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Directory tree for F:\Books\计算机编程


计算机编程 : 13.53 Gb

ATL,COM,COM+,DCOM : 63.83 MB, ..1%

C++,STL : 756.30 MB, 5%

C++Builder : 496.04 MB, 4%

Delphi : 1.21 Gb, 9%

Enterprise Development : 158.82 MB, 1%

Java : 3.90 Gb, 29%

MS.NET : 2.34 Gb, 17%

Visual C++,MFC : 706.37 MB, 5%

Visual FoxPro : 372.98 MB, 3%

操作系统 : 28.48 MB, ..1%

传记,企业文化 : 108.55 MB, ..1%

破解,黑客 : 186.59 MB, 1%

其它 : 70.46 MB, ..1%

软件工程,设计模式,类库设计,面向对象,组件编程,UML : 694.70 MB, 5%

数据结构,算法,人工智能 : 106.10 MB, ..1%

数据库 : 1.15 Gb, 9%

图形编程,游戏编程,DirectX,OpenGL : 475.50 MB, 3%

网络编程,TCPIP : 294.94 MB, 2%

网页编程,HTML,JavaScript : 168.91 MB, 1%

系统编程 : 359.73 MB, 3%




│ │ COM本质论(简体).pdf

│ │ Dr. GUI on Components, COM, and ATL.CHM

│ │ Inside_ATL.chm

│ │ Inside_COM+_SourceCode.zip

│ │ 《From CPP to COM》(英文).chm

│ │

│ ├─COM与COM+从入门到精通

│ ├─COM技术内幕

│ ├─COM技术内幕配书源码

│ ├─Inside_ATL

│ ├─《COM本质论》(侯捷)例子程序以及程序说明

│ └─《Inside Com》电子版以及书中的例子程序


│ │ (ebook - german) Visual C++ .NET in 21 Tagen [Sams, Davis Chapman].pdf

│ │ (ebook - PDF) Visual C++ for Dummies Quick Reference.pdf

│ │ (ebook pdf) Thinking in C++ Second Edition v2.pdf

│ │ (ebook_pdf) Addison-Wesley - Designing Components with the C++ STL (3rd, electronic edition 2002).pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - C++ By Dissection.pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - C++ In Action - Industrial-strength Programming Techniques - 2001 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - C++ Primer, Third Edition.chm

│ │ Addison Wesley - C++ Programming with the Standard Template Library, Tutorial and Reference Guide.pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.chm

│ │ Addison Wesley - Effective C++ 2ed and More Effective C++ - 1999 - (By Laxxuss).iso

│ │ Addison Wesley - Efficient C++ Programming Techniques.pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - Exceptional C++.pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - Modern C++ Design. Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - More Exceptional C++.chm

│ │ Addison Wesley - More Exceptional C++.pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - The Design and Evolution of C++.pdf

│ │ Addison-Wesley - Meyers - More Effective C++, Thirty-Five New Ways to Improve Your Programs & Designs, 1st Edition.pdf

│ │ Addison.Wesley.-.The.C++.Standard.Library,.A.Tutorial.and.Reference.pdf

│ │ Algorithms and Data Structures in C++ 1993.pdf

│ │ AW - Effective STL.pdf

│ │ Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed.pdf

│ │ C Traps and Pitfalls.pdf

│ │ C++ - Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-oriented Design Patterns In C++.chm

│ │ C++ - The STL - A Tutorial And Reference.chm

│ │ C++ Demystified - A Self-Teaching Guide.chm

│ │ C++ for Artists- The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming.chm

│ │ C++ Network Programming Vol I.chm

│ │ C++ Network Programming Volume I - Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns.pdf

│ │ C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, Systematic Reuse with ACE and Frameworks.chm

│ │ C++ Primer 3rd Edition 中文完美版.pdf

│ │ C++ Primer Plus, Fourth Edition.chm

│ │ C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.pdf

│ │ C++ Templates 完全导引.pdf

│ │ C++ 语言大全.PDF

│ │ C++.Templates.-.The.Complete.Guide.(Addison.Wesley-2002).chm

│ │ C++Primer.pdf

│ │ C++Primer题解.pdf

│ │ C++沉思录.pdf

│ │ C++编程规范.ppt

│ │ c++语言命令详解.pdf

│ │ Core C++ A Software Engineering Approach.pdf

│ │ Designing Components with the C++ STL-3rd, electronic edition 2002.pdf

│ │ Douglas C. Schmidt - The Reactor Design Pattern.pdf

│ │ eBook - Matlab - C++ Math Library.pdf

│ │ ebook_c++.unleashed.sharereactor.pdf

│ │ Effective 2E and More Effective C++ - 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design.chm

│ │ Effective and More c++.pdf

│ │ Effective C++ 85 Ways To Improve Your Programs & Design.rar

│ │ Effective STL-revised.pdf

│ │ effective&more effective c++.chm

│ │ effectiveC++.chm

│ │ Essential C++中文版.pdf

│ │ Exceptional C++ (Addison-Wesley, 1999).chm

│ │ Exceptional C++中文版(draft).pdf

│ │ Inside the C++ Object Model.chm

│ │ Johannes Weidl - The Standard Template Library (Stl) Tutorial.pdf

│ │ Jones and Bartlett - Foundations of Algorithms Using C++ Pseudocode, 3rd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ McGraw-Hill - Theory and Problems of Programming with C++ (Schaum's Outline, OCR) - 1996 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ Modern C++ Design - Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.chm

│ │ Modern C++ Design Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied.pdf

│ │ Modern C++ Design(Alexandrescu)(RUS).pdf

│ │ More Effective C++(WQ版).doc

│ │ O'Reilly - Practical C++ Programming.pdf

│ │ O'Reilly - Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 6th Edition.chm

│ │ Object Oriented Design with Java, C++ and UML.pdf

│ │ Patterns, Models, and Application Development - A C++ Programmer's Reference.pdf

│ │ Pearson - Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design.chm

│ │ Prentice hall - C++. A Dialog Programming with the C++ Standard Library.chm

│ │ Prentice Hall - Data Structures And Program Design In C.pdf

│ │ Prentice Hall - Industrial Strength C++ - 1997 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ Prentice Hall - Thinking in C++ 2nd Edition.chm

│ │ Sams - C++ Primer Plus, 4th Edition.pdf

│ │ Sams - Waite Group's Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Ed.chm

│ │ sams_teach_yourself_database_programming_with_visual_c++_6_in_21_days2(1).pdf

│ │ Standard Template Library Programmer's Guide (STL).chm

│ │ STL C++ - Standard Template Library (SOURCE + COMPLETE html man document) - tutorial [shared by AESIS].zip

│ │ STL源码剖析.pdf

│ │ Sybex - Mastering Windows 2000 Programming with Visual C++.pdf

│ │ Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 days.pdf

│ │ Thinking In C++ - 2nd Ed. - Vol 1.pdf

│ │ using visual c++ 6 special edition.pdf

│ │ [eBook] O'Reilly - Practical C++ Programming (2002).chm

│ │ [eBook] Prentice Hall - C++ GUI Programming with Qt3 (2004).chm

│ │ 学习c++应该看的书.txt

│ │ 高质量C++编程.PDF

│ │

│ ├─C++ Templates 完全导引范例

│ ├─C++Primer第三版中文版

│ ├─c++程序设计教程-钱能

│ │ ├─c++程序设计教程-钱能

│ │ ├─c++程序设计教程-钱能(参考)

│ ├─C++编程思想

│ ├─C++语言程序设计

│ ├─C++面向对象高效编程

│ ├─C++高级参考手册

│ ├─The C++ Programming Language 3rd Ed

│ ├─_The C++ Programming Langunge

│ └─数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述


│ │ BCB6深度历险代码.rar

│ │ bcb6界面实例开发.pdf

│ │ C++ Builder 5 开发人员指南.pdf

│ │ C++ Builder 6 Developer's Guide.pdf

│ │ C++Builder核心编程技术.WDL

│ │ C++Builder自学培训教程.wdl

│ │ C++Builder高级编程技术.WDL

│ │ 水木清华BBS-C++Builder.RAR

│ │

│ ├─Borland C++ Builder Unleashed

│ ├─C++ Builder 4高级编程实例精解

│ ├─C++ Builder 5编程实例与技巧

│ ├─C++Builder5程序设计大全原码

│ ├─C++Builder学习大全

│ ├─C++Builder学习大全中文版

│ ├─C++BUILDER实战

│ ├─C++Builder讲座

│ ├─CppBuilder5编程实例与技巧

│ ├─C_Builder_5编程实例与技巧

│ └─_C++Builder组件大全


│ │ BBS水木清华站世纪精华【Delphi】.chm

│ │ Delphi 4 程序员代码编写标准指南.doc

│ │ Delphi 6.0数据库深入编程技术 .pdf

│ │ Delphi Tips.chm

│ │ Delphi4 核心编程技术.wdl

│ │ Delphi之未经证实的葵花宝典version 2.7.chm

│ │ Delphi参考手册.doc

│ │ delphi学习技巧集.chm

│ │ Delphi程序设计.pdf

│ │ delphi编译错误中文手册.chm

│ │ Indy In Depth.pdf

│ │ ModelMaker用户手册.pdf

│ │ Object pascal中文参考手册(可打印版).pdf

│ │ Object Pascal参考手册chm版.chm

│ │ pascal精要.chm

│ │ Sybex - Mastering Delphi 7.chm

│ │ 大富翁离线数据库.chm

│ │ 水木清华delphi编程.chm

│ │ 葵花宝典[delphi cbuiler人士必备].CHM

│ │

│ ├─Delphi 4.0应用开发指南&delphi4app

│ ├─Delphi 4.0数据库指南&delphidbase

│ ├─Delphi 4实用大全&sydq

│ ├─Delphi 5.X ADO_MTS_COM+高级程序设计篇

│ ├─Delphi 5.X分布式多层应用系统篇

│ ├─Delphi 5企业级解决方案及应用剖析

│ ├─delphi 5开发人员指南

│ ├─delphi 5数据库开发技术

│ ├─Delphi 5程序设计与控件参考

│ ├─delphi 5编程实例与技巧

│ ├─Delphi 6 附带文档

│ ├─Delphi 6应用开发指南

│ ├─Delphi 6程序员开发指南CHM版

│ ├─Delphi 6集成开发环境

│ ├─Delphi 程序员必读

│ ├─delphi5编程基础

│ ├─Delphi5高级编程

│ │ ├─Delphi 5高级编程—Database与MIDAS编程

│ │ ├─Delphi 5高级编程—IDE与面向对象编程

│ │ └─Delphi 5高级编程——GUI编程

│ ├─Delphi6文档资料(英文)

