Before we start this lesson, I want to introduce sth about Win32 programming. If you already know it, you can skip this part, otherwise, you should read it carefully. :)
Once we want to create a standard Win32 application, the following steps are necessary:
1,Get the handle of your application
2,Get parameters of commandline
3,Registe your window class(not necessary when you use window predefined by system,such as MessageBox,dialogbox)
4,Create a window
5,Display the window
6,Refresh client area
7,Get message and use the CALLBACK function to deal with it
It's only a brieaf introduction to Win32 application.If you want to know more, read books about Win32 programming.
To create a OpenGL window follow these steps, but we will do sth more.
1,After you create a window, you should get the DC(Device Context) of our window. We will use it to draw the things in the client area.
2,Then, we choose a pixel format. It describe the format of every pixel display on the client area. Before doing this, make sure that you've already create a PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR and initialize it.
3,Get a RC(Rendering Context) for our window.Every OpenGL window is linked to a RC.It links all OpneGL-commands to DC.
4,Show our OpenGL window
5,Reset The Current Viewport ;
Select The Projection Matrix;
Reset The Projection Matrix;
Set up a perspective projection matrix;
Select The Modelview Matrix;
Reset The Modelview Matrix
6,Initialize parameters of the OpenGL window,including shade mode,background color,depth buffer,depth testing(it make sure that in a certain direction the program draw surfaces nearest to us only,so that we will never see a suface behind other sufaces.Otherwise we will see all the surfaces).And, if you like, you can set other parameters such as the way of depth-buffer comparisons,the quanlity of pictures to be displayed,ect.
7,Begin to get message and deal with it
Now, you've already create a standard OpenGL window! [by Chao] []