

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Whole Doc.


Tender No.

1. The People''s Republic of China has-applied for aloanandcreditfrom the World Bank towards the cost of ________________Project.Itisintended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be appliedto eligiblepayment under various contracts for ____________ , __________,__________. Tendering isopentoalltenderersfromeligiblesourcecountries as definedunder the "Guidelines for procurement" oftheWorldBank.

2. ___________ Company now invites sealed tendersfrompre-qualifiedtenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equipmentandservices for the construction and completion of the project.

3. Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain furtherinformationfrom,andinspect the tender documents at the office of: ________.

4. Acompletesetoftenderdocumentsmaybeobtainedbyanypre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _________ or US$___________on the submission of a written application to the above.

5. All tendersmustbeaccompaniedbyaTenderSecurityinanacceptableformandmustbedeliveredto________Companyattheabove-mentioned address (refer to Item 3) on or before ___________.

6. Tenderswillbeopenedinthepresenceofthosetenderers''representatives who choose to attend at ____________ (time).

7. If a prequalified foreign tenderer wishestoformJointventurewith a domestic contractor, such a request will be considered ifreceivedwithin ______ days before the closing date for submission of tenders.Theselected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the Employer.

8. The Pre-Tender Meeting will be held on __________ at thefollowingaddress: _________.

Instructions to Tenderers

General1. Description of Works (sketch)

All tenderers shall have equal access for supplyofdomesticlabourandmaterial.

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurementoflocal labour, materials, transportation and other services.

The Employer will assist Contractor in locatingpotentialnumberofsuppliers for local labour, materials. The Employer will alsoassistthecontractorinmakinghisownarrangementforsupplyoffuel andexplosives.2. Source of Funds

2.1 The People''s Republic of China has applied for a loanandcreditfrom the World Bank (hereinafter referred to as the IFI) towards thecostof ____________ Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds ofthe loan and credit to eligible paymentsundertheContractforwhichthese documentsare issued. Payment by the IFI will be madeonlyattherequest of the Chinese Government and upon approval by the IFI and will besubject in all respectsto the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement.No party other than the People''s Republic of China shall derive any rightsfrom the Loan Agreement or haveany claim to the loan proceeds.

2.2 Payment from the proceeds of the World Bank Loan willbelimitedto goods produced in, and servicessuppliedfrom,Switzerlandandthemember countries of the World Bank which havecommercialrelationswithChina.

2.3 All costs not met by the IFI Loan will bepaidbytheEmployerfrom funds allocated by the Government of China.3. Eligibility and Qualification Requirements

3.1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderersfromeligiblesource countries as defined under the "Guidelines for Procurement" oftheworld Bank.

3.2 All goods and services to be supplied underthisContractshallhave their origin in eligible source countries, and all expendituresmadeunder the Contract will be limited to such goods and services.

3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from thenationalityof the tenderer.

3.4 To beeligibleforawardofcontract,tenderersshallhaveprovided evidence satisfactory to the Employer of their eligibilityunderclause 3.1 above, and of their capability andadequacyofresourcestoeffectivelycarryouttheContract.Tothisend,theEmployerand____________ company may, at any time prior to award of contract,requesttenderers to amplifyor update previously submitted prequalification data.All Tenders submitted sha

【正文】include the following information:

(a) copies of original documents defining theconstitutionorlegalstatus, place of registration andprincipalplaceofbusinessofthecompany, firm or partnership or, if a joint venture, of each party theretoconstituting the tenderer;

(b) the qualifications and experience of keypersonnelproposedforadministration and execution of the Contract, both on and off site, in theformat prescribed in Schedule V;

(c) major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for usein carrying out the Contract in the format prescribed in Schedule IV;

(d) a list of proposed sub-contractors intheformatprescribedinSchedule VI;

(e) information regarding any current litigation in which the tendereris involved;

(f) the details of the construction methods proposed.

3.5 For the purposesofsub-clause3.4,tendererswhohavebeenpre-qualified may update and augment the information suppliedwiththeirapplicationforpre-qualification,and,inparticular, shall giveparticularsof work in hand at the date of tendering.

