隔段时间没沾VC,再回过头来用Regex++时,竟然不知道怎么安装了,虽然以前安装使用的次数多了,但还是没记住,看来还是好记性不如烂笔头啊,再总结一次吧。环境: XP+VC6.0(SP6)+MS SDK ,且记环境变量中Include的值中MS SDK的位置要先于VC6.0的位置。如:C:\MicrosoftSDK\Include\.;C:\MVS\VC98\atl\include;C:\MVS\VC98\mfc\include;C:\MVS\VC98\include;
注:我机器上VC安装在了C:\MVS\VC98目录,你的可能是C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98
MS SDK安装在了C:\MicrosoftSDK目录
然后解压缩到: C:\Regex++
cd C:\Regex++\libs\regex\build
nmake -fvc6.mak
nmake -fvc6.mak install
nmake -fvc6.mak clean
Note: To add the Regex++ library to your project select Project | Settings.... In the ensuing dialog, select the C/C++ tab. In the Category drop down list, select Preprocessor. In the Additional include directories: edit box enter C:\Regex++. Now select the Link tab. In the Category drop down list, select Input. In the Additional library path: edit box enter C:\Regex++.