
美国校园俚语 (TOEFL听力考试必备)(2)

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

· monkey bite: a kiss that leaves a mark on the skin.

· "I don''t want any monkey bites tonight, okay?"

· munch out: to eat voraciously.

· "Let''s munch out on a large pizza!"

· nada: nothing (from Spanish).

· "I know nada about politics."

· neat: cool; great.

· "Isn''t my new car neat?"

· noid: someone that''s paranoid.

· "Why are you so noid?"

· nuke (1): nuclear weapon.

· "This world had too many nukes."

· nuke (2): destroy; delete.

· "Sorry, but I accidentally nuked your e-mail message."

· nuke (3): cook something in the microwave oven.

· "Can you nuke this frozen pizza for me?"

· nut (1): odd or crazy person.

· "Why are you always acting like a nut?"

· nut (2): someone passionate about something.

· "I''m a nut about computers."

· nuts [offensive]: testicles.

· "Kick he in the nuts!"

· okay: decent.

· "My boss is an okay person."

· OK: decent.

· "Tom is an okay person."

· pad: someone''s home.

· "Can I sleep at your pad tonight?"

· party: celebrate.

· "Let''s party tonight!"

· party animal: someone that loves parties.

· "Tom has been known to sometimes be a party animal."

· paws: hands.

· "Get your paws off me!"

· peanuts: very little money.

· "I love my job, but the pay is peanuts."

· pee: to urinate.

· "I always have to pee after drinking beer."

· pickled: drunk.

· "He got pickled on vodka."

· pig out: eat too much.

· "Tom is famous for pigging out on chocolate ice cream."

· piss: to urinate.

· "My dog pissed on me!"

· pissed (off): angry; upset.

· "I''m really pissed (off) at you."

· plastered: drunk.

· "Why does he always get plastered?"

· pad: someone''s home.

· "Can I sleep at your pad tonight?"

· poop, the (1): knowledge; information.

· "What''s the poop on Michael Jackson?"

· poop [offensive] (2): defecation; shit.

· "Be careful not to step on dog poop."

· poop out: get tired and quit.

· "I got pooped out after spending eight hours at Disneyland."

· pot (1): toilet.

· "Who''s on the pot?"

· pot (2): marijuana.

· "It''s easy to buy pot in the big city."

· pro: someone who''s good at something; professional.

· "She''s really a pro at golf."

· psycho: crazy person.

· "Stay away from that psycho!"

· puke: vomit.

· "Alcohol makes some people puke."

· pumped (up): excited.

· "I''m really pumped (up) about her!"

· puss: the face.

· "My girlfriend slapped me right on the puss."

· quarterback: leader.

· "Tom is the quarterback of Tom''s Cafe."

· quick and dirty: done fast, but not well.

· "The mechanic did a quick and dirty repair on my car."

· racket (1): noise.

· "Small kids can make a lot of racket."

· racket (2): something that''s dishonest or deceptive.

· "The Tobacco Industry is quite a racket."

· racket (3): an occupation.

· "I''ve been in the company racket for fourteen years."

· rank: give someone a difficult time.

· "She''s always ranking her teacher."

· rat: a despicable person.

· "I thought I loved you, but now I know you''re really a rat."

· razz: annoy someone.

· "Will you please stop razzing me?"

· rear (end): buttocks.

· "Tom fell on his rear (end)."

· riot, a : something or someone very funny.

· "Jim Carrey is a riot!"

· rip off (1): stealing.

· "Someone ripped off my car."

· rip off (2): fraud.

· "I paid $10,000 for my computer. What a rip off!"

· rocking: great; excellent.

· "Tom''s party is really rocking!"

· rubbish: nonsense; not true.

· "That rumor is a bunch of rubbish."

· rug rat: a child.

· "Tom has a couple of rug rats at home."

· runs, the: diarrhea.

· "Oh no! I''ve got the runs!"

· scarf: to eat.

· "I can easily scarf an entire banana split."

· screw up: to make a mistake.

· "I screwed up on the driving test, so I didn''t pass."

· screw-up: a person who makes a mistake.

· "Why are you such a screw-up?"

· scum: a despicable individual.

· "Don''t hang around with that kind of scum."

· shades: sunglasses.

· "Those are really cool shades!"

· shoot some hoops: play basketball.

· "Let''s shoot some hoops!"

· silks: clothing.

· "Those are really awesome silks!"

· smarts: intelligence.

· "It takes a lot of smarts to become a doctor."

· smurfbrain: a dumb or stupid person.

· "Stop acting like a smurfbrain!"

· snookered: cheated.

· "I got snookered into buying swamp land in Florida."

· sofa spud: a person who watches too much television.

· "I''m usually a sofa spud on Sunday."

· solid (1): really good; cool.

· "Tom''s party is totally solid!"

· solid (2): consecutive.

· "It''s been raining for seven solid days."

· specs: eyeglasses.

· "I didn''t know that you wore specs."

· split: to leave.

· "Let''s split from here now."

· spunk: spirit.

· "She might be small, but she''s got a lot of spunk."

· stoned (out): drunk from drugs or alcohol.

· "I''m really stoned (out), dude!"

· street smart: knowledgeable about city life.

· "Since Tom is from Los Angeles, he''s very street smart."

· suck: to be bad and unacceptable.

· "That song really sucks!"

· technicolor yawn, to do a : vomit.

· "My dog just did a technicolor yawn all over the carpet!"

· thou: thousand.

· "I need to borrow a hundred thou."

· threads: clothing.

· "My wife spent $900 on new threads."

· ticker (1): the heart.

· "My grandfather has a bad ticker."

· ticker (2): a watch.

· "Wow! That''s a really cool ticker!"

· tints: sunglasses.

· "You have to wear tints in California."

· totally: really; completely.

· "That''s totally awesome, dude!"

· to the max: maximum.

· "I studied to the max."

· turkey (1): failure; flop.

· "Thank goodness that his speech is not a turkey!"

· turkey (2): dumb person.

· "Turkeys are not allowed to work for this company."

· turn-off: something that repulses a person.

· "Bad breath is a real turn-off."

· umpteen: many; countless.

· "I''ve asked you umpteen times to show me the money!"

· unlax: relax.

· "Tom needs to definitely unlax with his family."

· upchuck: vomit.

· "She got sick and upchucked three times."

· uptight: nervous; anxious.

· "Why are you so uptight?"

· vanilla (1): plain.

· "She drives a vanilla car."

· vanilla (2): Caucasian.

· "The Midwest is too vanilla for me."

· wad: roll of money.

· "It''s dangerous to carry a big wad in your pocket."

· wasted: killed.

· "A lot of people get wasted in the streets of New York."

· wheels: car; motorcycle.

· "If you want to live in Los Angeles, you''ve got to get some wheels"

· whitebread: plain; boring.

· "The movie is definitely not whitebread!"

· whiz (1): someone who shows a special talent for something.

· "Einstein was a whiz in Physics."

· whiz [offensive] (2): to urinate.

· "I really have to take a whiz."

· wimpy: weak.

· "Don''t be so wimpy!"

· winks, get some: sleep.

· "I really need to get some winks"

· wrongo: wrong.

· "That is totally wrongo!"

· yank (1): bother; harass.

· "Stop yanking me, okay?"

· Yank (2): a Yankee; an American.

· "Tom is a Yank."

· zero: an unimportant person.

· "If you don''t work hard, you''ll end up a zero."

· zip (1): nothing.

· "I don''t know zip about you."

· zip (2): energy; vigor.

· "I need something that will give me more zip. "

· zit: pimple; acne.

· "Teens often have a lot of zits."

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