
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication across middleboxes

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Internet Draft B. Ford

Document: draft-ford-midcom-p2p-01.txt M.I.T.

Expires: April 27, 2004 P. Srisuresh

Caymas Systems

D. Kegel


October 2003

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) communication across middleboxes

Status of this Memo

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of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working documents of

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This memo documents the methods used by the current peer-to-peer

(P2P) applications to communicate in the presence of middleboxes

such as firewalls and network address translators (NAT). In

addition, the memo suggests guidelines to application designers

and middlebox implementers on the measures they could take to

enable immediate, wide deployment of P2P applications with or

without requiring the use of special proxy, relay or midcom


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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .................................................

2. Terminology ..................................................

3. Techniques for P2P communication over middleboxes ............

3.1. Relaying ...............................................

3.2. Connection reversal ....................................

3.3. UDP Hole Punching ......................................

3.3.1. Peers behind different NATs ..................

3.3.2. Peers behind the same NAT ....................

3.3.3. Peers separated by multiple NATs ...............

3.3.4. Consistent port bindings .......................

3.4. UDP Port number prediction .............................

3.5. Simultaneous TCP open ..................................

4. Application design guidelines ................................

4.1. What works with P2P middleboxes .........................

4.2. Applications behind the same NAT ........................

4.3. Peer discovery ..........................................

4.4. TCP P2P applications ....................................

4.5. Use of midcom protocol ..................................

5. NAT design guidelines ........................................

5.1. Deprecate the use of symmetric NATs .....................

5.2. Add incremental Cone-NAT support to symmetric NAT devices

5.3. Maintaining consistent port bindings for UDP ports .....

5.3.1. Preserving Port Numbers ........................

5.4. Maintaining consistent port bindings for TCP ports .....

5.5. Large timeout for P2P applications ......................

6. Security considerations ......................................

1. Introduction

Present-day Internet has seen ubiquitous deployment of

"middleboxes" such as network address translators(NAT), driven

primarily by the ongoing depletion of the IPv4 address space. The

asymmetric addressing and connectivity regimes established by these

middleboxes, however, have created unique problems for peer-to-peer

(P2P) applications and protocols, such as teleconferencing and

multiplayer on-line gaming. These issues are likely to persist even

into the IPv6 world, where NAT is often used as an IPv4 compatibility

mechanism [NAT-PT], and firewalls will still be commonplace even

after NAT is no longer required.

Currently deployed middleboxes are designed primarily around the

client/server paradigm, in which relatively anonymous client machines

actively initiate connections to well-connected servers having stable

IP addresses and DNS names. Most middleboxes implement an asymmetric

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communication model in which hosts on the private internal network

can initiate outgoing connections to hosts on the public network, but

external hosts cannot initiate connections to internal hosts except

as specifically configured by the middlebox's administrator. In the

common case of NAPT, a client on the internal network does not have

a unique IP address on the public Internet, but instead must share

a single public IP address, managed by the NAPT, with other hosts

on the same private network. The anonymity and inaccessibility of

the internal hosts behind a middlebox is not a problem for client

software such as web browsers, which only need to initiate outgoing

connections. This inaccessibility is sometimes seen as a privacy


In the peer-to-peer paradigm, however, Internet hosts that would

normally be considered "clients" need to establish communication

sessions directly with each other. The initiator and the responder

might lie behind different middleboxes with neither endpoint

having any permanent IP address or other form of public network

presence. A common on-line gaming architecture, for example,

is for the participating application hosts to contact a well-known

server for initialization and administration purposes. Subsequent

to this, the hosts establish direct connections with each other

for fast and efficient propagation of updates during game play.

Similarly, a file sharing application might contact a well-known

server for resource discovery or searching, but establish direct

connections with peer hosts for data transfer. Middleboxes create

problems for peer-to-peer connections because hosts behind a

middlebox normally have no permanently usable public ports on the

Internet to which incoming TCP or UDP connections from other peers

can be directed. RFC 3235 [NAT-APPL] briefly addresses this issue,

but does not offer any general solutions.

In this document we address the P2P/middlebox problem in two ways.

First, we summarize known methods by which P2P applications can

work around the presence of middleboxes. Second, we provide a set

of application design guidelines based on these practices to make

P2P applications operate more robustly over currently-deployed

middleboxes. Further, we provide design guidelines for future

middleboxes to allow them to support P2P applications more

effectively. Our focus is to enable immediate and wide deployment

of P2P applications requiring to traverse middleboxes.

2. Terminology

In this section we first summarize some middlebox terms. We focus here

on the two kinds of middleboxes that commonly cause problems for P2P


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A firewall restricts communication between a private internal

network and the public Internet, typically by dropping packets

that are deemed unauthorized. A firewall examines but does

not modify the IP address and TCP/UDP port information in

packets crossing the boundary.

Network Address Translator (NAT)

A network address translator not only examines but also modifies

the header information in packets flowing across the boundary,

allowing many hosts behind the NAT to share the use of a smaller

number of public IP addresses (often one).

Network address translators in turn have two main varieties:

Basic NAT

A Basic NAT maps an internal host's private IP address to a

public IP address without changing the TCP/UDP port

numbers in packets crossing the boundary. Basic NAT is generally

only useful when the NAT has a pool of public IP addresses from

which to make address bindings on behalf of internal hosts.

