呵呵 最近功课太忙 都没时间更新了 幸好booch的书还算浅显~~~ 昨晚好不容易有时间研读了几个小时。。。。。。
Elements of The Object Model
Kinds of Programming Paradigms:
Programming Style Kinds of Abstraction
Procedure-oriented Algorithms
Object-oriented Classes and objects
Logic-oriented Goals, often expressed in predicate caluclus
Rule-oriented If-then rules
Constraint-oriented Invariant relationships
A. Abstraction
Def: An abstraction denotes the essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, ralative to the perspective of views.
There are Entity abstraction, Action abstraction, Virtual machine abstraction and coincidental abstraction.
BTW: What\'s a client?
It\'s a object that uses the resource of another object(known as the server)
What\'s protocal?
It\'s a client that may perform upon an object, together with the legal orderings in which the may be invoked.
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