3.6 Tenders submitted by a joint ventureoftwoormorefirmsaspartners shall comply with the following requirements:

(a) the tender, and incaseofasuccessfultendertheFormofAgreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;

(b) one of the Joint Venture members shall benominatedassponsor;andthis authorisationshallbeevidencedbysubmittingapowerofattorneysigned by legally authorised signatories of allthemembersofthe joint venture;

(c) the joint venture sponsor shall be authorised to incur liabilitiesandreceive instructions for and on behalf of any and all membersofthejoint venture and the entire execution of the Contractincludingpaymentshall be done exclusively with the joint venture sponsor;

(d) all members of the jointventureshallbeliablejointlyandseverally for theexecutionoftheContractinaccordancewiththeContract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall beincludedin the authorisation mentioned under (b) above as well as in theFormofTender and the Form of Agreement (in case of a successful tender); and

(e) a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partnersshall be submitted with the tender.

3.7 Domestic tenderers or combinations or joint venturesofdomesticandforeign tenderers applying for eligibility for theapplicationofa_____% margin of preference in the comparison of their tenderwithothertenders shall supply all information required to satisfy the criteriaforeligibility as described in Clause 29 of these Instructions.4. Cost of Tendering

The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparationandsubmissionofhistenderandneithertheEmployernorhis agent___________ Company will in any way be responsibleorliableforthosecosts, regardless of the outcome of the tendering process.5. Site Visit

5.1 The tenderer is advised to visit and examine the Site of the Worksandthe surroundings and to obtain for himself on his ownresponsibility,all information thatmaybenecessaryforpreparingthetenderandentering into a contract. The costs of visiting the site shall beatthetenderer''s own expense.

5.2 Arrangements for a visit tosite,includingtransportationandaccommodation. will be made by the Employer or his agent _________ Companyand will be advised to tenderers at the pre- tendermeeting,detailsofwhich are given in Clause 16 of these Instructions to Tenderers.,

5.3 The tenderer andanyofhisrepresentativeswillbegrantedpermission by the Employer or his agent ___________ company to enteruponits premises and landsforthepurposeofsuchinspectionbypriorarrangement, but only upon the express condition that the tenderer and hisrepresentatives, will release and indemnifytheEmployerorhisagent___________ Companyand its personnel from and againstallliabilityinrespect thereof and willbe responsible for personal injury (whether fatalor otherwise), loss of or damage to property and any otherloss,damage,costs and expenses however caused, which, but fortheexerciseofsuchpermission, would not have arisen.

Tender Documents6. Content of Tender Documents

6.1 The set of documents issued topre-qualifiedtenderersforthepurpose of tendering will cost RMB_______ or US $ ______ and willincludethe stated number of copies of the following:Number of copies Description1 Volume 1 Instructions to Tenderers

Conditions of Contract:

Part I--General

Part II--Conditions of Particular

Application1 Volume 2 Specification

(incl. list of Drawings)3 Volume 3 Form of Tender andAppendix thereto

Form of Tender Security

Bill of Quantities

Schedules of Supplementary Information1 Volume 4 Drawings

6.2 Tender documents shall include any addendaissuedpriortotheclosing date of tenders in accordance with Clause 8andanyminutesofpre-tendermeetingsissuedinaccordancewithClause16of theseInstructions to Tenderers.

6.3 Further copies of the documents may be purchased bypre-qualifiedtenderers for a non-refundable fee as follows: (sketch)

6.4 Sub-contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and otherswhorequirecopies of the documents shall not request them directly from _____________but shall obtain them only from pre-qualified tenderers.

6.5 On return of the documents in an undamaged and useablecondition,either as part of a tender or otherwise, within the specified time limits,the tenderer''s pre-qualification fee will be refunded, as follows:

(a) Tender submitted: _________________% refund of fee

(b) Tender not submitted but ________________% refund of fee

documents returned prior to closing date of tender

6.6 The tenderer is expected to examinecarefullyallinstructions,conditions, forms,terms,specificationsanddrawingsinthetenderdocuments. Failure to comply with the requirements of the InstructionstoTenderers wi

【正文】be at thetenderer''sownrisk.Tenderswhicharenotsubstantially responsive to the requirements of the tenderdocumentsmaybe rejected.

6.7 The four volumes of the tender documents havebeencollatedandbound by mechanical means and tenderers should check to ensurethattheycontaina

【正文】pages(whicharenumberedconsecutively)andthatallsupplementsreferred to are also included.7. Clarification of Tender Documents

7.1 A Prospective tenderer requiring any clarification ofthetenderdocuments may notify ___________ in writing or by telex atthefollowingaddress: __________.

