

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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1. My best friend helped me choose a dissertation topic. - 我的最好的朋友帮我选了论文题目。


Dissertation: a long piece of writing about a subject, especially one that you write as part of a university degree- (博士学位)论文;(专题)论文

还有一个意思差不多的词thesis, 托福也考过这个词。

Thesis: a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD: 论文;毕业(或学位)论文

e.g. Writing a thesis on dance clubs is not as strange as it seems.

2. Linda developed the film herself.-Linda自己冲洗胶卷。


Develop: to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals-冲洗胶卷

I will have the film developed tomorrow. -我明天会把胶卷拿去冲洗。

I want to have this photo enlarged. - 我想把相片放大。

相片的底片叫做negative (noun)

3. Bill disliked doing the laundry. -Bill讨厌洗衣服。

很多中国学生会说,"Bill disliked washing his clothes."这样说也可以,但是口语中 "洗衣服"常说"do the laundry"

Laundry: [uncountable] clothes, sheets etc that need to be washed or have just been washed

洗衣店有两种Laundromat和dry cleaner''s Laundromat是可以用水帮你洗衣服的店。我的外国朋友问我广州有没有Laundromat. 因为她没有洗衣机,冬天水很冷,不想自己用手洗衣服。

Dry cleaner''s:干洗店。

Like doing something-喜欢做某事

I like dancing in discos.

Dislike doing something -不喜欢做某事

Tom dislikes going to the dentist.

Hate doing something -厌恶做某事

Paul hates having his photo taken.

Loathe/resent doing something-憎恨做某事

I absolutely loathe traveling.

4. I had the department secretary type my term paper.-我叫系里的秘书帮我打我的学期论文。

Have sb do something. -让别人做某事, 托福常考结构。

Term paper-学期论文。在美国的大学,有些科目不进行期末考,期末交一篇学期论文就当是该科的考试。

5. Most colleges are no longer overcrowded, neither are the secondary schools. -多数大学都不再过度拥挤,中学也不是这样了。


e.g. (1) He doesn''t like rock music, neither do I. - 他不喜欢摇滚音乐,我也不喜欢。

e.g. (2) Mary is not American, neither am I. -Mary不是美国人,我也不是。


6. Her face lit up when she saw him.-她见到他时马上面露喜色。

Lit up的原形是light up. 从字面理解是"亮起来""突然有光"

If someone''s face or eyes light up, they show pleasure, excitement. 是指面露喜色或是显得兴奋。

常用搭配:Light up with joy/pride/glee.

7. After the cake had cooled, I put frosting on it.

Frosting(在糕饼上的)糖霜混合物, 英国人称为 "icing"

8. The program will be on in a quarter of an hour. -这个节目将会在15分钟后播放。 On指电视或是电台节目开播。


9. Judge Gray was never known for his leniency toward criminals. Gray法官向来都不是以对犯人仁慈闻名的。(言下之意,他对犯人不留情。)

Be known for/be famous for/be noted for-以。。。。。闻名

10. Mark has decided to run against Jack for treasurer. -Mark和Jack竞争财务部长的职位。

Run for a position:参加竞选一个职位。 Run against somebody for a position-和某人竞争一个职位。

e.g. Bob Dole''s running for President. -Bob Dole正在竞选总统职位。

11. W: I need to make a hotel reservation for the conference. -我要给这次会议顶酒店。

Make a reservation预定,可以是在餐厅预定位置,在酒店预定房间,或是预定机票。托福常考的情形就是这几种。

M: How about having the travel agent do it? -叫旅行社帮忙预定怎么样。

How about doing something:这个句型常用来提建议。

A: I can''t decide where to eat out. -我决定不了去哪吃饭。

B: How about going to the McDonald''s? -去麦当劳怎么样?

Eat out-是指出去餐馆吃饭。

"我么今天晚上出去吃饭吧"这句话很多中国学生容易说成,"Let''s go out to eat tonight."事实上,口语中的表达是,"Let''s eat out tonight."

12. W: How about some more apple pie, Bob? -Bob,在再吃点苹果派吧。

M: You wouldn''t have to force me to take another helping. -你不用逼我,我也会再吃多一份的。(言下之意是这苹果派很好吃,你不用逼我,我也会自己多吃些。)


Force sb to do sth. -逼某人做某事。

13. M: I''ll have to repair this old knapsack (背包) again.

W: Will it do any good? -这有用么? (这样做有好处么?)言下之意是她不赞成补那个背包,还不如买个新的算了。

e.g. (1) Smoking does you no good.-吸烟对你没有好处。

e.g. (2) Drinking hot milk before bed will do you good. -睡觉钱喝热牛奶对你有好处。

14. M: Would you tell Paul I''m sorry I lost his radio?-你能不能告诉Paul我很抱歉我弄丢了他的收音机。

W: Hadn''t you better tell him yourself? -你自己告诉他不是更好么?

英文中常用 You''d better do something来提建议,这里是用了这个句型的反问句型Hadn''t you better do something?

15. W: Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly? I''m ten minutes late already.

M: I don''t know. I''ll try. But with traffic this heavy, it will take at least twenty more.

With traffic this heavy -交通这么拥挤, this 在这里的是"这么,这样地"的意思。表程度。

That有类似的用法:That-那样,那么 (表程度)

e.g. (1) Is the problem that easy?


e.g. (2) Things are not that bad. -事情并没有那么糟糕。

16. W: Weren''t you nervous when the professor called on you? -教授叫你回答问题时你是不是很紧张。

M: I''ll say. I shook all over. -是的,我全身都发抖。

我们在中学课本学过call on sb.是拜访某人的意思。

call on sb:to visit someone for a short time

e.g. I''d like to call on Annal while I''m in London.

但是在美式英文中,call on sb.有另外的意思:(American) to ask a person in a group of people to answer a question or to give their opinion about something -提问某人,或是叫某人发表意见。

She was afraid the teacher would call on her and she wouldn''t know the answer.-她怕老师提问她时她不知道答案.

"I''ll say"是表示同意对方说的话。

类似的表达方法还有:You bet/You said it/You can say that again./You hit the nail on the head. 这些句子都是表示赞成对方说的话,托福听力都考过。

17. W: Why do you always put on slippers(拖鞋) when you go into your apartment? -你进你的公寓时为什么总是穿上拖鞋。

18. M: It saves wear and tear on the carpet. -这样会减少对地毯的磨损。

wear and tear: [often + on]the damage that happens to an object or a person when they are used or when they do something -使用一样东西对这样东西产生的磨损。这个短语也可以用于人。指事情对人的损耗。

e.g. (1)She made everyone wear slippers inside the house to avoid wear and tear on the carpet. -

e.g. (2) The wear and tear of life in a busy office has taken its toll on our staff.

take a/its/their toll: to have a bad effect on someone or something -对某事产生不好的影响,尤其指身心的损耗。

Bringing up nine children had taken its toll on my mother. [often + on]

The disease has taken a horrendous toll in parts of western Africa.

19. W: Which do you prefer? The striped (条纹的), the polka dot(圆点花样的) or the plaid(有格子图案的)?

M: Actually I like the solid orange best. -事实上,我最喜欢纯橙色。

solid是只有一种颜色,没有其他花纹或是图案。Solid blue-纯蓝色

20. In other words, lightening quickly heats the air and causes thunder.

In other words:换句话说

21. The radio station is going to be on around the clock. -这个电台将24小时开播。

Around the clock-24小时。托福常考短语。

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