

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Section I Vocabulary

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 (10 points )

1. In China, it is a serious crime to __________ancient paintings out of the country.

A. struggle B. smuggle C. sublet D. withdraw

2. The rich man was asked to pay a high _________ for his daughter who was taken away by criminals.

A. margin B. prestige C. ransom D. purchase

3. According to the International Law, the United Nations would impose economic _________against an invading country.

A. commissions B. promotions C. sentences D. sanctions

4. To ______ something will enable you to buy property without having the funds to pay for it at present.

A. donate B. guarantee C. mortgage D. finance

5. Our university is unable to tuition fees to students who fail to complete the course.

A. rescue B. recover C. refund D. refresh

6. The two presidents came to the negotiating table due to the ______ over the international boundary.

A. quarrel B. dispute C. challenge D. competition

7. A major concern for photographers traveling by plane is possible ______ to their film caused by X-ray machines.

A. harm B. injury C. ruin D. damage

8. We must prevent that kind of disaster at all ______.

A. chances B. expenses C. costs D. risks

9.The student was told to ______ for being rude to his teacher.

A. excuse B. apologize C. pardon D. forgive

10. Beginning in the late 1970s, the economy of Alaska underwent a rapid change since oil was discovered and ______.

A. adopted B. utilized C. employed D. exploited

11. His wife’s blood transfusion failed because her blood type was not ______ with that of the donor (供血者) .

A. friendly B. adaptable C. consistent D. compatible

12. After leaving college in 1980, he was ______ a lawyer, a clerk in a bookshop, and a merchant.

A. infinitely B. continuously C. eternally D. successively

13. From observers’ estimates of the brightness of the fireball, he _____ that the body in the space was between 40 feet and 260 feet in diameter.

A. deduced B. reduced C. induced D. produced

14. As a theory, balance of power predicts the rapid changes in international power and status. For this reason, it helps to maintain the ______ of relations between states.

A. reliability B. credibility C. stability D. variability

15. The state government gave a very __________ explanation of its plans for the development of electronic industry.

A. comprehensive B. comprehensible C. comprehension D. comprehend

16. I hope you can ______ your term papers before the deadline.

A. permit B. commit C. admit D. submit

17. Like most foreigners, I ask a lot of questions, some of which are insultingly silly. But everyone I __________ has answered those questions with patience and honesty.

A. come across B. come by C. come over D. come into

18. There had been another prison breakout (越狱). Five men got away and are still ______.

A. at random B. at length C. at large D. at stake

19. But asking middle-class voters to abandon some of their benefits seems to be ______.

A. beyond question B. out of question

C. out of the question D. without question

20. Today the progress of science is so rapid that textbooks become out-of-date unless they are revised ______ of two or three years.

A. for the moment B. at times C. on schedule D. at the intervals

Section II Cloze

Directions: Read the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1. ( 15 points )

Business and government leaders also consider the inflation rate to be an important general indicator. Inflation is a period of increased 21 that causes rapid rises in prices. 22 your money buys fewer goods so that you get less for the same amount of money as before, inflation is the problem. There is a general rise 23 the price of goods and services. Your money buys less. Sometimes people describe inflation as a (n) 24 when "a dollar is not worth a dollar anymore".

Inflation is a problem for all consumers. People who live on a fixed income are hurt the ___25__. Retired people, for instance, cannot 26 on an increase in income as prices rise. Elderly people who do not work face serious problems in stretching their incomes to 27___ their needs in time of inflation. Retirement income 28 any fixed income usually does not rise as fast as prices. Many retired people must cut their spending to keep up with rising prices. In many cases they must stop 29 some necessary items, such as food and clothing. Even for working people whose incomes are going up, inflation can be a problem. The 30 of living goes up, too. People who work must have even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more. When incomes do not keep 31 with rising prices, the standard of living goes down. People may be earning the same amount of money, but they are not living 32 because they are not able to buy as many goods and services.

Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes 33___ the rate of change can be determined. A price index measures changes in prices using the price for a 34____ year as the base. The base price is set at100, and the other prices are reported as a ___35 of the base price. A price index makes it possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods, for example, with prices of the same goods in previous years.

21. A. spending B. demanding C. consuming D. saving

22. A. Because B. While C. Since D. When

23. A. in B. on C. at D. to

24. A. chance B. time C. moment D. occasion

25. A. best B. least C. most D. worst

26. A. rely B. rest C. depend D. count

27. A. meet B. obtain C. care D. acquire

28. A. or B. and C. excluding D. including

29. A. to buy B. buying C. having bought D. from buying

30. A. price B. level C. cost D. standard

31. A. race B. pace C. speed D. step

32. A. as usual B. as such C. as before D. as well

33. A. in which B. of which C. from which D. by which

34. A. given B. last C. fixed D. definite

35. A. portion B. percentage C. proportion D. fraction

Section III Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following passages. Answer the questions below each passage by choosing

A. B. C. or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. ( 40 points )

Passage 1

Opportunities for rewarding work become fewer for both men and women as they grow older. After age 40, job hunting becomes even more difficult. Many workers stay at jobs they are too old for rather than face possible rejection. Our youth-oriented, throw-away culture sees little value in older people. In writer Lilian Hellman’s words, they have “the wisdom that comes with age that we can’t make use of.”

Unemployment and economic need for work is higher among older women, especially minorities, than among younger white women. A national council reports these findings: Though unemployed longer when seeking work, older women job-hunt harder, hold a job longer with less absenteeism (缺勤), perform as well or better, are more reliable, and are more willing to learn than men or younger women. Yet many older women earn poor pay and face a future of poverty in their retirement years. When “sexism meets ageism, poverty is no longer on the doorstep — it moves in,” according to Tish Sommers, director of a special study on older women for the National Organization for Women.

Yet a 1981 report on the White House Conference on Aging shows that as a group, older Americans are the “wealthiest, best fed, best housed, healthiest, most self-reliant older population in our history.” This statement is small comfort to those living below the poverty line, but it does explode some of the old traditional beliefs and fears. Opportunities for moving in and up in a large company may shrink but many older people begin successful small businesses, volunteer in satisfying activities, and stay active for many years. They have few role models because in previous generations the life span was much shorter and expectations of life were fewer. They are ploughing new ground.

Employers are beginning to recognize that the mature person can bring a great deal of stability and responsibility to a position. One doesn’t lose ability and experience on the eve of one’s 65th or 70th birthday any more than one grows up instantly at age 21. ( 348 words )

36. After the age of 40, ______.

A. most workers are tired of their present jobs

B. many workers tend to stick to their present jobs

C. people find their jobs more rewarding than before

D. people still wish to hunt for more suitable jobs

37. From Hellman’s remark, we can see that ______.

A. full use has been made of the wisdom of older people

B. the wisdom of older people is not valued by American society

C. older people are no less intelligent than young people

D. the wisdom of older people is of great value to American society

38. Tish Sommers argues that ______.

A. older women find it hard to escape poverty

B. older women usually perform better in their jobs

C. the major cause of the poverty of older women is sexism

D. more people have come to believe in sexism and ageism

39. According to the third paragraph, it can be seen that older Americans ______.

A. have more job opportunities than young people

B. live below the poverty line

C. have new opportunities to remain active in society

D. no longer believe in the promise of a happy life upon retirement

40. It can be concluded from the passage that the writer ______.

A. calls attention to the living conditions of older Americans

B. believes that the value of older people is gaining increasing recognition

C. attempts to justify the youth-oriented, throw-away culture of the United States

D. argues people should not retire at the age of 65 or 70

Passage 2

The current emergency in Mexico City that has taken over our lives is nothing I could ever have imagined for me or my children. We are living in an environmental crisis, an air-pollution emergency of unprecedented severity. What it really means is that just to breathe here is to play a dangerous game with your health.

