

王朝vc·作者佚名  2006-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  











// Chameleon.odl : type library source for ActiveX Control project.

// This file will be processed by the Make Type Library (mktyplib) tool to

// produce the type library (Chameleon.tlb) that will become a resource in

// Chameleon.ocx.

#include <olectl.h>

#include <idispids.h>

[ uuid(56102E2F-1E92-4CE0-9007-507506A21492), version(1.0),


helpstring("ChameleonButton,based on gonchuki's work"),

control ]

library CHAMELEONLib




// Primary dispatch interface for CChameleonCtrl

[ uuid(CBD15FBF-9BA7-46C5-B013-5F75A5750E31),

helpstring("Dispatch interface for Chameleon Control"), hidden ]

dispinterface _DChameleon



// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain property information here.

// Use extreme caution when editing this section.


[id(DISPID_BACKCOLOR), bindable, requestedit] OLE_COLOR BackColor;

[id(DISPID_TEXT), bindable, requestedit] BSTR Text;

[id(DISPID_ENABLED), bindable, requestedit] boolean Enabled;

[id(DISPID_FONT), bindable] IFontDisp* Font;

[id(DISPID_FORECOLOR), bindable, requestedit] OLE_COLOR ForeColor;


[id(1)] long MousePointer;

[id(2)] IPictureDisp* MouseIcon;

[id(3)] IPictureDisp* Picture;

[id(4)] long ButtonType;

[id(5)] long ColorScheme;

[id(6)] boolean Press;

[id(7)] boolean ShowFocusRect;

[id(8)] boolean Stretch;

[id(9)] BSTR ToolTipText;

[id(10)] OLE_COLOR BackOverColor;

[id(11)] OLE_COLOR ForeOverColor;

[id(12)] long TextEffect;

[id(13)] boolean HandPointer;

[id(14)] IPictureDisp* DownPicture;

[id(15)] IPictureDisp* OverPicture;

[id(16)] IPictureDisp* DisablePicture;



// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain method information here.

// Use extreme caution when editing this section.



[id(DISPID_ABOUTBOX)] void AboutBox();


// Event dispatch interface for CChameleonCtrl

[ uuid(E9D3BEB5-028F-4330-AF0C-D51827D2E638),

helpstring("Event interface for Chameleon Control") ]

dispinterface _DChameleonEvents



// Event interface has no properties


// NOTE - ClassWizard will maintain event information here.

// Use extreme caution when editing this section.


[id(DISPID_CLICK)] void Click();

[id(DISPID_MOUSEDOWN)] void MouseDown(short Button, short Shift, OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y);

[id(DISPID_MOUSEUP)] void MouseUp(short Button, short Shift, OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y);

[id(DISPID_MOUSEMOVE)] void MouseMove(short Button, short Shift, OLE_XPOS_PIXELS x, OLE_YPOS_PIXELS y);

[id(DISPID_KEYDOWN)] void KeyDown(short* KeyCode, short Shift);

[id(DISPID_KEYUP)] void KeyUp(short* KeyCode, short Shift);

[id(DISPID_KEYPRESS)] void KeyPress(short* KeyAscii);

[id(1)] void MouseOver();

[id(2)] void MouseOut();



// Class information for CChameleonCtrl

[ uuid(6AE6E06F-390B-402D-B3A1-C0FF5FB598E7),

helpstring("Chameleon Control"), control ]

coclass Chameleon


[default] dispinterface _DChameleon;

[default, source] dispinterface _DChameleonEvents;










#if !defined(AFX_CHAMELEONCTL_H__2E1BDC1A_34B2_45FB_A4EA_912BCA97F3E5__INCLUDED_)


#if _MSC_VER > 1000

#pragma once

#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

// ChameleonCtl.h : Declaration of the CChameleonCtrl ActiveX Control class.


// CChameleonCtrl : See ChameleonCtl.cpp for implementation.

class CChameleonCtrl : public COleControl



// Constructor



// Overrides

// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides



virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid);

virtual void DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX);

virtual void OnResetState();


// Implementation



DECLARE_OLECREATE_EX(CChameleonCtrl) // Class factory and guid

DECLARE_OLETYPELIB(CChameleonCtrl) // GetTypeInfo

DECLARE_PROPPAGEIDS(CChameleonCtrl) // Property page IDs

DECLARE_OLECTLTYPE(CChameleonCtrl) // Type name and misc status

// Message maps


afx_msg void OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent);

afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);

afx_msg void OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);

afx_msg void OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd);

afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd);

afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);

afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);

afx_msg void OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

afx_msg void OnMButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);

afx_msg void OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);



// Dispatch maps


afx_msg long GetMousePointer();

afx_msg void SetMousePointer(long nNewValue);

afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetMouseIcon();

afx_msg void SetMouseIcon(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);

afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetPicture();

afx_msg void SetPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);

afx_msg long GetButtonType();

afx_msg void SetButtonType(long nNewValue);

afx_msg long GetColorScheme();

afx_msg void SetColorScheme(long nNewValue);

afx_msg BOOL GetPress();

afx_msg void SetPress(BOOL bNewValue);

afx_msg BOOL GetShowFocusRect();

afx_msg void SetShowFocusRect(BOOL bNewValue);

afx_msg BOOL GetStretch();

afx_msg void SetStretch(BOOL bNewValue);

afx_msg BSTR GetToolTipText();

afx_msg void SetToolTipText(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue);

afx_msg OLE_COLOR GetBackOverColor();

afx_msg void SetBackOverColor(OLE_COLOR nNewValue);

afx_msg OLE_COLOR GetForeOverColor();

afx_msg void SetForeOverColor(OLE_COLOR nNewValue);

afx_msg long GetTextEffect();

afx_msg void SetTextEffect(long nNewValue);

afx_msg BOOL GetHandPointer();

afx_msg void SetHandPointer(BOOL bNewValue);

afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetDownPicture();

afx_msg void SetDownPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);

afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetOverPicture();

afx_msg void SetOverPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);

afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetDisablePicture();

afx_msg void SetDisablePicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);



virtual void OnBackColorChanged();

virtual void OnForeColorChanged();

virtual void OnTextChanged();

virtual void OnEnabledChanged();

virtual void OnFontChanged();

afx_msg void AboutBox();

// Event maps


void FireMouseOver()


void FireMouseOut()




// Dispatch and event IDs


enum {


dispidMousePointer = 1L,

dispidMouseIcon = 2L,

dispidPicture = 3L,

dispidButtonType = 4L,

dispidColorScheme = 5L,

dispidPress = 6L,

dispidShowFocusRect = 7L,

dispidStretch = 8L,

dispidToolTipText = 9L,

dispidBackOverColor = 10L,

dispidForeOverColor = 11L,

dispidTextEffect = 12L,

dispidHandPointer = 13L,

dispidDownPicture = 14L,

dispidOverPicture = 15L,

dispidDisablePicture = 16L,

eventidMouseOver = 1L,

eventidMouseOut = 2L,








int Redraw( int nStatus, bool bForce, CDC * pdcDraw = NULL);


bool CheckMouseOver();


int MakeRegion( CRgn & rgnCreate );


int SetColor();


DWORD ShiftColor( DWORD ulColor, int nValue, bool m_bXP = false );