Network Address/Port Translator (NAPT)

By far the most common, a Network Address/Port Translator examines

and modifies both the IP address and the TCP/UDP port number

fields of packets crossing the boundary, allowing multiple

internal hosts to share a single public IP address simultaneously.

Refer to [NAT-TRAD] and [NAT-TERM] for more general information on

NAT taxonomy and terminology. Additional terms that further classify

NAPT are defined in more recent work [STUN]. When an internal host

opens an outgoing TCP or UDP session through a network address/port

translator, the NAPT assigns the session a public IP address and

port number so that subsequent response packets from the external

endpoint can be received by the NAPT, translated, and forwarded

to the internal host. The effect is that the NAPT establishes a

port binding between (private IP address, private port number) and

(public IP address, public port number). The port binding

defines the address translation the NAPT will perform for the

duration of the session. An issue of relevance to P2P

applications is how the NAT behaves when an internal host initiates

multiple simultaneous sessions from a single (private IP, private

port) pair to multiple distinct endpoints on the external network.

Cone NAT

After establishing a port binding between a (private IP, private

port) tuple and a (public IP, public port) tuple, a cone NAT will

re-use this port binding for subsequent sessions the

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application may initiate from the same private IP address and

port number, for as long as at least one session using the port

binding remains active.

For example, suppose Client A in the diagram below initiates two

simultaneous outgoing sessions through a cone NAT, from the same

internal endpoint ( to two different

external servers, S1 and S2. The cone NAT assigns just one public

endpoint tuple,, to both of these sessions,

ensuring that the "identity" of the client's port is maintained

across address translation. Since Basic NATs and firewalls do

not modify port numbers as packets flow across

the middlebox, these types of middleboxes can be viewed as a

degenerate form of Cone NAT.

Server S1 Server S2

| |

| |



^ Session 1 (A-S1) ^ | ^ Session 2 (A-S2) ^

| | | | |

v v | v v


Cone NAT


^ Session 1 (A-S1) ^ | ^ Session 2 (A-S2) ^

| | | | |

v v | v v


Client A

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Symmetric NAT

A symmetric NAT, in contrast, does not maintain a consistent

port binding between (private IP, private port) and (public IP,

public port) across all sessions. Instead, it assigns a new

public port to each new session. For example, suppose Client A

initiates two outgoing sessions from the same port as above, one

with S1 and one with S2. A symmetric NAT might allocate the

public endpoint to session 1, and then allocate

a different public endpoint, when the

application initiates session 2. The NAT is able to differentiate

between the two sessions for translation purposes because the

external endpoints involved in the sessions (those of S1

and S2) differ, even as the endpoint identity of the client

application is lost across the address translation boundary.

Server S1 Server S2

| |

| |



^ Session 1 (A-S1) ^ | ^ Session 2 (A-S2) ^

| | | | |

v v | v v


Symmetric NAT


^ Session 1 (A-S1) ^ | ^ Session 2 (A-S2) ^

| | | | |

v v | v v


Client A

The issue of cone versus symmetric NAT behavior applies equally

to TCP and UDP traffic.

Cone NAT is further classified according to how liberally the NAT

accepts incoming traffic directed to an already-established (public

IP, public port) pair. This classification generally applies only to

UDP traffic, since NATs and firewalls reject incoming TCP

connection attempts unconditionally unless specifically configured to

do otherwise.

Full Cone NAT

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After establishing a public/private port binding for a new

outgoing session, a full cone NAT will subsequently accept

incoming traffic to the corresponding public port from ANY

external endpoint on the public network. Full cone NAT is

also sometimes called "promiscuous" NAT.

Restricted Cone NAT

A restricted cone NAT only forwards an incoming packet directed to

a public port if its external (source) IP address matches the

address of a node to which the internal host has previously sent

one or more outgoing packets. A restricted cone NAT effectively

refines the firewall principle of rejecting unsolicited incoming

traffic, by restricting incoming traffic to a set of "known"

external IP addresses.

Port-Restricted Cone NAT

A port-restricted cone NAT, in turn, only forwards an incoming

packet if its external IP address AND port number match those of

an external endpoint to which the internal host has previously

sent outgoing packets. A port-restricted cone NAT provides

internal nodes the same level of protection against unsolicited

incoming traffic that a symmetric NAT does, while maintaining a

private port's identity across translation.

Finally, in this document we define new terms for classifying

the P2P-relevant behavior of middleboxes:


P2P-application as used in this document is an application in

which each P2P participant registers with a public

registration server, and subsequently uses either its

private endpoint, or public endpoint, or both, to establish

peering sessions.


A P2P-Middlebox is middlebox that permits the traversal of

P2P applications.


A P2P-firewall is a P2P-Middlebox that provides firewall

functionality but performs no address translation.


A P2P-NAT is a P2P-Middlebox that provides NAT functionality, and

may also provide firewall functionality. At minimum, a

P2P-Middlebox must implement Cone NAT behavior for UDP traffic,

allowing applications to establish robust P2P connectivity using

the UDP hole punching technique.

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Loopback translation

When a host in the private domain of a NAT device attempts to

connect with another host behind the same NAT device using

the public address of the host, the NAT device performs the

equivalent of a "Twice-nat" translation on the packet as

follows. The originating host's private endpoint is translated

into its assigned public endpoint, and the target host's public

endpoint is translated into its private endpoint, before

the packet is forwarded to the target host. We refer the above

translation performed by a NAT device as "Loopback translation".