The Employer or his agent _____________ will respond in writing to anyrequest for clarification which is received more than _____ days priortothe deadline for submission of tenders. Written copies of the response(including an explanation of the query, but without identifying the sourceof the inquiry) will be sent to all prequalified tenderers whohavebeenissued with tender documents.8. Amendment of Tender Documents

8.1 Prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the Employer may,forany reason, whetheratitsowninitiativeorinresponsetoaclarification requested byaprospectivetenderer,modifythetenderdocuments bythe issue of an Addendum.

8.2 The Addendum will be sent in writing or by telexortelegramtoallpre-qualified tenderers who have picked up thetenderdocumentsandwillbebindinguponthem.Prospective tenderers shall promptlyacknowledgereceipt thereof by telex or telegram to ____________.

8.3 In order to afford prospective tenderers reasonable time inwhichto take an Addendum into account in preparing their tenders, theEmployeror his agent _________ may, at their discretion, extend thedeadlineforthe submission of tenders in accordance with Clause 19 hereof.

Preparation of Tenders9. Language of Tender

9.1 The tender and all correspondence relating to the tender exchangedby the tenderer and the Employer orhisagent__________shallbeinEnglish. Supporting documents andprintedliteraturefurnishedbythetenderer with the tender may be inanotherlanguageprovidedtheyareaccompanied by an appropriate English translation ofpertinentpassages.For the purpose of interpretation of the tender, the English version shallprevail.10. Documents Comprising the Tender

10.1 The tender to be Preparedbythetenderershallcontainthefollowing:

the Form of Tender and Appendix thereto;

the Tender Security;

the priced Bill of Quantities;

the Schedules of Supplementary Information;

the information on eligibility and qualifications;

alternative offers, if any; and

any other information required tobesubmittedinaccordancewiththese Instructions.

The Forms, Bill of Quantities and Schedules provided inVolume3ofthese documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensionsofthe Schedules in the same format, and to theprovisionsofClause14.2hereof regarding the alternative forms of tender security).

10.2 All documents issued for the purpose of tendering as described inClause 6.1 and addenda issued in accordance with Clause 8 shall bedeemedincorporated in the tender. Tender documents not required to be signed andsubmitted in accordance with Clauses 17 and 18 shall bereturnedtotheoffice of issuebefore the expiry of the tender validity period, butmustnot be enclosed withthe Tender.

10.3 Tenderers shall submit with their tender a preliminaryProgrammein the format required by Clause 14 of the Conditions of Contract.

10.4 The successful tenderer will be required to revise or augment hisProgramme as set out in the Contract.11. Tender Prices

11.1 Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tenderdocuments,theContract shall be for the whole of the Works ______ as described in Clause1 hereof, based on the schedules of unit rates andamountssubmittedbythe tenderer.

11.2 The tenderer shall fill in rates and amountsforallitemsofwork described in the Bill of Quantities, whether quantities are stated ornot. Items against which no rate or amount is entered by the tenderer willnot be paidfor by the Employer when executed and shall be deemedcoveredby the other rates and amounts entered in the Bill of Quantities.

11.3 All duties, taxes and otherleviespayablebytheContractorunder the Contract, or for any other cause, as at the date________daysprior to the date for submission of tenders shall be included in the ratesand amountsand total tendersumsubmittedbythetenderer,andtheevaluation and comparisonoftendersbytheEmployershallbemadeaccordingly.

11.4 The rates and amounts entered by the tenderer shall be subject toadjustment during the performance of the Contract in accordancewiththeprovisions of the Conditions ofContract.ThetenderershallcompleteSchedule III-Price Adjustment Provisions and shall submit with histendersuch other supporting information as is required under Clause70oftheConditions of Contract.12. Currencies of Tender and Payment

12.1 The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the tenderentirelyin RMB. A tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies forinputs to the Works supplied fromoutsideChina(referredtoas"theforeign currency requirements") shall indicate in Schedule Iof"ForeignCurrency Requirements" thepercentageoftheTenderPrice(excludingProvisional Sums) needed by him for the payment of suchforeigncurrencyrequirements either (i)entirely in the currency ofthetenderer''shomecountry or, at the tenderer''s option, (ii) entirely in US dollars,alwaysprovided that a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in a currencyorcurrencies other than those stated in (i) and (ii) above for a portionofthe foreign currency requirements, and wishingtobepaidaccordingly,shall so indicate the percentage portion in histender.Thepercentageportion indicated shall remain fixed for the duration of the Contract. Theamounts in various currencies calculated on the basisofthepercentagesindicated in the Tender and by use oftheexchangeratesindicatedinsubclause 12.2 hereinafter, shall be used for thepurposeofconversionand comparison of tenders pursuant to Clause 70.