DWORD ShiftColorOXP( DWORD ulColor, int nBase = 0xB0 );


int DrawCaption( HDC hdcCtrl, int nDrawType );


int DrawEffect( HDC hdcCtrl, CRect recDraw );


int DrawRectangle( HDC hdcCtrl, int nLeft, int nTop, int nWidth, int nHeight, DWORD ulColor, bool bBoard = false );


int DrawFrame( HDC hdcCtrl, DWORD ulHigh, DWORD ulDark, DWORD ulLight, DWORD ulShadow, int nExtraOffset, bool bFlat = false );


int DrawFocusR( HDC hdcCtrl, CRect recFocus, DWORD ulColor );


int DrawLine( HDC hdcCtrl, int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2, DWORD ulColor );


void RelayEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);


int SetMoveCursor( long lMousePointer );


int RestoreCursor();


int GetPictureSize( int nType, int &nWidth, int &nHeight );





long m_lMousePointer;


CPictureHolder m_phdMouseIcon;


CPictureHolder m_phdPicture;


//Windows16 = 1,

//Windows32 = 2,

//WindowsXP = 3,

//Mac = 4,

//Java = 5,

//Netscape6 = 6,

//SimpleFlat = 7,

//FlatHight= 8,

//OfficeXP= 9,

//Transparent= 10,

//Hover= 11,

//KDE2= 12,

//Graphic = 13

long m_lButtonType;


//UseWindows = 1,

//Custom = 2,

//ForceStandard = 3,

//UseContainer = 4

long m_lColorScheme;


BOOL m_bPress;


BOOL m_bShowFocusRect;


BOOL m_bStretch;


CString m_strTipText;


long m_lBackOverColor;


long m_lForeOverColor;


//None = 0,

//Embossed = 1,

//Engraved = 2,

//Shadowed = 3

long m_lTextEffect;


BOOL m_bHandPointer;


CPictureHolder m_phdDownPicture;


CPictureHolder m_phdOverPicture;


CPictureHolder m_phdDisablePicture;





BYTE m_ucAccessKey;


bool m_bMouseOver;


long m_lCursorType;


HCURSOR m_hPrevCursor;


int m_nLastKey;


bool m_bPressState;


bool m_bFocus;


int m_nStatus;


CString m_strText;


CRect m_recText;


int m_nWidth;

int m_nHeight;


CRect m_recFocusRect;


CRgn m_rgnControl;


DWORD m_ulFace;

DWORD m_ulFaceO;

DWORD m_ulText;

DWORD m_ulTextO;

DWORD m_ulShadow;

DWORD m_ulLight;

DWORD m_ulHighLight;

DWORD m_ulDarkShadow;

DWORD m_ulXPFace;

DWORD m_ulOfficeXPB;

DWORD m_ulOfficeXPF;


CToolTipCtrl m_ttpMes;



// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_CHAMELEONCTL_H__2E1BDC1A_34B2_45FB_A4EA_912BCA97F3E5__INCLUDED)





typedef [uuid(55A57721-6744-49d2-A711-01E12E6CC023), version(1.0)]

enum ButtonTypes{

Windows16 = 1,

Windows32 = 2,

WindowsXP = 3,

Mac = 4,

Java = 5,

Netscape6 = 6,

SimpleFlat = 7,

FlatHight= 8,

OfficeXP= 9,

Transparent= 10,

Hover= 11,

KDE2= 12,

Graphic = 13

} ButtonTypes;

typedef [uuid(7D7C39D1-5479-4650-937A-768645B2634A), version(1.0)]

enum ColorTypes{

UseWindows = 1,

Custom = 2,

ForceStandard = 3,

UseContainer = 4

} ColorTypes;

typedef [uuid(9CE8E7E4-134F-4950-819B-2208193A3F8B), version(1.0)]

enum EffectTypes{

None = 0,

Embossed = 1,

Engraved = 2,

Shadowed = 3

} EffectTypes;


Default 0 (默认值)由对象决定的形状。

Arrow 1 箭头。

Cross 2 十字(十字型指针)

IBeam 3 I 型标。

Icon 4 图标(在方块中的小方块)。

Size 5 大小(四向箭头指向上下左右)。

SizeNESW 6 右上 - 左下大小(双向箭头分别指向右上和左下)。

SizeNS 7 垂直大小(双向箭头分别指向上和下)。

SizeNWSE 8 左上 - 右下大小。

SizeEW 9 水平大小(双向箭头分别指向左和右)。

UpArrow 10 向上箭头键。

Hourglass 11 沙漏(等待)。

NoDrop 12 不允许放下。

ArrowHourglass 13 箭头和沙漏。

ArrowQuestion 14 箭头和问号。

SizeAll 15 四向箭头。

Custom 99 由 MouseIcon 属性指定的自定义图标。







// ChameleonCtl.cpp : Implementation of the CChameleonCtrl ActiveX Control class.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Chameleon.h"

#include "ChameleonCtl.h"

#include "ChameleonPpg.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG

#define new DEBUG_NEW

#undef THIS_FILE

static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;


extern CChameleonApp NEAR theApp;

IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CChameleonCtrl, COleControl)


// Message map

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CChameleonCtrl, COleControl)




















// Dispatch map

BEGIN_DISPATCH_MAP(CChameleonCtrl, COleControl)


DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "MousePointer", GetMousePointer, SetMousePointer, VT_I4)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "MouseIcon", GetMouseIcon, SetMouseIcon, VT_PICTURE)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "Picture", GetPicture, SetPicture, VT_PICTURE)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "ButtonType", GetButtonType, SetButtonType, VT_I4)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "ColorScheme", GetColorScheme, SetColorScheme, VT_I4)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "Press", GetPress, SetPress, VT_BOOL)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "ShowFocusRect", GetShowFocusRect, SetShowFocusRect, VT_BOOL)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "Stretch", GetStretch, SetStretch, VT_BOOL)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "ToolTipText", GetToolTipText, SetToolTipText, VT_BSTR)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "BackOverColor", GetBackOverColor, SetBackOverColor, VT_COLOR)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "ForeOverColor", GetForeOverColor, SetForeOverColor, VT_COLOR)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "TextEffect", GetTextEffect, SetTextEffect, VT_I4)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "HandPointer", GetHandPointer, SetHandPointer, VT_BOOL)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "DownPicture", GetDownPicture, SetDownPicture, VT_PICTURE)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "OverPicture", GetOverPicture, SetOverPicture, VT_PICTURE)

DISP_PROPERTY_EX(CChameleonCtrl, "DisablePicture", GetDisablePicture, SetDisablePicture, VT_PICTURE)











// Event map

BEGIN_EVENT_MAP(CChameleonCtrl, COleControl)


EVENT_CUSTOM("MouseOver", FireMouseOver, VTS_NONE)

EVENT_CUSTOM("MouseOut", FireMouseOut, VTS_NONE)











// Property pages

// TODO: Add more property pages as needed. Remember to increase the count!








