This is in response to Lily's question of what kind of job is good.
I think a job that you can get what you work for is a good one, a job that can bring your ability and potential into full play is a better one and a job that you enjoy doing it and lets you have a sense of self-fulfilment is the best one. But at any rate, a easy job without pressure is not a good one! Maybe what I said is too abstract and easier said than done.
Curretnly I am facing difficult choices for a job too. Now I am working as an independent representative for a couple of factories in Canton on commission basis. After my trip to the United States which I just concluded, an American Company offered my a job as manager of their China office. I am thinking of helping a mainland factory or company set up a subsidiary company in Los Angeles, USA too. As you can see, many ideas clash and crash in my mind. I am still battling to make a wise decision. But one thing is absolutely clear and that is money is not the only thing I am after. To follow my own guideline for choosing a career,I may accept that American company's offer because that is something I enjoy doing and I can do better.
By the way, I think teaching is among my highly honored profession. But people may say I am hypocritical. " Why not go for teaching youself? At least, your English is good enough to be a high school teacher". Well, no kidding, I may consider being a teacher when I get older. I think as a teacher one should not only pass on knowledge or skill to your students but also teach them how to be a good man or woman in society. The later part is something I am not capable of as I am still experiencing life myself.
Maybe, there is no good job at all in the world and there is just a suitable job because standard for a good job varies from person to person.
Lily, I do wish you have a suitable job and like to do it and do it well.