
The System Namespace

王朝asp·作者佚名  2006-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

The System Namespace

The System namespace sits at the top of the namespace hierarchy. All the

rest of the libraries in this chapter梐nd in this book梬ill be descended

from the System namespace. (The .NET Framework does include some namespaces

that aren't part of the System namespace, but we won't be discussing them

in this book.) The most important items contained within the System

namespace are the classes that represent the base data types, such as

Object, Integer, Long, String, and so on.

In addition to these base data types, there are dozens of classes in the

System namespace. These classes cover areas such as data handling

(DataSet), garbage collection (GC), and threading (Threading).

The System namespace also contains namespaces that provide the bulk of the

.NET Framework functionality. These secondary namespaces are generally

grouped into areas of functionality. For example, data access is handled by

System.Data, System.Xml, and System.Xml.Serialization, whereas the

System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms namespaces handle user interfaces.

A System.GC (Garbage Collection) Example

As an example of the System namespace, this section takes a look at garbage

collection. Garbage collection is one of the important new features you can

control when you use the .NET Framework. In COM, instantiated objects are

allocated memory automatically. These COM components kept an internal

counter of the number of connections being made to them. When this counter

drops to zero, the object is supposed to drop out of memory.

In your client code, you can instantiate a COM component (creating an

object in memory) and later kill it by setting your object reference to

Nothing. As long as you have the only connection to the COM object (the

most likely scenario), the object is destroyed immediately.

The problem with using COM reference counting is that it's possible梐nd

actually far too easy梖or one component to maintain a reference to another,

while the second maintains a reference back to the first. Because neither

component can be destroyed (each has a "live" inward reference), neither

object can ever remove itself from memory. This circular reference problem

has led to many memory leaks.

Memory management is now handled automatically by the .NET Framework,

without reliance on reference counting. The circular reference problem is

gone, because the Framework decides when objects are to be released from

memory, based on their usage. This means that you do not know exactly when

objects will be destroyed, so you can't be sure when the memory is to be

cleaned up.

If you want more control, you can force garbage collection to occur by

calling the Collect method of the GC class. In the following code snippet,

you can see the Collect method being called:

Dim oCust As New Customer()

oCust.CompanyName = "Microsoft Corporation"


oCust = Nothing


This code instantiates a hypothetical Customer object. It sets the

CompanyName property and then might perform other actions on the object.

When it's done, the code sets the object reference to Nothing and

explicitly calls the Collect method of the GC class. Not calling the

Collect method would mean that the object, while no longer referenced,

might still be alive in memory. It would be marked for garbage collection

but might not be removed until garbage collection is run.

Perhaps you're wondering why you might ever call the garbage collector

manually, given that .NET is so good about handling memory for you? Realize

that the component, although dereferenced (set to Nothing), may still exist

in memory for some time. Not only is it taking up memory, but more

importantly, any resources it was accessing may still be held open. For

example, database connections and file handles might still be held open

until the object is actually dropped from memory. Therefore, you might want

to explicitly call the garbage collector and have the object taken out of

memory. Of course, a careful programmer would close all open resources

before an object is dereferenced.

Working with Namespace Names

The previous example works with the System.GC class, yet it's referred to

simply as GC. How is that possible? How can the compiler determine which

exact class you're referring to? When referring to members of a namespace

(that is, objects provided by a namespace), you must somehow indicate to

Visual Basic .NET which exact object you want to use. In general, you must

type the entire object name, including its full namespace. For example, to

refer to a SqlDataReader object, you would have to write code like this:

Dim dr As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader()

If you refer to objects in the same namespace often, you may want to find

some way to simply refer to the objects themselves, rather than the entire

namespace. To make this possible, VB .NET provides the Imports statement,

which you can place at the top of any file. This statement acts much like a

file-wide With…End With statement. If, for example, you have placed the


Imports System.Data.SqlClient

at the top of a file, you could modify the previous code example to look

like this:

Dim dr As New SqlDataReader()

To make this easier for you, VB .NET projects created in Visual Studio .NET

always add implicit Imports statements for you. You can check the list of

implicit Imports by right-clicking an open project in the Solution

Explorer. Select Imports from the list of common properties in the

project's property pages, and you'll see a list of Imports statements that

VB .NET automatically handles for you.

In your code, you can only refer to objects that are provided by the

assemblies your project references. That is, unless Visual Studio .NET has

automatically set a reference to an assembly or you've manually added the

reference, you won't be able to use an object. Also, you can only add

Imports statements for classes you've referenced. To add a reference to an

assembly, use the Project, Add Reference menu item and select the .NET tab.


The GC class provides only shared members. The shared keyword indicates

that you don't need to create an instance of the class before using its

methods or properties. Many .NET Framework classes use shared members (such

as GC.Collect) rather than requiring you to declare a GC variable and

create a new instance. Instance properties and methods (such as the Length

property of a specific string) are more common.

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