
Life here is full of activity now! Leaving again for 5 days

王朝英语沙龙·作者佚名  2007-01-10
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Life here is full of activity now! Leaving again for 5 days 洪恩在线 -> 轻松英语 -> 外教专栏





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Life here is full of activity now! Leaving again for 5 days

来源:洪恩论坛 Canuck's Comments



阅读:1271 次

Dear friends,

Last Wednesday a Baha'i from Germany phoned so I invited him to come to visitwith Ben and I the same evening. We don't know him but it was an enjoyable evening. He really likes the things I've done with our house. It's quite colourful

, you know. He wanted to bring his wife to visit the next afternoon but she is

a specialized physio therapist and had been giving family members the benefit of

her treatments. As they were leaving for home on Friday morning she wanted to

give them their final treatments on Thursday, so she couldn't come. He brought

a small hostess gift and when I opened it later it turned out to be two very pretty little glass candleholders made -- where else??? In China! :-)

I expect we'll become friends because they are coming again next year, and we

exchanged email addresses, too.

On Thursday there was heavy equipment at work in the lane outside our house. They are digging a new sewer trench because houses along here are on septictanks. Gradually all homes are being put onto the sewage system for waste treatment. This will protect the beautiful lake. The big steam-shovel wastaller than our Russian Olive trees and it was a dramatic scene. I decided to

write about it to our three little grandchildren aged 4, 8 and 11. I'm sure they would have wanted to sit down under the trees and watch everything if they had

been here. :-)) I printed the letter for the little ones and wrote some in grown up writing script for the big one and put it all into a big bright red envelope addressed to them.

One of our eldest grandchildren, Allison, achieved the highest English mark in her school in her graduation exam. She took a lot of honours courses, which means that they are at a higher level of detail than the regular classes. We received a beautiful photograph of her in her grad gown. Jennifer, our other

granddaughter of that age graduated, too. Now schools over the kids are having

lots of parties. That's good and also bad. It's bad if they have secret "bush

parties" and get drunk and then drive. Thankfully none of our grandchildren areinterested and another protection is that Baha'is don't use alcohol and these girls don't. It's a great relief to know it.

Today we fly to Toronto for the wedding of our niece, Kendra. Our son David and

his wife will also be there. He'll pick us up at the airport tonight at 8 pm our time, but 11 pm his time, and we'll stay overnight tonight with them, and visit with them at their home tomorrow. Saturday at 3 is the wedding and at 6 there is a dinner reception. The next day in the afternoon we'll visit with one of

my cousins in the afternoon and then go to John and Eileen's (Canuck's twin brother,) for a casual supper. That means we'll probably order in pizza or have sandwiches. For them it will be a time of relaxation after all the wedding planning and then the great day itself. Here it is often the custom for engaged couples about to be married to go to a big store and compose a wish list, which is posted on their "bridal registry." That made it very easy for us to give them a ten piece set of pots and pans through the internet, and not struggle to get it to

them, since we are flying about 4 or 5 hours on a direct flight from our town to get there. So you can see from that how far away from them we live. It will

be good to see them all again! We don't get together very often. I chose a gift

from their wish list, and had the store in their area wrap and deliver it with

a card enclosed. By internet it was possible to give the words we wanted on the

card. It sure helps when you are from far away, or can't imagine what the bride and groom would like to have for their new home!

Ben and I have decided to try to go to Harper Mountain Summer School again. It'

s a "pay what you wish" school, and reminds us of Beaulac, a school in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec province that we used to travel to every year with our

children. Harper Mountain is held at a ski lodge high in the mountains. You could imagine you are in Switzerland. The mountains look similar and there are cattle wearing bells that are high up there in their summer pasture. They wander

where ever they want until the autumn when there will be a midnight cattle drive to bring them down again to winter pasture. Once we were invited to go on such a cattle drive. It would have been an interesting experience. But we couldn'

t make it. They actually drive the cattle over the roads at about 3 am when there is little traffic. Yes, they are real "cowboys", look like the ones in the movies, except no guns, and ride horses and have lassoos. :-)) This is the far west in Canada and up north of Vernon is rangeland. There signs warning rustlers

away and about how the ranges are patrolled. The cattle are branded, as you have probably seen happening in American western movies.

Well, I will stop now or this will become very long again. I haven't told you about our trip to the Kootenays yet, nor have I finished the story about the

cruise to and around Hawaii and back again to the US. Life has been very busy lately, yet my winters are almost completely isolated. In summer all kinds of things happen. Right now it's almost getting a bit too fast for my liking. But I'

ll enjoy it while I can because winter's isolation will come again. It's a good

thing I also enjoy my own company and all my books.

Warmly, Mary

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