
Getting A Woman's Email And Number FAST

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
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You know, it's been too long since we talked about

how to get a woman's email address and phone number

quickly after meeting her.

I thought it might be time to have another conversation

about it, and give you some more great ideas...


I can still remember exactly what it was like before

I learned some of the secrets of how to meet women.

I have very clear memories of women that I saw

literally YEARS ago who I wanted to meet... but I

just didn't know what to do or how to do it.

In some of the cases, I was actually talking to

the girl, enjoying a conversation... and REALLY wanting

to ask her for her number... but I just didn't do


But WHY?

Why didn't I just say "Hey, give me your number?"

The fact is that I was AFRAID.

I was afraid that I'd say the wrong thing, or that

the woman I was talking to would say "no", or that

I'd offend her... or whatever.

At the time, I always assumed that this was some

kind of strange curse that I had. I was afraid of

women, and didn't know what to say to them, and I

was ALONE.

In other words, I not only felt like I had a SERIOUS

insecurity issue and fear, but even WORSE, I didn't

feel like I could TELL anyone about it... or get help.

I felt like a dork if I even MENTIONED the topic

to other guys... as if even talking about it made it

clear that I was a loser who didn't deserve even an


So here I was, over and over again, in situations

where I would see women I wanted to meet... but I

just didn't know what to do.

And I didn't know what would happen if I DID do

something. I was afraid of the unknown.

Eventually, this led me to believe that there was

probably something wrong with ME that I should just

accept and deal with... and that I'd probably wind

up either alone or having to settle for a relationship

with a woman I wasn't attracted to.

Ever been there?


Well, when I finally made the decision to learn

about how to meet women on MY terms, I made it my

goal to learn how to get women's phone numbers.

I "naturally" assumed that if I was able to get

a woman's number, that would be the key. That was

the "hard part" to me. If I could approach women and

get their numbers quickly, I thought I would be

"The Man".

So I went to work.

Here's what I learned...

To begin with, I learned that most women will respond

somewhere between "neutral" and "positive" to being

"approached" by a man.

Explained differently, out of the hundreds and

hundreds of times that I've started conversations

with women and seen my friends start conversations

with women, I have VERY, VERY rarely seen a woman

respond by getting upset, saying something rude, or

acting offended.

The typical worst case scenario is a woman not

even stopping and just walking away, or responding


And like I said, this is a typical WORST case.

Another important lesson that I learned is that

when a woman responds in a way that is something other

than positive and receptive, it's usually about HER,

not about ME. In other words, either she's not a nice

person, she's not available, she's in a hurry, she's

in a bad mood, or whatever... things that aren't within

my control, and that aren't my fault (or problem).

I also realized that I was CAUSING a major problem

for myself without even realizing it...

I used to have this idea that it would be better

if a woman didn't think that I was "interested" in

her. I thought that if I could figure out a way to

start a conversation and make her like me because

I was a "nice guy", then I could somehow get her to

see me in a "more romantic" light later on.


Little did I know, but women ASSUME that you're

interested in MORE than friendship from the very beginning,

no matter WHAT you do or say.

So when you try to act all innocent and friendly,

like you just want to be friends, women usually assume

that you're HIDING something, or that you're just

another major Wuss Boy...

This is a bad thing.

I learned that it is FAR better to make no excuses

at all and NEVER try to cover up the fact that you're

approaching her.

Later on, as you're talking to her over tea or

coffee, and you're teasing her, making fun of her,

and busting on her, SHE'LL start to wonder on her

own what the hell is going on... which is perfect.

In the beginning, just be damn good at what you're

doing... and don't try to cover it up or pretend.

Pretending that you're a nice, friendly guy who's

only starting an innocent conversation is a direct

express route to an evening of self touching.


OK, so here are a few pointers and updates:

1) It's OK To Ask Immediately...

It STILL amazes me that a woman will give her phone

number and/or email address to a guy after only a

minute or two of conversation. But it's true.

If you act cool about it, so will she.

Do this: After talking for a minute or two, say

"I'm going to get back to my friends" (Or whatever

you were doing), and then turn away from her and begin

to leave.

If you're getting ready to actually LEAVE the place

where you are (say you're at a bar, and you're getting

ready to go home or go somewhere else), it's even


In that case, say "We're going to leave... it was

nice talking to you"... then turn away.

Now, just after you break eye contact and turn

away, TURN BACK and say "Hey!"

She'll look back up, and be surprised...

2) Start With Something "Low Risk"

...as she looks up, ask "Do you have email?" in

a calm, normal tone of voice.

When she says "Yes", say "Great, give it to me,

I'd like to talk to you again".

Then pull out a pen, and hand it to her.

As she's writing down her email address, just as

she writes the @ symbol (in other words, in the middle),

say "...and write your number there too...".

Finally, tell her to write her name down as well.

Why do it this way?

Good question.

-At first you're asking "Do you HAVE email?" This

is a no-brainer. If she does (and most women do),

she'll say "Yes". You're just treating the "yes" as

if she said "Yes, I'll give it to you...". It's a

smooth, easy way to ask a "low risk" question, and

have a woman be the MOST likely to give you her


-Email is considered "safe". I mean, what are you

going to do, send her 100 emails a day? Ooooohhh,


-You're waiting until she's actually in the MIDDLE

of writing down her email for you to ask her to also

write her number down. This makes it FAR more likely

that she'll give you her number. At this point she's

already demonstrating to you and her that she's OK

with you contacting her again... and since she's ALREADY

writing, she's very likely to just KEEP writing...

her number.

