parameters, reference parameters, output parameters, and local variables.
The sections that follow describe
each of these categories.
[Example: In the example
class A
public static int x;
int y;
void F(int[] v, int a, ref int b, out int c) {
int i = 1;
c = a + b++;
x is a static variable, y is an instance variable, v[0] is an array element,
a is a value parameter, b is a
reference parameter, c is an output parameter, and i is a local variable.
end example]
12.1.1 Static variables
A field declared with the static modifier is called a static variable. A
static variable comes into existence
before execution of the static constructor (§17.11) for its containing
type, and ceases to exist when the
associated application domain ceases to exist.
The initial value of a static variable is the default value (§12.2) of the
variable.s type.
For the purposes of definite assignment checking, a static variable is
considered initially assigned.
12.1.2 Instance variables
A field declared without the static modifier is called an instance variable. Instance variables in classes
An instance variable of a class comes into existence when a new instance of
that class is created, and ceases
to exist when there are no references to that instance and the instance.s
destructor (if any) has executed.
The initial value of an instance variable of a class is the default value (§
12.2) of the variable.s type.
For the purpose of definite assignment checking, an instance variable is
considered initially assigned.
100 Instance variables in structs
An instance variable of a struct has exactly the same lifetime as the
struct variable to which it belongs. In
other words, when a variable of a struct type comes into existence or
ceases to exist, so too do the instance
variables of the struct.
The initial assignment state of an instance variable of a struct is the
same as that of the containing struct
variable. In other words, when a struct variable is considered initially
assigned, so too are its instance
variables, and when a struct variable is considered initially unassigned,
its instance variables are likewise
12.1.3 Array elements
The elements of an array come into existence when an array instance is
created, and cease to exist when
there are no references to that array instance.
The initial value of each of the elements of an array is the default value (
§12.2) of the type of the array
For the purpose of definite assignment checking, an array element is
considered initially assigned.
12.1.4 Value parameters
A parameter declared without a ref or out modifier is a value parameter.
A value parameter comes into existence upon invocation of the function
member (method, instance
constructor, accessor, or operator) to which the parameter belongs, and is
initialized with the value of the
argument given in the invocation. A value parameter ceases to exist upon
return of the function member.
For the purpose of definite assignment checking, a value parameter is
considered initially assigned.
12.1.5 Reference parameters
A parameter declared with a ref modifier is a reference parameter.
A reference parameter does not create a new storage location. Instead, a
reference parameter represents the
same storage location as the variable given as the argument in the function
member invocation. Thus, the
value of a reference parameter is always the same as the underlying
The following definite assignment rules apply to reference parameters.
[Note: The rules for output
parameters are different, and are described in §12.1.6. end note]
. A variable must be definitely assigned (§12.3) before it can be passed
as a reference parameter in a
function member invocation.
. Within a function member, a reference parameter is considered initially
Within an instance method or instance accessor of a struct type, the this
keyword behaves exactly as a
reference parameter of the struct type (§14.5.7).
12.1.6 Output parameters
A parameter declared with an out modifier is an output parameter.
An output parameter does not create a new storage location. Instead, an
output parameter represents the
same storage location as the variable given as the argument in the function
member invocation. Thus, the
value of an output parameter is always the same as the underlying variable.
The following definite assignment rules apply to output parameters. [Note:
The rules for reference
parameters are different, and are described in §12.1.5. end note]
. A variable need not be definitely assigned before it can be passed as an
output parameter in a function
member invocation.
Chapter 12 Variables
. Following the normal completion of a function member invocation, each
variable that was passed as an
output parameter is considered assigned in that execution path.
. Within a function member, an output parameter is considered initially
. Every output parameter of a function member must be definitely assigned (§
12.3) before the function
member returns normally.
Within an instance constructor of a struct type, the this keyword behaves
exactly as an output parameter of
the struct type (§14.5.7).
12.1.7 Local variables
A local variable is declared by a local-variable-declaration, which may
occur in a block, a for-statement, a
switch-statement, or a using-statement.
The lifetime of a local variable is the portion of program execution during
which storage is guaranteed to be
reserved for it. This lifetime extends from entry into the block,
for-statement, switch-statement, or usingstatement
with which it is associated, until execution of that block, for-statement,
switch-statement, or usingstatement
ends in any way. (Entering an enclosed block or calling a method suspends,
but does not end,
execution of the current block, for-statement, switch-statement, or
using-statement.) If the parent block, forstatement,
switch-statement, or using-statement is entered recursively, a new instance
of the local variable is
created each time, and its local-variable-initializer, if any, is evaluated
each time.
A local variable is not automatically initialized and thus has no default
value. For the purpose of definite
assignment checking, a local variable is considered initially unassigned. A
local-variable-declaration may
include a local-variable-initializer, in which case the variable is
considered definitely assigned in its entire
scope, except within the expression provided in the
Within the scope of a local variable, it is a compile-time error to refer
to that local variable in a textual
position that precedes its local-variable-declarator.
[Note: The actual lifetime of a local variable is implementation-dependent.
For example, a compiler might
statically determine that a local variable in a block is only used for a
small portion of that block. Using this
analysis, the compiler could generate code that results in the variable.s
storage having a shorter lifetime than
its containing block.
The storage referred to by a local reference variable is reclaimed
independently of the lifetime of that local
reference variable (§10.9). end note]
A local variable is also declared by a foreach-statement and by a
specific-catch-clause for a try-statement.
For a foreach-statement, the local variable is an iteration variable (§15.8.
4). For a specific-catch-clause, the
local variable is an exception variable (§15.10). A local variable
declared by a foreach-statement or specificcatch-
clause is considered definitely assigned in its entire scope.
parameters, reference parameters, output parameters, and local variables.
