I've been interest in Crack for a long time, but didn't do anything about it since Windows2000 operation system was born.
Recently, after I upgrade my cracked MSN Messenger v7.0.0604 to v7.0.0777, the advertisement appears again. The area of contact is too short to show so many contacts, so I wanna find s.th to remove the ad and get to know how. Having looked through plenty of pages in internet, I got to understand.
For MSN v6.2, crackers changed 2 bytes in the executive EXE, one for multiple instance(change 85 -> 86 on the position of 0xDFFE6), the other for removing the ad(change 74 -> EB on the position of 0xE5E61).
For MSN v7.0.0777, need to change those bytes, pls see the pic for details.
You can also download one tool from the following url http://ntu.csie.org/~piaip/msn/.