being positive is a discipline. have you ever told someone that you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed? we often feel like we can not help crabby, but mood swings can be reversed.we can control our moods think about that for a second. there are so many things we can not control forces we are powerless to chang it ,because so much of our life is unpredictable.we can not control disease,we can not control injures .we can not control the weather .and nationaleconomy and the national debt and so many things that are part of our lives. but we can control our moods . a mood is a reflection of our attitude andwe certainly can chang our attitude. the strategy is really no different than the one we use in trying to lose weight or ger a promotion or accomplish any other goal.we devise a discipline--an organized plan of attank --and work towards that this case ,it isthe developement of "positive"as an attitude,this is something we can teach ourselves to do. for example,when someone asks you at work how you are doing,why not answer ,i feel great . do you often feel great ? no. but why make your co--worker feel bad or uncomforable too?you have begun awhole cycle of negativity .again ,it is an attitude .a good attitude and a bad attitude are really tow different way of looking at the same situation.