│ ├─delphi7开发指南

│ ├─DELPHI中文帮助手册

│ ├─delphi入门大全

│ ├─delphi基础教程

│ ├─delphi实例大全

│ ├─Delphi技巧大全

│ ├─Delphi百例精解

│ ├─Delphi编程五大妙招

│ ├─Delphi编程技巧网络与数据库篇

│ ├─Delphi网络高级编程

│ ├─Delphi高手经验集

│ ├─Delphi高级开发指南

│ ├─IE&Delphi网站上的所有资料和程序

│ ├─InpriseDocForDelphi

│ ├─intraweb开发学习笔记(PDF)

│ ├─IntraWeb的问答和技巧集

│ ├─Masteing Delphi 6

│ ├─_Delphi 4.0 数据库编程

│ ├─《Delphi6开发人员指南》(英文版)

│ ├─一位delphi高手的成长之路

│ │ ├─一位delphi高手的成长之路(一)

│ │ ├─一位delphi高手的成长之路(三)

│ │ └─一位delphi高手的成长之路(二)

│ ├─代码大全

│ ├─各式各样delphi技巧100则

│ ├─大富翁论坛 离线数据库 CHM 版 2003年2月版

│ ├─天极网社区delphi精华

│ └─维的新书《Delphi 7高效数据库程序设计》

├─Enterprise Development

│ (Addison Wesley) Objects, Components, And Frameworks With UML.pdf

│ (ebook) - Component-Based Software Engineering.pdf

│ (EN) Going Virtual - Distributed Communities of Practice (Idea Group, 2004).chm

│ 2002-[Addison Wesley]-Enterprise Content Services.chm

│ 2002-[Artech House]-Building Reliable Component-based Software Systems.pdf

│ 2003-[Artech House]-Testing And Quality Assurance For Component Based Software.pdf

│ 2_Manning-Java_Web_Component_Developer_Certification-2003.pdf

│ Addison Wesley - Enterprise Integration Patterns - Designing, Building and Deploying Messaging Solutions (Fowler) - 2003.pdf

│ Addison Wesley - Extreme Programming Perspectives.chm

│ Addison Wesley - Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.chm

│ Addison Wesley - Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.pdf

│ Addison-Wesley,.Enterprise.Security.The.Manager's.Defense.Guide.(2003).Kiwy;.BM.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.com.pdf

│ Addison.Wesley.Service.And.Component.Based.Development.eBook-LiB.chm

│ An Architectural View of Distributed Objects and Components in CORBA, Java RMI and COM DCOM.pdf

│ An Introduction to the Technical and Operational Aspects of the Electromagnetic Bomb.pdf

│ Andrew S. Tanenbaum - Distributed Operating Systems [eBook].pdf

│ Auerbach publications - the complete book of middleware.chm

│ COMPUTER SCIENCE - Addison Wesley - Operating Systems Concurrent And Distributed Software Design Ebook-Lib.chm

│ CRC Press - Creating Components - Object Oriented, Concurrent, and Distributed Computing in Java - 2004.chm

│ Efficient Architectures for object-oriented component-based Middleware.pdf

│ MS Press - Designing Component based Applications.chm

│ Multiagent Systems - A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence (ebook - english).pdf

│ O'Reilly - Network Security Assessment.chm

│ Objects, Components and Frameworks with UML - The Catalysis Approach.pdf

│ Prentice Hall - A Practical Guide to Enterprise Architecture.chm

│ Prentice Hall - Large Scale Component Based Development.pdf

│ Prentice Hall - Large-Scale, Component-Based Development, 2000.chm

│ Sams - XML Distributed Systems Design - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ software design - business modeling with uml business patterns at work - wiley (ebook-pdf).pdf

│ Teach Yourself Extreme Programming In 24 Hours.chm

│ The Middleware Company - J2EE and .NET Application Server and Web Services Benchmark - Oct 2002.pdf

│ Web Services, Business Objects and Component Models.pdf

│ 电子商务开发技术.ppt


│ ├─J2EE

│ │ ├─EJB

│ │ │ │ (ebook - PDF - J2EE) Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans and the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition.pdf

│ │ │ │ (eBook) CMP Books - Network Tutorial 5th Edition - Team LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Addison Wesley - Applying Enterprise JavaBeans:Component-Based Development for the J2EE Platform (2nd).chm

│ │ │ │ CMP in EJB 2.0-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ eBook.Manning.-.Enterprise.JavaBeans.(EJB).Cookbook.ShareReactor.pdf

│ │ │ │ EJB Architecture - Developing Entity Beans.pdf

│ │ │ │ EJB Design Patterns-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ EJB Design Strategies and Performance Optimizations.pdf

│ │ │ │ Ejb Development Using Jbuilder and Weblogic-pdf.pdf


│ │ │ │ EJB_Component_Arch_Designing_Coding_EntApp_2002_Prentice.chm

│ │ │ │ Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Edition(1).chm

│ │ │ │ Enterprise.JavaBeans.(EJB).pdf

│ │ │ │ Integrating Corba and EJB-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ J2EE - EJB UML Diagrams.pdf

│ │ │ │ J2ee Tutorial in EJB.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java_Apply_EJB_Component_based_Dev_for_J2EE_2003_2ed_AddisonWesley.chm

│ │ │ │ JBuilder 9 EJB 开发新功能-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Manning - Bitter EJB - 2003.pdf

│ │ │ │ Manning - EJB Cookbook - 2003 !! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Master EJB and J2EE.pdf

│ │ │ │ Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 2nd Edition .pdf

│ │ │ │ MasteringEJB2.pdf

│ │ │ │ MasteringEJB20Code.zip

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - EJB - 3ed.pdf

│ │ │ │ Server Component Patterns - Component Infrastructures Illustrated With Ejb - 2002 !! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Teach Yourself EJB in 21 Days.chm

│ │ │ │ Wiley - EJB Design Patterns.pdf

│ │ │ │ 实战EJB_CN(推荐).PDF

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─EJB Patterns-doc

│ │ │ ├─EJB系统开发实战录

│ │ │ └─Mastering EJB-2e-pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─Framework,开源项目

│ │ │ ├─Hibernate

│ │ │ │ Hibernate Reference-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Introduction to Hibernate-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─Struts

│ │ │ │ │ Fast Track to Struts-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Jakarta Struts.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Jakarta Struts1.1 Ready for Prime Time-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Java_Struts_Tutorial.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Manning-Struts.in.Action.Source.zip

│ │ │ │ │ OReilly - Programming Jakarta Struts - 2002.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Professional.Jakarta.Struts.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ │ Programming Jarkata Struts-chm.chm

│ │ │ │ │ Sams - Struts Kick Start.chm

│ │ │ │ │ strut-cn.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Struts Taglibs-chm.chm

│ │ │ │ │ Struts.in.Action.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ struts的结构.doc

│ │ │ │ │ The Struts Framework.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Wiley - Mastering Jakarta Struts.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Wiley.Jakarta.Pitfalls.Time.Saving.Solutions.For.Struts.Ant.JUnit.And.Cactus.pdf

│ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │ └─Programming Jakarta Struts - Code Examples

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ └─其它

│ │ │ (ebook-pdf) - XDoclet J2EE.pdf

│ │ │ John.Wiley.And.Sons.Jakarta.Pitfalls.Time.Saving.Solutions.For.Struts.Ant.JUnit.And.Cactus.eBook-LiB.pdf

│ │ │ John.Wiley.and.Sons.Java.Open.Source.Programming.with.XDoclet.JUnit.WebWork.Hibernate.eBook-DDU.pdf

│ │ │ lewisship_ebook - Tapestry In Action.pdf

│ │ │ Manning - Xdoclet In Action - !!! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ [eBook] Wiley - Java Open Source Programming (with XDoclet, JUnit, WebWork, Hibernate) (2004).pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─J2EE相关服务器

│ │ │ ├─Apache

│ │ │ │ Apache Administrator'S Handbook.pdf

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─JBOSS

│ │ │ │ │ ejbwJboss.ExFiles.zip

│ │ │ │ │ Getting Started with JBoss.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ j2ee_jboss_ejb.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ JBoss Clustering-2e-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ JBoss CMP (Container Managed Persistence).pdf

│ │ │ │ │ JBoss Group - JBoss Administration and Development (3rd Edition - 3.2 X Series - 2003).pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Jboss Tutorial-1.2.2.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ JBOSS_IDE_Tutorial_1.2.0.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ O'Reilly - JBoss 3.2 Workbook for Enterprise JavaBeans (3rd Edition).pdf

│ │ │ │ │ SAMS - JBoss Administration and Development.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Thesis-Aspect Oriented Programming in JBoss 4.pdf

│ │ │ │ │ Tutorial for building J2EE Applications using JBOSS and ECLIPSE.chm

│ │ │ │ │ Using Log4j with JBoss - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ │ [eBook] JBoss 3.0 QuickStart Draft3.pdf

│ │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │ ├─JBoss Administration and Development-2e-pdf

│ │ │ │ ├─JBoss Guide

│ │ │ │ └─Titan-JBoss-3.2-12d

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─Tomcat

│ │ │ │ Apache Jakarta Tomcat.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly Tomcat - The Definitive Guide (2003) LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Tomcat and Struts Installation.pdf

│ │ │ │ Tomcat Definitive Guide 2003 Oreilly.pdf

│ │ │ │ Wrox - Professional Apache Tomcat (October 2002).pdf

│ │ │ │ Wrox - Professional Apache Tomcat - 2003 ! - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─Weblogic

│ │ │ │ BEA WebLogic - Developing Enterprise Applications Using EJB and JMS.pdf

│ │ │ │ Bea Weblogic Server Bible(V6.1).pdf

│ │ │ │ J2EE Applications and BEA WebLogic Server - 2001.pdf

│ │ │ │ Oreilly.WebLogic.The.Definitive.Guide.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Prentice Hall - BEA WebLogic Server Administration Kit - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ │ Sams - BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 Kick Start - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ │ Sams - Teach Yourself BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 in 21 Days - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ │ Sams.BEA.WebLogic.Platform.7.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Sams.BEA.WebLogic.Server.8.1.Unleashed.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ weblogic_workbook.pdf