As parents, what terrorizes us most are reports that children are at higher risk because they breathe more times per minute. What more can we do to protect them and ourselves? Our pediatrician’s (儿科医师的) medical recommendation was simple: abandon the city permanently. We are foreigners and we are among the small minority that can afford to leave. We are here because of my husband’s work. We are fascinated by Mexico—its history and rich culture. We know that for us, this is a temporary danger. However, we cannot stand for much longer the fear we feel for our boys. We cannot stop them from breathing.

But for millions, there is no choice. Their lives, their jobs, their futures depend on being here. Thousands of Mexicans arrive each day in this city. Desperate for economic opportunities. Thousands more are born here each day. Entire families work in the streets and practically live there. It is a familiar sight: as parents hawk goods at stoplights, their children play in the grassy highway dividers, breathing exhaust fumes. I feel guilty complaining about my personal situation; we won’t be here long enough for our children to form the impression that skies are colored only gray.

And yet the government cannot do what it must to end this problem. For any country, especially a developing Third World economy like Mexico’s, the idea of barring from the capital city enough cars, closing enough factories and spending the necessary billions on public transportation is simply not an option. So when things get bad, as in the current emergency, Mexico takes half measures—prohibiting some more cars from circulating, stopping some factories from producing—that even its own officials concede aren’t adequate.

The word “emergency” implies the unusual. But when daily life itself is an emergency, the concept loses its meaning. It is human nature to try to adapt to that which we cannot change. Or to mislead ourselves into believing we can adapt. ( 388 words )

41. According to the passage, the current emergency in Mexico City refers to ______.

A. serious air pollution B. economic crisis

C. unemployment D. natural disaster

42. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Kids are in greater danger than grown-ups in Mexico City.

B. The author is not a native Mexican.

C. The author’s husband is a pediatrician.

D. The Mexican history and culture appeal to the author.

43. The word “hawk” (Paragraph 3) most probably means ______.

A. sell B. transport C. place D. deliver

44. The Mexican government takes half measures to solve the pollution problem because ______.

A. Mexican economy depends very much on cars and factories

B. it is not wise enough to come up with effective measures

C. Mexicans are able to adapt themselves to the current emergency

D. Mexicans enjoy playing dangerous games with their health

45. The purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. describe the harmful air pollution

B. explain the way to prevent air pollution

C. show the worries about the air pollution

D. recommend a method to avoid air pollution

Passage 3

One of the odd things about some business organizations is that they spend so much money to lure( 吸引) new customers and spend so little to keep them after they''ve been landed. It just doesn''t make sense. Taking customers for granted is routine in some larger organizations, where mere bigness generates an attitude of indifference.

Loyal customers are an organization''s only protection against bankruptcy, and losing them because of neglect or indifference is downright sinful (可耻的). Not only do satisfied customers continue to fatten the till (钱袋); they often encourage others to buy. This is advertising that doesn''t cost a penny. And although there are always problems in giving good service to customers, maintaining their patronage(光顾) isn''t all that difficult. It''s a matter of attitude, of believing that everyone who buys from you is entitled to the best treatment you can deliver. Plus giving just a little more than you have to.

We said there are always problems in giving good service to customers. The reason, of course, is that no organization is perfect, and there''s many a slip: unreasonable delays in filling orders, shipping the wrong merchandise, failing to answer letters promptly, and so on.

Sometimes these errors or failures can''t be helped. For example, if you can''t get parts because of material shortages or a transportation strike, customers may be denied the goods they''ve ordered. And not infrequently the customer is to blame -- for example, failing to clearly identify the article or service required

Yet no matter who is at fault, customers whom you value highly should generally be given the benefit of any doubt. Note that we said "customers whom you value highly." The old saw (格言) that all customers should be treated alike is a myth. Customers who repeatedly place large orders and pay for them will naturally get more attention than those who buy infrequently and have to be badgered (纠缠) to pay what they owe. However, you have to make the assumption that all customers are good unless proved otherwise. ( 355 words )

46. Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage ?

