
Magic of Moon

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  


Music is flowing into everyone’s ears. Orange sunlight surrounded the clouds, as the sun continued to go west. He sat in the audience seat and watched her playing. Fingers touching strings, her eyes concentrating on her instrument, foot tapping to the rhyme. He sighed, because he could only watch her in a distance, but could never be near her.

Her hands responded to the instrument, but her eyes were searching through the crowds. She smiled when she saw her friends had come and supported her, but did not stop. Finally, she found him, and smiled. Their eyes locked, but were separated when he turned away.

After the performance, she slipped away from the crowd and went to the lake. Sitting on a bench she thought about her life, and the achievements she made.

She is the daughter of the richest guy in the world. She is a beautiful and smart girl. She has cabinets full of trophies and a wall of rewards. She has lots of friends and was known throughout the school. But, she is unhappy. She may have all the things others would want to own, she may be a smart girl, but she has not so many true friends. All those people she sees everyday are good to her because she is famous, and that she has a rich dad, but no one truly cared about her except her father. She is happy outside, but lonely inside. She thought about the boy she saw during her performance. He is a handsome and smart guy, and whenever she turned she would find him standing in a distance watching her. They know each other as they are classmates, but had never really spoke with each other. She really wants to talk to him, but could not find any chance to do so since she was surrounded by a bunch of followers everyday.

He walks to the lake when he could not find her in the crowd. He likes her since the first day he saw her, standing in the doorway with a shy smile. Though he wants to talk to her, he could not summon enough courage to do so, and she is like a goddess to him. He saw her when he looked up, surprised that she would be here alone.

“Hi.” She had spoken to break the silence and awkwardness between them.

“Hi. I don’t know you would be here. I thought you must be somewhere in the crowd chatting with your friends.” He said.

“Well, I need some air. Those people cling to me like a shadow.”

Silence followed. No one knows what to say when they see each other, but when they are separate, they think about one another. Finally, she could bear it no more. “Today is Mid-Autumn Festival, don’t you have to go home and celebrate with your family?”

“My family do not live here.”

“Same here. My dad went away to take care of his business. So I am left alone during holidays again.”

Time passed by as they talked and talked. Before they realize it is already midnight. The moon is shinning above them, changing everything into silver. She turned her head to him, eyes twinkling with joy, with her mouthed curved into a smile. Moonlight surrounds her, as if she is an angel coming down from heaven.

He kissed her, when the leaves are dancing, when the birds are singing, when the moon is watching, when the river is flowing. Everything continues to happen, but it feels like eternity.

One day she asked him if he could be her boyfriend, but he answered no.

“Why?” She asked in a shaky voice.

“Because others might think I am with you for your money. You are too good to be true, good things always happened in a dream, I am afraid that I might wake up one day finding you had left me. Also, being with you in public gives me pressure, and I doubt that I could handle being seen with you and later be bombed with questions and threats and so go.”

“Do you like me?”

“Of course I like you. I love you. But I can’t be with you. I am afraid.”

She sniffed, “I know you are with me because you loves me, it doesn’t matter what others think. I understand your feelings, I am famous in school, and I am a daughter of a billionaire, it is hard to not care about others’ opinions. If you become my boyfriend, you have to accompany to various parties, appear in lots of social activities and being watched by others all the time. But you should know that, I am also just a normal girl, who wants a normal relationship, who wants love like all other girls. I am just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” Tears went down her cheeks as she took out an envelop, “There is a ticket inside. If you have made up your mind, I won’t force you. But I hope to see you on the airplane tomorrow.”

He watched her back disappearing into the night, and thought about what she had just said. She is just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. The thoughts are still on his mind when he made his decision.

The next day she sat on the plane anxiously, hoping to see him at every movement in the plane, but was disappointed again and again when the person appeared in front of her is a stranger. Five minutes till take off, and he hasn’t appeared. All her hopes had died at last, as she told herself she would never see him again.

“Excuse me miss, is the seat taken?” a sound roused above her head. She looked up and smiled, seeing his face in her eyes. “No, you could seat beside me forever.”

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