Matt Hooper
Microsoft ASP.NET Developer Support
You can simply add assembly resource files (.resx files) to your project
and VS.NET will compile them into satellite assemblies automatically. For
example, if the following files are adding to a project called MyProject:
VS.NET will output two satellite assemblies (one per locale) into the
project directory:
To manually add a assembly resource file from VS.NET by right-clicking on
the project > Add New Item > Assembly Resource File.
Also, VS.NET automatically adds a resx file for each web form in the
project. That are automatically linked into the project's primary assembly.
You can see them by in the Solution Explorer window by the following steps:
1. Select the web application project.
2. Click the "Show All Files" button.
3. Expand one of the web form nodes that the project contains until a
.resx file is visible.
Try using this approach to create the resource manager:
ResourceManager resources = new ResourceManager(
null );
...where the resx files are named:
The code below would create the resource manager that could be used in the
"MyProject" example from my earlier post:
ResourceManager resources = new ResourceManager(
null );
You may also want to consider creating a only a single instance of the
ResourceManager for your web app that is kept in a static class member or
the Application object. This cause the resources to be loaded only once
per application.