A. Business organizations should not spend so much money to attract new customers.

B. Maintaining customers'' patronage is most important to business organizations.

C. Customers are kings.

D. Organizations should pay more attention to the benefit of their customers.

47. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the second paragraph?

A. Customers should always be well serviced.

B. Without loyal customers an organization might go bankrupt.

C. Companies can employ customers to advertise their products.

D. It is difficult for large organizations to provide their customers with good service.

48. The author might probably disagree with which of the following statements?

A. Some errors and failures are unavoidable.

B. Both an organization and their customer are responsible for certain error.

C. An attitude of indifference towards their customers might result in a heavy loss of profit.

D. Only regular customers deserve good treatment

49. What does the author imply in the sentence "The old saw that customers should be treated alike is a myth"?

A. It''s not real that customers should be treated equal

B. It''s not true that all customers are treated equal

C. Customers received equal treatment in the past

D. It''s an old story that customers were treated equal

50. The word “identify” in the fourth paragraph is the same as ________

A. notice B. distinguish C. describe D. recognize

Passage 4

Why are so many people unhappy in their jobs? There are two primary reasons. First, some people are convinced that earning a living is wasting time that they could spend enjoying themselves or uncovering their true talents.

If this is the case with you, recall your last long vacation. Was it two weeks of complete enjoyment? More likely it was a week and a half of fun in the sun, with another half a week of "Boy, I can''t wait to get back to work." If you didn''t feel such vacation blues, then imagine taking a leave of absence. You could use it to work on a novel, enroll in classes or just sit around watching TV. At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low. While all work and no play is not good, all play and no work is disastrous. We need to feel we are accomplishing something. We also need some form of order in our lives.

The second and perhaps more prevalent reason for people not to like their work is that they feel trapped. Once you''ve been at a company for five years and have a spouse, a mortgage and a child, you often feel you have very little choice about jumping ship if things aren''t turning out as you''d planned. A steady paycheck can be the biggest manacle (手铐, 束缚)of all. People resent having to do something because they have no other choice.

If you find yourself resenting your job because you can''t afford to quit, it may be time to prepare what one career counselor humorously calls a "cyanide capsule." He recalls spy movies in which the secret agent has such a capsule hidden somewhere on his body. If he''s captured and tortured unbearably, he has an option. And having an option gives him the strength to hold on a little longer in the hope that the situation may change.

Rather than cyanide, your option takes the form of an up-to-date resume. You might also take a weekly glance through the helpwanted section, and make some visits to industry functions where lowkey networking can take place. You''re not giving up on your current job. Rather, you are providing yourself with an option. If things get unbearable at work, you could jump ship. Being in this position can do wonders for your attitude. It allows you to enjoy your work since,

in reality, you are there only because you want to be.

At the core of adopting a positive attitude to your workplace is, above all, assuming responsibility for your own situation. Most people feel controlled by their environment, but they really aren''t. They have to learn to manage that environment so they can get from it what they need. (468 words )

51. The first main reason for many people''s unhappiness in their jobs rises from their conviction that ____________________.

A. working at a job is just wasting their time

B. working is not the enjoyment they are after

C. working is like killing their true talents

D. working is the least enjoyable way of spending time

52. The second main reason for their unhappiness is that ______________.

A. they have been working in a company for too long

B. they are not permitted to change a job

C. they have no other way out than keep working

D. they have to work on to pay off their debts

53. With an up-to-date resume ready as an option, you may feel better at your job because _____________.

A. it is up to you to choose between two alternatives

B. you are to do wonders in your work

C. it seems to be the only positive attitude

D. you have made a decision on your own

54. It can be inferred that the author _________

A. quite agrees with the "up-to-date resume" attitude

B. can hardly tolerate one''s complete enjoyment of life

C. tries to sound persuasive and convincing in his opinions about career blues

D. believes that one can not change his/her environment

55. What is the author "s attitude towards'' self-esteem" (Paragraph 2 ) ?

A. unconcerned B. cautious C. supportive D. negative

Section IV Translation

Directions: In this section there is a passage in English. Translate the five sentences underlined into Chinese and write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2. ( 15 points)

