C++ File Processing
Microsoft Visual C++ Version#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
char FileName[20];
char EmployeeName[40], Address[50], City[20], State[32], ZIPCode[10];
// 1. Uncomment the following section to create a new file
cout << "Enter the Following pieces of information\n";
cout << "Empl Name: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(EmployeeName, 40);
cout << "Address: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(Address, 50);
cout << "City: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(City, 20);
cout << "State: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(State, 32);
cout << "ZIP Code: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(ZIPCode, 10);
cout << "\nEnter the name of the file you want to create: ";
cin >> FileName;
ofstream EmplRecords(FileName, ios::out);
EmplRecords << EmployeeName << "\n" << Address << "\n" << City << "\n" << State << "\n" << ZIPCode;
// 2. Uncomment the following section to open an existing file
cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to open: ";
cin >> FileName;
ifstream EmplRecords(FileName);
EmplRecords.getline(EmployeeName, 40, '\n');
EmplRecords.getline(Address, 50);
EmplRecords.getline(City, 20);
EmplRecords.getline(State, 32);
EmplRecords.getline(ZIPCode, 10);
cout << "\n -=- Employee Information -=-";
cout << "\nEmpl Name: " << EmployeeName;
cout << "\nAddress: " << Address;
cout << "\nCity: " << City;
cout << "\nState: " << State;
cout << "\nZIP Code: " << ZIPCode;
cout << "\n\n";
return 0;
Borland C++ Builder Version
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <conio>
using namespace std;
#pragma hdrstop
#pragma argsused
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char FileName[20];
char EmployeeName[40], Address[50], City[20], State[32], ZIPCode[10];
// 1. Uncomment the following section to create a new file
cout << "Enter the Following pieces of information\n";
cout << "Empl Name: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(EmployeeName, 40);
cout << "Address: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(Address, 50);
cout << "City: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(City, 20);
cout << "State: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(State, 32);
cout << "ZIP Code: "; cin >> ws;
cin.getline(ZIPCode, 10);
cout << "\nEnter the name of the file you want to create: ";
cin >> FileName;
ofstream EmplRecords(FileName, ios::out);
EmplRecords << EmployeeName << "\n"
<< Address << "\n"
<< City << "\n"
<< State << "\n"
<< ZIPCode;
// 2. Uncomment the following section to open an existing file
cout << "Enter the name of the file you want to open: ";
cin >> FileName;
ifstream EmplRecords(FileName);
EmplRecords.getline(EmployeeName, 40, '\n');
EmplRecords.getline(Address, 50);
EmplRecords.getline(City, 20);
EmplRecords.getline(State, 32);
EmplRecords.getline(ZIPCode, 10);
cout << "\n -=- Employee Information -=-";
cout << "\nEmpl Name: " << EmployeeName;
cout << "\nAddress: " << Address;
cout << "\nCity: " << City;
cout << "\nState: " << State;
cout << "\nZIP Code: " << ZIPCode;
cout <<"\n\nPress any key to continue...";