Dear friends,
Don't you think this has been an enlightening experience? I do! Cabsauvignon has give a fine gift to this forum.
This unveiling of her three or four fine personas is the perfect example that proves why you must never trust net love until you have carefully met and investigated the person you think you know so well through the internet. Of course, we know our friend cabsauvignon wasn't trying to get anybody to fall in love with her. What I mean is that by having this experience with her various personas we have been able to feel how it might work in a case of net love.
People can go on the internet and pretend to be anybody. An older man may pretend to be a young girl. A female may pretend to be a male. You most often can never be sure who you are really writing to. You think they are as honest as you, we hope :-) are about yourself. That is often not the case. We really should thank cabsauvignon for the wake-up call because many here have discussed net love. Here is the perfect answer to their questions and they have been able to really experience the confusion of it, not just read about it. Anybody wondering about net love is lucky to have been on this forum at this time for this experience. Always remember now, it is necessary to guard your feelings well, unless you know 100% who you are dealing with. Your life and your mental and emotional welfare are too precious to allow them to be abused. Don't give your address or school, and don't give your real name or personal details to people you meet on the internet unless you have been able to confirm that they are exactly who, and the kind of person you think they are.
Thanks, cabsauvigon!
Maryk in Canada