The most controversial aspect of the WTO negotiations concerns trade and investment in the services sector. Yet, ironically, it is precisely in this area that the benefits to China of WTO membership are most apparent.

Services---ranging from trading, retail and distribution to financial, telecom and professional are the most undeveloped part of the Chinese economy. 56.The potential for stimulating productive growth and massive job creation is virtually unlimited, given the fact that services account for only about 30% of China''s GDP, compared to about 70% in the US. Foreign companies, particularly from the US, are well positioned to provide capital, technology and know-how to accelerate the expansion of the services sector.

57. It is often argued that China cannot open its service sector to foreign involvement until its domestic companies are better able to compete. This argument is understandable but not very persuasive. First, many foreign investors are likely to enter the China market by forming joint ventures in which they transfer expertise to their Chinese partners. Second, Chinese service companies are unlikely to achieve world class status as long as they are shielded from international competition. This reality has been amply demonstrated in the experience of many countries. 58. Third, Chinese companies have demonstrated their capacity to succeed in competitive markets: for example, a major multinational appliance manufacturer recently withdrew from the China market because of intense competition from local producers; in Hong Kong, Chinese insurance companies and banks have carved out profitable businesses in an intensely competitive market.

There is an even more fundamental reason why service sector liberalization is critical to China''s economic development. It has to do with the global race that is now underway for leadership in the Information Age Of the 21st Century. In this race, size and natural resource endowments do not confer comparative advantage. 59. Rather, the winners will be individuals, organizations and societies that excel at innovation, information management, and the rapid application of new technologies to improve the way people live and work..

Moreover, the emergence of internet commerce is triggering revolutionary change not seen since the development of the railroad in the 19th century. 60. It is creating a new business model that gives companies---small and large---instant global reach, and that empowers consumers with information and choices as never before. It is leading companies to cluster in global centers of commerce that provide easy access to the world-wide web, to multimedia services, and to technical support.

Section VI Writing

Directions: In this section, you are required to write a composition entitled “Is Stress a Bad

Thing” You should write more than 150 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. ( 20 points )


1. 有些人认为压力太可怕了。

2. 有些人认为压力并不是一件坏事。

3. 你如何看待压力。



Mock Test One

Section I Vocabulary and Structure (20x0.5= 10 points )

1--5: BCDCC 6--10: BDCBD

11--15: DDACA 16--20: DACCD

Section II Cloze ( 15 x 1=15 points)

21--25 ADABC 26--30 DAABC

31--35 BDCAB

Section III Reading Comprehension ( 20x2=40 points )

36--40: BBACB 41--45: ACAAC

46--50: BBDBD 51--55: DCACC

Section IV Translation ( 5x3 = 15 points )

56. 服务业占美国国内生产总值的70%,而它只占中国国内生产总值的30%左右。就此而言,服务业在促进生产力提高和创造大量就业方面具有无限的发展潜力。


58. 第三, 其实, 中国公司已在世界竞争市场上证明了他们的实力。例如,一家主要的跨国电器制造商最近因不堪来自国内厂商的激烈竞争而撤离了中国市场;

59. 获胜者将是那些能够在改善人们的生活和工作方式方面做到更快的革新、更好的信息管理和更快的新技术应用的个人组织和社会。

60. 它创造了一种崭新的的商业模式,使得大大小小的公司都近如咫尺,使消费者能享受到前所未有的信息和选择。

Section V Writing (20 points) ( 略 )

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