// Initialize class factory and guid


0x6ae6e06f, 0x390b, 0x402d, 0xb3, 0xa1, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x5f, 0xb5, 0x98, 0xe7)


// Type library ID and version

IMPLEMENT_OLETYPELIB(CChameleonCtrl, _tlid, _wVerMajor, _wVerMinor)


// Interface IDs

const IID BASED_CODE IID_DChameleon =

{ 0xcbd15fbf, 0x9ba7, 0x46c5, { 0xb0, 0x13, 0x5f, 0x75, 0xa5, 0x75, 0xe, 0x31 } };

const IID BASED_CODE IID_DChameleonEvents =

{ 0xe9d3beb5, 0x28f, 0x4330, { 0xaf, 0xc, 0xd5, 0x18, 0x27, 0xd2, 0xe6, 0x38 } };


// Control type information

static const DWORD BASED_CODE _dwChameleonOleMisc =








// CChameleonCtrl::CChameleonCtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry -

// Adds or removes system registry entries for CChameleonCtrl

BOOL CChameleonCtrl::CChameleonCtrlFactory::UpdateRegistry(BOOL bRegister)


// TODO: Verify that your control follows apartment-model threading rules.

// Refer to MFC TechNote 64 for more information.

// If your control does not conform to the apartment-model rules, then

// you must modify the code below, changing the 6th parameter from

// afxRegApartmentThreading to 0.

if (bRegister)

return AfxOleRegisterControlClass(












return AfxOleUnregisterClass(m_clsid, m_lpszProgID);



// CChameleonCtrl::CChameleonCtrl - Constructor



InitializeIIDs(&IID_DChameleon, &IID_DChameleonEvents);


m_lMousePointer = 0;



m_lButtonType = 3;

m_lColorScheme = 1;

m_bPress = FALSE;

m_bShowFocusRect = TRUE;

m_bStretch = TRUE;


m_lBackOverColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);

m_lForeOverColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);

m_lTextEffect = 0;

m_bHandPointer = FALSE;





m_ucAccessKey = 0;

m_bMouseOver = false;

m_lCursorType = -1;

m_hPrevCursor = NULL;

m_nLastKey = 0;

m_bPressState = false;

m_bFocus = false;

m_nStatus = 0;

m_nWidth = 0;

m_nHeight = 0;



// CChameleonCtrl::~CChameleonCtrl - Destructor



// TODO: Cleanup your control's instance data here.



// CChameleonCtrl::OnDraw - Drawing function

void CChameleonCtrl::OnDraw(

CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid)



Redraw( m_nStatus, true, pdc );



// CChameleonCtrl::DoPropExchange - Persistence support

void CChameleonCtrl::DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX)


ExchangeVersion(pPX, MAKELONG(_wVerMinor, _wVerMajor));


// TODO: Call PX_ functions for each persistent custom property.


PX_Long(pPX, "MousePointer", m_lMousePointer, 0);

PX_Picture(pPX, "MouseIcon",m_phdMouseIcon);

PX_Picture(pPX, "Picture",m_phdPicture);

PX_Long(pPX, "ButtonType", m_lButtonType, 3);

PX_Long(pPX, "ColorScheme", m_lColorScheme, 1);

PX_Bool(pPX, "Press", m_bPress, FALSE);

PX_Bool(pPX, "ShowFocusRect", m_bShowFocusRect, TRUE);

PX_Bool(pPX, "Stretch", m_bStretch, TRUE);

PX_String(pPX, "ToolTipText", m_strTipText);

PX_Long(pPX, "BackOverColor", m_lBackOverColor, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE));

PX_Long(pPX, "ForeOverColor", m_lForeOverColor, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));

PX_Long(pPX, "TextEffect", m_lTextEffect, 0);

PX_Bool(pPX, "HandPointer", m_bHandPointer, FALSE);

PX_Picture(pPX, "DownPicture",m_phdDownPicture);

PX_Picture(pPX, "OverPicture",m_phdOverPicture);

PX_Picture(pPX, "DisablePicture",m_phdDisablePicture);



// CChameleonCtrl::OnResetState - Reset control to default state

void CChameleonCtrl::OnResetState()


COleControl::OnResetState(); // Resets defaults found in DoPropExchange


m_lMousePointer = 0;



m_lButtonType = 3;

m_lColorScheme = 1;

m_bPress = FALSE;

m_bShowFocusRect = TRUE;

m_bStretch = TRUE;


m_lBackOverColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);

m_lForeOverColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);

m_lTextEffect = 0;

m_bHandPointer = FALSE;





int CChameleonCtrl::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)


if (COleControl::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)

return -1;


if( m_ttpMes.Create( this, TTS_ALWAYSTIP ) )


m_ttpMes.AddTool( this );

if( AmbientUserMode() && m_ttpMes.m_hWnd != NULL )


if( m_strTipText.GetLength() > 0 )


m_ttpMes.Activate( true );

m_ttpMes.UpdateTipText( m_strTipText, this );




m_ttpMes.Activate( false );




return 0;


void CChameleonCtrl::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent)


if( nIDEvent == 1 )



if( !CheckMouseOver() )


KillTimer( 1 );

m_bMouseOver = false;

if( m_bPressState )


Redraw( 1, true );




Redraw( 0, true );






void CChameleonCtrl::OnKillFocus(CWnd* pNewWnd)




if( m_bEnabled )


m_bFocus = false;

Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



void CChameleonCtrl::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd)




if( m_bEnabled )


m_bFocus = true;

Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



void CChameleonCtrl::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)


if( m_bEnabled )


short sButton = 0;

short sShift = 0;


Redraw( 1, false );


if( nFlags & MK_LBUTTON )


sButton += 1;


if( nFlags & MK_SHIFT )


sShift += 1;


if( nFlags & MK_CONTROL )


sShift += 2;


FireMouseDown( sButton, sShift, point.x, point.y );




MAKELPARAM(LOWORD(point.x), LOWORD(point.y)) );

COleControl::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)


if( m_bEnabled )


short sButton = 0;

short sShift = 0;


if( m_bPress )


m_bPressState = !m_bPressState;


if( m_bPressState )


Redraw( 1, true );




Redraw( 0, true );



if( nFlags & MK_LBUTTON )


sButton += 1;


if( nFlags & MK_SHIFT )


sShift += 1;


if( nFlags & MK_CONTROL )


sShift += 2;


FireMouseUp( sButton, sShift, point.x, point.y );




RelayEvent( WM_LBUTTONUP, (WPARAM)nFlags,

MAKELPARAM(LOWORD(point.x), LOWORD(point.y)) );

COleControl::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)


if( m_bEnabled )


short sButton = 0;

short sShift = 0;


if( nFlags <= MK_LBUTTON )


if( CheckMouseOver() )


if( nFlags == 0 && !m_bMouseOver )


SetTimer( 1, 100, NULL );

m_bMouseOver = true;

Redraw( 0, true );



else if( nFlags == MK_LBUTTON )


SetTimer( 1, 100, NULL );

m_bMouseOver = true;

Redraw( 1, false );

m_bMouseOver = false;





if( nFlags & MK_LBUTTON )


sButton += 1;


if( nFlags & MK_RBUTTON )


sButton += 2;


if( nFlags & MK_MBUTTON )


sButton += 4;


if( nFlags & MK_SHIFT )


sShift += 1;


if( nFlags & MK_CONTROL )


sShift += 2;


FireMouseMove( sButton, sShift, point.x, point.y );



