
Surf-turf for the new year

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
窄屏简体版  字體: |||超大  

The traditional Chinese lunar new year is just around the corner,to celebrate the year of sheep,here I hand out a feast ,a long story,to share with friends here.Please honour me a glance and all comments are welcome.Because it is a very long story I would like to post it in several parts,following is PartI. Campus Story

I received an education in the traditional Chinese virtues so I was always diligent, and a good student in my teachers’ eyes. In spite of all the "cool" boys and stylish girls around me who were excited by prevalent romantic movies to pursue love-lives like the ones featured, I kept my heart free of entanglements. Some called me stoic and some called me mentally deficient, but one girl changed my life when I was a sophomore, in the Polytechnic University of a famous city in the north.

We met at the Computer Center. I had to calculate a large amount of data for my design lesson. The software I was trying to use was C Language. I wasn't familiar with it at all as I had only been learning compputers for less than a couple of months. Imagine how awkward I was trying to run that pre-compiled program! I linked and debugged again and again. What I got on the screen was just Errors and Errors. I felt I would really be in hot water if I couldn't make the calculations and, as I became more and more impatient, thoughtlessly I began to kick the side wall of my desk. Soon a silver-bell-like sound came to my ears, "Sorry, could you keep quiet?" What a refreshing voice! I raised my head and looked to my right and saw a beautiful girl with a long, black water-fall of hair, snow white flawless skin. and a pair of large liquid eyes batting her brightness. She was really an eye-catcher. For minutes,I couldn’t remove my eyes from her. She flushed a little in embarrassment at my stare.

"Are you all right? You seem to have a hard nut to crack. Do you?"

"Oh, yeah." I came to myself at the ringing of the silver-bell.

"What's eating you then?" "It was the silver-bell again.

"I just can't make out what's wrong with my program. Sorry to have disturbed you."

"That doesn't matter. Would you mind my having a look at your program? By the way, my name is Wenly. I'm a computer major. What's your major?"

"Thanks a lot. I'm Glowie Don. My major's Machinery. Look, I'm all thumbs running a computer."

She enquired about the reasons for my use of the program and then helped me correct the Errors, one by one. Finally we made it. There on the screen were the desired results. I was very excited with joy and admiration, even a little worship. From then on I went to the Computer Center every day. If I was lucky enough I would find her working on some God-knows-what program. If more lucky, I would find a vacant computer desk beside her and sit by her side. Actually, I had no need to work with a computer any more. I came only because my steps always took me where she might be. Whenever I occasionally set eyes on her my heart would begin to beat vehemently. Whenever I closed my eyes, my head would be filled with her beautiful shadows. I had to accept the fact that I had been swept off my feet by her, and the stoicist in me had been thrown into the cloudy sky.

In daytime I felt better because I had a lot of campus activities, besides my regular classes, but once I threw myself into bed at night, I imagined her sweet smile, her delicate gesture, and me stroking a strand of her hair which had fallen over her eyes to back behind her ear. I remembered her adroit fingers striking the keyboard. Many more images of the ways I had seen her arose over and over in my mind. I couldn’t sleep a wink, tossing and rolling till midnight when fatigue finally overcame my active mind.

This unusual behaviour aroused the attention of one of my roommates. He was Chung, whose bunk was under mine. Chung was the eldest in our dormitory. Actually he was less than a year older than me, but he always boasted that he was our elder brother. He knocked on his roof one night and complained, "What are you doing, making the bed creak and crack? Didn't you use to sleep like a log?"

Now all four roommates awoke. One after the other they asked me what was lying so heavily on my mind. At first I was a little shy to speak out, but they insisted, so I had to tell them what had been torturing me every night.

They laughed instead of expressing their sympathy. After awhile our older brother Chung spoke, wearing an air of authority: "now,we're very glad to know our fourth brother has finally find his love object and will get on a normal tack with his life as the rest of we normal people do. All of us should lend a willing hand to back him up, instead of just hugging our own sweeties every day. We must spare no effort to fulfil our commission of helping him to reach his goal. Otherwise, I will have no end of torture from that creaking bed which tears me reluctantly from my dreams of hot kisses with my girlfriend." All of us burst into laughter.

"Now,I declare," he put on an air of importance again and said, "we will forma think-tank for our fourth brother. If you don't mind I will take the honour of being Commander of this action. Tian Zhe, (our fifth brother), you must make full use of your detecting gifts (he always likes to nose around) to make a detailed investigation of the background of that girl named, -- what?" He turned to me. "Wenly," I answered. "Yeah," he continued, "and the others must come to service whenever our action needs you. We may even make a play of "Hero Saves Beauty," in which you'll all be required to play the roles of rascals!" Our Commander couldn't stay solemn any longer and burst into laughter at the wit of his own remarks. Then the whole room was filled with laughter.

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