3) The "Do You Have A Card" Variation

You can also ask "Do you have a card?" if you choose.

This is a classy, low risk way to ask a woman for

her contact information.

Now, a lot of women DO NOT have cards, so you're

going to need the follow-up for when she says "No,

I don't have one on me"... which is "Well, invent

one for me!".

This is funny, charming, and smooth.

Just take out a pen, and hand it to her.

She'll know what to do.

4) Be Ready

Probably half to two thirds of the time, a woman

will just write down her email for you.

It's AMAZING how easily women will give out their

email addresses.

But sometimes you'll meet with resistance.

I can't go into all of the millions of possible

scenarios, but I will talk about the most COMMON one.

Probably a quarter of the time, a woman will say

something like "I don't give out my email to people

I don't know" or "I don't even know you" etc.

This one used to REALLY stump me... until I found

a simple solution...

Here it is: Just point to the paper, and say "Write

it down".

If she keeps resisting, make a joke.

Say "It's OK, just write it down. I'll only email

you every five minutes for the next month."

The SIMPLE "Write it down" works wonders.

You'll probably overcome HALF of the "I don't give

out my email/number" comments with this one simple

answer. Use it.

5) Mentally Rehearse

One of the greatest investments you can make in


Take some time to imagine exactly what it's going

to be like when you ask a woman for her email/number.

Close your eyes, and picture a situation.

Imagine how you're going to be standing, what you're

going to say, what she's going to say, how you're

going to take out the pen and hand it to her, how

you're going to answer any objections that she gives


Don't wait until you're in the situation to realize

that you don't know how to handle something!

You'll realize all kinds of great stuff when you

mentally rehearse.

You'll be vividly imagining a great conversation,

then you'll get to the part where you ask "Do you have

email?" and she says "Yes", and you say "Great, give

it to me, I'd like to talk to you again..." and as

you mentally put your hand in your pocket you'll realize

that you don't usually carry a pen with you!

Or you'll realize that you don't carry paper with


Or you'll realize that your pen is usually in your

jacket, which is usually on the back of your chair,

and not with you at the bar.

When you mentally rehearse, you program yourself

for success. Do it!

6) Don't Sell Too Far In Advance

This is SUCH an important concept. Maybe even the

most important thing I'm going to say.

When you're getting a woman's email and number,

DO NOT try to convince her to marry you on the spot!

Don't "ask her out".

Don't tell her that your mom is going to love her.

Don't ask typical stupid questions like "Do you

have a boyfriend"... and make it seem like you're

qualifying her for marriage.

No no nooooo!

As a matter of fact, the ONLY thing you want to

do is get her information.

Many guys make the mistake of talking about going

out on a date, being interested, etc. or tipping the

woman off in some way that he's VERY interested in


This creates pressure and resistance. There's ZERO

mystery or tension created when you do this stuff.

All you have to say is "I'd like to talk to you

again". That's enough.

And by the way, when you DO talk to her again,

make sure you avoid the same mistake! Don't talk future

and relationship and marriage then either.

Just take things to the next step, which should

be a simple thing like "Tea and stimulating conversation".

One small step at a time, and don't sell too far

in advance... ever. It only creates resistance and

nervousness on the part of the woman when you hint

that you're "interested" in a big way.

So there you go... you've now learned how to get

a woman's email and number within minutes of first

meeting her.

Use this stuff, it's taken me YEARS to figure it

all out...

And if you'd like to know what to do AFTER you

get her email and number, I have some advice for you.

Check out my Advanced Dating Techniques Series.

Remember at the beginning of this email when I

mentioned that I originally thought to myself that

if I could get a woman's number fast, I would be

"the man"?

Well, I quickly learned that there is A LOT more

to this than just being able to get numbers fast (although

being able to get a woman's number in 2 or 3 minutes

doesn't exactly suck)...

There are many steps between first meeting a woman

and getting her to feel a POWERFUL GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION

for you... and between her feeling that attraction

and the two of you "getting physical".

If you know all the steps, and how this all works

it will likely go very smoothly and naturally. If you

DON'T know all the steps, it will likely NOT go smoothly

AT ALL, and you'll run into more problems than you

can imagine.

That's where my Advanced Dating Techniques program

comes in...

You will get over 12 solid hours of digital video

and/or audio of me teaching everything from the ground

up on how to take things all the way from beginning

to end... from the first meeting through the first

date...all the way to the bedroom, and beyond.

You'll learn how to overcome your limiting beliefs

about women... how to eliminate your fears of talking

to women... how to make women feel ATTRACTION for

you, even if you don't have money or looks, etc.

In other words, it's a complete system.

You'll learn everything you need to know in order

to start meeting and dating more women IMMEDIATELY.

The best part?

You have ZERO risk.

I'll send the program to you... and you can try

it for a month. If you don't like it, just send it

back and you don't have to pay.

Isn't that the way it SHOULD be?

All the details, and some great audio and video

samples are here... check it out:


....and if you STILL haven't downloaded your copy of

my original eBook "Double Your Dating", then you need

to do that now. It's jam packed with dozens and dozens

of my personal techniques for meeting and dating women,

and it comes with THREE great bonus booklets that

aren't available anywhere else. Go download it here:


I'll talk to you again in a couple of days.

Your Friend,

David D.

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