(continued) In the former part of this artical, i have mention that extensive reading i do not prefer to. Here i must state i mean in the beginning of learning i do not prefer extensive too much. In fact after we have a certain vocabulay and a better knowedge of grammar, the extensive reading will raise to the major positioninstead of intensive reading. An American professor who has achieved outstanding results in teaching English as beijing University stated several years ago. "The greates harm done to students of english in china isIntensive reading,L,L.Ris not really reading at all,it is decipering ,analyzing.It teaches students not to read but to use dictionaried and grammar books.It teaches a very bad habit ,which are very hard to break. It does more harnm than good to students." i do not to blimnt to accept all what the professor said.But i can not to confess that he really discover a very big problem in english study and learn for chinese students. In high school days, my teachers always amphasised that i should to look for the dictionary when i meet a new word in reading.But in this way , i often foind i read too slow that i will lost all the interest for a artical.I many caes i can know almost every word in one artical, but i often failed to grasp the general of the artical as a whole.But when i came into college, and especially when i decided to master this language,i have to enforced myself to do more reading and to make use my time better.many cases, in order to finish a long novel, i have to betray the traditional way which i have developed in my high school days.Then i had a very suprising discover that i can usually to concerted myself on ideas. Then what if i come across a new word? I never look a dictionary at once. I often try my best to guess its meaning from the context.I really guess quite wrong in some cases. But as the the word come up again and againin different context, their meaning will become very clear.They often leaves avery vivid pictures in my mind.I not only know the meaning, more important, i have a very sound understanding about its usage.If it not come again avery quickly,then i am likly to think it is not very importatn. Anyway, i think if we look for dictionary whenever we meet a new word, it will be very difficult to finish a book for us. We must to learn to use our brains, not our dictionaries.We should see trees,but we should also see wood which is more essential. (to be continued)