
Introducing the Debugging Tools

王朝asp·作者佚名  2006-01-10
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Introducing the Debugging Tools

Visual Studio .NET provides many tools you can use to debug your

applications. In addition, Visual Basic .NET provides tools you can use,

such as the Stop statement, the Debug and Trace objects, and conditional

compilation. Table 9.1 provides a brief definition of each of these items.

Table 9.1. Tools You Can Use to Debug Your Application Tool Description

Breakpoints Breakpoints allow you to drop into Break mode before a

particular line of code executes. Once in Break mode, you can single-step

through your code. You can set as many breakpoints as you like, and your

breakpoints are preserved with your project.

Debug class This class provides methods that allow you to interactively

debug your application at development time. You can output text to any of a

number of listeners as you're debugging your application. The default

listener is the Output window, although you can add other listeners as

well, such as the Event Log, text files, or the Console window.

Conditional statements These statements allow you to include or exclude

statements at compile time. Excluded statements simply don't exist within

your compiled applications.

Debugging tools Visual Studio .NET provides a host of windows that give

you all sorts of information about variables, breakpoints, memory, the call

stack, and much more.

Stop statement A Stop statement acts as a permanent runtime breakpoint.

Unlike breakpoints, however, you cannot leave Stop statements in your

compiled applications, because your applications will simply stop when the

code execution reaches the Stop statement. Stop statements are included

mostly for backward compatibility because breakpoints are now persisted

with your projects. (In VB6, developers lost their breakpoints when they

shut down the development environment, so developers often used Stop

statements to preserve their breakpoints.)

Trace class This class provides runtime tracing support, allowing you to

write text to a number of listeners as your application runs on client

machines. You can send information to any number of different listeners,

such as the Event Log, text files, or the Console window. (This topic is

beyond the scope of this chapter. For more information, see the .NET

Framework documentation.)

The following subsections introduce you to these various tools.

Using Breakpoints

Often, as you're testing an application on your own machine, you won't want

to step through every line of code (using the Step Into or Step Over

techniques) in order to arrive at the point where you think an error might

be lurking. Instead, you can set a breakpoint in your source code to

indicate to Visual Studio .NET where it should stop executing and drop into

Break mode. To insert a breakpoint, you can simply click the mouse in the

left margin, next to the line of code on which you'd like to drop into

Break mode. Figure 9.2 shows a procedure including a breakpoint.

Figure 9.2. Click in the margin to insert a breakpoint into your code.

After a breakpoint is set, you can start and run the application normally.

When Visual Basic hits the line of code marked with the breakpoint, it

automatically puts you in Break mode.

Breakpoints are saved with your project, so after you close Visual Studio

.NET and restart it, your breakpoints will still be available to you.

The Breakpoints Window

To make it easier for you to see all your breakpoints, Visual Studio .NET

provides the Breakpoints window. Select Debug, Windows, Breakpoints to see

the window shown in Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3. The Breakpoints window shows all the breakpoints in your


This window provides a list of all the breakpoints you have set in your

application. If you double-click a breakpoint, the window will take you

directly to that breakpoint within your source code.

Breakpoints Toolbar

The Breakpoints window contains a toolbar that provides a series of buttons

you'll find useful while debugging. Table 9.2 lists and describes the

buttons, from left to right, for you.

Table 9.2. The Breakpoints Window Toolbar Includes These Buttons Tool


New Creates a new breakpoint and allows you to configure the conditions

under which the program will stop on this breakpoint. See the next section

for more information on setting up conditional breakpoints.

Delete Deletes the currently selected breakpoint.

Clear All Breakpoints Deletes all breakpoints from the current solution.

Disable All Breakpoints Disables all breakpoints until you enable them


Go To Source Code Moves your cursor to the line in your source code where

the currently selected breakpoint is located.

Go To Disassembly Opens the disassembly window to the line where the

currently selected breakpoint is located.

Columns Allows you to choose which columns you wish to display in the

Breakpoint window. You can display Name, Condition, Hit Count, Language,

Function, File, Address, Data, and Program.

Properties Allows you to configure the conditions under which the program

will stop on the currently selected breakpoint. See the next section for

information on setting conditional breakpoints.