│ │ │ │ Wrox - Professional J2EE with BEA WebLogic Server.pdf

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ └─Websphere

│ │ │ Best Practices Websphere And Java - Mannie Kagan.pdf

│ │ │ EJB 2.0 Development with WebSphere Studio Application Developer.pdf

│ │ │ Enterprise Java Programming With Ibm Websphere Second Edition Ebook-Ddu.chm

│ │ │ IBM Redbooks - WebSphere Studio Application Developer:Version 5 Programming Guide.chm

│ │ │ IBM Websphere Application Server.pdf

│ │ │ IBM WebSphere J2EE Application Development.pdf

│ │ │ IBM WebSphere.ppt

│ │ │ IBM WebSphere电子商务解决方案.ppt

│ │ │ Manning - JSTL in Action - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ MC Press - Building Applications with IBM WebSphere Studio and JavaBeans - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ Mcgraw-Hill - Ben-Natan Sasson - Ibm Websphere Application Server- The Complete Reference.pdf

│ │ │ Professional IBM WebSphere 5.0 Application Server - 2003.pdf

│ │ │ Professional.IBM.WebSphere.5.0.Application.Server.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ WebSphere and J2EE Security Handbook.pdf

│ │ │ WebSphere Certification Study Guide Developing J2EE Applications with IBM WebSphere Studio IBM Certified Enterprise Developer.chm

│ │ │ WebSphere Workbook.pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─JSP & Servlet

│ │ │ │ 2 Addison Wesley - More Servlets and JavaServer Pages (Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2, JSTL) 2001 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Core JSTL - Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library.pdf

│ │ │ │ Core JSTL, Mastering the JSP Standard Tag Library (Geary, 2002).chm

│ │ │ │ Core-Servlets-and-JSP-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Developing XML Solutions with JSP-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ JavaScript - The Definitive Guide.chm

│ │ │ │ JavaServer Page 简介-big5-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ JSP and XML-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ JSP教程之与数据库通信.PDF

│ │ │ │ JSP数据库编程指南.PDF

│ │ │ │ JSP由浅入深.chm

│ │ │ │ JSP高级编程.pdf

│ │ │ │ JSP高级编程2.PDF

│ │ │ │ JSTL - JSP Standard Tag Library Kick Start, 4th Edition.pdf

│ │ │ │ JSTL JSP Standard Tag Library Kick Start.chm

│ │ │ │ Manning - JSP Tag Libraries.pdf

│ │ │ │ Manning - Web Development With Java Server Pages.pdf

│ │ │ │ Manning - Web Development with JavaServer Pages, 2nd Edition.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Javaserver Pages, 2Nd Ed (Covers Jsp 1.2, Jstl 1.0) - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ OReilly - Java Servlet Programming 2nd Edition.chm

│ │ │ │ OReilly - Java Servlet Programming-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Oreilly.Java.Server.Pages.3rd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ overview of servlet and JSP.pdf

│ │ │ │ Prentice Hall PTR - Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages:Volume 1:Core Technologies (2nd).chm

│ │ │ │ PURE JSP.PDF

│ │ │ │ Que.Special.Edition.Using.Java.Server.Pages.And.Servlets.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Sams.Teach.Yourself.JavaServer.Pages.2.0.With.Apache.Tomcat.In.24Hours.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Server-Based Java Programming-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ SUN - SL-315 JavaServer Pages Technology.pdf

│ │ │ │ Web & Java.CHM

│ │ │ │ [OReilly] Java Servlet Programming 2nd.chm

│ │ │ │ 【Java】【Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook 2004】【Bruce W. Perry】【O'reilly】.chm

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─(PDF) Core Servlets And JSP - PrenticeHall

│ │ │ ├─Course of Servlets and JSPs-pdf

│ │ │ ├─JSP 入门-pdf

│ │ │ ├─JSP与WEB

│ │ │ └─使用JSP技术构建电子商务应用系统-从入门到提高-pdf

│ │ │

│ │ └─综合

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - Developing Enterprise Java Applications with J2EE and UML.pdf

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - Enterprise Integration Patterns - Designing, Building and Deploying Messaging Solutions (Fowler) - 2003.pdf

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture.chm

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley - J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration.pdf

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley Java2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, Platform and Component Specifications.chm

│ │ │ Addison.Wesley.Enterprise.Java.2.Security.Building.Secure.and.Robust.J2EE.Applications.eBook-DDU.chm

│ │ │ Advanced.J2EE.Platform.Development.Applying.Integration.Tier.Patterns.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Analysis Patterns-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Building J2EE Applications with the Rational Unified Process.chm

│ │ │ Building Java Enterprise Applications.pdf

│ │ │ Building Java Enterprise Systems with J2EE.chm

│ │ │ Building Java Enterprise Systems with J2EE.pdf

│ │ │ Building Scalable and High-Performance Java Web Applications Using J2EE Technology.pdf

│ │ │ CMP in EJB 2.0-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ CodeNotes for J2EE-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Core J2EE Patterns - 2nd Edition.pdf

│ │ │ Core J2EE Patterns-Best Practices and Design Strategies-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Core.J2EE.Patterns.Best.Practices.And.Design.Strategies.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Data Access Patterns (j2Ee) - 2003.chm

│ │ │ Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform-2e-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Developing Enterprise Applications with J2EE-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Enterprise Java and Rational Rose .pdf

│ │ │ Enterprise Java with UML.pdf

│ │ │ Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development.chm

│ │ │ J2EE - EJB & JSP Java on the Edge.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE and Beyond-Design, Develop, and Deploy World-Class Java Software.chm

│ │ │ J2EE and XML Development-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Architectures.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Best Practices.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Connector Architecture and Enterprise Application Integration-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Design and Development.Wrox.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Design Patterns Applied.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Design Patterns.chm

│ │ │ J2EE Developer's Handbook (1640 pages) - 2003 !!! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Development with Rational XDE and IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE in Practice-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ J2EE Platform Web Services.chm

│ │ │ j2ee.doc

│ │ │ J2EE.Web.Services.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ J2EETutorialTranslation.doc

│ │ │ J2EE完全参考手册-J2EE概述-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Java Enterprise Best Practices.pdf

│ │ │ Java Enterprise Design Patterns - Patterns in Java, Vol 2.pdf

│ │ │ Java for the Web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB, A Developer's Guide to J2EE Solutions (new riders).chm

│ │ │ Java Message Service - examples.zip

│ │ │ Java_Practical_J2EE_App_Architecture_2003_McGrawHill.chm

│ │ │ Manning - J2EE and XML Development.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Building Java Enterprise Applications - v.1 - Architecture.pdf

│ │ │ OReilly - Java Enterprise In A Nutshell.pdf

│ │ │ Prentice Hall - J2EE and Beyond-Design, Develop, and Deploy World-Class Java Software.chm

│ │ │ Prentice Hall Ptr - Core j2Ee Patterns Best Practices And Design Strategies (2Nd).chm

│ │ │ Struts.Fast.Track.-.J2EE.JSP.Framework,.draft.(2002).pdf

│ │ │ Sun - Architecting And Designing J2EE - Slides.pdf

│ │ │ SUN - Core J2EE patterns.pdf

│ │ │ Sun Certified Enterprise Architect For J2EE Study Guide - 310-051.chm

│ │ │ Sun Java Center J2EE Patterns.chm

│ │ │ Sun Press - Writing Enterprise Applications with J2EE.pdf

│ │ │ Thinking in Enterprise Java (Bruce Eckel, Rev 1.1) - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ Tutorial for building J2EE Applications using JBOSS and ECLIPSE.chm

│ │ │ WebSphere Certification Study Guide Developing J2EE Applications with IBM WebSphere Studio IBM Certified Enterprise Developer.chm

│ │ │ Wiley - Developing Java Enterprise Applications.pdf

│ │ │ Wiley - J2EE AntiPatterns - 2003 ! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ 实用J2EE设计模式编程指南.pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─Information System Architecture

│ │ ├─J2EE完全参考手册-J2EE部署-pdf

│ │ ├─J2EE架构演讲PPT

│ │ ├─petstore1.3.1

│ │ └─Writing Enterprise Applications with J2EE-pdf

│ │

│ ├─J2ME

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - Programming Wireless Devices with the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME), 2nd Ed - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ eBook.Addison_Wesley-MIDP_2.0_Style_Guide_for_Java_2_Platform_Micro_Edition.ShareReactor.chm

│ │ │ J2ME in a Nutshell.pdf

│ │ │ J2ME在移动设备上的应用.pdf


│ │ │ Manning - Java 2 Micro Edition.pdf

│ │ │ midp20_basic_1.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - J2ME in a Nutshell.pdf

│ │ │ Palm OS 编程实践-chm.chm

│ │ │ Sams - Java 2 Micro Edition Application Development.pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─Java_J2ME MIDP

│ │ └─JAVA手机程序设计入门

│ │

│ ├─J2SE

│ │ ├─Framework,开源项目

│ │ │ │ ant.pdf

│ │ │ │ Apress.Logging.in.Java.with.the.JDK.1.4.Logging.API.and.Apache.log4j.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ ceki_gulcu-log4j_the_complete_manual.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java Development with Ant-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Junit and Ant.pdf

│ │ │ │ Log4J The Complete Manual.pdf

│ │ │ │ Manning - Java Development with Ant !!- 2003 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Manning - JUnit In Action.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Ant-The Definitive Guide.pdf

│ │ │ │ Pragmatic Programmers - Pragmatic Unit Testing (in Java with JUnit) 2003 .pdf

│ │ │ │ Pragmatic.Unit.Testing.In.Java.With.JUnit.pdf

│ │ │ │ Sams.Ant.Developer.Handbook.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ │ Using Log4j with JBoss-1e-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Wiley - Hightower & Lesiecki - Java Tools for Extreme Programming- Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus.pdf

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─jini nuggets

│ │ │ └─WILEY Java Tools for Extreme Programming- Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus

│ │ │


│ │ │ │ Addison-Wesley - LDAP programming With Java.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java Database Programming with JDBC-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ JDBC Database access with Java.chm

│ │ │ │ Manning - Ldap Programming, Management And Integration [2003].pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Database Programming With JDBC And Java - 2ed.pdf

│ │ │ │ OReilly - Database Porgramming With Jdbc And Java 2nd Edition.pdf

│ │ │ │ 鲁棒的数据库持久层设计-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─JDO Introductions-pdf