12.2 The rates of exchange to be used bythetendererforcurrencyconversion shall be the governing selling rates published by theBankofChina on the date ______ day prior to the latest date forthesubmissionof tenders.If exchange rages are not so published for certain currencies,the tenderer sha

【正文】state the rates used and the source. For the purpose ofpayments, the exchange rates used in tender preparationshallapplyforthe duration of the Contract.

12.3 The total amount of foreign and local currencies expectedtoberequired by tenderers shall be substantiated in Schedules I and I(A)-Foreign CurrencyandLocalCurrencyRequirements,andtheannexthereto, Tenderers shall describe the manner inwhichsuchforeignandlocal currencies are expected to be used, relating specifically,butnotlimited to:

Foreign Currency

(a) Expatriate staff directly employed on the Works:

(b) social charges, insurance premiums andmedicalcarerelatedtosuch staff, and travel expenses between China and the country of origin;

(c) a list of the imported materials, bothtemporaryandpermanent,required for the Works;

(d) depreciation and usage of plantandequipment,includingspareparts, required for the Works;

(e) insurance and freight charges for importedmaterials,plantandequipment, including spare parts; and

(f) overhead expenses, fees andfinancialchargesincurredoutsideChina.

Local Currency

(g) local labour;

(h) local materials;

(i) other services, and;

(j) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges within China.

12.4 Tenderers may berequiredbytheEmployertoclarifytheirforeign currency requirements, and to provide satisfactory proof thattheamountsincluded in the unit rates and in Schedule Iarereasonableandresponsive to sub-clause 12.1 hereof.

12.5 The tendershallcompleteScheduleII-EstimatedContractPayments andshallsubstantiatethetabulationofthisSchedulebyattachingatableindicatinganticipatedmajorquantitiesof workperformed over the duration of the Works.13. Tender Validity

13.1 The tender shall remain validandopenforacceptanceforaperiod of six calendar months from the specified date of tender closing.

13.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior toexpiryoftheoriginaltender validity period, the Employer or his agent ____________ may requestthe tenderers for a specified extension to theperiodofvalidity.Therequest andthe responses thereto shall be made in writing or by telexortelegram. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting histendersecurity. A tendereragreeing to the extension will notberequirednorpermitted to alter his tender, but will be required to extend the validityof his tender security correspondingly. The provisions of Clause 14 hereofregarding discharge and forfeiture of tender securityshallcontinuetoapply during the extended period.14.Tender Security

14.1 The tenderer shall furnish, aspartofhistender,atendersecurity in RMB Yuan in an amount of not less than _____ % of the TenderSum.

14.2 The tender security shall, at the tenderer''s option,beintheform of a certified cheque, a bank draft, an irrevocable letter ofcreditor a guarantee from either:

(a) Bank of China;

(b) any of its correspondent bank abroad through Bank of China;

(c) any other Chinese or foreign bank operating in China;

(d) any other foreign bank determined by the Tendererinadvanceofsubmission of bids to be acceptable to ___________.

or a bond issued by an insurance company or bondingcompanylikewiselocated. The format of the bank guarantee or bond shall beinaccordancewith one of the sample forms included in thesedocuments;otherformatsmay be permitted subject to the prior approvaloftheEmployerorhisagent __________. Letters of credit,bankguaranteesandtenderbondsshall be valid for one calendar month beyond the validity of the tender.

14.3 In the event of a Tenderer agreeing to a specifiedextensionoftender validity in accordancewithClause13oftheInstructionstoTenderers, the Tenderer shall Provide an extension in the validity ofthetender security of one calendar month beyond the validity of theextendedtender.

14.4 Any tender not accompanied by an acceptable tender securitywillbe rejected by _________ as non-responsive.

14.5Thetendersecuritiesofunsuccessfultendererswill bedischarged or returned as promptly as possible, but not later than______days after the expiration of the period of tender validity prescribed.

14.6 The tender security of the successful tenderer will be dischargedor returned upon the tenderer executing the Contractandfurnishingtherequired performance security.