RelayEvent( WM_MOUSEMOVE, (WPARAM)nFlags,

MAKELPARAM(LOWORD(point.x), LOWORD(point.y)) );

COleControl::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)


if( m_bEnabled )


USHORT usKey = nChar;

short sShift = 0;

m_nLastKey = nChar;

if( m_nLastKey == 32 )



Redraw( 1, false );


else if( m_nLastKey == 39 || m_nLastKey == 40 )


//right and down arrows

//When use in VC and VB,don't need to handle this


else if( m_nLastKey == 37 || m_nLastKey == 38 )


//left and up arrows

//When use in VC and VB,don't need to handle this


FireKeyDown( &usKey, sShift );


COleControl::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)


if( m_bEnabled )


USHORT usKey = nChar;

short sShift = 0;

if( m_nLastKey == 32 && usKey == 32 )



if( m_bPress )


m_bPressState = !m_bPressState;


if( m_bPressState )


Redraw( 1, true );




Redraw( 0, true );




FireKeyUp( &usKey, sShift );

FireKeyPress( &usKey );


COleControl::OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)


if( !m_bStretch && m_lButtonType == 13 )




int nWidth;

int nHeight;

GetPictureSize( 1, nWidth, nHeight );

if( nWidth == 0 || nHeight == 0 )


SetControlSize( 32, 32 );




SetControlSize( nWidth, nHeight );





COleControl::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);



GetClientRect( m_recFocusRect );

m_nWidth = m_recFocusRect.Width();

m_nHeight = m_recFocusRect.Height();


if( m_lButtonType == 7 )


InflateRect( m_recFocusRect, -3, -3 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 12 )


InflateRect( m_recFocusRect, -5, -5 );

OffsetRect( m_recFocusRect, 1, 1 );




InflateRect( m_recFocusRect, -4, -4 );



MakeRegion( m_rgnControl );

SetWindowRgn( m_rgnControl, true );


void CChameleonCtrl::OnRButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)



//COleControl::OnRButtonUp(nFlags, point);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)



//COleControl::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnMButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)



//COleControl::OnMButtonUp(nFlags, point);


void CChameleonCtrl::OnMButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)



//COleControl::OnMButtonDown(nFlags, point);



// CChameleonCtrl::AboutBox - Display an "About" box to the user

void CChameleonCtrl::AboutBox()






// CChameleonCtrl message handlers

void CChameleonCtrl::OnBackColorChanged()


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



void CChameleonCtrl::OnForeColorChanged()


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



void CChameleonCtrl::OnTextChanged()


CString strCaption = InternalGetText();

int nFind = strCaption.Find( "&" );

if( nFind != -1 )


if( strCaption.GetLength() > nFind + 1 )


m_ucAccessKey = (BYTE)strCaption.GetAt( nFind + 1 );




m_ucAccessKey = 0;





m_ucAccessKey = 0;


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



void CChameleonCtrl::OnEnabledChanged()


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



void CChameleonCtrl::OnFontChanged()


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );



long CChameleonCtrl::GetMousePointer()


return m_lMousePointer;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetMousePointer(long nNewValue)


m_lMousePointer = nNewValue;

if( ( m_lMousePointer < 0 || m_lMousePointer > 15 )

&& m_lMousePointer != 99 )


m_lMousePointer = 0;




LPPICTUREDISP CChameleonCtrl::GetMouseIcon()


return m_phdMouseIcon.GetPictureDispatch();


void CChameleonCtrl::SetMouseIcon(LPPICTUREDISP newValue)





LPPICTUREDISP CChameleonCtrl::GetPicture()


return m_phdPicture.GetPictureDispatch();


void CChameleonCtrl::SetPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue)



if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




long CChameleonCtrl::GetButtonType()


return m_lButtonType;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetButtonType(long newValue)


m_lButtonType = newValue;

if( m_lButtonType < 1 || m_lButtonType > 13 )


m_lButtonType = 3;


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


MakeRegion( m_rgnControl );

SetWindowRgn( m_rgnControl, true );

Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




long CChameleonCtrl::GetColorScheme()


return m_lColorScheme;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetColorScheme(long nNewValue)


m_lColorScheme = nNewValue;

if( m_lButtonType < 1 || m_lButtonType > 4 )


m_lButtonType = 1;


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




BOOL CChameleonCtrl::GetPress()


return m_bPress;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetPress(BOOL bNewValue)


m_bPress = bNewValue;

if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




BOOL CChameleonCtrl::GetShowFocusRect()


return m_bShowFocusRect;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetShowFocusRect(BOOL bNewValue)


m_bShowFocusRect = bNewValue;

if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




BOOL CChameleonCtrl::GetStretch()


return m_bStretch;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetStretch(BOOL bNewValue)


CRect recClient;

m_bStretch = bNewValue;

if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


GetClientRect( recClient );

OnSize( 0, recClient.Width(), recClient.Height() );

Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




BSTR CChameleonCtrl::GetToolTipText()


return m_strTipText.AllocSysString();


void CChameleonCtrl::SetToolTipText(LPCTSTR lpszNewValue)


m_strTipText = lpszNewValue;

if( AmbientUserMode() && m_ttpMes.m_hWnd != NULL )


if( m_strTipText.GetLength() > 0 )


m_ttpMes.Activate( true );

m_ttpMes.UpdateTipText( m_strTipText, this );




m_ttpMes.Activate( false );





OLE_COLOR CChameleonCtrl::GetBackOverColor()


return m_lBackOverColor;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetBackOverColor(OLE_COLOR nNewValue)


m_lBackOverColor = nNewValue;

if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




OLE_COLOR CChameleonCtrl::GetForeOverColor()


return m_lForeOverColor;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetForeOverColor(OLE_COLOR nNewValue)


m_lForeOverColor = nNewValue;

if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




long CChameleonCtrl::GetTextEffect()


return m_lTextEffect;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetTextEffect(long nNewValue)


m_lTextEffect = nNewValue;

if( m_lTextEffect < 0 || m_lTextEffect > 3 )


m_lTextEffect = 0;


if( IsWindow( m_hWnd ) )


Redraw( m_nStatus, true );




BOOL CChameleonCtrl::GetHandPointer()


return m_bHandPointer;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetHandPointer(BOOL bNewValue)


m_bHandPointer = bNewValue;



LPPICTUREDISP CChameleonCtrl::GetDownPicture()


return m_phdDownPicture.GetPictureDispatch();


void CChameleonCtrl::SetDownPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue)





LPPICTUREDISP CChameleonCtrl::GetOverPicture()


return m_phdOverPicture.GetPictureDispatch();

return NULL;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetOverPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue)





LPPICTUREDISP CChameleonCtrl::GetDisablePicture()


return m_phdDisablePicture.GetPictureDispatch();

return NULL;


void CChameleonCtrl::SetDisablePicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue)







// 重绘函数

// 参数: pdcDraw 绘图场景

// nStatus 按钮状态,0,正常;1,按下

// bForce 是否强制重画

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::Redraw( int nStatus, bool bForce, CDC * pdcDraw )


BOOL bDefault;

bool bReleaseDC = false;

CString strCaption = InternalGetText();