│ │ │ ├─使用 JDBC 构建基于 Web 的应用程序

│ │ │ └─用 JDBC 管理数据库连接

│ │ │

│ │ ├─Web Service,Distribute,Middleware,P2P,SOAP,XML

│ │ │ │ Addison Wesley - Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Addison-Wesley - LDAP programming With Java.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java - XML and Java-Developing Web Applications 2ed (Addison Wesley).chm

│ │ │ │ Java and SOAP-Building Web Services in Java-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java and XML Binding-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java and XSLT-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ Java Programming With Corba - Advanced Techniques Fro Building Distributed Applications, 3Rd Edition (Wiley).pdf

│ │ │ │ Java Web Services Architecture.chm

│ │ │ │ Java Web Services.pdf

│ │ │ │ java.-.p2p.jxta.reference.implementation.[ebook,.programming].pdf

│ │ │ │ JXTA -Java P2P Programming.pdf

│ │ │ │ Mastering JXTA - Building Java Peer-to-Peer Applications, Gradecki [Wiley - ].pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Java - Distributed Computing.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Java and XML Binding.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Java Web Services.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - JXTA in a Nutshell - 2002.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly - Programming Web Services with Soap.pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly.-.Java.Network.Programming.(2nd).pdf

│ │ │ │ O'Reilly.-.Web.Services.Essentials.(Java.Based).-.2002.-.(By.Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ OReilly - Java Web Services In Nutshell.chm

│ │ │ │ OReilly - XML in a Nutshell Second Edition.chm

│ │ │ │ Oreilly Java and SOAP.pdf

│ │ │ │ OReilly-Java Web Services-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │ peer-to-peer grid databases for web service discovery (2002) .pdf

│ │ │ │ programming web services with soap - o'reilly.pdf

│ │ │ │ Sams - Building Web Services with Java - Making Sense of XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Sams - Java P2P Unleashed.chm

│ │ │ │ Some Issues on RMI&CORBA-ppt.ppt

│ │ │ │ SUN - SL-301 Distributed ProgrammingWith Java.pdf

│ │ │ │ Sun - The Java Web Services Tutorial (1188 pages) - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Syngress - Developing Web Services with Java APIs for XML Using WSDP.pdf

│ │ │ │ The Java Web Services Tutorial.pdf

│ │ │ │ Wiley - Developing Java Web Services - 2003 !!! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ Wiley - Fundamentals of Distributed Object Systems- The CORBA Perspective (Java examples) - 2001 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ │ XML实用大全-chm.chm

│ │ │ │ [eBook - java - 2002 - english] SYNGRESS - Foster, Porter - Developing web services with Java APIs for XML using WSDP.pdf

│ │ │ │ 实战XML-2e-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ ├─(HTML) Wordware - Corba Networking With Java

│ │ │ ├─Cocoon 2 简介-html

│ │ │ ├─concurrent programming using java

│ │ │ ├─Corba, Com-Dcom, Java-Middleware

│ │ │ ├─ebook-Java-p2p technologie-JXTA_Brendon_Wilson

│ │ │ ├─Java Xml 编程指南

│ │ │ ├─JavaTM Web Services Developer Pack 1.0(chm版帮助)

│ │ │ ├─XML从入门到精通:黄金版

│ │ │ └─无废话XML

│ │ │

│ │ └─综合

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - Design Pattern java work book.pdf

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley - Java Native Interface.pdf

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley,.Design.Patterns.Java.Workbook.(2002);.BM.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.pdf

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley,.Java.Look.and.Feel.Design.Guidelines.(2001),.2Ed.Fly;.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.com.pdf

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley,.Java.Look.and.Feel.Design.Guidelines.Advanced.Topics.(2001).Fly;.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.pdf

│ │ │ Advanced Java 2 Platform How To Program (Deitel, Jdk 1.3, j2Ee 1.2) 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Advanced Java Networking-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Advanced JAVA Networking2.pdf

│ │ │ Algorithms in Java Part 5, 3rd Edition.chm

│ │ │ Algorithms in Java Parts 1-4, 3rd Ed.chm

│ │ │ Ant - The Definitive Guide.pdf

│ │ │ Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Edition.chm

│ │ │ BitterJava.pdf

│ │ │ Black Art of Java Game Programming (SAMS).chm

│ │ │ Core Java 2 Volume I - Fundamentals, 6th Edition.chm

│ │ │ Core Java 2 Volume II-Advanced Features 5th Edition.exe

│ │ │ Coriolis Group Books - Cutting Edge Java Game Programming.chm

│ │ │ Data Structures & Algorithms In Java(SAMS).pdf

│ │ │ Design - A Little Java A Few Patterns - Manning - .Pdf

│ │ │ Design - A Little Java A Few Patterns - Manning.pdf

│ │ │ Design Pattern Java Companion.pdf

│ │ │ Design.Patterns.Java.Workbook.pdf

│ │ │ Designing Java Applications for Network Computers(sg245111).pdf

│ │ │ DesignJava.PDF

│ │ │ Developing Games in Java.chm

│ │ │ ebook O'Reilly Learning Java.PDF

│ │ │ Effective_Java.pdf

│ │ │ IBM - Java 2 Network Security.pdf

│ │ │ Inside Java 2 Platform Security.pdf

│ │ │ Inside_Java_2_Platform_Security_Second_Edition.chm

│ │ │ Java - Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-oriented Design Patterns In Java.chm

│ │ │ Java 1.4 Game Programming eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Java 2 Network Security.pdf

│ │ │ Java 2 Web Developer Certification Study Guide.pdf

│ │ │ Java and XML Binding-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Java How to Program, 4th Ed (Deitel) 2002.pdf

│ │ │ Java in a Nutshell 4th Edition.chm

│ │ │ Java Network Programming, 2nd Edition.pdf

│ │ │ Java Performance Tuning-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Java Pitfalls.chm

│ │ │ JAVA Programming for the lnternet Java for Internet编程技术.pdf

│ │ │ Java Programming Languag_SL285.pdf

│ │ │ Java Security Solutions.chm

│ │ │ Java Security.2nd.pdf

│ │ │ Java Threads - 2ed.pdf

│ │ │ Java Tools for Extreme Programming.pdf.iso

│ │ │ Java2.pdf

│ │ │ JavaMail介绍-pdf.pdf

│ │ │ Jones And Bartlett - Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Manning - Art Of Java Web Development Frameworks And Best Practices (2004).pdf

│ │ │ Manning - Bitter Java.pdf

│ │ │ Manning - Java Development with Ant.pdf

│ │ │ Manning - Java Swing 2nd Edition (2003).pdf

│ │ │ Manning - JMX in Action.pdf

│ │ │ Mastering Java 2, J2SE 1.4.chm

│ │ │ New Riders - Java 2 Certification.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java and XSLT.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java Cookbook Solutions and Examples for Java Developers.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java Extreme Programming Cookbook - 2003 !!! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java Management Extension.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java network programming, 2nd edition.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java Performance Tuning.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java Programming with Oracle ODBC.pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Java RMI.pdf

│ │ │ OReilly - Learning Java 2nd Ed - 2002.chm

│ │ │ Oreilly Java Swing 2nd 2002.pdf

│ │ │ Patterns in Java , Volume 1 - fly.chm

│ │ │ Prentice Hall - Advanced Java Networking, 2nd Ed - 2000 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Prentice Hall - Advanced JAVA Networking2.pdf

│ │ │ Prentice Hall - Applied Java Patterns.pdf

│ │ │ Programming and Problem Solving with Java - 2003.pdf

│ │ │ Sams - Java 2 Primer Plus.chm

│ │ │ Sun - Java Platform Performance - Strategies And Tactics.pdf

│ │ │ SUN - SL-275 Java Programming Language.pdf

│ │ │ SUN - SL-291 JavaBeans Component Development.pdf

│ │ │ Sybex - Ground-Up Java - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ The Design Pattern Companion for Java.pdf

│ │ │ The Java Developers Almanac 1.4.chm

│ │ │ Think in Java 中文版.PDF

│ │ │ Thinking In Java 3rd.chm

│ │ │ Thinking in Java(3rd Edition).chm

│ │ │ ThinkingInJava-en-2.chm

│ │ │ thinkinjava.chm

│ │ │ TIJ2CN.pdf

│ │ │ Web Development With JSP.pdf

│ │ │ Wiley - More Java Pitfalls - 50 New Solutions and Workarounds - 2003 !! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Wiley - Securing Java.pdf

│ │ │ [0201743973]design pattern java work book.pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─(eBook - PDFs) Deitel - Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program

│ │ ├─(eBook - PDFs) Deitel - Java How to Program Fourth Edition

│ │ ├─(eBook - PDFs) Deitel - Java How to Program [4th Edition]

│ │ ├─(HTML) New Riders - Industrial Strength Java

│ │ ├─(HTML) O'Reilly - Java Power Reference

│ │ ├─(HTML) Que - Hacking Java

│ │ ├─(HTML) Sams - Java Distributed Objects

│ │ ├─(HTML) Sams - Tricks Of The Java Programming Gurus

│ │ ├─(HTML) Waite - Data Structures And Algorithms In Java

│ │ ├─(John Wiley) - Java Tools for Extreme Programming

│ │ ├─(PDF) Data Structures And Algorithms In Java - Sams

│ │ ├─(PDF) O'Reilly - Developing Java Beans

│ │ ├─(PDF) O'Reilly - Java Cryptography

│ │ ├─(PDF) O'Reilly - Java IO

│ │ ├─(PDF) O'Reilly - Java Threads - 2ed

│ │ ├─(PDF) Practical AI Programming In Java

│ │ ├─330 Java Tips-pdf

│ │ ├─Addison Wesley - Design Pattern java work book

│ │ ├─Advanced Java Networking-pdf

│ │ ├─Complete Java2 Certificate

│ │ ├─Component Development for the Java Platform-pdf

│ │ ├─Concurrent Programming Using Java-html

│ │ ├─Core Java 2 Volume I-Fundamentals-5e-pdf

│ │ ├─Core Java 2 Volume II-Advanced Features-5e-exe

│ │ ├─Internet 实务系列丛书 Java轻松上手

│ │ ├─Internet程序设计JAVA & HTML

│ │ ├─jav040---Internet与Intranet系列丛书 Java语言入门

│ │ ├─Java 2 By Example 3rd(Included Example Codes)(英)

