
Overview of the .NET Framework

王朝asp·作者佚名  2006-01-10
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Overview of the .NET Framework

Clearly, a considerable amount of infrastructure is required to make XML Web

Services transparent to the developers and users. The .NET Framework

provides that infrastructure. To the .NET Framework, all components can be

XML Web Services, and XML Web Services are just a kind of component. In

effect, the .NET Framework takes the best aspects of the Microsoft

Component Object Model (COM) and combines them with the best aspects of

loosely coupled, XML-based computing. The result is a powerful, productive

Web component system that simplifies programmer plumbing, deeply integrates

security, introduces an Internet-scale deployment system, and greatly

improves application reliability and scalability.

The .NET Framework consists of two main parts: the Common Language Runtime

(CLR) and a set of unified class libraries. The class libraries include

versions of many of Microsoft's existing development technologies, such as

an advanced version of Active Server Pages, called ASP.NET, a set of

classes for rich user interface development, called Windows Forms, and a

data-access subsystem called ADO.NET. All these existing libraries have

been updated to be XML aware within the .NET Framework.

The Common Language Runtime

Despite its name, the Common Language Runtime actually has a role in a

component's development time and runtime experiences. While the component

is running, the runtime is responsible for managing memory allocation,

starting up and killing threads and processes, enforcing security policy,

and satisfying any dependencies that the component may have on other

components. At development time, the runtime's role changes slightly.

Because it automates so much (for example, memory management), the runtime

makes the developer's experience very simple, especially when compared to

COM today. In particular, features such as reflection dramatically reduce

the amount of code a developer must write in order to turn business logic

into a reusable component.

Runtimes are nothing new for languages梫irtually every programming language

has a runtime. Visual Basic has the most obvious runtime (the aptly named

VBRUN), but Visual C++ has one (MSVCRT), as do FoxPro, JScript, Smalltalk,

Perl, Python, and Java. The .NET Framework's critical role, and what really

sets it apart, is that it provides a unified runtime and development

environment across all programming languages.

The .NET Classes

The .NET Framework's classes provide a unified, object-oriented,

hierarchical, extensible set of class libraries (APIs) for developers to

use. Today, C++ developers will use the Microsoft Foundation Classes, Java

developers will use the Windows Foundation Classes or J2EE, and Visual

Basic developers will use VB's APIs. Simply put, the .NET CLR unifies the

disparate frameworks Microsoft has today. The result is that dev-elopers no

longer have to learn multiple frameworks when working in multiple

languages. By creating a common set of APIs across all programming

languages, the .NET Framework enables cross-language inheritance, error

handling, and debugging. In effect, all programming languages, from JScript

to C++, become equals, and developers are free to choose the language they

want to use.

Here are some of the key benefits of the .NET Framework for developers:

Can use any .NET-enabled programming language. The .NET Framework enables

developers to use any .NET-enabled programming language, and it enables

applications written in these languages to integrate deeply with each

other, which means current development skills can be used right away within

the same project and future projects.

Can write less code. The .NET Framework uses a highly "componentized,"

plumbing-free design that enables developers to focus on writing business

logic. Developers don't need to write Interface Definition Language (IDL)

or Registry code anymore. ASP.NET, for example, includes dozens of controls

that encapsulate common programmer tasks, such as user validation, creating

calendars and ad rotators, and much more.

Can use XML and SOAP without learning these technologies. The .NET

Framework was built for delivering software as a service, so it is built on

XML and the SOAP family of integration standards. Simply annotate method

calls and the .NET Framework turns them into full XML Web Services. You do

not need to learn these underlying technologies because the .NET Framework

wraps classes around them.

Can run more reliable applications. The .NET Framework includes

technologies to make applications more reliable. For example, memory,

threads, and processes are managed by the .NET Framework to ensure that

memory leaks don't occur. Also, ASP.NET monitors running Web applications

and can automatically restart them at administrator-defined intervals. In

addition, when applications are upgraded (versioned), the .NET Framework

includes technologies to avoid version conflicts (often called DLL hell).

Can improve performance. The .NET Framework improves the performance of

typical Web applications. ASP.NET includes advanced compilation and caching

features that improve performance by a factor of two to three over existing

Active Server Pages applications.

Figure 2.1 gives you an overview of how the different pieces of the .NET

Framework relate to one another.

Figure 2.1. All the layers of the .NET platform, from the OS all the way up

to the highest-level classes.

The Win32 APIs are at the lowest level in this platform. Above are the

common services built in to the OS, with which you can interact. These

include the message queuing services, transactions, Internet Information

Server (IIS), and the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). The CLR in

the .NET Framework interacts with these lower-level services so all .NET

languages can interact with these services using a common interface. On top

of the CLR is a framework of classes, including ADO.NET and ASP.NET.

Next comes the set of languages that have been written to take advantage of

the .NET Framework. These languages are most of the common languages in use

today, including Visual Basic, C++, C# (a new language), COBOL, Perl,

Python, Eiffel, and many others.

Common Language Specification

The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a contract that states how a

language that interacts with the CLR will behave. When languages use the

CLS, they are said to be using managed code. Managed code is a set of

language constructs that all .NET languages must contain, including data

types, error handling, metadata, and so forth.

Managed code can be broken down by a compiler into a set of bytecodes,

known as the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL or IL). The MSIL is

stored, along with some metadata about the program itself, in a portable

executable (EXE or DLL).

