no other host matches -->

<host id=''>


- The standalone server should uncomment for access logging.

- With another web server, like Apache, the web server will

- log this information.


<access-log id='logs/access.log'

format='%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i"'


<error-log id='logs/error.log'/>


- Specifies an automatically-expanding .war dir. Any foo.war

- file will be expanded to a /foo application.


<war-dir id='webapps'/>

<web-app id='/'>


- The classpath directive may be repeated. Source is optional

- Servlets and beans generally belong in WEB-INF/classes


<classpath id='WEB-INF/classes'









- Store sessions in the filesystem, so they can persist across

- servlet and class changes.


- Uncomment this during development.



- <file-store>WEB-INF/sessions</file-store>








<!-- enable multipart-mime/form processing -->


- <multipart-form upload-max='-1'/>


<!-- /~user maps to user directories -->

<path-mapping url-regexp='^/~([^/]*)'




- The following entries configuration the examples. You may safely

- delete anything from here down.



- Define applications (ServletContexts) for the examples.

- Since applications are entirely separate from one another,

- including session variables and servlet-mappings, the

- servlet-mapping declarations need to be repeated.


<web-app id='java_tut'/>

<web-app id='examples/basic'>

<!-- Application init parameters, see Env.java to get the values -->

<context-param info='An application information string'/>

<!-- snoop-servlet handles all urls starting with /snoop -->

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/snoop/*' servlet-name='snoop-servlet'/>

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/hello/*' servlet-name='hello-servlet'/>

<!-- configure snoop-servlet with init parameters -->

<servlet servlet-name='snoop-servlet' servlet-class='Env'>

<init-param info='A servlet information string'/>


<servlet servlet-name='hello-servlet' servlet-class='com.lj.mapkernal.helloworld'>

<init-param info='A servlet information string'/>



<web-app id='examples/tags'/>

<web-app id='examples/tictactoe'/>

<web-app id='examples/navigation'/>

<web-app id='examples/xsl'/>

<web-app id='examples/templates'>

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/servlet/*' servlet-name='invoker'/>

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/GuestJsp' servlet-name='GuestJsp'/>

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/GuestXtp' servlet-name='GuestXtp'/>

<servlet-mapping url-pattern='/RSS' servlet-name='jsp.RSS'/>

<servlet servlet-name='GuestJsp' servlet-class='jsp.GuestJsp'/>

<servlet servlet-name='GuestXtp' servlet-class='jsp.GuestXtp'/>


<web-app id='/examples/login'/>



- Known broken browsers. These should no longer be necessary, but

- you can uncomment them if they become a problem.


- <browser-mapping regexp="MSIE 4\.0b2" force10/>

- <browser-mapping regexp="RealPlayer 4\.0" force10/>

- <browser-mapping regexp="Java/1\\.0" force10/>

- <browser-mapping regexp="JDK/1\\.0" force10/>




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