│ │ ├─Java 2编程详解Special Edition Using Java2

│ │ ├─Java Applet 在WWW上的应用

│ │ ├─Java Code Convensions-pdf

│ │ ├─Java in a Nutshell-4e-chm

│ │ ├─Java in the Fast Lane 3-pdf

│ │ ├─Java Performance Tuning-pdf

│ │ ├─JAVA Programming for the lnternet Java for Internet编程技术

│ │ ├─Java Security, 2nd Edition

│ │ ├─Java Threads-2e-pdf

│ │ ├─Java 编码规范

│ │ ├─Java 虚拟机规范-pdf

│ │ ├─JAVA2参考大全

│ │ ├─JavaMail API 基础教程-html

│ │ ├─Java安全

│ │ ├─JAVA核心技术(第二版)

│ │ ├─Manning - Instant Messaging in Java

│ │ ├─Master the Fundamentals of Java-pdf

│ │ ├─Matrix-Jasmin_bin_1.0(jvm指令集反编译工具-exe文件)

│ │ ├─Matrix-jasmin_src&api_1(jvm指令集反编译工具)

│ │ ├─O'Reilly - Java Examples in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition

│ │ ├─PATTERNS IN JAVA VOLUME 1 - A Catalog of Reusable Design Patterns Illustrated with UML

│ │ ├─Performance and the Java Language-pdf

│ │ ├─swing

│ │ ├─The Java Developers Almanac 1.4

│ │ ├─The Java Tutorial

│ │ ├─Thinking In Java 3rd

│ │ ├─Thinking in Patterns with java_HTML_with_CODE

│ │ ├─Thinking_In_Java(2nd)

│ │ ├─《Core Java2 Volume I-5e》源码

│ │ ├─《Core Java2 Volume II-5e》源码

│ │ ├─《Java2图形设计卷II:Swing》配套光盘源码

│ │ └─《Java编程详解》配套光盘源码

│ │

│ └─综合

│ │ .NET vs. J2EE (Compare & Contrast).ppt

│ │ Contributing to Eclipse Principles, Patterns, and Plug-Ins.chm

│ │ Manning - Jess in Action - Rule-Based Systems in Java - 2003! (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ Markus Voelter & Michael Stal - Comparing J2EE with .NET.ppt

│ │ Middleware - J2Ee Vs Microsoft Net.pdf

│ │ O'Reilly - 57 Bookshelf (Java - 6 books, Perl - 9, TCPIP - 7, UNIX - 7, Java Enterprise - 8, Linux - 7, Oracle - 8, WWW - 6).chm

│ │ O'Reilly - NetBeans - The Definitive Guide - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ O'Reilly 54 Books (XML, Perl, Java, Networking, Unix, Web, Oracle) by kimagure.rar

│ │ O'Reilly's CD bookshelf.(Java, J2EE, Perl, TCP_IP, Unix, Linux, Oracle, WWW).chm

│ │ Prentice Hall - Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide.pdf

│ │ Riders - Java 2 Certification Training Guide.pdf

│ │ TestKing - 310-025 Sun SJCP Edt1.0.pdf

│ │ The Middleware Company J2EE vs. Microsoft.NET.pdf

│ │

│ ├─EclipseInAction

│ ├─JBuilder

│ │ │ Borland Jbuilder 9 - Developing Enterprise Javabeans.pdf

│ │ │ JBuilderX.pdf

│ │ │ jbusersguide_2.0.pdf

│ │ │ Learning Java with JBuilder.pdf

│ │ │ Sams - Borland JBuilder Developer Guide.chm

│ │ │ Wordware Publishing - Charlie Calvert's Learn JBuilder.chm

│ │ │ [ebook] Java - Borland JBuilder - Developing Database Applications - Inprise.pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─JBuilder Help

│ │ └─JBUILDER5帮助文件中文版

│ │

│ ├─Manning - SCWCD Exam Study Kit

│ └─Syngress - Programming Lego Mindstorms with Java



│ │ Addison Wesley - Pragmatic ADO.NET Data Access for the Internet World.chm

│ │ Apress - A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C#.pdf

│ │ Developing_Applications_using_Ado.net_for_Microsoft_Sql_Server_2000.pdf

│ │ Microsoft ADO.NET.chm

│ │ MS Press - Microsoft ADO.NET Step by Step.pdf

│ │ Pragmatic ADO.NET - Data Access for the Internet World.chm

│ │ Wordware-- ADO .NET Programming (2003).chm

│ │ Wrox - Professional ADO.Net Programming.pdf

│ │


│ │ │ (ebook) Designing Microsoft ASP.NET Applications (Microsoft, 2002).pdf

│ │ │ (Ebook-Pdf) - Programming - Asp Net Bible Vb Net & C#.pdf

│ │ │ (EN) Developing Microsoft ASP.NET Server Controls and Components (MS Press).chm

│ │ │ 0596001169_OReilly_ASPdotNETinNutshell.chm

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - Essential ASP .NET with Examples in VB.Net - 1st Ed 2003 .chm

│ │ │ Addison-Wesley,.ASP.NET.Solutions.23.Case.Studies.(2003).LiB.ShareConnector.chm

│ │ │ Addison.Wesley.A.First.Look.At.ASP.Dot.NET.v.2.0.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ APress - Real World ASP.NET - Building a Content Management System.pdf

│ │ │ ASP - Microsoft ASP.NET Fast & Easy Web Development.pdf

│ │ │ Asp Net Developer'S Jumpstart - Addison Wesley.chm

│ │ │ ASP.NET Database Programming Weekend Crash Course.pdf

│ │ │ Asp.Net MSDN_Training.pdf

│ │ │ Asp.Net Web Developer's Guide.pdf

│ │ │ ASP.NET Website Programming.chm

│ │ │ ASP.NET 程式设计基础篇.pdf

│ │ │ ASP.NET.Unleashed.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ asp.netDeep.pdf..pdf

│ │ │ asp.net中文手册.chm

│ │ │ ASP.NET编程百例.pdf

│ │ │ Designing Microsoft ASP.NET Applications.pdf

│ │ │ Designing_Microsoft_ASP.NET_Applications_NoFearLevenT.pdf

│ │ │ Developing ASP.NET Server Controls and Components (Microsoft-2003).chm

│ │ │ eBook.Sams-ASP.NET_Kick_Start.ShareReactor.chm

│ │ │ Essential Asp Net With Examples In C#(2003).chm

│ │ │ Essential ASP.NET with Examples in CSharp (Addison-Wesley 2003).chm

│ │ │ Hungry Minds - ASP NET.pdf

│ │ │ MS Press - Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET (2002).chm

│ │ │ MS Press - Designing Microsoft ASP.NET Applications.pdf

│ │ │ Ms Press Building Microsoft Asp Dot Net Applications For Mobile Devices 2Nd Edition Ebook-Lib.chm

│ │ │ Ms Press Programming Microsoft Asp Dot Net.chm

│ │ │ MS.Press.Building.Secure.ASP.NET.Applications.pdf

│ │ │ MS.Press.Microsoft.ASP.Dot.NET.Setup.And.Configuration.Pocket.Reference.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ MS.Press.Microsoft.ASP.Dot.NET.Web.Matrix.Starter.Kit.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Msdn - Developing Xml Web Services With Asp.Net.pdf

│ │ │ MsPress - Designing Microsoft ASP.Net Applications.pdf

│ │ │ NEW RIDERS - XML and ASP.NET.chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - ASP.NET in a Nutshell (2nd).chm

│ │ │ Sams - Asp Net Data Web Controls Kick Start (2003).chm

│ │ │ Sams - Programming Data Driven Web Applications With ASP.NET.chm

│ │ │ Teach Yourself Asp Net In 21 Days 2Nd Ed (2002).chm

│ │ │ Wiley - Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with Visual C# .NET 2003 - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Wrox - ASP.NET Website Programming, C# Edition.chm

│ │ │ Wrox - Beginning Asp Net Databases Using Vb Net.chm

│ │ │ Wrox - Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with Visual C#.NET 2003 (2004).pdf

│ │ │ Wrox - Inside ASP.NET Web Matrix.pdf

│ │ │ Wrox - Professional ASP .NET 1.0 XML with C#.pdf

│ │ │ Wrox - Professional ASP.NET (VBL).pdf

│ │ │ Wrox - Professional ASP.NET.pdf - Source Code C#.zip

│ │ │ Wrox Press - Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 with Visual C Sharp .NET 2003.pdf

│ │ │ Wrox.Press.David.Sussmans.Beginning.Dynamic.Websites.With.ASP.Dot.NET.Web.Matrix.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ 《ASP.Net_XML深入编程技术》中文版.pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─(EBOOK-PDF)_MSDN-Training - Introduction to Microsoft ASP.NET, Workbook.pdf

│ │ └─Wrox - Professional ASP.NET.pdf - Source Code C#

│ │

│ ├─C#.NET

│ │ │ (C#高级编程).pdf

│ │ │ (eBook .NET) Programming Microsoft Windows with Csharp Charles Petzold [MSPress 2002].pdf

│ │ │ (Ebook Net) Essential Asp Net With Examples In Csharp.chm

│ │ │ (ebook pdf) Design Pattern in C#.pdf

│ │ │ (ebook) pdf - Syngress c# NET.pdf

│ │ │ (EN) Distributed .NET Programming in CSharp (Apress).chm

│ │ │ A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C#.pdf

│ │ │ A Programmer's Introduction to C# - APress.pdf

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - C Sharp Design Patterns - A Tutorial.chm

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - C Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET, XML, and ADO.NET.chm

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - C# Design Patterns.pdf

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - C# Developer'S Guide To Asp Net, Xml, And Ado Net (Chm).pdf

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - C# Developer's Guide to ASP.NET, XML, and ADO.NET.chm

│ │ │ Addison Wesley - C# Primer, A Practical Approach.pdf

│ │ │ Application Development Using CSharp and DotNET.pdf

│ │ │ Apress - Advanced .NET Remoting (CSharp Edition).pdf

│ │ │ asp.net.pdf

│ │ │ C# .NET - Web Developer's Guide.pdf

│ │ │ C# .NET Web Developer's Guide - Syngress (pdf + code).zip

│ │ │ C# Bible (Wiley).pdf

│ │ │ C# Book.pdf

│ │ │ C# COM+ Programming .pdf

│ │ │ C# Deitel - C# How to Program (redistilled in one book).pdf

│ │ │ C# Developer's Guide to ASP.NET, XML, and ADO.NET.chm

│ │ │ C# for Java Programmers.pdf

│ │ │ C# in a Nutshell.chm

│ │ │ C# Network Programming.pdf

│ │ │ C# Thinking In C#(Prentice Hall).pdf

│ │ │ C# Web Development.pdf

│ │ │ C# Your visual blueprint for building .NET application.pdf

│ │ │ C#完全手册.pdf

│ │ │ c#教程.pdf

│ │ │ C#文档中文版(微软).pdf

│ │ │ C#高级编程(第2版).pdf

│ │ │ C.Sharp Web Development with ASP.NET. Visual QuickStart Guide.chm

│ │ │ Computing with CSharp and the .NET Framework (Jones and Bartlett).chm

│ │ │ Course 2124 Programming with C#.pdf

│ │ │ CSharp In Nutshell.chm

│ │ │ csharp.chm

│ │ │ Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C#.pdf

│ │ │ Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Csharp (2001).chm

│ │ │ Developing And Implementing Web Applications With Visual C# Net And Visual Studio Net.chm