14.7 The tender security may be forfeited:

(a) if a tenderer withdraws his tender duringtheperiodoftendervalidity; or

(b) in the case of the successful tenderer, if he fails to:

(i) sign the Agreement; or

(ii) furnish the necessary performance security.15. Alternative Offers

15.1 The tenderer shall submit a basictenderwhichcompliesfullywith the requirements of the tender documents. The tenderermay,athisoption,and in addition to the basic tender, offertendersincorporatingalternativesto any of the following items now specified:

(a) Advance Loan for Mobilisation

An interest free advance loan will be madeavailabletoassisttheContractor before commencing construction of the Works. Offers may be madefor such a loan of up to ________% of the Tender Sum. Evaluationwillbemade of theassociated costsorsavingsaccruingtotheEmployerinaccordance withClause 28.

(b) (written as specific conditions).

15.2 Alternatives may be submitted in additiontobasictender.Inorderforalternativestobeconsideredintheprocessoftenderevaluation, each alternative shall beaccompaniedbyadetailedpricebreakdown indicating the tenderer''s estimate of the additional orreducedcost in presentvalue to the Employer (refertosubclause28.3hereof)compared to the basic Tender Sum. Comparison and evaluation willbedonefor the basic offer andalternatives of the lowest evaluated tenderer willbe given due consideration.Ifthe alternative offers were to beacceptedby the Employer, these will be incorporated into the Contract. Alternativeoffers which are not priced, or which are not substantiated insufficientdetail, will be rejected.

15.3 Offers of technical alternativesshallbeaccompaniedbyallinformationnecessaryforacompleteevaluation, including designcalculations, drawings, method statements and specifications for materialsand workmanship where the alternative is not covered by the Specification,together withabreakdownofthealternativepricesandtheTotalAlternative Contract Sum.

15.4 Only those alternative offers which appear to provideadditionalfinancial, economic or technical benefits over thebasicofferwillbeconsidered by the Employer in tender evaluation (refer to Clause 28).16. Pre-Tender Meeting

16.1 The tenderer or his official representative is advised toattenda pre-tender meeting which will convene on ______________at ___________ atthe ___________.

16.2 The purpose of the meeting willbetoclarifyissuesandtoanswer questions on any matter that may be raised atthatstageandtoallow tenderers to inspect the Site and to examine conditions.

16.3 Tenderers are requested to submit any questions in writing orbytelex or telegram, to reach__________ not later than one weekbeforethemeeting.

16.4 Minutes of the meeting, including copies of the questionsraisedandresponsesgiven,willbefurnishedexpeditiouslytoallthoseattendingthe meeting, and subsequently to all pre-qualified tenderers whohave pickedupthetenderdocuments.Anymodificationofthetenderdocuments listed in sub-clause 6.1 which may become necessary as aresultof the pre-tender meeting shall be madebytheEmployerorhisagent___________ exclusivelythrough theissueofanAddendumpursuanttoClause 8, and not through the minutes of the pre-tender meeting.17. Format and Signing of Tenders

17.1 The tenderer shall prepare one original and two duplicatecopiesof the documents comprising the tender as described in Clause 10.1 hereof,bound within the Volume 3, and clearly marked "Original Tender" and"Duplicate Tender"as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy betweenthem, the original shall prevail.

17.2 The original and two duplicate copiesofthetendershallbetyped or written in indelible ink and shallbesignedbyapersonorpersonsduly authorised to bind the tenderer totheContract.Proofofauthorisation shall be furnishedintheformofawrittenPowerofAttorney which shall accompany the tender. All pages of thetenderwhereentries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the personorpersons signing the tender.

17.3 The complete tender shall be without alterations, interlineationsor erasures, except those to accord with the instructionsofanyAgendaissued,or as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer,inwhichcase such corrections shall be initialled by the person or persons signingthe tender.

17.4 Only one tender may be submitted by each tenderer, notincludingalternative offers submitted pursuant to Clause 15 hereof. No tenderer mayparticipate in the tender of another for the same contract in any relationwhatsoever.18. Sealing and Marking of Tenders

18.1 The tenderer shall seal the original andtwoduplicatetenderseach in an inner and an outer envelope, duly marking the envelopes as"Original" and "Duplicate".

18.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(a) be addressed to _________. (address of employer''s agent)

(b) bear the following details:

(i) Tender for Construction of Contract _________;

(ii) _________ Project;

(iii) "Do not open before __________."

18.3 The inner envelopes shallbearthenameandaddressofthetenderer to enable the tender tobereturnedunopenedincaseitisdeclared late. The outer envelope shall not bear any identification of thetenderer.