Intermediate Language

Intermediate Language (IL) is used so that a compiler can translate the

program into the final code, which can, in turn, be interpreted by the OS

and the hardware. Using IL makes it easier to create a compiler for that IL

for any OS and hardware platform.

The compiler for .NET is called a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler. When you

distribute a DLL or EXE file, it is not in an executable format. Instead,

it is in a Microsoft IL (MSIL) format that will be compiled into native

code for the target operating system. This compilation can either be done

at runtime (JIT) or when the program is installed for the first time. In

either case, it is the JIT compiler that performs this compilation, as

shown in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Managed code is compiled down to MSIL, which is then compiled

by the JIT compiler.

Services in .NET

The .NET Framework supplies many services to a developer. Here are some of

the most notable ones:

Memory management


Garbage collection

Exception handling


Application isolation

Data interaction

Encryption services


In the past, to get all these sophisticated services, you either had to

build them yourself or use a higher-level language. The problem with

building these services yourself is they are ancillary to the actual

program. Most customers just want a business problem solved; they do not

want you spending your time developing security systems and

garbage-collection routines. In other words, they just want you to give

them a program that solves their problem. Therefore, in a low-level

language, you might end up spending twice as long to get an application

that accomplishes the business purpose because you have to spend so long on

designing all of these infrastructure services.

If you use a high-level language, most of these services are built in.

However, if they are not built in to the language, you might not be able to

build these services because the language is so far removed from the OS.

This means that it is difficult, if not impossible, to take advantage of

threading or security from that language.

All these services can be used from any language that works with the CLR.

So now your choice of language does not matter so much, because everything

compiles down to the same Intermediate Language.

Data Services (ADO.NET)

One of the new services built in to the .NET Framework is a complete new

data-access model called ADO.NET. Although it has the same name as an

earlier data-access technique, called ADO, it is very different. You might

recognize some of the objects that are similar to the Connection and

Command objects in ADO, but there are enough different methods and

properties to keep you on your toes.

The biggest difference between the two models is how the data is stored in

memory after it is read from the database. In ADO, the recordsets were

stored in a binary format. In ADO.NET, they are stored as XML. Another big

change is that ADO.NET is disconnected. That is, ADO.NET does not keep any

connections open after reading the data in from a data source.

There are several new classes, such as Command, DataAdapter, DataReader,

and DataSet. The Recordset object is gone, and all records are read either

from the DataReader or the DataSet object.

DataSet objects allow you to read in several tables into one object. You

can then set relationships between the tables in memory as well as add,

edit, and delete the data in these tables, and you can store the data back

in the database. The schema for the tables is also read in and stored in an

XML format.

ADO.NET has the capability to natively read and write to XML. In addition,

you can use OLE DB or native providers to read data from data sources such

as SQL Server, Oracle, and Access.

Security Services

Security is pervasive throughout the .NET Framework. Table 2.1 shows some

of the different types of security that you can set up for your


Table 2.1. The Different Security Types in .NET Security Type Description

Access Control Secures objects, such as files, Registry keys, and

directory service objects

Security Support Provider Interface Establishes authenticated connections

Logon Authenticated Provides for password filtering, Windows logon, and

local security authentication

Certificate Services and Components Issues and manages certificates

Cryptography Provides a set of classes based on the Crypto API functions

in Windows 2000

Smart Card Allows you to integrate with smart card朾ased authentication

Policy Management Programmatically sets and manages local security


Common Type System and Standard Data Types

As part of the .NET Framework and the CLR, it is important that all

languages have access to common data types. This makes the interoperability

between languages much easier. To accomplish this, Microsoft has created

the Common Type System with a standard set of data types that each language

can utilize.

Data types in .NET are no longer defined by each language. Instead, they

are a core part of the CLR. Each data type is itself an object. Each

language has the choice to implement all of them or just a subset.

Table 2.2 lists each of the different data types and tells which languages

implement each one.

Table 2.2. Each Data Type in the .NET Framework Is Actually Implemented as

a Class Data Type Description Language Usage

Byte 8-bit unsigned integer Visual Basic: Byte

C#: Byte

Visual C++: Char

Sbyte 8-bit signed integer Visual Basic: N/A

C#: sbyte

Visual C++: signed char

Int16 16-bit signed integer Visual Basic: Short

C#: short

Visual C++: short

Int32 32-bit signed integer Visual Basic: Integer

C#: int

C++: int or long

Int64 64-bit signed integer Visual Basic: Long

C#: long

Visual C++: _int64

Unint16 16-bit unsigned integer Visual Basic: N/A

C#: ushort

Visual C++: unsigned short

Uint32 32-bit unsigned integer Visual Basic: N/A

C#: uint

Visual C++: unsigned int or unsigned long

Uint64 64-bit unsigned integer Visual Basic: N/A

C#: ulong

Visual C++: unsigned __int64

Single 32-bit floating-point number Visual Basic: Single

C#: float

Visual C++: float

Double 64-bit floating-point number Visual Basic: Double

C#: double

Visual C++: double

Boolean True (1) or False (0) Visual Basic: Boolean

C#: bool

Visual C++: bool

Object The base type of any class or data type Visual Basic: Object

C#: object

Visual C++: Object

Char Unicode character (16 bit) Visual Basic: Char

C#: Char

Visual C++: __wchar_t

String A string of Unicode characters Visual Basic: String

C#: string

Visual C++: String

Decimal 96-bit decimal value Visual Basic: Decimal

C#: decimal

Visual C++: Decimal

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