declare @month/*月份*/ datetime,@k /*卡类别*/ int,@customerid int /*客户号*/, @subsidyfare/*补助额*/ money
select top 1 @month= month from t_subsidymonth order by month desc/*获取补助当月份值*/
declare k cursor for select cardtype from t_subsidymonth where plancount=0 and month=@month
open k
fetch next from k into @k
while (@@fetch_status=0)
declare custid_dist cursor for select distinct customerid from t_subsidynotputout where cardtype=@k
open custid_dist
fetch next from custid_dist into @customerid
while (@@fetch_status=0)
insert into t_subsidymonthplan(month,customerid,cardtype,subsidy) values(@month,@customerid,@k,0) –关键
fetch next from custid_dist into @customerid
close custid_dist
deallocate custid_dist
declare custid_subsidyfare cursor for select customerid,sum(subsidy) as sum_subsidy from t_subsidynotputout where cardtype=@k group by customerid
open custid_subsidyfare
fetch next from custid_subsidyfare into @customerid,@subsidyfare
while (@@fetch_status=0)
update t_customers set subsidydt=@month ,cursubsidyfare=@subsidyfare,subsidyout=F where customerid =@customerid –关键
fetch next from custid_subsidyfare into @customerid,@subsidyfare
close custid_subsidyfare
deallocate custid_subsidyfare
fetch next from k into @k
close k
deallocate k
declare @month/*月份*/ datetime
select top 1 @month= month from t_subsidymonth order by month desc/*获取补助当月份值*/
update t_customers set t_customers.subsidydt=@month ,t_customers.cursubsidyfare=l.sum_subsidy ,t_customers.subsidyout=F from ( select customerid,sum(subsidy) as sum_subsidy from t_subsidynotputout where cardtype in (select cardtype from t_subsidymonth where plancount=0 and month=@month) group by customerid) as l
where t_customers.customerid=l.customerid
insert into t_subsidymonthplan(month,customerid,cardtype,subsidy) select subsidydt,customerid,cardtype,0 as subsidyfare from t_customers where customerid in (select distinct customerid from t_subsidynotputout where cardtype in (select cardtype from t_subsidymonth where plancount=0 and month=@month))
字段名 类型 意义 是否主键
[CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL 客户代码 Y
[StatCode] [varchar] (3) NOT NULL 工作站代码
[Account] [varchar] (7) NOT NULL 单位代码
[Name] [varchar] (12) NOT NULL 姓名
[CardNo] [int] NOT NULL 卡号
[CardType] [tinyint] NOT NULL 卡类别
[Status] [tinyint] NOT NULL 状态
[OpenDt] [datetime] NOT NULL 操作日期
[CashID] [smallint] NOT NULL 出纳员代码
[SumFare] [smallmoney] NOT NULL 总额
[ConsumeFare] [smallmoney] NOT NULL 消费额
[OddFare] [smallmoney] NOT NULL 余额
[OpCount] [int] NOT NULL 操作次数
[CurSubsidyFare] [smallmoney] NOT NULL 本月补助费 *
[SubsidyDT] [datetime] NOT NULL 补助日期 *
[SubsidyOut] [char] (1) NOT NULL 发放标记 *
[Alias] [varchar] (10) NULL 别名
[outid] [varchar] (16) NULL 工号
[UpdateID] [tinyint] NOT NULL 是否更新标记
[Pwd] [char] (4) NULL 密码
[QuChargFare] [smallmoney] NULL 申请转帐金额
[HasTaken] [tinyint] NULL 是否领取
[DragonCardNo] [char] (19) NULL 龙卡卡号
[ApplyCharg] [smallmoney] NULL 领款金额
[ChargPer] [smallmoney] NULL 转帐标准
[MingZu] [varchar] (20) NULL 民族
[Sex] [char] (2) NULL 性别
[Memo] [varchar] (100) NULL 备注
[WeiPeiDW] [varchar] (10) NULL 委培单位
[CardConsumeType] [tinyint] NULL 卡消费类型
[LeaveSchoolDT] [datetime] NULL 离校日期
字段名 类型 意义 是否主键
[Month] [datetime] NOT NULL , 补助月 Y
[CardType] [tinyint] NOT NULL , 卡类型 Y
[PlanCount] [int] NOT NULL , 计划发放次数 N
[PlanSubsidy] [money] NOT NULL , 计划补助总额 N
[PutOutCount] [int] NOT NULL , 已发补助次数 N
[PutOutSubsidy] [money] NOT NULL , 已发补助金额 N
[LastCount] [int] NOT NULL , 剩余次数 N
[LastSubsidy] [money] NOT NULL 剩余补助 N
[PlanPre] [money] NOT NULL 前期未发 N
[PlanPreCount] [int] NOT NULL , 前期未发次数 N
[PutOutPre] [money] NOT NULL , 前期已发金额 N
[PutOutPreCount] [int] NOT NULL , 前期已发次数 N
[LastPre] [money] NOT NULL , 前期剩余金额 N
[LastPreCount] [int] NOT NULL , 前期剩余次数 N
[HasCloseOff] [bit] NOT NULL , 是否月结 N
[CloseOffDt] [datetime] NOT NULL , 月结日期 N
[Opdt] [datetime] NOT NULL , 操作日期 N
[ManegerID] [tinyint] NOT NULL 管理员ID N
字段名 类型 意义 是否主键
[Month] [datetime] NOT NULL , 补助月 N
[CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL , 客户ID Y
[CardType] [tinyint] NOT NULL , 卡类型 N
[Subsidy] [smallmoney] NOT NULL 补助额 N
字段名 类型 意义 是否主键
[Month] [datetime] NOT NULL , 补助月 Y
[CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL 客户ID Y
[CardType] [tinyint] NOT NULL , 卡类型 N
[Subsidy] [smallmoney] NOT NULL 补助额 N