3. Techniques for P2P Communication over middleboxes

This section reviews in detail the currently known techniques for

implementing peer-to-peer communication over existing middleboxes,

from the perspective of the application or protocol designer.

3.1. Relaying

The most reliable, but least efficient, method of implementing peer-

to-peer communication in the presence of a middlebox is to make the

peer-to-peer communication look to the network like client/server

communication through relaying. For example, suppose two client

hosts, A and B, have each initiated TCP or UDP connections with a

well-known server S having a permanent IP address. The clients

reside on separate private networks, however, and their respective

middleboxes prevent either client from directly initiating a

connection to the other.

Server S




| |


| |

| |

Client A Client B

Instead of attempting a direct connection, the two clients can simply

use the server S to relay messages between them. For example, to

send a message to client B, client A simply sends the message to

server S along its already-established client/server connection, and

server S then sends the message on to client B using its existing

client/server connection with B.

This method has the advantage that it will always work as long as

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both clients have connectivity to the server. Its obvious

disadvantages are that it consumes the server's processing power and

network bandwidth unnecessarily, and communication latency between

the two clients is likely to be increased even if the server is well-

connected. The TURN protocol [TURN] defines a method of implementing

relaying in a relatively secure fashion.

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3.2. Connection reversal

The second technique works if only one of the clients is behind a

middlebox. For example, suppose client A is behind a NAT but client

B has a globally routable IP address, as in the following diagram:

Server S




| |

NAT A | |

| |

| |

Client A Client B

Client A has private IP address, and the application is

using TCP port 1234. This client has established a connection with

server S at public IP address and port 1235. NAT A has

assigned TCP port 62000, at its own public IP address,

to serve as the temporary public endpoint address for A's session

with S: therefore, server S believes that client A is at IP address using port 62000. Client B, however, has its own

permanent IP address,, and the peer-to-peer application

on B is accepting TCP connections at port 1234.

Now suppose client B would like to initiate a peer-to-peer

communication session with client A. B might first attempt to

contact client A either at the address client A believes itself to

have, namely, or at the address of A as observed by

server S, namely In either case, however, the

connection will fail. In the first case, traffic directed to IP

address will simply be dropped by the network because is not a publicly routable IP address. In the second case,

the TCP SYN request from B will arrive at NAT A directed to port

62000, but NAT A will reject the connection request because only

outgoing connections are allowed.

After attempting and failing to establish a direct connection to A,

client B can use server S to relay a request to client A to initiate

a "reversed" connection to client B. Client A, upon receiving this

relayed request through S, opens a TCP connection to client B at B's

public IP address and port number. NAT A allows the connection to

proceed because it is originating inside the firewall, and client B

can receive the connection because it is not behind a middlebox.

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A variety of current peer-to-peer systems implement this technique.

Its main limitation, of course, is that it only works as long as only

one of the communicating peers is behind a NAT: in the increasingly

common case where both peers are behind NATs, the method fails.

Because connection reversal is not a general solution to the problem,

it is NOT recommended as a primary strategy. Applications may choose

to attempt connection reversal, but should be able to fall back

automatically on another mechanism such as relaying if neither a

"forward" nor a "reverse" connection can be established.

3.3. UDP hole punching

The third technique, and the one of primary interest in this

document, is widely known as "UDP Hole Punching." UDP hole punching

relies on the properties of common firewalls and cone NATs to allow

appropriately designed peer-to-peer applications to "punch holes"

through the middlebox and establish direct connectivity with each

other, even when both communicating hosts may lie behind middleboxes.

This technique was mentioned briefly in section 5.1 of RFC 3027 [NAT-

PROT], and has been informally described elsewhere on the Internet

[KEGEL] and used in some recent protocols [TEREDO, ICE]. As the name

implies, unfortunately, this technique works reliably only with UDP.

We will consider two specific scenarios, and how applications can be

designed to handle both of them gracefully. In the first situation,

representing the common case, two clients desiring direct peer-to-

peer communication reside behind two different NATs. In the second,

the two clients actually reside behind the same NAT, but do not

necessarily know that they do.

3.3.1. Peers behind different NATs

Suppose clients A and B both have private IP addresses and lie behind

different network address translators. The peer-to-peer application

running on clients A and B and on server S each use UDP port 1234. A

and B have each initiated UDP communication sessions with server S,

causing NAT A to assign its own public UDP port 62000 for A's session

with S, and causing NAT B to assign its port 31000 to B's session

with S, respectively.

Server S




| |


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| |

| |

Client A Client B

Now suppose that client A wants to establish a UDP communication

session directly with client B. If A simply starts sending UDP

messages to B's public address,, then NAT B will

typically discard these incoming messages (unless it is a full cone

NAT), because the source address and port number does not match those

of S, with which the original outgoing session was established.

Similarly, if B simply starts sending UDP messages to A's public

address, then NAT A will typically discard these messages.

Suppose A starts sending UDP messages to B's public address, however,

and simultaneously relays a request through server S to B, asking B

to start sending UDP messages to A's public address. A's outgoing

messages directed to B's public address ( cause NAT

A to open up a new communication session between A's private address

and B's public address. At the same time, B's messages to A's public

address ( cause NAT B to open up a new

communication session between B's private address and A's public

address. Once the new UDP sessions have been opened up in each

direction, client A and B can communicate with each other directly

without further burden on the "introduction" server S.

