by 来自轻院的狼[Immlep]
这个不是什么新鲜的东西,不过我还没有见过有人在壳中使用的,用这个来做anti,它比FindWindow强很多了,不过这些东西说出来后,以后就没什么,可能以后你一看到类似的anti你就会很清楚了,另外这个anti调用的函数过多,代码长,挺不好的,本文中的例子(InString )是我引用现成的代码的,只不过做了一下简单的修改。思路是使用GetWindow循环获取系统的窗口的标题,查看标题中是否包含了要查找的关键字,如果发现,就做坏事,这个来检测Ollydbg也挺好的,可以检测"- [CPU - ",这样的字样,另外因为Ollydbg调试的时候会把被调试程序的名称显示在Ollydbg的窗口中,所以我们也可以检测“-debugme.exe-[”这样的字符(debugme.exe为被调试程序的名称,你可以用GetFullFilename等函数来获取被加壳后程序的名称),当然最好先给这些字符加密一下了。。
searchtext PROC
invoke GetDesktopWindow
invoke GetWindow,eax,GW_CHILD
mov hwindow,eax
invoke GetWindowText,hwindow,ADDR buff,200
cmp eax,0
jz skip1
;lea edi,offset buff
push offset buff2 ;我们要查找的窗口标题中包含的关键字,如"- [CPU - "
push offset buff ;;找到的窗口的中标题
push 1 ;从第一个字符找
call _InString
add esp,0ch
;invoke InString,1,addr buff,addr buff2
cmp eax,0
jz @F
invoke PostMessage,hwindow,WM_QUIT,0,0 ;在壳中做坏事不要这样做,很容易被跟踪出来的,自己想点新鲜的。
;invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr szdbtext1,addr szdbtext1,MB_OK
invoke GetWindow,hwindow,GW_HWNDNEXT
cmp eax,NULL
jne @1
jmp loc111
jmp @F
StartPos dd 0
lpszString dd 0
lpszSubStr dd 0
lnStrng dd 0
lnSubSt dd 0
reg1 dd 0
reg2 dd 0
Byte1 byte 0
push eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR [ESP+8]
mov [EBP+OFFSET StartPos],eax
pop eax
push eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR [ESP+0ch]
mov [EBP+OFFSET lpszString],eax
pop eax
push eax
mov eax,DWORD PTR [ESP+10h]
mov [EBP+OFFSET lpszSubStr],eax
pop eax
push esi
push edi
push ebx
.if [EBP+OFFSET StartPos] < 1
mov eax, -2 ; set eax -2
jmp @@Get_Outa_Here ; exit if less than 1
dec [EBP+OFFSET StartPos] ; correct to 0 based index
mov eax,[EBP+OFFSET lpszString]
call _lstrlen ;;;;;把原来的lstrlen函数也干掉!!!
mov [EBP+OFFSET lnStrng], eax
push eax
mov eax,[EBP+OFFSET lpszSubStr]
call _lstrlen
mov [EBP+OFFSET lnSubSt], eax
pop eax
sub eax, [EBP+OFFSET lnSubSt] ; subtract substr len from main string
; The following order is important.
.if eax >= [EBP+OFFSET lnStrng] ; the substring is greater than the main string
mov eax,0
jmp @@Get_Outa_Here
.elseif [EBP+OFFSET StartPos] == eax ; startpos at the last position accepted
jmp Same_Size
.elseif [EBP+OFFSET StartPos] > eax ; startpos greater than the last position accepted
mov eax, 0
jmp @@Get_Outa_Here
.elseif eax == 0 ; the two strings have the same size
jmp Same_Size
mov esi, [EBP+OFFSET lpszSubStr] ; get 1st byte in substring
mov bl, [esi]
; -------------------------------------------------------
; set maximum count as main string length minus substring
; -------------------------------------------------------
mov ecx, [EBP+OFFSET lpszString]
add ecx, [EBP+OFFSET lnStrng]
sub ecx, [EBP+OFFSET lnSubSt]
inc ecx
mov esi, [EBP+OFFSET lpszString] ; main string address
add esi, [EBP+OFFSET StartPos] ; add starting position to esi
cld ; read forward
@@L1s: ; 8 cycles on no 1st char match
mov al, [esi] ; 1
inc esi ; 1
cmp al, bl ; 1 find 1st substring byte
je @F ; 1 - 3 compare subsequent bytes to
cmp esi, ecx ; 1
jne @@L1s ; 3 - 1
mov eax, 0 ; return zero and exit if
jmp @@Get_Outa_Here ; match not found in string
; ------------------------------------------------
; do the comparison, main string is already in esi
; ------------------------------------------------
mov [EBP+OFFSET reg1], ecx ; 1
mov [EBP+OFFSET reg2], esi ; 1
mov byte ptr[EBP+OFFSET Byte1], bl ; 1
mov ecx, [EBP+OFFSET lnSubSt ] ; sub string length
.if ecx == 1
inc esi
jmp @@GetRetVal
inc ecx ; compare correct number of bytes
dec esi ; back one to compare correct bytes
mov edi, [EBP+OFFSET lpszSubStr]
repe cmpsb ; 9 if strings match, ecx will be 0
cmp ecx, 0 ; did the two strings match ??
jne @F
; jnz @F
mov eax, [EBP+OFFSET lpszString]
sub esi, eax ; subtract it from esi current value
sub esi, [EBP+OFFSET lnSubSt] ; subtract the search string length
mov eax, esi ; put count in eax
add eax, [EBP+OFFSET StartPos] ; add starting pos to get correct count
jmp @@Get_Outa_Here
mov ecx, [EBP+OFFSET reg1] ; 1
mov esi, [EBP+OFFSET reg2] ; 1
mov bl,byte ptr[EBP+OFFSET Byte1] ; 1
jmp @@L1r ; try again for match
mov esi, [EBP+OFFSET lpszString ] ; main string address
add esi, [EBP+OFFSET StartPos ] ; add starting position to esi
mov edi, [EBP+OFFSET lpszSubStr] ; sub string address
mov ecx, [EBP+OFFSET lnSubSt ] ; sub string length
repe cmpsb
.if ZERO? ; the two strings match
mov eax, [EBP+OFFSET StartPos ] ; get the return value
inc eax
mov eax, 0
jmp @@Get_Outa_Here
push ecx
push ebx
;mov eax,lpStr
lea ecx,[eax-1]
l1: inc ecx
test ecx,3
jz l2
cmp byte ptr[ecx],0
jne l1
jmp l6
l2: mov ebx,[ecx] ; U
add ecx,4 ; V
test bl,bl ; U
jz l5 ; V
test bh,bh ; U
jz l4 ; V
test ebx,0ff0000h ; U
jz l3 ; V
test ebx,0ff000000h ; U
jnz l2 ; V +1brt
inc ecx
l3: inc ecx
l4: inc ecx
l5: sub ecx,4
l6: sub ecx,eax
mov eax,ecx
pop ebx
pop ecx
db 0C3h
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
searchtext endp