CFont * pfntOld;

if( !bForce )



if( m_nStatus == nStatus && m_strText == strCaption )


return 0;




if( m_nHeight == 0 || m_nWidth == 0 )


return 0;



m_nStatus = nStatus;

m_strText = strCaption;




if( pdcDraw == NULL )


pdcDraw = GetDC();

bReleaseDC = true;



pfntOld = SelectStockFont( pdcDraw );



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_ulFace );

if( m_bEnabled )


if( m_nStatus == 0 )



if( m_lButtonType == 1 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow,

m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow, -1 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 2 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


if( bDefault && m_bShowFocusRect )


DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulDarkShadow,

m_ulLight, m_ulShadow, -1 );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );




DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulDarkShadow,

m_ulLight, m_ulShadow, 0 );



else if( m_lButtonType == 3 )



float fStep;

fStep = 25 / (float)m_nHeight;

for( int nCount = 1; nCount <= m_nHeight; nCount++ )


DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, nCount, m_nWidth,

nCount, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, (int)(-fStep * nCount), true ) );


if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, 0x733C00, true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, 0x7B4D10 );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2, 0x7B4D10 );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1, 0x7B4D10 );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, 0x7B4D10 );

if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 4, 0x31B2FF, true );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, 0x96E7 );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 1, m_nWidth - 2, 1, 0xCEF3FF );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2, m_nWidth - 1, 2, 0x8CDBFF );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 3, 2, m_nHeight - 3, 0x6BCBFF );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3,

3, m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, 0x6BCBFF );


else if( ( m_bFocus || bDefault ) && m_bShowFocusRect )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 4, 0xE7AE8C, true );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, 0xEF826B );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 1, m_nWidth - 2, 1, 0xFFE7CE );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2, m_nWidth - 1, 2, 0xF7D7BD );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 3, 2, m_nHeight - 3, 0xF0D1B5 );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, 3,

m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, 0xF0D1B5 );




DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x30, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 3,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 3, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x20, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x24, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, 3,

m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x18, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 1,

m_nWidth - 2, 1, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, 0x10, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, 2, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, 0x0A, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2, 1, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x05, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 3, 2, m_nHeight - 3,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x0A, true ) );



else if( m_lButtonType == 4 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulLight );

if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulDarkShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2, 2, 0, m_ulFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3, 2, m_nWidth - 3, 2, m_ulHighLight );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2, 2, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulHighLight );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3, 3, m_ulHighLight );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, 1,

m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 3,

m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulFace );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 4, m_nHeight - 4, m_ulFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulShadow );


else if( m_lButtonType == 5 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 1,

ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x0C ) );

if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 1,

m_ulHighLight, true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 1,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x1A ), true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, 0x1A ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, 0x1A ) );

if( m_bFocus && m_bShowFocusRect )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recText.left - 2, m_recText.top -1,

m_recText.Width() + 4, m_recText.Height() + 2, 0xCC9999, true );



else if( m_lButtonType == 6 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, ShiftColor( m_ulLight, 0x08 ),

m_ulShadow, ShiftColor( m_ulLight, 0x08 ), m_ulShadow, 0 );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 7 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow, 0, 0, 0, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 8 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow, 0, 0, 0, true );


DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 9 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulOfficeXPF );


if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulOfficeXPB, true );


DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 10 )




CRect recClient;

POINT pntPos;

CDC * pdcParent;

pntPos.x = 0;

pntPos.y = 0;

GetClientRect( recClient );

pdcParent = GetParent()->GetDC();

MapWindowPoints( GetParent(), &pntPos, 1 );

pdcDraw->BitBlt( 0, 0, recClient.Width(), recClient.Height(),

pdcParent, pntPos.x, pntPos.y, SRCCOPY );

GetParent()->ReleaseDC( pdcParent );



else if( m_lButtonType == 11 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulDarkShadow,

m_ulLight, m_ulShadow, 0, false );


DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 12 )



CFont fntBold;

CFont * pfntCur;

CFont * pfntOld = NULL;

float fStep;

if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_ulLight );




fStep = 58 / (float)m_nHeight;

for( int nCount = 1; nCount <= m_nHeight; nCount++ )


DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, nCount, m_nWidth, nCount,

ShiftColor( m_ulHighLight, (int)(-fStep * nCount) ) );



if( bDefault )



pfntCur = pdcDraw->GetCurrentFont();

pfntCur->GetLogFont( &uLogFont );

uLogFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;

if( fntBold.CreateFontIndirect( &uLogFont ) )


pfntOld = pdcDraw->SelectObject( &fntBold );



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );


if( bDefault )


if( pfntOld != NULL )


pdcDraw->SelectObject( pfntOld );



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x32 ), true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0x09 ), true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2, m_nWidth - 4, 2, m_ulHighLight );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 4, 2, m_nHeight - 6, m_ulHighLight );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 13 )



int nPicWidth;

int nPicHeight;

CRect recRender;

CRect recWBounds;

if( m_bMouseOver )


GetPictureSize( 3, nPicWidth, nPicHeight );

if( nPicWidth != 0 && nPicHeight != 0 )


recRender.left = 0;

recRender.top = 0;

if( m_bStretch )


recRender.right = m_nWidth;

recRender.bottom = m_nHeight;




recRender.right = nPicWidth;

recRender.bottom = nPicHeight;


recWBounds.left = 0;

recWBounds.top = 0;

recWBounds.right = nPicWidth;

recWBounds.bottom = nPicHeight;

m_phdOverPicture.Render( pdcDraw, recRender, recWBounds );





GetPictureSize( 1, nPicWidth, nPicHeight );

if( nPicWidth != 0 && nPicHeight != 0 )


recRender.left = 0;

recRender.top = 0;

if( m_bStretch )


recRender.right = m_nWidth;

recRender.bottom = m_nHeight;




recRender.right = nPicWidth;

recRender.bottom = nPicHeight;


recWBounds.left = 0;

recWBounds.top = 0;

recWBounds.right = nPicWidth;

recWBounds.bottom = nPicHeight;

m_phdPicture.Render( pdcDraw, recRender, recWBounds );



if( m_bMouseOver )


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );




DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0 );




else if( m_nStatus == 1 )



if( m_lButtonType == 1 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulShadow, m_ulHighLight,

m_ulShadow, m_ulHighLight, -1 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 2 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

if( bDefault && m_bShowFocusRect )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_ulShadow, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );




DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulDarkShadow, m_ulHighLight,

m_ulShadow, m_ulLight, 0 );



else if( m_lButtonType == 3 )



float fStep;

DWORD ulXPFaxe2;

fStep = 25 / (float)m_nHeight;

ulXPFaxe2 = ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x20, true );

for( int nCount = 1; nCount <= m_nHeight; nCount++ )


DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, m_nHeight - nCount,

m_nWidth, m_nHeight - nCount,

ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, (int)(-fStep * nCount), true ) );


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, 0x733C00, true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, 0x7B4D10 );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2, 0x7B4D10 );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1, 0x7B4D10 );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, 0x7B4D10 );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, 0x10, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 3,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 3, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, 0x0A, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, 0x05, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, 3,

m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulXPFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 1,

m_nWidth - 2, 1, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, -0x20, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2,

m_nWidth - 2, 2, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, -0x18, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2,

1, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, -0x20, true ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2,

2, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( ulXPFaxe2, -0x16, true ) );


else if( m_lButtonType == 4 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x10 ) );

m_ulXPFace = ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x10 );

DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

m_ulXPFace = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x30 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x40 ), true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2, m_nWidth - 4, m_nHeight - 4,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x20 ), true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2, ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x40 ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3, 3, ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x20 ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulDarkShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, 1, m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3,

m_ulShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 3, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 3,

m_ulShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 4, m_nHeight - 4, m_ulShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 3, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x10 ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3, m_nHeight - 2, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x10 ) );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 3,

m_nWidth - 4, m_nHeight - 1, ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x20 ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2, ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x20 ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 2, ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x20 ) );


else if( m_lButtonType == 5 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, 0x10 ), false );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 1,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x1A ), true );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 1, 1, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight,

m_ulHighLight );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 1, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 1,

m_ulHighLight );

DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1 );

if( m_bFocus && m_bShowFocusRect )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recText.left - 2, m_recText.top - 1,

m_recText.Width() + 4, m_recText.Height() + 2, 0xCC9999, true );



else if( m_lButtonType == 6 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulShadow, ShiftColor( m_ulLight, 0x08 ),

m_ulShadow, ShiftColor( m_ulLight, 0x08 ), 0 );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 7 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulShadow, m_ulHighLight, 0, 0, 0, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 8 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulShadow, m_ulHighLight, 0, 0, 0, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 9 )



if( m_bMouseOver )


if( m_lColorScheme == 2 )


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulOfficeXPF, -0x20 ) );




DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulOfficeXPB, 0x80 ) );



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulOfficeXPB, true );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 10 )




else if( m_lButtonType == 11 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulDarkShadow, m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow,

m_ulLight, 0, false );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 12 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0x09 ) );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x30 ), true );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_ulHighLight );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 2, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 1,

m_ulHighLight );

DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 7 );

DrawFocusR( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_recFocusRect, m_ulText );


else if( m_lButtonType == 13 )



int nPicWidth;

int nPicHeight;

CRect recRender;

CRect recWBounds;

GetPictureSize( 2, nPicWidth, nPicHeight );

if( nPicWidth != 0 && nPicHeight != 0 )


recRender.left = 0;

recRender.top = 0;

if( m_bStretch )


recRender.right = m_nWidth;

recRender.bottom = m_nHeight;




recRender.right = nPicWidth;

recRender.bottom = nPicHeight;


recWBounds.left = 0;

recWBounds.top = 0;

recWBounds.right = nPicWidth;

recWBounds.bottom = nPicHeight;

m_phdDownPicture.Render( pdcDraw, recRender, recWBounds );


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2 );







if( m_lButtonType == 1 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow, m_ulHighLight,

m_ulShadow, -1 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

m_ulDarkShadow, true );


else if( m_lButtonType == 2 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulDarkShadow,

m_ulLight, m_ulShadow, 0 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 3 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x18, true ) );

DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 5 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x54, true ), true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x48, true ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x48, true ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x48, true ) );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x48, true ) );


else if( m_lButtonType == 4 )



DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulLight );

DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_ulDarkShadow, true );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 1, m_ulDarkShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_ulDarkShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 2, 2, 0, m_ulFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3, 2, m_nWidth - 3, 2, m_ulHighLight );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2, 2, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulHighLight );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3, 3, m_ulHighLight );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 3, 1, m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3,

m_ulFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, m_nHeight - 3, m_nWidth - 3, m_nHeight - 3,

m_ulFace );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nHeight - 4, m_nHeight - 4, m_ulFace );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nWidth - 2, 2, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_ulShadow );

DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, m_nHeight - 2, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

m_ulShadow );

SetPixel( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_nHeight - 3, m_nHeight - 3, m_ulShadow );


else if( m_lButtonType == 5 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 4 );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_ulShadow, true );


else if( m_lButtonType == 6 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 4 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, ShiftColor( m_ulLight, 0x08 ), m_ulShadow,

ShiftColor( m_ulLight, 0x08 ), m_ulShadow, 0 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 7 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );

DrawFrame( pdcDraw->m_hDC, m_ulHighLight, m_ulShadow, 0, 0, 0, true );


else if( m_lButtonType == 8 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 9 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 4 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 10 )




else if( m_lButtonType == 11 )



DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 12 )



float fStep;

fStep = 58 / (float)m_nHeight;

for( int nCount = 1; nCount <= m_nHeight; nCount++ )


DrawLine( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, nCount, m_nWidth, nCount,

ShiftColor( m_ulHighLight, (int)(-fStep * nCount) ) );


DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight,

ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x32 ), true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 1, 1, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 2,

ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0x09 ), true );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 2, m_nWidth - 4, 2, m_ulHighLight );

DrawRectangle( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 2, 4, 2, m_nHeight - 6, m_ulHighLight );

DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 6 );


else if( m_lButtonType == 13 )



int nPicWidth;

int nPicHeight;

CRect recRender;

CRect recWBounds;

GetPictureSize( 4, nPicWidth, nPicHeight );

if( nPicWidth != 0 && nPicHeight != 0 )


recRender.left = 0;

recRender.top = 0;

if( m_bStretch )


recRender.right = m_nWidth;

recRender.bottom = m_nHeight;




recRender.right = nPicWidth;

recRender.bottom = nPicHeight;


recWBounds.left = 0;

recWBounds.top = 0;

recWBounds.right = nPicWidth;

recWBounds.bottom = nPicHeight;

m_phdDisablePicture.Render( pdcDraw, recRender, recWBounds );


DrawCaption( pdcDraw->m_hDC, 3 );



pdcDraw->SelectObject( pfntOld );

if( bReleaseDC )


ReleaseDC( pdcDraw );


return 0;




// 检查鼠标是否在控件上

// 参数: none

// 返回值: 0 正确



bool CChameleonCtrl::CheckMouseOver()


CPoint pntCursor;

if( GetCursorPos( &pntCursor ) )


if( WindowFromPoint(pntCursor) == this )


return true;




return false;





return false;





// 创建控件区域

// 参数: rgnCreate 需要创建的区域

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::MakeRegion( CRgn & rgnCreate )


CRgn rgnTemp1;

CRgn rgnTemp2;


rgnCreate.CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight );

rgnTemp2.CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

if( m_lButtonType == 1 || m_lButtonType == 5 ||

m_lButtonType == 12 )





rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( 0, m_nHeight, 1, m_nHeight - 1 );

rgnTemp2.CombineRgn( &rgnCreate, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( m_nWidth, 0, m_nWidth - 1, 1 );

rgnCreate.CombineRgn( &rgnTemp2, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


if( m_lButtonType != 5 )



rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 1, 1 );

rgnTemp2.CombineRgn( &rgnCreate, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 1 );

rgnCreate.CombineRgn( &rgnTemp2, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );




else if( m_lButtonType == 3 || m_lButtonType == 4 )




rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 2, 1 );

rgnTemp2.CombineRgn( &rgnCreate, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( 0, m_nHeight, 2, m_nHeight - 1 );

rgnCreate.CombineRgn( &rgnTemp2, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( m_nWidth, 0, m_nWidth - 2, 1 );

rgnTemp2.CombineRgn( &rgnCreate, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( m_nWidth, m_nHeight, m_nWidth - 2, m_nHeight - 1 );

rgnCreate.CombineRgn( &rgnTemp2, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( 0, 1, 1, 2 );

rgnTemp2.CombineRgn( &rgnCreate, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( 0, m_nHeight - 1, 1, m_nHeight - 2 );

rgnCreate.CombineRgn( &rgnTemp2, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( m_nWidth, 1, m_nWidth - 1, 2 );

rgnTemp2.CombineRgn( &rgnCreate, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );


rgnTemp1.CreateRectRgn( m_nWidth, m_nHeight - 1, m_nWidth - 1, m_nHeight - 2 );

rgnCreate.CombineRgn( &rgnTemp2, &rgnTemp1, RGN_DIFF );




return 0;