The UDP hole punching technique has several useful properties. Once

a direct peer-to-peer UDP connection has been established between two

clients behind middleboxes, either party on that connection can in

turn take over the role of "introducer" and help the other party

establish peer-to-peer connections with additional peers, minimizing

the load on the initial introduction server S. The application does

not need to attempt to detect explicitly what kind of middlebox it is

behind, if any [STUN], since the procedure above will establish peer-

to-peer communication channels equally well if either or both clients

do not happen to be behind a middlebox. The hole punching technique

even works automatically with multiple NATs, where one or both

clients are removed from the public Internet via two or more levels

of address translation.

3.3.2. Peers behind the same NAT

Now consider the scenario in which the two clients (probably

unknowingly) happen to reside behind the same NAT, and are therefore

located in the same private IP address space. Client A has

established a UDP session with server S, to which the common NAT has

assigned public port number 62000. Client B has similarly

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established a session with S, to which the NAT has assigned public

port number 62001.

Server S








| |

Client A Client B

Suppose that A and B use the UDP hole punching technique as outlined

above to establish a communication channel using server S as an

introducer. Then A and B will learn each other's public IP addresses

and port numbers as observed by server S, and start sending each

other messages at those public addresses. The two clients will be

able to communicate with each other this way as long as the NAT

allows hosts on the internal network to open translated UDP sessions

with other internal hosts and not just with external hosts. We refer

to this situation as "loopback translation," because packets arriving

at the NAT from the private network are translated and then "looped

back" to the private network rather than being passed through to the

public network. For example, when A sends a UDP packet to B's public

address, the packet initially has a source IP address and port number

of and a destination of The NAT

receives this packet, translates it to have a source of (A's public address) and a destination of, and then forwards it on to B. Even if loopback

translation is supported by the NAT, this translation and forwarding

step is obviously unnecessary in this situation, and is likely to add

latency to the dialog between A and B as well as burdening the NAT.

The solution to this problem is straightforward, however. When A and

B initially exchange address information through server S, they

should include their own IP addresses and port numbers as "observed"

by themselves, as well as their addresses as observed by S. The

clients then simultaneously start sending packets to each other at

each of the alternative addresses they know about, and use the first

address that leads to successful communication. If the two clients

are behind the same NAT, then the packets directed to their private

addresses are likely to arrive first, resulting in a direct

communication channel not involving the NAT. If the two clients are

behind different NATs, then the packets directed to their private

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addresses will fail to reach each other at all, but the clients will

hopefully establish connectivity using their respective public

addresses. It is important that these packets be authenticated in

some way, however, since in the case of different NATs it is entirely

possible for A's messages directed at B's private address to reach

some other, unrelated node on A's private network, or vice versa.

3.3.3. Peers separated by multiple NATs

In some topologies involving multiple NAT devices, it is not

possible for two clients to establish an "optimal" P2P route between

them without specific knowledge of the topology. Consider for

example the following situation.

Server S









| |


| |

| |

Client A Client B

Suppose NAT X is a large industrial NAT deployed by an internet

service provider (ISP) to multiplex many customers onto a few public

IP addresses, and NATs A and B are small consumer NAT gateways

deployed independently by two of the ISP's customers to multiplex

their private home networks onto their respective ISP-provided IP

addresses. Only server S and NAT X have globally routable IP

addresses; the "public" IP addresses used by NAT A and NAT B are

actually private to the ISP's addressing realm, while client A's and

B's addresses in turn are private to the addressing realms of NAT A

and B, respectively. Each client initiates an outgoing connection to

server S as before, causing NATs A and B each to create a single

public/private translation, and causing NAT X to establish a

public/private translation for each session.

Now suppose clients A and B attempt to establish a direct peer-to-

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peer UDP connection. The optimal method would be for client A to

send messages to client B's public address at NAT B, in the ISP's addressing realm, and for client B to

send messages to A's public address at NAT B, namely Unfortunately, A and B have no way to learn these

addresses, because server S only sees the "global" public addresses

of the clients, and Even if A

and B had some way to learn these addresses, there is still no

guarantee that they would be usable because the address assignments

in the ISP's private addressing realm might conflict with unrelated

address assignments in the clients' private realms. The clients

therefore have no choice but to use their global public addresses as

seen by S for their P2P communication, and rely on NAT X to provide

loopback translation.

3.3.4. Consistent port bindings

The hole punching technique has one main caveat: it works only if

both NATs are cone NATs (or non-NAT firewalls), which maintain a

consistent port binding between a given (private IP, private UDP)

pair and a (public IP, public UDP) pair for as long as that UDP port

is in use. Assigning a new public port for each new session, as a

symmetric NAT does, makes it impossible for a UDP application to

reuse an already-established translation for communication with

different external destinations. Since cone NATs are the most

widespread, the UDP hole punching technique is fairly broadly

applicable; nevertheless a substantial fraction of deployed NATs are

symmetric and do not support the technique.

3.4. UDP port number prediction

A variant of the UDP hole punching technique discussed above exists

that allows peer-to-peer UDP sessions to be created in the presence

of some symmetric NATs. This method is sometimes called the "N+1"

technique [BIDIR] and is explored in detail by Takeda [SYM-STUN].

The method works by analyzing the behavior of the NAT and attempting

to predict the public port numbers it will assign to future sessions.

