

王朝delphi·作者佚名  2006-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  








1. Define tables as follows:

Table WorkOrder

PK Work Order No.

Item No.

Expected Starting Date

Work Order Qty

Required Material Availability ("All" / "Partial" / "None")

Table Item Master

PK Item No.

Item Category

Production Capacity Per Day

2. Graphical Display

Select: Date range of Expected Starting Date. e.g. 2005/07/28 to 2005/08/15

Showing a table with columns of each day. e.g. 2005/07/28, 2005/07/29,

2005/07/30, ... , 2005/08/15

Grouping related work orders by the Item Category, and the expected

starting date

For each Item Category, show the production capacity per day and

the summed loading below the day e.g. sum of Work Order Qty

for work orders with Expected Starting Date = 2005/07/28,

(which can be zero if no work order to be started on 2005/07/28)

Below each Item Category/Item, show relevant work orders as movable

rectangle box with text of work order no., the work order qty.

3. Scroll control

The graphical display shall allow user scrolling to different day horizontally

or different item category and item no. vertically very easily. (whereas the

date and the category/item shall always be visible).

4. Drag and Drop of work order for production planning

User may drag and drop the rectangle box from a day to the other. Then, the

graphical display shall be refreshed accordingly showing the newly summed


5. Saving the produciton planning

When user click a [Save] button, the revised Expected Starting Date of work

orders shall be updated accordingly. Before that, user's work is only a

worksheet draft copy. If user is going to exit the program without saving,

user shall be prompt if he wants to save it or not.

The concept is illustrated in the attahed Excel file

(which can be zero if no work order to be started on 2005/07/28)

Below each Item Category/Item, show relevant work orders as movable

rectangle box with text of work order no., the work order qty.

3. Scroll control

The graphical display shall allow user scrolling to different day horizontally

or different item category and item no. vertically very easily. (whereas the

date and the category/item shall always be visible).

4. Drag and Drop of work order for production planning

User may drag and drop the rectangle box from a day to the other. Then, the

graphical display shall be refreshed accordingly showing the newly summed


5. Saving the produciton planning

When user click a [Save] button, the revised Expected Starting Date of work

orders shall be updated accordingly. Before that, user's work is only a

worksheet draft copy. If user is going to exit the program without saving,

user shall be prompt if he wants to save it or not.

The concept is illustrated in the attahed Excel file

for work orders with Expected Starting Date = 2005/07/28,

(which can be zero if no work order to be started on 2005/07/28)

Below each Item Category/Item, show relevant work orders as movable

rectangle box with text of work order no., the work order qty.

3. Scroll control

The graphical display shall allow user scrolling to different day horizontally

or different item category and item no. vertically very easily. (whereas the

date and the category/item shall always be visible).

4. Drag and Drop of work order for production planning

User may drag and drop the rectangle box from a day to the other. Then, the

graphical display shall be refreshed accordingly showing the newly summed


5. Saving the produciton planning

When user click a [Save] button, the revised Expected Starting Date of work

orders shall be updated accordingly. Before that, user's work is only a

worksheet draft copy. If user is going to exit the program without saving,

user shall be prompt if he wants to save it or not.

The concept is illustrated in the attahed Excel file

(which can be zero if no work order to be started on 2005/07/28)

Below each Item Category/Item, show relevant work orders as movable

rectangle box with text of work order no., the work order qty.

3. Scroll control

The graphical display shall allow user scrolling to different day horizontally

or different item category and item no. vertically very easily. (whereas the

date and the category/item shall always be visible).

4. Drag and Drop of work order for production planning

User may drag and drop the rectangle box from a day to the other. Then, the

graphical display shall be refreshed accordingly showing the newly summed


5. Saving the produciton planning

When user click a [Save] button, the revised Expected Starting Date of work

orders shall be updated accordingly. Before that, user's work is only a

worksheet draft copy. If user is going to exit the program without saving,

user shall be prompt if he wants to save it or not.

The concept is illustrated in the attahed Excel file

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