│ │ │ Ebook - Unix - Inside C#.chm

│ │ │ eBook.Apress.C.Sharp.Class.Design.Handbook.Coding.Effective.Classes.chm

│ │ │ eBook.Sybex-C.Sharp_Database_Programming.ShareReactor.chm

│ │ │ Essential.NET.Volume.1.The.Common.Language.Runtime.chm

│ │ │ Exam 070-320 - MCSD MCAD - XML WebServices and Server Components with C# .NET (v 6.0).pdf

│ │ │ Hungry Minds-C#-First Released-US English-2002.pdf

│ │ │ IBM - Introduction to Design Patterns in C#.pdf

│ │ │ Introduction to Design Patterns in C#.pdf

│ │ │ Itcertifyhome -Developing And Implementing Windows-Based Application With C# Net.pdf

│ │ │ Jones and Bartlett - Computing with CSharp and the .NET Framework - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ │ Mastering ASP.NET with C#.pdf

│ │ │ McGraw Hill - Advanced CSharp Programming[2002].pdf

│ │ │ Microsoft C# for the Absolute Beginner.chm

│ │ │ Microsoft C# Language Reference.chm

│ │ │ Microsoft C# Programming For The Absolute Beginner (Premier Press).pdf

│ │ │ Microsoft Visual C# .NET.chm

│ │ │ Microsoft.Press,.CSharp.Programmers.Cookbook.(2004).LiB.chm

│ │ │ MS Press - C# Programming for the Microsoft.NET Platform.pdf

│ │ │ MS Press - Introduction to Design Patterns in C#.pdf

│ │ │ MS Press MSDN Training Programming .NET Framework with C#.pdf

│ │ │ MS.Press - C.Sharp.for.Java.Developer.CHM

│ │ │ MS.Press.Inside.CSharp.chm

│ │ │ Msdn Training - C# Essentials Of Object-Oriented Programming.pdf

│ │ │ MSPress-Programming Microsoft Windows with C# -Charles Petzold.pdf

│ │ │ NET User Interfaces in C# - Windows Forms and Custom Controls.chm

│ │ │ NETEntDevelinC#_Ch3.pdf

│ │ │ O'reilly - C# Essentials 2nd.chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - C# in a Nutshell.chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Csharp Cookbook (2004).chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - CSharp Essentials, 2nd Edition (CHM).chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - CSharp Essentials, 2nd Edition (CHM).pdf

│ │ │ O'Reilly_Programming_C#_2Ed.pdf

│ │ │ Oreilly.Learning.C.Sharp.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Osborne - Advanced C# programming-2002.pdf

│ │ │ Pragmatic Unit Testing in C# with NUnit.pdf

│ │ │ Premier Press - Microsoft C# Programming for the Absolute Beginner.pdf

│ │ │ Prentice Hall - Application Development Using CSharp and .NET.chm

│ │ │ Prentice Hall-- Application Development Using C# and .NET.chm

│ │ │ Professional CSharp Web Services(源代码).rar

│ │ │ Programming - C# - Visual Studio .NET C# for Dummies Quick Reference Guide.pdf

│ │ │ Programming CSharp, 3rd Edition.chm

│ │ │ Sams - CSharp and dotNET Framework - The Cpp Perspective.chm

│ │ │ Sams - Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Developer's Cookbook.chm

│ │ │ Sams - Teach Yourself CSharp In 24 Hours [5 79 MB].chm

│ │ │ Sybex - C# Network Programming.chm

│ │ │ Sybex - CSharp Network Programming.chm

│ │ │ Sybex - Visual C# ASP.NET Programming.pdf

│ │ │ Sybex - Visual C#.NET Programming.pdf

│ │ │ Sybex.-.C.Sharp.Network.Programming.chm

│ │ │ Sybex.Visual.C.Sharp.Dot.NET.Programming.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Syngress - C# for Java Programmers.pdf

│ │ │ Syngress,.C#..Net.Developers.Guide.(2002);.BM.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.com.pdf

│ │ │ Visual C# Net Developer's Handbook.pdf

│ │ │ Visual Studio .NET C# for Dummies Quick Reference Guide.pdf

│ │ │ Visual Studio .NET C# Study Guide.pdf

│ │ │ Visual Studio .NET C# Web Developers Guide.pdf

│ │ │ Visual.C.Sharp.Dot.NET.Step.By.Step.2003.chm

│ │ │ Wiley - C# COM+.Programming.pdf

│ │ │ Windows Forms Programming with C#.pdf

│ │ │ Wrox - Beginning Visual CSharp - fly.chm

│ │ │ Wrox - Professional C# (C#高级编程).pdf

│ │ │ Wrox Press - Professional C#, 3rd Edition.pdf

│ │ │ _AW_Windows.Forms.Programming.in.CSharp-LiB.chm

│ │ │

│ │ ├─(ebook - pdfs) Design Pattern in C#

│ │ ├─C# .NET Web Developer's Guide - Syngress (pdf + code)

│ │ ├─C# How to Program

│ │ ├─C# Visual Blueprint

│ │ ├─c#与_net技术平台实演练

│ │ ├─C#与模式

│ │ ├─c#技术内幕

│ │ ├─c#程序设计案例教程

│ │ ├─C#编程实例与技巧

│ │ ├─CSharp_JCBL

│ │ ├─InsideCSharp2ed_MSP2002ArcherCHTM

│ │ ├─Introduction to C# Programming for the Microsoft.NET Platform

│ │ ├─Introduction to Design Patterns in C#

│ │ ├─Microsoft.NET编程语言c#

│ │ ├─MS Press Inside C Sharp 2nd Edition

│ │ ├─Think in C#

│ │ ├─精通C#与ASP.NET程序设计

│ │ └─精通c#与asp_net程序设计

│ │

│ ├─C++.NET

│ │ 2003-[Ms Press]-Programming with Microsoft Visual C++.NET.chm

│ │ Extending.MFC.Applications.with.the.dot.NET.Framework.chm

│ │ McGraw Hill - Visual C++ .NET Developers Guide(1).pdf

│ │ Microsoft Press - Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming.pdf

│ │ Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Professional Projects.pdf

│ │ Microsoft Visual Studio .NET C++ for Dummies Quick Reference Guide.pdf

│ │ Microsoft Visual Studio .NET C++.pdf

│ │ MS Press - Programming With Managed Extensions For MS Visual C++.NET 2003.chm

│ │ MS Press - Programming with Microsoft Visual C++ .NET, 6th Edition.chm

│ │ MS.Press.-.Microsoft.Visual.C++.Dot.NET.Step.By.Step.Version.2003.chm

│ │ MSPress,.Programming.with.Microsoft.Visual.C++..NET,.6Ed.(2003).ShareConnector.com.chm

│ │ Sams - Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 Kick Start.chm

│ │ SAMS - Teach Yourself MS Visual C++ .NET in 24 Hours.chm

│ │ Visual Studio C++ .NET ebook.pdf

│ │ Visual.Studio.C++..NET.ebook.pdf

│ │

│ ├─Framework

│ │ (Ebook Pdf) Ms Press - Applied Microsoft Net Framework Programming.pdf

│ │ (EN) NET Framework Essentials (3rd Edition) (O'reilly).chm

│ │ Addison Wesley - .NET Framework Security (CHM).chm

│ │ Addison Wesley - Understanding .NET A Tutorial and Analysis.chm

│ │ Addison-Wesley,..NET.A.Complete.Development.Cycle.(2003).LiB.ShareConnector.com.chm

│ │ Addison.Wesley.dot.NET.Framework.Standard.Library.Annotated.Reference.Volume.1.DDU.ShareConnector.chm

│ │ Applied Microsoft.NET Framework Programming.pdf

│ │ Building XML Web Services for the Microsoft .NET Platform.pdf

│ │ Coriolis-VS.NET The .NET Framework Black Book 2 .pdf

│ │ MS Press - .NET Architecture - Overview of Data Patterns.pdf

│ │ MS Press - .NET Architecture - Overview of Enterprise Solution Patterns.pdf

│ │ Ms Press - Application Architecture For Net.pdf

│ │ MS Press - Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming (Jeffrey Richter, 2002).pdf

│ │ MS Press - Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming.pdf

│ │ MS Press - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (Core Reference).chm

│ │ MS.Press.-.Applied..NET.Framework.Programming.(2002).pdf

│ │ MsPress - Application Architecture for .NET Designing Applications and Services.pdf

│ │ MsPress - Introducing Microsoft .Net.pdf

│ │ MsPress - Operating .Net Framework-Based Applications.pdf

│ │ NET.Framework.Essentials.2nd.Edition.pdf

│ │ O'Reilly - .NET Framework Essentials (3rd).chm

│ │ O'Reilly - .NET Framework Essentials (VBL).pdf

│ │ Sams Microsoft Dot Net Compact Framework Kick Start.chm

│ │ Sybex - .NET Web Services Solutions - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ Understanding .NET A Tutorial And Analysis(.net大局观).chm

│ │ Visual Studio Net - The Net Framework Black Book.pdf

│ │ [.NET].Net Framework Essentials Edt2.pdf

│ │ [0735615713]Introducing Microsoft.NET 2nd Edition.pdf

│ │

│ └─综合

│ │ (eBook - pdf) Developing .NET Web Services with XML.pdf

│ │ (EN) NET Patterns - Architecture, Design, and Process (Addison Wesley).chm

│ │ .NET vs. J2EE (Compare & Contrast).ppt

│ │ 2710B - Analyzing Requirements and Defining Microsoft .NET Solution Architectures.pdf