18.4 Iftheouterenvelopeisnotmarkedasinstructedabove,_________ Company will assume no responsibility forthemisplacementorpremature opening of the tender. Atenderopenedprematurelyforthiscause will be rejected bytheEmployerorhisagent___________andreturned to thetenderer.19. Deadline for Submission of Tenders

19.1 Tendersmustbereceivedby______________attheaddressspecified above no later than _________.

19.2 The Employer orhisagent__________Companymay,attheirdiscretion, on giving not less than ________ calendar days notice by telexor telegram to all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked upthetenderdocuments, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders by issuing anAddendum in accordance withClause8,inwhichcaseallrightsandobligations of the Employer and the tenderers previouslysubjecttothedeadline shall thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended.20. Late Tenders

Any tenderreceivedby___________Companyaftertheprescribeddeadline for submission of tenders will be returned unopened.21. Modification andWithdrawal of Tenders

21.1 The tenderer may modify or withdraw his tender aftersubmission,provided that the modification or noticeofwithdrawalisreceivedinwritingby__________Companypriortotheprescribeddeadlineforsubmission of tenders.

21.2 The tenderer''s modification ornoticeofwithdrawalshallbeprepared, sealed, marked and despatched in accordance with theprovisionsfor thesubmission of tenders. A notice of withdrawal may also be sentbytelex or telegram, but shall be followed by asignedconfirmationcopy,postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders.

21.3 Subject to Clause 24 hereof, no tender may be modified subsequentto the deadline for submission of tenders.

21.4 Withdrawal of a tender during the interval betweenthedeadlineforsubmission of tenders and theexpirationoftheperiodoftendervaliditymay result in theforfeitureoftendersecuritypursuanttoClause 14.

Tender Opening and Evaluation22. Tender Opening

22.1 The Employer or his agent __________ will openthetenders,inthepresence oftenderers''representativeswhochoosetoattend,at___________ on _______________ at the officesof__________.Tenderers''representatives who are present shall signaregisterevidencingtheirattendance.

22.2 Tenders for which an acceptable noticeofwithdrawalhasbeensubmitted pursuant to Clause 21 hereof shall not be opened.TheEmployeror his agent ___________ will examine thetenderstodeterminewhetherthey are complete, whethertherequisitetendersecuritieshavebeenfurnished, whether the documents have been Properlysigned,andwhetherthe tenders are generally in order.

22.3 The tenderers'' names, totalamountsoftenders,tenderpricemodificationsandtenderwithdrawals,ifany,thepresenceoftherequisite tender security and such other details as theEmployerorhisagent ____________, at their discretion, may consider appropriate willbeannounced at the opening.

22.4 The Employer or his agent _____________ shall prepare minutesofthetender opening for his own records. Such minutes shall be sent totheWorld Bank together with the report on the evaluation of tendersassoonas the latter is available.23. Process to be Confidential

23.1 After the public opening of tenders, information relating totheexamination, clarification,evaluationandcomparisonoftendersandrecommendations concerning the award of contract shall not be disclosed totenderers or other persons notofficiallyconcernedwithsuchprocessuntil the awardofacontracttothesuccessfultendererhasbeenannounced.

23.2 Any effort by a tenderer to influence the Employer in the processof examination, clarification, evaluation and comparisonoftendersanddecisions concerning award of contract may result in the rejection ofhistender.24. Clarification of Tenders

To assist in the examination, evaluation andcomparisonoftenders,theEmployer and _______________ Company mayasktenderersindividuallyfor clarification of their tenders, including breakdowns ofunitprices.The requestfor clarification and the response shall be in writingorbytelex or telegram, but no change in the price or substance ofthetendershall be sought, offered or permitted except as requiredtoconfirmthecorrection of arithmetical errors discovered by theEmployerduringtheevaluation of tenders in accordance with Clause 26 hereof.25. Determination of Responsiveness

25.1 Prior to the detailed evaluation oftenders,theEmployerand_________ Company will determinewhethereachtenderissubstantiallyresponsive to the requirements of the tender documents.

25.2 For the purpose of this Clause, a substantially responsive tenderis one which conforms to all the terms, conditions andspecificationsofthe tender documents without material deviation or reservation. A materialdeviation is one which affects in any substantial way thescope,qualityor administration of the Works, or which limits inanysubstantialway,inconsistent with the tenderdocuments,theEmployer''srightsorthetenderer''s obligations under the Contract, and the rectification ofwhichdeviation or reservation would affect unfairly the competitive position ofother tenderers offering substantially responsive tenders.