// 设置窗口颜色变量

// 参数: none

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::SetColor()


if( m_lColorScheme == 2 )



if( m_bMouseOver && m_lColorScheme == 2 )


m_ulFace = m_lBackOverColor;




m_ulFace = TranslateColor( GetBackColor() );


m_ulFaceO = m_lBackOverColor;

m_ulText = TranslateColor( GetForeColor() );

m_ulTextO = m_lForeOverColor;

m_ulShadow = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0x40 );

m_ulLight = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x1F );

m_ulHighLight = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x2F );

m_ulDarkShadow = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0xC0 );

m_ulOfficeXPB = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0x80 );

m_ulOfficeXPF = m_ulFace;


else if( m_lColorScheme == 3 )



m_ulFace = 0xC0C0C0;

m_ulFaceO = m_ulFace;

m_ulText = 0;

m_ulTextO = m_ulText;

m_ulShadow = 0x808080;

m_ulLight = 0xDFDFDF;

m_ulHighLight = 0xFFFFFF;

m_ulDarkShadow = 0;

m_ulOfficeXPB = 0x800000;

m_ulOfficeXPF = 0xD1ADAD;


else if( m_lColorScheme == 4 )



CWnd * pwndParent;

CDC * pdcParent;

pwndParent = GetParent();

pdcParent = pwndParent->GetDC();

m_ulFace = GetBkColor( pdcParent->m_hDC );

m_ulFaceO = m_ulFace;

m_ulText = GetTextColor( pdcParent->m_hDC );

m_ulTextO = m_ulText;

m_ulShadow = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0x40 );

m_ulLight = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x1F );

m_ulHighLight = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x2F );

m_ulDarkShadow = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, -0xC0 );

m_ulOfficeXPB = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );

m_ulOfficeXPF = ShiftColorOXP( m_ulOfficeXPB );

pwndParent->ReleaseDC( pdcParent );





m_ulFace = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE);

m_ulFaceO = m_ulFace;

m_ulText = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT);

m_ulTextO = m_ulText;

m_ulShadow = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW);


m_ulHighLight = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT);


m_ulOfficeXPB = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );

m_ulOfficeXPF = ShiftColorOXP( m_ulOfficeXPB );


if( m_lButtonType == 3 )


m_ulXPFace = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x30, true );




m_ulXPFace = ShiftColor( m_ulFace, 0x30 );


return 0;




// 增减RBG颜色值

// 参数: ulColor 原色彩

// nValue 增减数值,0-255

// m_bXP 是否XP风格

// 返回值: 增减后的色彩



DWORD CChameleonCtrl::ShiftColor( DWORD ulColor, int nValue, bool m_bXP )


int nR = GetRValue( ulColor );

int nG = GetGValue( ulColor );

int nB = GetBValue( ulColor );

nR += nValue;

nG += nValue;

if( m_bXP )


nB += nB * nValue / 0xC0;




nB += nValue;


if( nR < 0 )


nR = 0;


if( nR > 255 )


nR = 255;


if( nG < 0 )


nG = 0;


if( nG > 255 )


nG = 255;


if( nB < 0 )


nB = 0;


if( nB > 255 )


nB = 255;


return RGB( nR, nG, nB );




// XP风格的增减RGB颜色值

// 参数: ulColor 原色彩

// nBase 增减基数

// 返回值: 增减后的色彩



DWORD CChameleonCtrl::ShiftColorOXP( DWORD ulColor, int nBase )


int nR = GetRValue( ulColor );

int nG = GetGValue( ulColor );

int nB = GetBValue( ulColor );

int nDelta = 0xFF - nBase;

nR = nBase + nR * nDelta / 0xFF;

nG = nBase + nG * nDelta / 0xFF;

nB = nBase + nB * nDelta / 0xFF;

if( nR < 0 )


nR = 0;


if( nR > 255 )


nR = 255;


if( nG < 0 )


nG = 0;


if( nG > 255 )


nG = 255;


if( nB < 0 )


nB = 0;


if( nB > 255 )


nB = 255;


return RGB( nR, nG, nB );




// 画文本

// 参数: hdcCtrl 绘图设备场景

// nDrawType 文本的绘制类型

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::DrawCaption( HDC hdcCtrl, int nDrawType )


CRect recText( 0, 0, m_nWidth, m_nHeight );

CRect recOffset;


DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recText,


recText.OffsetRect( ( m_nWidth - recText.Width() ) / 2, ( m_nHeight - recText.Height() ) / 2);

m_recText.CopyRect( recText );

recOffset.CopyRect( recText );

recOffset.OffsetRect( 1, 1 );

if( GetBkMode( hdcCtrl ) != TRANSPARENT )


SetBkMode( hdcCtrl, TRANSPARENT );


if( nDrawType == 0 )



DrawEffect( hdcCtrl, recText );

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulText );


else if( nDrawType == 1 )



DrawEffect( hdcCtrl, recText );

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulTextO );


else if( nDrawType == 2 )



DrawEffect( hdcCtrl, recOffset );

if( m_lButtonType == 4 )


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulLight );




SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulTextO );


DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recOffset,



else if( nDrawType == 3 )


//disabled embossed

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulHighLight );

DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recOffset,


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulShadow );


else if( nDrawType == 4 )


//disabled grey

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulShadow );


else if( nDrawType == 5 )


//WinXP disabled

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ShiftColor( m_ulXPFace, -0x68, true ) );


else if( nDrawType == 6 )


//KDE 2 disabled

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulHighLight );

DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recOffset,


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulFace );


else if( nDrawType == 7 )


//KDE 2 down

SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ShiftColor( m_ulShadow, -0x32 ) );

DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recOffset,


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, m_ulHighLight );


if( nDrawType != 2 )


DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recText,



return 0;




// 画文本的特效

// 参数: hdcCtrl 绘图设备场景

// recDraw 绘制特效的区域

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::DrawEffect( HDC hdcCtrl, CRect recDraw )


if( m_lTextEffect > 0 )


DWORD ulColor;

CRect recOffset;

recOffset.CopyRect( recDraw );

recOffset.OffsetRect( 1, 1 );

if( m_lButtonType == 3 || m_lButtonType == 4

|| m_lButtonType == 12 )


ulColor = m_ulXPFace;




if( m_nStatus == 0 && m_bMouseOver &&

m_lColorScheme != 2 &&

m_lButtonType == 9 )


ulColor = m_ulOfficeXPF;




ulColor = m_ulFace;



if( m_lTextEffect == 2 )