Consider again the situation in which two clients, A and B, each

behind a separate NAT, have each established UDP connections with a

permanently addressable server S:

Server S




| |

Symmetric NAT A Symmetric NAT B

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| |

| |

Client A Client B

NAT A has assigned its own UDP port 62000 to the communication

session between A and S, and NAT B has assigned its port 31000 to the

session between B and S. By communicating through server S, A and B

learn each other's public IP addresses and port numbers as observed

by S. Client A now starts sending UDP messages to port 31001 at

address (note the port number increment), and client B

simultaneously starts sending messages to port 62001 at address If NATs A and B assign port numbers to new sessions

sequentially, and if not much time has passed since the A-S and B-S

sessions were initiated, then a working bi-directional communication

channel between A and B should result. A's messages to B cause NAT A

to open up a new session, to which NAT A will (hopefully) assign

public port number 62001, because 62001 is next in sequence after the

port number 62000 it previously assigned to the session between A and

S. Similarly, B's messages to A will cause NAT B to open a new

session, to which it will (hopefully) assign port number 31001. If

both clients have correctly guessed the port numbers each NAT assigns

to the new sessions, then a bi-directional UDP communication channel

will have been established as shown below.

Server S




| |




| |

| |

Client A Client B

Obviously there are many things that can cause this trick to fail.

If the predicted port number at either NAT already happens to be in

use by an unrelated session, then the NAT will skip over that port

number and the connection attempt will fail. If either NAT sometimes

or always chooses port numbers non-sequentially, then the trick will

fail. If a different client behind NAT A (or B respectively) opens

up a new outgoing UDP connection to any external destination after A

(B) establishes its connection with S but before sending its first

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message to B (A), then the unrelated client will inadvertently

"steal" the desired port number. This trick is therefore much less

likely to work when either NAT involved is under load.

Since in practice a P2P application implementing this trick would

still need to work if the NATs are cone NATs, or if one is a cone NAT

and the other is a symmetric NAT, the application would need to

detect beforehand what kind of NAT is involved on either end [STUN]

and modify its behavior accordingly, increasing the complexity of the

algorithm and the general brittleness of the network. Finally, port

number prediction has no chance of working if either client is behind

two or more levels of NAT and the NAT(s) closest to the client are

symmetric. For all of these reasons, it is NOT recommended that new

applications implement this trick; it is mentioned here for

historical and informational purposes.

3.5. Simultaneous TCP open

There is a method that can be used in some cases to establish direct

peer-to-peer TCP connections between a pair of nodes that are both

behind existing middleboxes. Most TCP sessions start with one

endpoint sending a SYN packet, to which the other party responds with

a SYN-ACK packet. It is possible and legal, however, for two

endpoints to start a TCP session by simultaneously sending each other

SYN packets, to which each party subsequently responds with a

separate ACK. This procedure is known as a "simultaneous open."

If a middlebox receives a TCP SYN packet from outside the private

network attempting to initiate an incoming TCP connection, the

middlebox will normally reject the connection attempt by either

dropping the SYN packet or sending back a TCP RST (connection reset)

packet. If, however, the SYN packet arrives with source and

destination addresses and port numbers that correspond to a TCP

session that the middlebox believes is already active, then the

middlebox will allow the packet to pass through. In particular, if

the middlebox has just recently seen and transmitted an outgoing SYN

packet with the same addresses and port numbers, then it will

consider the session active and allow the incoming SYN through. If

clients A and B can each correctly predict the public port number

that its respective middlebox will assign the next outgoing TCP

connection, and if each client initiates an outgoing TCP connection

with the other client timed so that each client's outgoing SYN passes

through its local middlebox before either SYN reaches the opposite

middlebox, then a working peer-to-peer TCP connection will result.

Unfortunately, this trick may be even more fragile and timing-

sensitive than the UDP port number prediction trick described above.

First, unless both middleboxes are simple firewalls or implement cone

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NAT behavior on their TCP traffic, all the same things can go wrong

with each side's attempt to predict the public port numbers that the

respective NATs will assign to the new sessions. In addition, if

either client's SYN arrives at the opposite middlebox too quickly,

then the remote middlebox may reject the SYN with a RST packet,

causing the local middlebox in turn to close the new session and make

future SYN retransmission attempts using the same port numbers

futile. Finally, even though support for simultaneous open is

technically a mandatory part of the TCP specification [TCP], it is

not implemented correctly in some common operating systems. For this

reason, this trick is likewise mentioned here only for historical

reasons; it is NOT recommended for use by applications. Applications

that require efficient, direct peer-to-peer communication over

existing NATs should use UDP.

4. Application design guidelines

4.1. What works with P2P middleboxes

Since UDP hole punching is the most efficient existing method of

establishing direct peer-to-peer communication between two nodes

that are both behind NATs, and it works with a wide variety of

existing NATs, it is recommended that applications use this

technique if efficient peer-to-peer communication is required,

but be prepared to fall back on simple relaying when direct

communication cannot be established.

4.2. Peers behind the same NAT

In practice there may be a fairly large number of users who

have not two IP addresses, but three or more. In these cases,

it is hard or impossible to tell which addresses to send to

the registration server. The applications should send all its

addresses, in such a case.

4.3. Peer discovery

Applications sending packets to several addresses to discover

which one is best to use for a given peer may become a

significant source of 'space junk' littering the net, as the

peer may have chosen to use routable addresses improperly as

an internal LAN (e.g., which is assigned to the DOD).

Thus applications should exercise caution when sending the

speculative hello packets.