│ │ Advanced .NET Remoting.pdf

│ │ Advanced nunit testing Part I.pdf

│ │ AW.NET.Patterns.Architecture.Design.and.Process.(2003).chm

│ │ Building Web Solutions With ASP.NET and ADO.NET 2002.chm

│ │ CorrectExams MCSD 070-320 Exam XML Web Services and Server Components with C#.NET v1-2003.pdf

│ │ Database Modeling in Visual Studio .NET using Visio for Enterprise Architects.pdf

│ │ DCOM - Microsoft Distributed Component Object Model.pdf

│ │ dot net common language runtime unleashed 2002.chm

│ │ Essential .NET Volume 1 - The Common Language Runtime.chm

│ │ Inside Microsoft .NET IL Assembler.chm

│ │ Introducing Microsoft .NET 2nd Edition - MS Press.pdf

│ │ Manning - Microsoft .NET for Programmers (Manning).pdf

│ │ Mastering Visual Studio .NET (O'Reilly-2003).chm

│ │ McGraw-Hill - .NET & J2EE Interoperability - 2004 !!! - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ MS Press - Applied XML Programming for Microsoft .NET.pdf

│ │ MS Press - Programming Microsoft .NET.chm

│ │ MS Press COM Programming With Microsoft Dot NET eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ MS.PRESS.Inside.Microsoft.Visual.Studio.Dot.NET.2003.chm

│ │ MS.PRESS.Microsoft.Dot.NET.Distributed.Applications.chm

│ │ O'Reilly - Programming .NET Windows Applications (1246 pages) - 2003 ! - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ │ O'Reilly COM and .Net Component Services.pdf

│ │ Oreilly.Mastering.Visual.Studio.Dot.NET.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ Prentice Hall - .NET Security and Cryptography.chm

│ │ Sams - .NET e-Business Architecture (VBL).pdf

│ │ Sams - Teach Yourself Visual Studio .Net 2003 In 21 Days.chm

│ │ Syngress.Dot.NET.Mobile.Web.Developers.Guide.pdf

│ │ Test-Driven Development in .NET-By Example - Ch 2.pdf

│ │ Test-Driven Development in Microsoft NET.chm

│ │ Test-Driven Development In Net-By Example.pdf

│ │ The Book of Visual Studio .NET - A Guide for Developers.pdf

│ │ VisualStudioNETGuidedTour.doc

│ │ Wesley - Developing.Applications.with.Vs.Net.pdf

│ │ Wiley - Developing Visual Studio Net Macros And Add-Ins.pdf

│ │ Wrox Professional UML with Visual Studio NET.chm

│ │

│ └─(Ebook - Pdf - Programming) Msdn Training - Microsoft Visual Studio Net (With Source)

├─Visual C++,MFC

│ │ CSDN VC编程经验总结.chm

│ │ eBook Osborne - The Complete Reference Visual C++ 6.chm


│ │ STL入门.ppt

│ │ VC++技术内幕.chm

│ │ VC6程序员指南.WDL

│ │ VC技术内幕第五版.chm

│ │ Visual C++ 6.0 用户界面制作技术与应用实例.pdf

│ │ Visual C++ 6.0开发与实例.pdf

│ │ Visual C++ 新起点——6.0 实用教程.pdf

│ │ Visual C++6.0教程.pdf

│ │ Visual C++6.0用户界面制作技术与应用实例.pdf

│ │ Visual C++面向对象与可视化程序设计.pdf

│ │ 《VISUAL c++入门与应用》.pdf

│ │ 万水计算机编程技术与应用系列 Visual C++ 6.0编程实例与技巧.pdf

│ │ 精通Visual C++ 6.0.pdf

│ │ 精通Visual C++ 图像编程.pdf

│ │ 跟我学 VISUAL C++ 6.pdf

│ │

│ ├─C++ 6.0 Template(模板库)参考手册

│ ├─MFC开发人员指南

│ ├─MFC深入浅出

│ ├─Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 语言参考手册






│ ├─VC++网络教程

│ ├─VC60中文版类库参考手册

│ ├─VC60中文版运行库参考手册

│ ├─vc使用大全

│ ├─VC数据库应用

│ ├─VC知识库

│ ├─Visual C++ .NET程序设计

│ ├─Visual C++ 6 参考大全

│ ├─Visual C++ 6从入门到精通系列

│ ├─VISUAL C++MFC扩展编程实例

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│ ├─Visual C++高级编程技巧与实例

│ ├─VisualC++自学21日通

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│ ├─深入浅出Windows MFC程序设计

│ └─用 VISUAL C++ 设计WIN32应用程序

├─Visual FoxPro


│ │ solution.chm

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│ │ 梅子论坛精华二.chm

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│ │

│ ├─2002年天堂贴子集

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│ └─zxcjsystem(梦幻版)


│ │ (Programming) Addison-Wesley - The Pragmatic Programmer, from Journeyman to Master.pdf

│ │ masters.of.doom.ebook-nirv.pdf

│ │ O'Reilly - Physics for Game Developers (Scan, OCR) - 2002 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ The Pragmatic Programmer, From Journeyman To Master.chm

│ │

│ └─Borland传奇_李维


│ │ Addison Wesley - Concrete Mathematics - A Foundation for Computer Science.pdf

│ │ John Wiley & Sons - Programming Language Design Concepts.pdf

│ │ Project 2002 中文教学手册.doc

│ │ Sam'S, Toad Handbook (2003).chm

│ │ 微软英汉双解计算机百科辞典.wdl

│ │ 配色常识.chm

│ │

│ ├─InstallShield教程

│ ├─先进技术专题

│ ├─如何成为21世纪的优秀研究人员

│ └─研究院通讯


│ (Directx) - Direct3D Programming.chm

│ (eBook MSN) Game Design Foundations (2003).chm

│ (Ebook-Pdf) Opengl Programming Guide.Pdf

│ (ebook-pdf) Teach Yourself DirectX 7 in 24 Hours.pdf

│ (Wordware) Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0 (2003).chm

│ Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.pdf

│ APress - Introduction to 3D Game Engine Design Using DirectX 9 and CSharp - 2003 - (By Laxxuss).chm

│ APress,..NET.Game.Programming.with.DirectX.9.0.(2003).KB;.BM.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.pdf

│ Apress.dot.NET.Game.Programming.with.DirectX.9.0.eBook-KB.pdf

│ Development - Visual C++ - DirectX RPG Game Programming.pdf

│ Directx 8.1 Programming for C++.chm

│ ebook.new_riders-andrew_rollings_and_ernest_adams_on_game_design.sharereactor.chm

│ Game programming book C++.pdf

│ Game.Design.-.Theory.&.Practice.[wxp.step.lv].pdf

│ GAMES C++ - Programming RPGs With DirectX.pdf

│ Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.chm

│ McGraw.Hill.Ultimate.Game.Design.Building.Game.Worlds.eBook-DDU.pdf

│ MIT.Press.Rules.of.Play.Game.Design.Fundamentals.DDU.ShareConnector.chm

│ Morgan Kaufmann - Real-Time Shader Programming [inc DirectX 9] 2003 [CHM].rar

│ Net Game Programming With Directx 9.0 (4).pdf

│ Net Game Programming With Directx 9.0.pdf

│ New Riders Chris Crawford On Game Design.chm

│ OpenGL MFC Tutorials.chm

│ Opengl Programming Guide - The Official Guide To Learning Op.chm

│ OpenGL.Shading.Language.(2004).DDU.chm

│ OpenGL三维图形程序设计.chm

│ Premier Press - Advanced Animation with DirectX.pdf

│ Premier Press - Game Programming All in One (Windows, C++, DirectX, 991 pages) - 2002 ! - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ Sams - Managed DirectX 9 Graphics And Game Programming.chm

│ Sams.OpenGL.SuperBible.3rd.Edition.Jun.2004.FIXED.eBook-DDU.chm

│ Siggraph - An Interactive Introduction To Opengl Programming.pdf

│ Strategy Game Programming with DirectX 9.0.pdf

│ Visual C++ OpenGL DirectX 三维动画编程宝典.pdf

│ Wordware - Design Arcade Computer Game Graphics.pdf

│ Wordware Publishing - Strategy Game Programming With Directx 9.0 2003.chm

│ Wordware Publishing Directx 9 User Interfaces Design And Implementation Ebook-Ddu.pdf

│ [DEV-Game] DirectX - Programming guide.pdf

│ [eBook]CMP.Books.Game.Design.Workshop.Designing.Prototyping.and.Playtesting.Games.Feb.2004.chm

│ [娓告垙缂栫▼涔︾睄].Addison-Wesley,.OpenGL.Shading.Language.(2004).DDU.ShareConnector.[VeryCD.com].pdf

│ [娓告垙缂栫▼涔︾睄].Addison.Wesley.-.OpenGL.Programming.Guide,.2nd.Edition.[VeryCD.com].pdf

│ [娓告垙缂栫▼涔︾睄].MS.Press.-.Microsoft.DirectX.9.Programmable.Graphics.Pipeline.[VeryCD.com].pdf

│ [娓告垙缂栫▼涔︾睄].[Beginning.DirectX.9.0].Beginning.DirectX.9.[VeryCD.com].pdf

│ [游戏编程书籍].Premier.Press.Beginning.OpenGL.Game.Programming.ebook.LRN.[VeryCD.com].pdf


│ │ MS Press - Implementing Managing,and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Infrastructure.pdf

│ │ Win2000高级教程.exe

│ │ 开关机死机故障大全.chm

│ │

│ └─WINDOWS_2000注册表管理


│ │ John.Wiley.&.Sons.-.SQL.Bible.chm

│ │ Oreilly.SQL.Tuning.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ sql.doc

│ │ SQL21自学通.pdf

│ │ SQL_Complete_Ref_1999_McGraw.pdf

│ │ SQL语言介绍.doc

│ │

│ ├─DB2

│ │ DB2 Developer's Guide-Fourth Edition.pdf

│ │ Db2 Udb v8 For Linux Unix And Windows Dba Certification Guide (2003).chm

│ │ Db2 Version 8 The Official Guide - 2003.chm

│ │ DB2.Universal.Database.V8.Handbook.For.Windows.UNIX.And.Linux.chm

│ │ Teach Yourself Db2 Universal Database In 21 Days (2Nd).chm

│ │

│ ├─MySQL

│ │ │ (ebook - PDF - Programming) PHP and MySQL Web Dev.pdf

│ │ │ (Sybex - ebook - chm) - Mastering MySQL 4 (2003).chm

│ │ │ ebook - apache, mysql and php 4.pdf

│ │ │ ebook-deutsch SQL - MySQL Handbuch.pdf

│ │ │ ebook_mysql-php_database_applications.pdf

│ │ │ John.Wiley.And.Sons.MySQL.Enterprise.Solutions.pdf

│ │ │ MySQL Bible (Wiley).pdf

│ │ │ MySQL Manual.chm

│ │ │ MySQL, Second Edition, by Paul DuBois.chm

│ │ │ MYSQL.-.Das.offizielle.Handbuch.German.Ebook-Attica.pdf

│ │ │ mysql4.1.0.chm

│ │ │ MySQL中文参考手册-chm.chm

│ │ │ MySQL中文参考手册.chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - High Performance MySQL.chm