Conditions on Breakpoints

If you right-click any breakpoint in the Breakpoints window and select

Properties from the context menu (or select the Properties button on the

window's toolbar), you can set and retrieve attributes about the selected

breakpoint. If you want to create a new breakpoint, setting conditional

attributes, you can right-click any breakpoint and select New Breakpoint

from the context menu or click New on the window's toolbar. (The New

Breakpoint dialog box is essentially identical to the Breakpoint Properties

dialog box.) Figure 9.4 shows the New Breakpoint dialog box.

Figure 9.4. The New Breakpoint dialog box shows you information about a

breakpoint. A similar dialog box allows you to create a new breakpoint.

The Function tab (shown in Figure 9.4) allows you to determine in which

function you want to create the breakpoint. You can specify the line number

and even the character number where you want the breakpoint. (Allowing you

to set the character number takes into account Visual Basic's ability to

have multiple statements on the same line, separated with a colon [:]


The File tab allows you to set a breakpoint within a specific file in your

application by line number and character. Figure 9.5 shows the New

Breakpoint dialog box with the File tab selected.

Figure 9.5. The File tab of the New Breakpoint dialog box allows you to set

the file and line number at which you wish to set a breakpoint.

The Address tab of the New Breakpoint dialog box lets you set the actual

address of the instruction where you wish to set the breakpoint. You're

unlikely to use this option, shown in Figure 9.6, from within Visual Basic


Figure 9.6. The Address tab of the New Breakpoint dialog box lets you set

the instruction address at which to break.

The Data tab of the New Breakpoint dialog box allows you to enter Break

mode when a specified variable changes its value. This can be very useful

for tracking down where in your program a global variable changes its

value. Figure 9.7 shows the Data tab.

Figure 9.7. The Data tab of the New Breakpoint dialog box allows you to

break when a specified variable changes its value.

Setting a Condition

Sometimes, you'll want to trigger a breakpoint only if some specific

condition is met. You can click the Condition button on the New Breakpoint

dialog box (or the same button on the Breakpoint Properties dialog box) to

enter a condition. Clicking the button displays the dialog box shown in

Figure 9.8.

Figure 9.8. The Breakpoint Condition dialog box allows you to specify a

condition, such as intNumber = 5 or boolValue = True.

In the Breakpoint Condition dialog box, you can enter expressions and force

the program to drop into Break mode either when your expression is true or

when the expression changes its value. For example, you might specify an

expression such as intNumber = 10 or boolValue = True. If you want to track

a variable's value changing, you can enter the variable's name and select

Has Changed. Anytime the value of that variable changes, Visual Studio .NET

will place you into Break mode.

Specifying a Hit Count

Sometimes you may not want to step through a loop 50 times just to find an

error on the 50th iteration through the loop. To avoid this drudgery, you

can select Hit Count on the New Breakpoint dialog box and enter the hit

count on which you'd like to drop into Break mode. When you click this

button, you will see the dialog box shown in Figure 9.9.

Figure 9.9. The Breakpoint Hit Count dialog box lets you control exactly

when you enter Break mode.

The Breakpoint Hit Count dialog box supplies four options you can select

from the drop-down list on the dialog box. Table 9.3 outlines each of these


Table 9.3. Choose One of These Options to Determine How and When You Drop

into Break Mode Option Description

Break always Like a standard breakpoint, selecting this option will stop

execution each time the breakpoint is reached.

Break when the hit count is equal to Selecting this option indicates that

when the breakpoint has been the number of times you've specified, you'll

drop into Break mode.

Break when the hit count is a multiple of Selecting this option indicates

that when the breakpoint has been hit a number of times that is an even

multiple of the value you've specified, you'll drop into Break mode. For

example, if you specify 5, you'll drop into Break mode the 5th, 10th, 15th,

and so on, times you hit the breakpoint.

Break when the hit count is greater than or equal to Selecting this option

indicates that when the breakpoint has been hit at least the number of

times you've specified, you'll drop into Break mode each time you hit the

breakpoint after that. For example, if you specify 5, you'll drop into

Break mode on the 5th, 6th, 7th, and so on, times you hit the breakpoint.

Setting the Next Statement to Execute

Sometimes when debugging your application in Break mode, you might need to

skip a section of code or back up and execute the same code again. Visual

Studio .NET allows this, as long as the line you want to move to is within

the current procedure. While in Break mode, simply click and drag the

yellow arrow within the left margin to a new location within the same

procedure to set the instruction pointer to the newly selected line of

code. Figure 9.10 shows the action of dragging the yellow arrow to select a

new line of code to execute.

Figure 9.10. Click and drag the yellow arrow to set the new instruction


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