4.4. TCP P2P applications

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The sockets API, used widely by application developers, is

designed with client-server applications in mind. In its

native form, only a single socket can bind to a TCP or UDP

port. An application is not allowed to have multiple

sockets binding to the same port (TCP or UDP) to initiate

simultaneous sessions with multiple external nodes (or)

use one socket to listen on the port and the other sockets

to initiate outgoing sessions.

The above single-socket-to-port bind restriction is not a

problem however with UDP, because UDP is a datagram based

protocol. UDP P2P application designers could use a single

socket to send as well as receive datagrams from multiple

peers using recvfrom() and sendto() calls.

This is not the case with TCP. With TCP, each incoming and

outgoing connection is to be associated with a separate

socket. Linux sockets API addresses this problem with the

aid of SO_REUSEADDR option. On FreeBSD and NetBSD, this

option does not seem to work; but, changing it to use the

BSD-specific SetReuseAddress call (which Linux doesn't

have and isn't in the Single Unix Standard) seems to work.

Win32 API offers an equivalent SetReuseAddress call.

Using any of the above mentioned options, an application

could use multiple sockets to reuse a TCP port. Say, open

two TCP stream sockets bound to the same port, do a

listen() on one and a connect() from the other.

4.5. Use of midcom protocol

If the applications know the middleboxes they would be

traversing and these middleboxes implement the midcom

protocol, applications could use the midcom protocol to

ease their way through the middleboxes.

For example, P2P applications require that NAT middleboxes

preserve end-point port bindings. If midcom is supported on

the middleboxes, P2P applications can exercise control over

port binding (or address binding) parameters such as lifetime,

maxidletime, and directionality so the applications can both

connect to external peers as well as receive connections from

external peers; and do not need to send periodic keep-alives to

keep the port binding alive. When the application no longer needs

the binding, the application could simply dismantle the binding,

also using the midcom protocol.

5. NAT Design Guidelines

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This section discusses considerations in the design of network

address translators, as they affect peer-to-peer applications.

5.1. Deprecate the use of symmetric NATs

Symmetric NATs gained popularity with client-server

applications such as web browsers, which only need to initiate

outgoing connections. However, in the recent times, P2P

applications such as Instant messaging and audio conferencing

have been in wide use. Symmetric NATs do not support the

concept of retaining endpoint identity and are not suitable

for P2P applications. Deprecating symmetric NATs is

recommended to support P2P applications.

A P2P-middlebox must implement Cone NAT behavior for UDP

traffic, allowing applications to establish robust P2P

connectivity using the UDP hole punching technique.

Ideally, a P2P-middlebox should also allow applications to

make P2P connections via both TCP and UDP.

5.2. Add incremental cone-NAT support to symmetric NAT devices

One way for a symmetric NAT device to extend support to P2P

applications would be to divide its assignable port

namespace, reserving a portion of its ports for one-to-one

sessions and a different set of ports for one-to-many


Further, a NAT device may be explicitly configured with

applications and hosts that need the P2P feature, so the

NAT device can auto magically assign a P2P port from the

right port block.

5.3. Maintain consistent port bindings for UDP ports

The primary and most important recommendation of this document for

NAT designers is that the NAT maintain a consistent and stable

port binding between a given (internal IP address, internal UDP

port) pair and a corresponding (public IP address, public UDP

port) pair for as long as any active sessions exist using that

port binding. The NAT may filter incoming traffic on a

per-session basis, by examining both the source and destination

IP addresses and port numbers in each packet. When a node on the

private network initiates connection to a new external

destination, using the same source IP address and UDP port as an

existing translated UDP session, the NAT should ensure that the

new UDP session is given the same public IP address and UDP port

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numbers as the existing session.

5.3.1. Preserving port numbers

Some NATs, when establishing a new UDP session, attempt to assign the

same public port number as the corresponding private port number, if

that port number happens to be available. For example, if client A

at address initiates an outgoing UDP session with a datagram

from port number 1234, and the NAT's public port number 1234 happens

to be available, then the NAT uses port number 1234 at the NAT's

public IP address as the translated endpoint address for the session.

This behavior might be beneficial to some legacy UDP applications

that expect to communicate only using specific UDP port numbers, but

it is not recommended that applications depend on this behavior since

it is only possible for a NAT to preserve the port number if at most

one node on the internal network is using that port number.

In addition, a NAT should NOT try to preserve the port number in a

new session if doing so would conflict with the goal of maintaining a

consistent binding between public and private endpoint addresses.

For example, suppose client A at internal port 1234 has established a

session with external server S, and NAT A has assigned public port

62000 to this session because port number 1234 on the NAT was not

available at the time. Now suppose port number 1234 on the NAT

subsequently becomes available, and while the session between A and S

is still active, client A initiates a new session from its same

internal port (1234) to a different external node B. In this case,

because a port binding has already been established between client

A's port 1234 and the NAT's public port 62000, this binding should be

maintained and the new session should also use port 62000 as the

public port corresponding to client A's port 1234. The NAT should

NOT assign public port 1234 to this new session just because port

1234 has become available: that behavior would not be likely to

benefit the application in any way since the application has already

been operating with a translated port number, and it would break any

attempts the application might make to establish peer-to-peer

connections using the UDP hole punching technique.

5.4. Maintaining consistent port bindings for TCP ports

For consistency with the behavior of UDP translation, cone NAT

implementers should also maintain a consistent binding between

private and public (IP address, TCP port number) pairs for TCP

connections, in the same way as described above for UDP.