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ShiftColor( ulColor, 0x28 ) );




SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ShiftColor( ulColor, -0x28 ) );


DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recOffset,


if( m_lTextEffect < 3 )


recOffset.OffsetRect( -2, -2 );

if( m_lTextEffect == 2 )


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ShiftColor( ulColor, -0x28 ) );




SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ShiftColor( ulColor, 0x28 ) );


DrawText( hdcCtrl, m_strText, m_strText.GetLength(), recOffset,




return 0;




// 画长方形

// 参数: hdcCtrl 绘图设备场景

// nLeft 左边距

// nTop 上边距

// nWidth 宽度

// nHeight 高度

// ulColor 画刷颜色

// bBoard 是否仅绘画边框

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::DrawRectangle( HDC hdcCtrl, int nLeft, int nTop, int nWidth, int nHeight, DWORD ulColor, bool bBoard )


HBRUSH hBack = CreateSolidBrush( ulColor );

if( hBack == NULL )


return 2;


CRect recPaint( nLeft, nTop, nLeft + nWidth, nTop + nHeight );

if( bBoard )


FrameRect( hdcCtrl, recPaint, hBack );




FillRect( hdcCtrl, recPaint, hBack );


DeleteObject( hBack );

return 0;




// 画边框,nExtraOffset,true传入-1,false传入0

// 参数:

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::DrawFrame( HDC hdcCtrl, DWORD ulHigh, DWORD ulDark,

DWORD ulLight, DWORD ulShadow,

int nExtraOffset, bool bFlat )


CPoint pntPos;

HPEN hpenOld;

HPEN hpenNew;

int nFrameWidth = m_nWidth - 1 + nExtraOffset;

int nFrameHight = m_nHeight - 1 + nExtraOffset;

int nFrameXtra = abs( nExtraOffset );

hpenNew = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, ulHigh );

hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenNew );

MoveToEx( hdcCtrl, nFrameXtra, nFrameHight, &pntPos );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameXtra, nFrameXtra );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameWidth, nFrameXtra );

SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenOld );

DeleteObject( hpenNew );

hpenNew = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, ulDark );

hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenNew );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameWidth, nFrameHight );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameXtra -1, nFrameHight );

MoveToEx( hdcCtrl, nFrameXtra + 1, nFrameHight - 1, &pntPos );

SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenOld );

DeleteObject( hpenNew );

if( bFlat )


return 0;


hpenNew = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, ulLight );

hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenNew );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameXtra + 1, nFrameXtra + 1 );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameWidth - 1, nFrameXtra + 1 );

SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenOld );

DeleteObject( hpenNew );

hpenNew = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, ulShadow );

hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenNew );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameWidth - 1, nFrameHight - 1 );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nFrameXtra, nFrameHight - 1 );

SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenOld );

DeleteObject( hpenNew );

return 0;




// 画焦点框

// 参数: hdcCtrl 绘图设备场景

// recFocus 焦点框的位置和大小

// ulColor 焦点框的颜色

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::DrawFocusR( HDC hdcCtrl, CRect recFocus, DWORD ulColor )


if( m_bShowFocusRect && m_bFocus )


SetTextColor( hdcCtrl, ulColor );

DrawFocusRect( hdcCtrl, recFocus );


return 0;




// 画线

// 参数: hdcCtrl 绘图设备场景

// nX1 起点X坐标

// nY1 起点Y坐标

// nX2 终点X坐标

// nY2 终点Y坐标

// ulColor 颜色

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::DrawLine( HDC hdcCtrl, int nX1, int nY1, int nX2, int nY2, DWORD ulColor )


CPoint pntPos;

HPEN hpenOld;

HPEN hpenNew;

hpenNew = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, ulColor );

hpenOld = (HPEN)SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenNew );

MoveToEx( hdcCtrl, nX1, nY1, &pntPos );

LineTo( hdcCtrl, nX2, nY2 );

SelectObject( hdcCtrl, hpenOld );

DeleteObject( hpenNew );

return 0;




// 向ToolTipCtrl发送消息

// 参数:

// 返回值:



void CChameleonCtrl::RelayEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)


if( m_ttpMes.m_hWnd != NULL )


MSG msg;

msg.hwnd = m_hWnd;

msg.message = message;

msg.wParam = wParam;

msg.lParam = lParam;

msg.time = 0;

msg.pt.x = LOWORD(lParam);

msg.pt.y = HIWORD(lParam);






// 设置鼠标

// 参数: lMousePointer 鼠标类型

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::SetMoveCursor( long lMousePointer )


if( m_bMouseOver && m_lCursorType != lMousePointer )


m_lCursorType = lMousePointer;

switch( m_lCursorType )


case 0:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_APPSTARTING ) );


case 1:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_ARROW ) );


case 2:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_CROSS ) );


case 3:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_IBEAM ) );


case 4:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_ICON ) );


case 5:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_SIZE ) );


case 6:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_SIZENESW ) );


case 7:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_SIZENS ) );


case 8:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_SIZENWSE ) );


case 9:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_SIZEWE ) );


case 10:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_UPARROW ) );


case 11:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_WAIT ) );


case 12:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_NO ) );


case 13:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_HELP ) );


case 14:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_HELP ) );


case 15:

m_hPrevCursor = SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, IDC_SIZEALL ) );


case 99:

//SetCursor( LoadCursor( theApp.m_hInstance, ) );




return 0;




// 恢复鼠标

// 参数: lMousePointer 鼠标类型

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::RestoreCursor()


SetCursor( m_hPrevCursor );

m_lCursorType = -1;

return 0;




// 获得图片高宽

// 参数: nType 类型,1,正常图片,2,按下图片,3,移动图片

// 4,disable图片

// nWidth 图片宽

// nHeight 图片高

// 返回值: 0 正确



int CChameleonCtrl::GetPictureSize( int nType, int &nWidth, int &nHeight )


nWidth = 0;

nHeight = 0;

HBITMAP hbmpPic;

BITMAP uBitmap;

switch( nType )


case 1:

m_phdPicture.m_pPict->get_Handle( (OLE_HANDLE*)&hbmpPic );

GetObject( hbmpPic, sizeof(uBitmap), &uBitmap );

nWidth = uBitmap.bmWidth;

nHeight = uBitmap.bmHeight;


case 2:

m_phdDownPicture.m_pPict->get_Handle( (OLE_HANDLE*)&hbmpPic );

GetObject( hbmpPic, sizeof(uBitmap), &uBitmap );

nWidth = uBitmap.bmWidth;

nHeight = uBitmap.bmHeight;


case 3:

m_phdOverPicture.m_pPict->get_Handle( (OLE_HANDLE*)&hbmpPic );

GetObject( hbmpPic, sizeof(uBitmap), &uBitmap );

nWidth = uBitmap.bmWidth;

nHeight = uBitmap.bmHeight;


case 4:

m_phdDisablePicture.m_pPict->get_Handle( (OLE_HANDLE*)&hbmpPic );

GetObject( hbmpPic, sizeof(uBitmap), &uBitmap );

nWidth = uBitmap.bmWidth;

nHeight = uBitmap.bmHeight;



return 0;


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