25.3 If a tender is not substantially responsive totherequirementsof the tenderdocuments,itshallberejectedbytheEmployerand_________ Company.26. Correction of Errors

26.1 Tenders determined to be substantially responsive will be checkedby the Employer for any arithmetical errors in computation andsummation.Errors will be corrected by the Employer as follows:

(a) Where there is a discrepancy between amountsinfiguresandinwords, the amount in words will normally govern, unless it isclearfromthe context that the amount in figures is correct; and

(b) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate andthetotalamount derived from the multiplication of the unit rate and thequantity,the unit rate as quoted will normally govern unless, in the opinion of theEmployer, there is obviously a gross error intheunitrate;inwhichevent the totalamount as quoted will govern and theunitratewillbecorrected.

26.2 The amount stated in the Form of Tender will be adjustedbytheEmployer in accordance with the aboveprocedureforthecorrectionoferrors and, with the concurrence of the tenderer, shall beconsideredasbinding upon the tenderer. The tenderer may, at his option,withdrawhistender if acceptance of the corrected amount would cause hardship. Howeverin cases such as this, the tenderer is warnedthatsuchanactionmaycause his tender security to be forfeited.27. Conversion to Single Currency

The Tender Price is the sum of all payments stated or expressedasapercentage in various currencies required to be made to thetenderer.Tofacilitate evaluation and comparison of tenders, the Employer will convertthe amountsin various currencies in which the Tender Price is payable(excludingProvisionalSumsbut including Daywork, where pricedcompetitively) to RMB atthe selling rates established by BankofChina,on the date specified for theopening of tenders.28. Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders

28.1 The Employer and _____________ Company will evaluate andcompareonly those tendersdeterminedtobesubstantiallyresponsivetotherequirements of the tender documents in accordance with Clause 25hereof.The Evaluation and comparison shall be based only on the "Basic" offertodetermine the lowest evaluated tenderer for award of the Contract.

28.2 In evaluating tenders,theEmployerwilldetermineforeachtender the EvaluatedTenderPricebyadjustingthetenderpriceasfollows:

(a) making any correction for errors pursuant to Clause 26;

(b)excludingProvisionalSumsandtheprovision,ifany,forContingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities,butincludingDayworkswhere priced competitively;

(c) converting all amounts to a single currency;

(d) adding any monetary cost ofMobilisationAdvances,assessedinaccordance with sub-clause 28.3

(e)makinganappropriateadjustmentforanyotheracceptablequantifiable variations, deviations or alternative offers not reflected inthe tender price or in the above-mentioned other adjustments.

(f)suchotherfactorsastheEmployerconsidersmayhaveapotentially significant impact on contract execution, price andpayments,including the effect of itemsorunitratesinthetenderthatareunbalanced or unrealistically priced.

28.3 The monetary costs to the Employer of variations in the amount ofmobilisation advances requested by tenderers pursuant to sub-clauses 15.1(a), using a discount rate of ______ percent per annum, shall be addedtothe respective tenderer''s tender price for comparison purposes only.

28.4 The Employer and ___________ Company reserves the right to acceptor reject anyvariation,deviationoralternativeoffer.Variations,deviations, alternative offers and other factors which areinexcessofthe requirements of thetenderdocumentsorotherwiseresultintheaccrual of unsolicited benefits to the Employermaynotbetakenintoaccount in tender evaluation.

28.5 Price adjustment provisions applying to the periodofexecutionof the Contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation.

28.6 If the tender of the successful tenderer is seriouslyunbalancedin relation to the Engineer''s estimate of the realcostofworktobeperformed under the Contract, the Employer may require that the amountofthe performance security set forthinClause34beincreasedattheexpense of the successful tenderer to a level sufficienttoprotecttheEmployer against financial loss in the event of subsequent default ofthesuccessful tenderer under the Contract.29. Preference for Domestic Tenderers

29.1 Domestic tenderers shall satisfy thefollowingcriteriatobeeligible for a _______% margin of preference in thecomparisonoftheirtenderswith those of non-eligible tenderers:

(a) be registered within China;

(b) have majority ownership by nationals of China; and

(c) shall not subcontract more than ________% of the contract works(in terms of value) to foreign contractors.