Maintaining TCP endpoint bindings consistently will increase

the NAT's compatibility with P2P TCP applications that initiate

multiple TCP connections from the same source port.

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5.5. Large timeout for P2P applications

We recommend the middlebox implementers to use a minimum timeout

of, say, 5 minutes (300 seconds) for P2P applications, i.e.,

configure the middlebox with this idle-timeout for the port

bindings for the ports set aside for P2P use. Middlebox

implementers are often tempted to use a shorter one, as they are

accustomed to doing currently. But, short timeouts are

problematic. Consider a P2P application that involved 16 peers.

They will flood the network with keepalive packets every 10

seconds to avoid NAT timeouts. This is so because one might

send them 5 times as often as the middlebox's timeout just in

case the keepalives are dropped in the network.

5.6. Support loopback translation

We strongly recommend that middlebox implementers support

loopback translation, allowing hosts behind a middlebox to

communicate with other hosts behind the same middlebox through

their public, possibly translated endpoints. Support for

loopback translation is particularly important in the case

of large-capacity NATs that are likely to be deployed as the

first level of a multi-level NAT scenario. As described in

section 3.3.3, hosts behind the same first-level NAT but

different second-level NATs have no way to communicate with

each other by UDP hole punching, even if all the middleboxes

preserve endpoint identities, unless the first-level NAT

also supports loopback translation.

6. Security Considerations

Following the recommendations in this document should not

inherently create new security issues, for either the

applications or the middleboxes. Nevertheless, new security

risks may be created if the techniques described here are

not adhered to with sufficient care. This section describes

security risks the applications could inadvertently create

in attempting to support P2P communication across middleboxes,

and implications for the security policies of P2P-friendly


6.1. IP address aliasing

P2P applications must use appropriate authentication mechanisms

to protect their P2P connections from accidental confusion with

other P2P connections as well as from malicious connection

hijacking or denial-of-service attacks. NAT-friendly P2P

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applications effectively must interact with multiple distinct

IP address domains, but are not generally aware of the exact

topology or administrative policies defining these address

domains. While attempting to establish P2P connections via

UDP hole punching, applications send packets that may frequently

arrive at an entirely different host than the intended one.

For example, many consumer-level NAT devices provide DHCP

services that are configured by default to hand out site-local

IP addresses in a particular address range. Say, a particular

consumer NAT device, by default, hands out IP addresses starting

with Most private home networks using that NAT

device will have a host with that IP address, and many of these

networks will probably have a host at address as

well. If host A at address on one private network

attempts to establish a connection by UDP hole punching with

host B at on a different private network, then as

part of this process host A will send discovery packets to

address on its local network, and host B will send

discovery packets to address on its network. Clearly,

these discovery packets will not reach the intended machine since

the two hosts are on different private networks, but they are very

likely to reach SOME machine on these respective networks at the

standard UDP port numbers used by this application, potentially

causing confusion. especially if the application is also running

on those other machines and does not properly authenticate its


This risk due to aliasing is therefore present even without a

malicious attacker. If one endpoint, say host A, is actually

malicious, then without proper authentication the attacker could

cause host B to connect and interact in unintended ways with

another host on its private network having the same IP address

as the attacker's (purported) private address. Since the two

endpoint hosts A and B presumably discovered each other through

a public server S, and neither S nor B has any means to verify

A's reported private address, all P2P applications must assume

that any IP address they find to be suspect until they successfully

establish authenticated two-way communication.

6.2. Denial-of-service attacks

P2P applications and the public servers that support them must

protect themselves against denial-of-service attacks, and ensure

that they cannot be used by an attacker to mount denial-of-service

attacks against other targets. To protect themselves, P2P

applications and servers must avoid taking any action requiring

significant local processing or storage resources until

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authenticated two-way communication is established. To avoid being

used as a tool for denial-of-service attacks, P2P applications and

servers must minimize the amount and rate of traffic they send to

any newly-discovered IP address until after authenticated two-way

communication is established with the intended target.

For example, P2P applications that register with a public rendezvous

server can claim to have any private IP address, or perhaps multiple

IP addresses. A well-connected host or group of hosts that can

collectively attract a substantial volume of P2P connection attempts

(e.g., by offering to serve popular content) could mount a

denial-of-service attack on a target host C simply by including C's

IP address in their own list of IP addresses they register with the

rendezvous server. There is no way the rendezvous server can verify

the IP addresses, since they could well be legitimate private

network addresses useful to other hosts for establishing

network-local communication. The P2P application protocol must

therefore be designed to size- and rate-limit traffic to unverified

IP addresses in order to avoid the potential damage such a

concentration effect could cause.

6.3. Man-in-the-middle attacks

Any network device on the path between a P2P client and a

rendezvous server can mount a variety of man-in-the-middle

attacks by pretending to be a NAT. For example, suppose

host A attempts to register with rendezvous server S, but a

network-snooping attacker is able to observe this registration

request. The attacker could then flood server S with requests

that are identical to the client's original request except with

a modified source IP address, such as the IP address of the

attacker itself. If the attacker can convince the server to

register the client using the attacker's IP address, then the

attacker can make itself an active component on the path of all

future traffic from the server AND other P2P hosts to the

original client, even if the attacker was originally only able

to snoop the path from the client to the server.

The client cannot protect itself from this attack by

authenticating its source IP address to the rendezvous server,

because in order to be NAT-friendly the application MUST allow

intervening NATs to change the source address silently. This

appears to be an inherent security weakness of the NAT paradigm.