The sections that follow describe
each of these categories.
[Example: In the example
class A
public static int x;
int y;
void F(int[] v, int a, ref int b, out int c) {
int i = 1;
c = a + b++;
x is a static variable, y is an instance variable, v[0] is an array element,
a is a value parameter, b is a
reference parameter, c is an output parameter, and i is a local variable.
end example]
12.1.1 Static variables
A field declared with the static modifier is called a static variable. A
static variable comes into existence
before execution of the static constructor (§17.11) for its containing
type, and ceases to exist when the
associated application domain ceases to exist.
The initial value of a static variable is the default value (§12.2) of the
variable.s type.
For the purposes of definite assignment checking, a static variable is
considered initially assigned.
12.1.2 Instance variables
A field declared without the static modifier is called an instance variable. Instance variables in classes
An instance variable of a class comes into existence when a new instance of
that class is created, and ceases
to exist when there are no references to that instance and the instance.s
destructor (if any) has executed.
The initial value of an instance variable of a class is the default value (§
12.2) of the variable.s type.
For the purpose of definite assignment checking, an instance variable is
considered initially assigned.
100 Instance variables in structs
An instance variable of a struct has exactly the same lifetime as the
struct variable to which it belongs. In
other words, when a variable of a struct type comes into existence or
ceases to exist, so too do the instance
variables of the struct.
The initial assignment state of an instance variable of a struct is the
same as that of the containing struct
variable. In other words, when a struct variable is considered initially
assigned, so too are its instance
variables, and when a struct variable is considered initially unassigned,
its instance variables are likewise
12.1.3 Array elements
The elements of an array come into existence when an array instance is
created, and cease to exist when
there are no references to that array instance.
The initial value of each of the elements of an array is the default value (
§12.2) of the type of the array
For the purpose of definite assignment checking, an array element is
considered initially assigned.
12.1.4 Value parameters
A parameter declared without a ref or out modifier is a value parameter.
A value parameter comes into existence upon invocation of the function
member (method, instance
constructor, accessor, or operator) to which the parameter belongs, and is
initialized with the value of the
argument given in the invocation. A value parameter ceases to exist upon
return of the function member.
For the purpose of definite assignment checking, a value parameter is
considered initially assigned.
12.1.5 Reference parameters
A parameter declared with a ref modifier is a reference parameter.
A reference parameter does not create a new storage location. Instead, a
reference parameter represents the
same storage location as the variable given as the argument in the function
member invocation. Thus, the
value of a reference parameter is always the same as the underlying
The following definite assignment rules apply to reference parameters.
[Note: The rules for output
parameters are different, and are described in §12.1.6. end note]
. A variable must be definitely assigned (§12.3) before it can be passed
as a reference parameter in a
function member invocation.
. Within a function member, a reference parameter is considered initially
Within an instance method or instance accessor of a struct type, the this
keyword behaves exactly as a
reference parameter of the struct type (§14.5.7).
12.1.6 Output parameters
A parameter declared with an out modifier is an output parameter.
An output parameter does not create a new storage location. Instead, an
output parameter represents the
same storage location as the variable given as the argument in the function
member invocation. Thus, the
value of an output parameter is always the same as the underlying variable.
The following definite assignment rules apply to output parameters. [Note:
The rules for reference
parameters are different, and are described in §12.1.5. end note]
. A variable need not be definitely assigned before it can be passed as an
output parameter in a function
member invocation.
Chapter 12 Variables
. Following the normal completion of a function member invocation, each
variable that was passed as an
output parameter is considered assigned in that execution path.
. Within a function member, an output parameter is considered initially
. Every output parameter of a function member must be definitely assigned (§
12.3) before the function
member returns normally.
Within an instance constructor of a struct type, the this keyword behaves
exactly as an output parameter of
the struct type (§14.5.7).
12.1.7 Local variables
A local variable is declared by a local-variable-declaration, which may
occur in a block, a for-statement, a
switch-statement, or a using-statement.
The lifetime of a local variable is the portion of program execution during
which storage is guaranteed to be
reserved for it. This lifetime extends from entry into the block,
for-statement, switch-statement, or usingstatement
with which it is associated, until execution of that block, for-statement,
switch-statement, or usingstatement
ends in any way. (Entering an enclosed block or calling a method suspends,
but does not end,
execution of the current block, for-statement, switch-statement, or
using-statement.) If the parent block, forstatement,
switch-statement, or using-statement is entered recursively, a new instance
of the local variable is
created each time, and its local-variable-initializer, if any, is evaluated
each time.
A local variable is not automatically initialized and thus has no default
value. For the purpose of definite
assignment checking, a local variable is considered initially unassigned. A
local-variable-declaration may
include a local-variable-initializer, in which case the variable is
considered definitely assigned in its entire
scope, except within the expression provided in the
Within the scope of a local variable, it is a compile-time error to refer
to that local variable in a textual
position that precedes its local-variable-declarator.
[Note: The actual lifetime of a local variable is implementation-dependent.
For example, a compiler might
statically determine that a local variable in a block is only used for a
small portion of that block. Using this
analysis, the compiler could generate code that results in the variable.s
storage having a shorter lifetime than
its containing block.
The storage referred to by a local reference variable is reclaimed
independently of the lifetime of that local
reference variable (§10.9). end note]
A local variable is also declared by a foreach-statement and by a
specific-catch-clause for a try-statement.
For a foreach-statement, the local variable is an iteration variable (§15.8.
4). For a specific-catch-clause, the
local variable is an exception variable (§15.10). A local variable
declared by a foreach-statement or specificcatch-
clause is considered definitely assigned in its entire scope.