│ │ │ O'Reilly - Managing & Using MySQL.pdf

│ │ │ Open Source Web Development with LAMP - Using Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl, and PHP.chm

│ │ │ OReilly - MySQL Cookbook.chm

│ │ │ Oreilly.MySQL.Pocket.Reference.eBook-LiB.pdf

│ │ │ PHP and MySQL - MySQL Bible.pdf

│ │ │ Sams - MySQL and JSP Web Applications Data-Driven Programming Using Tomcat And MySQL-2002.chm

│ │ │ Sams.MySQL.2nd.Edition.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Sams.MySQL.Tutorial.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Wiley - Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Wiley - MySQL and Java Developer's Guide.February 2003.pdf

│ │ │ Wiley - MySQL and PHP Database Applications, 2nd Ed - 2004 - (By Laxxuss).pdf

│ │ │ Wiley,.MySQL.Enterprise.Solutions.(2003).pdf

│ │ │

│ │ └─MySQL网络数据库指南

│ │

│ ├─Oracle

│ │ │ (eBook - pdf) O'Reilly - Oracle Pl-Sql Programming 3rd Ed.pdf


│ │ │ Digital.Press.Oracle9iR2.Data.Warehousing.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ │ Introduction To Oracle9I Sql Study Guide.zip

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│ │ │ OReilly.-.Oracle.Essentials.-.Oracle9i,.Oracle8i,.Oracle8.2nd.Edition.rar


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│ │ │

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│ ├─SQL Server

│ │ │ OReilly - Managing and Using MySQL, 2Ed.chm

│ │ │ 轻松搞定SQL Server2000程序设计 .pdf

│ │ │

│ │ ├─Microsoft SQL Server7 数据库技术指南

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│ │

│ └─数据库理论

│ │ (ebook-chm) - UML for Database Design.chm

│ │ Addison Wesley - Database Design For Mere Mortals - A Hands On Guide For Relation Database Design - 2Nd Ed 2003.chm

│ │ Auerbach Publications - Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams.chm

│ │ db_design.pdf

│ │ O'Reilly.SQL_In_A_Nutshell.pdf


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│ │ (ebook - pdf) Cracking the Code - P2P Application Development + source code (Printing Not Allowed)(acrobat 5).rar

│ │ (eBook) Illustrated TCP-IP (John Wiley & Sons).pdf

│ │ Addison Wesley - C++ Network Programming Vol II.pdf

│ │ Beyond Dhcp - Work Your Tcp Ip Internetwork With Dynamic Ip.pdf

│ │ CHM - O'Reilly - TCP-IP Networking.chm

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│ │ Network Programming for Microsoft Windows, Second Edition eBook.pdf

│ │ Networking With Microsoft TCPIP - New Riders Publishing.pdf

│ │ New Riders - Mcse Training Guide Tcp-Ip.pdf

│ │ NewRiders Introduction to Networking with TCP-IP.pdf

│ │ OReilly HTTP The Definitive Guide.chm

│ │ Prentice Hall - Bonner - Network Programming with Windows Sockets.pdf

│ │ Richard Stevens - TCP-IP Illustrated - Vol 2.pdf

│ │ Sams - HTTP Developer's Handbook.March 2003.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ TCP-IP Analysis and Troubleshooting.pdf

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│ │ TCP-IP Network Administration OReilly.pdf

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│ │ www.winsock.com-Windows Sockets Network Programming.chm

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│ │ [eBook] - [Chm] - Ms Press - Network Programming For Microsoft Windows.chm

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│ │

│ ├─(PDF) Coriolis - Cisco Switching Black Book

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│ ├─TCPIP详解 卷2实现

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│ ├─TCP_IP技术大全

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│ │ Information Today, The Web Library Building A World Class Personal Library With Free Web Resources (2004) Ddu Bm Ocr 6.0.pdf

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│ │ McGraw.Hill.How.To.Do.Everything.With.HTML.And.XHTML.eBook-LiB.chm

│ │ O'Reilly - Web Design In A Nutshell 2Nd Ed (2001).chm

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│ │

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│ Beginning Javascript.chm

│ How.to.Do.Everything.with.JavaScript.eBook-DDU.pdf

│ JavaScript Bible Gold(2001).pdf

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│ Addison Wesley - Design Patterns Explained - A New Perspective on Object Oriented Design.pdf

│ Addison Wesley - Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides - Design Patterns, Elements Of Reusable Object Oriented Software, 1998.pdf

│ Addison Wesley - Object Design Roles, Responsibilities, And Collaborations.chm

│ Addison Wesley - Test Driven Development.pdf

│ Addison Wesley Object-Oriented Design Heuristics.chm

│ Addison-Wesley - Extreme Programming Explained. Embrace Change (1999, Kent Benk).pdf

│ Addison-Wesley, Analysis Patterns Reusable Object Models (2002); Ocr Shareconnector.pdf

│ Addison-Wesley,.Agile.Software.Development.(2000);.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.pdf

│ Addison-Wesley,.Pattern.Oriented.Analysis.and.Design.(2003).LiB.ShareConnector.chm

│ Addison.Wesley.-.Analysis.Patterns.Reusable.Object.Models.pdf

│ Agile Software Development Addison-Wesley.pdf

│ AnalysisPatterns - Reusable Object Models.pdf

│ AntiPatterns-Refactoring Software,Arckitectures,and Projects in Crisis-pdf.pdf

│ Application of Patterns to Real-Time Object-Oriented Software.pdf

│ Applying UML and Patterns- An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.pdf

│ Apress,.Design.Concepts.with.Code.A.Developer.Approach.(2003).LiB.chm

│ Artech House - A Practitioner's Guide to Software Test Design.chm

│ Artech.House,.ISO.9001.2000.Quality.Management.System.Design.(2003).Lib.chm

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│ C++面向对象模型.pdf

│ Code Complete - A Practical Handbook Of Software Construction (Steve Mcconnell).chm

│ Debugging.chm

│ Design Guidelines for Class Library Developers.doc

│ Design Pattern Quick Reference Card.pdf

│ Design Patterns Explained - A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design.chm

│ Design Patterns Explained.pdf

│ Design.Pattern-Weily.Oriented Software Architecture[Vol2][Patterns For Concurrent and Network object].pdf

│ DesignPatterns.chm

│ DesignPatternsInJava_Bob_pattern.pdf

│ Design_Patterns_and_Frameworks_for_Object-Oriented_Communication_Systems_.pdf

│ Ebook.Wiley & Sons-About Face 2.0.The Essentials Of Interaction Design.Sharereactor.chm

│ Essential.Guide.to.User.Interface.Design.2002.chm

│ Experiences -- A Pattern Language For User Interface Design.pdf

│ Extreme Programming Explained.pdf

│ McConnell, Steve - Software Project Survival Guide.pdf

│ MIT Press - How to Design Programs - An Introduction to Programming and Computing, Revised Edition - 2003.chm

│ Morgan Kaufmann - Design Methods for Reactive Systems-Yourdon Statemate and the UML (2003).chm

│ Morgan Kaufmann - Network Analysis Architecture And Design, 2nd Edition.chm

│ Morgan.Kaufmann,.Prototyping.The.Fast.and.Easy.Way.To.Design.and.Refine.U.I..(2003).LiB.com.chm

│ Morgan.Kaufmann.-.Gui.Bloopers.-.Don'Ts.And.Do'S.For.Software.Developers.And.Web.Designers.-.2000.!.-.(By.Laxxuss).pdf

│ Ms Press - Debugging Applications.chm

│ Object Oriented Software Construction.PDF

│ Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling.pdf

│ Object-Oriented System Design.pdf

│ Object-Oriented System Development.pdf

│ Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Patterns For Concurrent and Networked Objects - John Wiley & Sons (ebook - pdf).pdf

│ Prentice Hall, Applying UML and Patterns - An Introduction To Object Oriented Programming, 2Ed.pdf

│ Prentice.Enterprise.Data.Center.Design.And.Methodology.iNT.eBook-LiB.chm

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│ Sams - XML Distributed Systems Design (2002).chm

│ Schmidt - Design_Patterns_and_Frameworks_for_Developing_Object-oriented_WWW_Clients_and_Servers_.pdf

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│ software engineering - Object-Oriented System Development - Addison Wesley (eBook-pdf).pdf

│ Steve McConnell - Rapid Development - Taming Wild Software Schedules.pdf

│ SUN Education - OO-226 - Object Oriented Application Analysis and Design.pdf

│ Sybex - Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002.pdf

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│ The Object Primer 2nd Edition - The Application Developer's Guide to Object Orientation and the UML.pdf

│ The Pragmatic Programmer.pdf

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│ UML Distilled (3ed 2004) - Addison Wesley.pdf

│ UML Distilled-2e-chm.chm

│ UML Reference-pdf.pdf

│ Using Oo Design Patterns And Frameworks To Develop Object-Oriented Communication Systems.pdf

│ Wiley - Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Patterns For Concurrent And Networked Objects, Volume 2.pdf

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│ 软件工程——实践者的研究方法-doc.doc

│ 软件工程思想.EXE

├─Addison Wesley - Pattern-Oriented Analysis And Design - 2003

├─Booch,Object-Oriented Analysis And Design With Applications

├─Knuth, The Art Of Computer Programming - Vol 1 - Fundamental Algorithms

├─Object Oriented Software Construction 2

├─Object-Oriented Software Construction 2nd Ed


│ Managing Use Cases with Rational Rose and Rational Requisite Pro.pdf

│ Rational Desktop Products Installation Guide .pdf

│ Rational Rose, Guide to Team Development .pdf

│ Rational Rose, Using Rose Data Modeler.pdf

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│ Rational Unified Process.pdf

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│ The Rational Unified Process.pdf

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├─《Design Patterns》Complete Implementation with Java










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