The only defense against such an attack is for the client to

authenticate and potentially encrypt the actual content of its

communication using appropriate higher-level identities, so that

the interposed attacker is not able to take advantage of its

position. Even if all application-level communication is

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authenticated and encrypted, however, this attack could still be

used as a traffic analysis tool for observing who the client is

communicating with.

6.4. Impact on middlebox security

Designing middleboxes to preserve endpoint identities does not

weaken the security provided by the middlebox. For example, a

Port-Restricted Cone NAT is inherently no more "promiscuous"

than a Symmetric NAT in its policies for allowing either

incoming or outgoing traffic to pass through the middlebox.

As long as outgoing UDP sessions are enabled and the middlebox

maintains consistent binding between internal and external

UDP ports, the middlebox will filter out any incoming UDP packets

that do not match the active sessions initiated from within the

enclave. Filtering incoming traffic aggressively while maintaining

consistent port bindings thus allows a middlebox to be

"peer-to-peer friendly" without compromising the principle of

rejecting unsolicited incoming traffic.

Maintaining consistent port binding could arguably increase the

predictability of traffic emerging from the middlebox, by revealing

the relationships between different UDP sessions and hence about

the behavior of applications running within the enclave. This

predictability could conceivably be useful to an attacker in

exploiting other network or application level vulnerabilities.

If the security requirements of a particular deployment scenario

are so critical that such subtle information channels are of

concern, however, then the middlebox almost certainly should not be

configured to allow unrestricted outgoing UDP traffic in the

first place. Such a middlebox should only allow communication

originating from specific applications at specific ports, or

via tightly-controlled application-level gateways. In this

situation there is no hope of generic, transparent peer-to-peer

connectivity across the middlebox (or transparent client/server

connectivity for that matter); the middlebox must either

implement appropriate application-specific behavior or disallow

communication entirely.

7. Acknowledgments

The authors wish to thank Henrik, Dave, and Christian Huitema

for their valuable feedback.

8. References

8.1. Normative references

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[BIDIR] Peer-to-Peer Working Group, NAT/Firewall Working Committee,

"Bidirectional Peer-to-Peer Communication with Interposing

Firewalls and NATs", August 2001.


[KEGEL] Dan Kegel, "NAT and Peer-to-Peer Networking", July 1999.


[MIDCOM] P. Srisuresh, J. Kuthan, J. Rosenberg, A. Molitor, and

A. Rayhan, "Middlebox communication architecture and

framework", RFC 3303, August 2002.

[NAT-APPL] D. Senie, "Network Address Translator (NAT)-Friendly

Application Design Guidelines", RFC 3235, January 2002.

[NAT-PROT] M. Holdrege and P. Srisuresh, "Protocol Complications

with the IP Network Address Translator", RFC 3027,

January 2001.

[NAT-PT] G. Tsirtsis and P. Srisuresh, "Network Address

Translation - Protocol Translation (NAT-PT)", RFC 2766,

February 2000.

[NAT-TERM] P. Srisuresh and M. Holdrege, "IP Network Address

Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations", RFC

2663, August 1999.

[NAT-TRAD] P. Srisuresh and K. Egevang, "Traditional IP Network

Address Translator (Traditional NAT)", RFC 3022,

January 2001.

[STUN] J. Rosenberg, J. Weinberger, C. Huitema, and R. Mahy,

"STUN - Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

Through Network Address Translators (NATs)", RFC 3489,

March 2003.

8.2. Informational references

[ICE] J. Rosenberg, "Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE):

A Methodology for Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal

for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)",

draft-rosenberg-sipping-ice-00 (Work In Progress),

February 2003.

[RSIP] M. Borella, J. Lo, D. Grabelsky, and G. Montenegro,

"Realm Specific IP: Framework", RFC 3102, October 2001.

[SOCKS] M. Leech, M. Ganis, Y. Lee, R. Kuris, D. Koblas, and

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L. Jones, "SOCKS Protocol Version 5", RFC 1928, March 1996.

[SYM-STUN] Y. Takeda, "Symmetric NAT Traversal using STUN",

draft-takeda-symmetric-nat-traversal-00.txt (Work In

Progress), June 2003.

[TCP] "Transmission Control Protocol", RFC 793, September 1981.

[TEREDO] C. Huitema, "Teredo: Tunneling IPv6 over UDP through NATs",

draft-ietf-ngtrans-shipworm-08.txt (Work In Progress),

September 2002.

[TURN] J. Rosenberg, J. Weinberger, R. Mahy, and C. Huitema,

"Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN)",

draft-rosenberg-midcom-turn-01 (Work In Progress),

March 2003.

[UPNP] UPnP Forum, "Internet Gateway Device (IGD) Standardized

Device Control Protocol V 1.0", November 2001.


9. Author's Address

Bryan Ford

Laboratory for Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Ave.

Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone: (617) 253-5261

E-mail: baford@mit.edu

Web: http://www.brynosaurus.com/

Pyda Srisuresh

Caymas Systems, Inc.

11799-A North McDowell Blvd.

Petaluma, CA 94954

Phone: (707) 283-5063

E-mail: srisuresh@yahoo.com

Dan Kegel


901 S. Sycamore Ave.

Los Angeles, CA 90036

Phone: 323 931-6717

Email: dank@kegel.com

Web: http://www.kegel.com/

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