主要是通过对directx 9c sdk中Tutorials的学习来了解directx 3d 的使用.
Tutorial 1: CreateDevice
The CreateDevice tutorial is the first tutorial for using the new Direct3D interfaces for DirectX 9. It shows how to create a Direct3DDevice9 object.
Tutorial 2: Vertices
The Vertices tutorial demonstrates the necessary API to render vertices using Direct3D.
Tutorial 3: Matrices
The Matrices tutorial shows how to use 4x4 matrices to transform vertices in Direct3D.
Tutorial 4: Lights
The Lights tutorial shows how to use dynamic lighting in Direct3D.
Tutorial 5: Textures 材质与贴图
The Textures tutorial shows how to use texture mapping in Direct3D.
Tutorial 6: Meshes
The Mesh tutorial shows how to load and render file-based geometry meshes in Direct3D.