
着迷英语900句 Book3-12

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

: Dear Miguel, 亲爱的米盖尔:

: Who is this girl, Marta, in the photograph? 照片上面那个女孩子玛它是谁?

: she is very pretty. 她真漂亮.

: Oh, my poor Miguel! 噢, 我可怜的米盖尔!

: I know you are lonely, but you are so young! 我知道你很寂寞, 但是, 你还很年轻!

: Don''t ruin your life. 不要浪费你的生命.

: You have to continue your studies or you''ll never find a good job. 你一定要继续读书, 否则的话永远找不到好的工作.

: I''m glad you are having a good time, but we worry about you. 我很高兴你玩得很开心, 不过, 我们替你担心,

: We don''t even know who she is. 连她是谁, 我们都不知道.

: Is she a nice girl? 她是一个好女孩子吗?

: Is she from a good family? 她有个好家世吗?

: Can you tell me what her father does? 你能不能告诉我她爸爸做什么事?

: You won''t do anything foolish, will you, Miguel? 米盖尔, 你可不能作傻事,

: You don''t know how important you are to us. 你不知道你对我们来说是多么的重要.

: Do you remember the Monteros? 你还记不记得蒙特若夫妇?

: They moved to New York about seven years ago. 他们大概七年前搬到纽约去了,

: They have a daughter, a very pretty girl. 他们有一个很漂亮的女儿,

: She''s just about your age. 跟你差不多一样年纪.

: They won''t recognize you, of course, but they''ll remember us, and they''ll be very happy to see you. 当然, 他们会认不出你是谁, 但是还会记得我们. 他们看到你, 一定会很高兴.

: The girl''s name is Maria. 他们的女儿叫玛丽亚,

: I''m sure you''ll find the number in the telephone book. 我想你在电话簿里一定可以查到电话号码,

: His first name is Fernando. 他的名字叫费南多.

: Forgive me, Miguel. 请原谅我, 米盖尔,

: I know you are a man now, 我知道你已经不再是小孩子了,

: but you are also my son. 可是, 你仍然是我的儿子.

: I worry about you, and I suppose I always will. 我替你担心, 我想, 大概永远会替你担心.

: Love, Mama 妈

: PS Write soon. 再启: 快一点来信.

: It was a warm day, warm for April. 是一个温暖如四月的天气.

: People were walking around the Fair with their coats over their arms. 在万国博览会有人一边把大衣挂在胳膊上, 一边散步.

: The sun was bright, and there were little white clouds in the blue sky. 太阳很大, 蓝色的天空里有小小的白云,

: The trees wore a light green smile. 树木露出浅绿色的笑容.

: At noon the Saturday crowd was very large. 在星期六的中午一大堆人群,

: Adults were laughing, children were crying, and everyone was having a good time. 大人们在笑, 小孩子们在叫, 大家都玩的很开心.

: A thousand vendors were selling ice cream, hot dogs, and cold drinks. 无数的摊贩在卖冰淇淋、热狗和冷饮.

: It was a beautiful, spring morning -- 这是一个美丽的春天的上午,

: the kind you want to last forever. 一种使人们希望它会持续到永远的天气.

: Later in the afternoon, the sun was not so bright, 下午之后, 太阳没那么炎热了,

: the sky was not so blue. 天空也不那么蔚蓝.

: The little white clouds were now large and gray. 小小的白云变成了大大的黑云.

: There was a drop here, a drop there... 这里掉了一滴雨水, 那里掉了一滴...

: then ten thousand noisy drops. 然后哗啦哗啦的下了倾盆大雨.

: People shouted and ran in every direction. 人们一边喊叫一边向四面八方跑,

: Then there was silence, the sun, the blue sky, and a rainbow. 然后一切平静下来, 天空中又出现了太阳、蓝天, 还有一道彩虹.

: I admire Claire. 我真羡慕克蕾尔.

: She works all day and goes to school at night. 她白天上一天的班, 晚上还要去读书.

: She knows where she''s going and what she wants, and she''s willing to work for it. 她掌握了人生的方向和目标, 而且肯为达到目标而努力.

: Am I? 我能吗?

: In my first job, I was secretary. 我第一份工作是当秘书,

: When I married my husband, I quit. 结婚以后我就辞职了.

: After I left him, I went back to the same office. 离开丈夫以后就回到同一个公司,

: I never thought about other possibilities. 我始终没有考虑走别的路.

: When I came here, I got a job right away. 当我来到这里以后, 马上有了工作.

: I was happy with anything. 那个时候我一点也不挑剔, 对任何事情都感到很快乐.

: Now I''d like a change. 而现在我却想换一个环境.

: First things first. 首先最重要的是,

: What skills do I have? 我有些什么技能?

: -- OK. I can do anything. -- 是的, 我什么都能作.

: -- Anything? -- 什么都能做吗?

: -- Yes, anything. -- 是, 我什么事都能做.

: -- Come on now, Laura. Be realistic. -- 罗拉, 你不要这样子了, 面对现实点吧!

: -- All right, almost anything. -- 好吧, 差不多什么都能做.

: I can speak, read, and write English and Spanish. 我能说、读、写英文和西班牙文,

: I can run an office. 我能负责办公室的一切事务.

: I''m friendly and competent. 我又合群又能干,

: Uh... there must be more. 嗯... 一定还有,

: Oh, yes, I type and take shorthand in two languages. 对了, 我有两种语言的打字和速记技能.

: -- Well, then, if you can do all that, -- 那么, 你既然有这些技能,

: you don''t have to work for the Mr. Crawfords of the world! 就不必要替郭佛先生这种人工作!

: -- But, what will I do, then? -- 那么我将要怎么做呢?

: -- Well, what kind of job would you like? -- 你想要怎么样的工作?

: Do you want to work in an office again? 你愿不愿意再到办公室去工作?

: There''s so much to think about. 要考虑的事情可真多!

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