
My Thanksgiving Holiday- To Las Vegas

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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My Thanksgiving Holiday- To Las Vegas

What do you do during Thanksgiving holidays? If you are in China, you probably will go to school/work the same as every other day, since Thanksgiving have no meaning to folks in China. If you are in Canada, your Thanksgiving had passed already, so American Thanksgiving means nothing to you guys. If you are in America, you probably will either stay at home to enjoy several days of no work and no school, or maybe you will go somewhere near your home and have a bit of fun. For people living in Los Angeles, (If you don’t know, I will tell you again. Los Angeles is a city in the state California) you probably will go to Las Vegas, Nevada, to try your luck at gambling.

I don’t find the idea of going to Las Vegas again very exciting, for I find that city a boring place expect a few things. But my parents had already promised their friends that they would go to Las Vegas together during Thanksgiving holidays, and beside that, their friends had already registered rooms for our stay. So, I just packed my bag full of novels, and get on the ride.

Fist of all, let me tell you why I don’t like the idea of going to Las Vegas, besides that is a boring place. Both my parents and their friends wanted to save some money on gasoline, so they decided to share one car. My parents’ friends have 2 little kids, one is three and the other is five, they could be fun sometimes, but they could be extremely annoying at other times. I don’t like sitting in a car with 2 kids shouting and yelling at my ears, it gives me headache. Also, having 2 kids around me meaning I had to take care of them, and that I hate the most, for I want to do nothing when I am having a vacation. Second, I don’t like to travel in a car that is too crowded, but with my parents’ friends’ car having a maximum of 7 passengers, I find no choice but to share what little space left after putting in our travelling packs. Third, sharing a car with someone means you have to take care of others’ wills. So I can’t just tell them to stop when I want to take pictures of some scenarios or enjoy the sight of Mother Nature. And I can’t go to places I want to in the city, because I have to ask if the other family want to go or not. See how troublesome that is to share a car with another family? But hey, what can I say? I’m just a kid, therefore I can’t object the adults’ decision.

Ok, enough with this complaining, let’s get onto the real topic. We left on November 28th, the Thanksgiving day. It is a four to five hour drive from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, if you don’t happen to be stuck in a traffic jam along your way. Anyway, we left at about 9 am, so the road was not crowded at all, and it’s not like many people will travel on Thanksgiving Day. After all, it’s the day family members spend time together around a fireplace.

I won’t tell you anything during my ride to Las Vegas, for most of the time I’m reading my novel, or sleeping. We arrived at about sunset, because we stopped in between to rest and filled our bellies. The hotel we were staying is called “Lady Luck”. It’s not any five-star hotel, but I found the service just fine.

After dinner, we went to the Strip to have a bit of exploring. We parked our car at Caesars Palace, a very fine build, and luxurious hotel. The building is of Roman structure, and the inside is very grand. You could see sculptures, pictures, and paintings everywhere. The place I liked the most in Caesars Palace is where all the shops are. The ceilings are covered with sky-like wallpapers. The light blue sky and white dreamy clouds will light up your heart. Whenever I was inside the hotel, I could only feel happiness and content. The place is shaped like a tunnel, which made me felt like walking towards a place unknown. Each shop is interesting and fascinating in its own ways. You could see gorillas (faked ones) standing at the door, you could see skeletons greeting you as you walked by, and you could see Pegasus, (winged horse) spreading its beautiful wings.

Then it came to an opening where stood a huge fountain. The building looked like an altar, but I guess it’s the palace on Olympus Mountain, where Zeus lived. You see, in the middle is Zeus himself, surrounded by his sons and daughters and brothers. If it is in another place, I bet this is the place where you would find lovers hand in hand and whispering love words into each other’s ears.

The night had only begun. As we walked out of Caesars Palace, we continued to stride down the Strip, admiring millions of lighting dancing in front of us. We stopped at the Music Fountain, my favorite spot in Las Vegas. The Music Fountain will play every ten minutes, if I remembered correctly. It’s part of a hotel which I have no doubt to forget the name.

Night deepened, wind howling. Bulbs under water lighted the dark fountain. Slowly, water rose from the fountain with each light beam. It twisted, swirled, jumped, waved with the music, like girls dancing in the meadow, only more elegant, and softer.

You always forgot time when you were watching something fantastic, and no matter how many times I’ve seen the show, I still wanted to stay there forever and watched it, for every time, a different song will be played, and water will dance differently with the wind.

I would not tell you every place we’ve been to that night, since it would be boring and very long, and also, I don’t know how should I write it. Instead, I will tell you one more show I’ve seen that night.

I’ve always heard of the show at Treasure Island, but I didn’t have the chance to see it the last time I visited Las Vegas, for that night the wind was too strong for the show to carry on. So on November 28, I waited almost an hour on the bridge for the pirate show to begin.

The show began with a bunch of pirates climbing into the ship from a boat, returning from a robbery. The captain examined the gold they’ve stolen, and ordered the man to put the newly “found” gold into the treasure chest. At that time, they’ve discovered a military ship coming towards them, demanding them to surrender. Being pirates made them refuse, and a battle began between exchanges of words from the two ships.

Most of the time I wasn’t listening to the content, but watching the show and taking pictures. When a ship fired off a missile and hit the other one, flame appeared with a big explosion. The flame was real and intense, that even I, standing a few feet away from the ship could feel the heat and hot air rushing to my face. The show ended with the sinking of the military ship. As I watched the ship slowly sunk into the water just like what I saw in ‘Titanic’, I wondered how could they do it without getting water on the deck. Maybe there were some switches around that pool?

After the pirate show, we went back to our hotel with content. It had been a tired day, with long hours of sitting in a bus, and hours of walking and standing in the Strip. I finally fall into a dreamless sleep, only after being shouted by my mum for still reading novel after midnight.

(to be continued)

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