// Produced By fishstudio @ Sep. 2005
//@description:this(or maybe these)program contains several algorthims in only one function in the C
// programming language.But, if you want to use it,please select the one you want to use
// for copying all of it will cause a mount of errors while compiling.Maybe I should make it
// in a more advanced IDE(e.g: MS Visual,I could,which will give the users more
// benefits.I like pure things so that's reason.
//................................many codes before the function were discarded
//we have a main string called S,and a module string called P,also the nextval array used to record the
//nextval of each element of the module string.
typedef int Postion;//the postion of the firstly found string
Postion Compare( SString s, SString p){//compare whether there is a string P contains in S,
//if has return the firstly found postion,if not return -1 as the symbol of the failure
int len_s = strlen( s),len_p = strlen( p),i=0,j=0;
while( i < len_s && j < len_p){
if( s[ i ] == p[ j ]) { ++i; ++j; }
else {
i = i - j + 1;
j = 1;
//===========================================================the normal function is over
//here comes the KMP function
while( i < len_s && j < len_p){
if( s[ i ] == p[ j ]) { ++i; ++j;}
else j = nextval[ j ];
//===========================================================the KMP algorthim is over
//here come the algorthim to calculate the nextval[ i ].
//Notice:the index 0 of each array contains the length of the array
i =1; nextval[ 1 ] = 0; j = 0;
while( i < s[ 0 ]){
if( j == 0 || p[ i ] == p[ j ]){ ++i; ++j;
if( p[ i ] != p[ j ])//if the next element doesn't equal to the last one
nextval[ i ] = j;
else nextval[ i ] = nextval[ j ];
else j = nextval[ j ];
//============================================================here comes the end
if( j > len_p) return ( i - len_p);
else return -1;
}//the end of the string's compare algorthim
一 理论论述:
(5)关于如何求next[j] 普通算法
“将Next[j]解释为p1 p2 …… pj 中最大相同前缀子串和后缀子串(真子串)的长度较容易理解。
当j>1时,Next[j]的值为模式串的位置从1到j-1构成的串中所出现的首尾相同的子串的最大长度加1,无首尾相同的子串时 Next[j]的值为1。”
(引用自青玉案的《KMP》) 。