你在命令行方式下敲入java COM.cloudscape.tools.cview很可能会出现错误。什么原因呢?第一、你要看看你的jdk版本对不对,是不是1.3.1_02以上或者1.4的。第二、关键中的关键,原来sun的j2ee里的cloudview是不能在他附带的cloudscape4.0.6下工作的(真不知道sun在搞什么东东 :))
这里是在ibm网站上的一句原话:The Java 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition v. 1.3.1 includes Cloudscape 4.0.6 but includes a version of Cloudview which will not function with the 4.0.6 system。所以同志门就自己去下一个吧!
常见错误:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver
To "find" the missing driver, you need to add to the CLASSPATH the cloudscape jar files RmiJdbc.jar , cloudclient.jar and system/cloudscape.jar which are located under the directory %J2EE_HOME%\lib\cloudscape\
So, under UNIX you should execute:
setenv CLASSPATH .:$J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/system/cloudscape.jar:$J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/cloudclient.jar:$J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/RmiJdbc.jar
under Windows, you should add to CLASSPATH the following
If you will, you can also look at "cloudscape" command (cloudscape.bat under Windows) what jar files it adds to its classpath.
We'd like also to give you a hint regarding missing classes. If some class cannot be loaded, even though it should be somewhere, this indicates that the class is not "visible" in classpath for a class loader. To find the class, you should inspect JAR files under lib directory of a Java environment by using "jar -tvf file.jar" or WinZip. For example, to find the driver under UNIX one should execute in the directory $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/system/ the following
jar tvf cloudscape.jar | grep JDBCDriver
In particular , the driver class COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver is packaged in %J2EE_HOME%\lib\cloudscape\system\cloudscape.jar
(under UNIX in $J2EE_HOME/lib/cloudscape/system/cloudscape.jar)
重点是设置对RmiJdbc.jar , cloudclient.jar and system/cloudscape.jar
1.修改完resource.properties,需要重起j2ee server
5.不知道cloudscape数据库怎么样,反正Oracle中在SQL中不加""就会忽略大小写。比如:select * from employee where employeeID='123'和select * from EMPLOYEE where EMPLOYEEID='123'是一样的,但是deploy时默认的SQL中是有""的,这样select * from "employee" where "employeeID"='123'就和select * from "EMPLOYEE" where "EMPLOYEEID"='123'不一样了。前面有的朋友说字段大小写的问题估计就在此。