29.2 Combinations and jointventuresbetweendomesticandforeignfirms shall be eligible for the margin of preference provided:

(a) the domestic partner or partners individually satisfy the criteriaforeligibility set out above;

(b) the domestic partner orpartnerswill,underthearrangementsproposed, carry out at least ________% of the contract works, measuredinterms of value.

(c) The domestic partner or partners would not bequalifiedfortheContract Works in question on technical or financial groundswithouttheforeignparticipation.

29.3 The following procedure will be used to give effect to the marginof preference:

(a) After tenders have been evaluated fullyinaccordancewiththeprovisions of Clause 28 hereinabove, responsive tenders will be classifiedinto the following groups;

(i) GroupA:tendersofferedbydomestictenderersmeetingthecriteria set forth in sub-clause 29.1 hereinabove andbyjointventuresmeetingthe criteria set forth in sub-clause 29.2 hereinabove; and

(ii) Group B: tenders offered by other tenderers.

(b) For the purpose of further evaluation andcomparisonoftendersonly, an amount equalto_________percentofthetenderprice(asadjusted pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of sub-clause 28.2)willbe added tothe Evaluated Tender Price of tenders classified in Group B.

Award of Contract30. Award Criteria

Subject to Clause 31, the Employer and ________ Company may awardtheContracttothetendererwhosetenderhasbeendeterminedto besubstantially responsive to the tendering documents andwhohasofferedthe lowest Evaluated Tender Price pursuant to Clause 28 and paragraph(b)of sub-clause 29.3 (if applicable), provided further that the tenderer hasthe capability and resources to carry out the Contract effectively(referto sub-clause 3.5), buttheemployerand_________Companygivesnoguarantee that the lowest orany tender will be accepted.31. Employer''s Rights

Notwithstanding Clause 30, the Employer reserves the righttoacceptor reject any tender, and to annul the tendering processandrejectalltenders, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurringany liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or anyobligationtoinformtheaffectedtendererortenderersofthegroundsfortheEmployer''s action.32. Notification of Award

32.1 Priortotheexpirationoftheperiodoftendervalidityprescribed by theEmployer,theEmployerwillnotifythesuccessfultenderer by telex or telegram confirmed in writingbyregisteredletterthat his tender has been accepted. This letter(hereinafterandintheConditions of Contract called the "Letter of Acceptance") shallnamethesum which the Employer will pay to the Contractor in consideration oftheexecution, completion and maintenance of the Works bytheContractorasprescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions ofContractcalled the "Tender Sum").

32.2 The notification of award will constitute theformationoftheContract.

32.3 Upon the furnishing by the successful tenderer ofaperformancesecurity in accordance withtheprovisionsofClause34hereof,theEmployer will promptly notify the other tenderers that their tendershavebeen unsuccessful.33. Signing of Agreement

33.1 Within ________ days of notifying thesuccessfultendererthathistender has been accepted, the Employer will send to thetenderertwocopies oftheFormofAgreementprovidedinthetenderdocuments,incorporating all agreements between the parties.

33.2 Within__________ days of receipt of the FormofAgreement,thesuccessful tenderer shall execute the Agreement by signing or sealing,asappropriate, and return both copies to theEmployer.TheEmployerwillthen execute the Agreement and return one copy to the Contractor.34. Performance Security

34.1 Within _________ days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, thesuccessful tenderer shall furnish to the Employer a security forthedueperformanceoftheContract,inaccordancewiththeConditionsofContract.Theformofperformancesecurityprovidedinthetenderdocuments may be used, or some other form acceptable to the Employer.

34.2 If the performance security is to be provided bythesuccessfultenderer in the form of a bank guarantee, it shall be issued eitherbyalocal bank; by a foreign bank through a correspondent local bank; or byaforeign bank which has been determined by the tenderer to be acceptable tothe Employer.

34.3 If the performance security is to be provided bythesuccessfultenderer in the form of a bond,itshallbeissuedbyabondingorinsurance companywhichhasbeendeterminedbythetenderertobeacceptable to the Employer.

34.4Failureofthesuccessfultenderertocomply with therequirements of Clauses33or34hereofshallconstitutesufficientgrounds for the annulment oftheawardandforfeitureofthetendersecurity, inwhich event the Employer maymaketheawardtothenextlowest evaluatedtenderer or, if there are no othertenderers,callfornew tenders.

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